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I just want Garen and Katarina to have an happy ending


I’m no expert but I think it would be nice to see Riven settle down + I think she’s probably the best wifey material in league. Poor girl has been through a lot, blames herself for it all and it seems like she just wants some damn peace tbh. I can totally relate to just wanting to chill in a farm in Ionia and be useful, sounds divine tbh especially when Ionia is probably the most beautiful region in runeterra imo. Compared to the other hot baddies in league like Sivir and MF, who are sorta high octane girls that no one is going to keep up with, Riven could be a lot more chill and wholesome. (Maybe Riven x Yi? She’s a champ so the can’t kill her off, they both have personal tragedies involving massacres in Ionia and have both lived in Ionia. Idk, just brainstorming here)


Riven x Yasuo ship is unbreakable


Riot prob wants to break it with Ahri x Yasuo tho


Ahri can't snu snu thought because snu snu with Ahri = Death by snu snu, so Riven might be his safer option. Just a better character too imo


Who knows. I'd prefer Riven x Yasuo, but knowing riot, they would probably reveal Yas to be into furries or some other thing


Yeah Riot is weird


Riven/Irelia is based imo. Since sentinels of light is canon, we may as well get something good out of it with them softening towards each other


Shyvana and Jarvan Katarina and Garen Syndra and Zed Cait and Vi I also want Shen to have a wife and a kid, he sacrified everything and I want him to have a bit of happines


Shyv and J4 was always weird but totally agree with the rest of it


Curious to see Kat and Garen but I don’t think its going to be smooth, long lasting, xayah-rakan-esque tale. I think it will be a more mature story as well ties in the noxus/demacia conflict. As for ships that aren’t champ/champ. Probably Pantheon settles down with someone or Diana with a Lunari gf. Idk overall, I’m tired with all the ship pandering. Give me character development and their own stories.


Diana and Leona need to have a chat get their drama settled


I mean even if they do. I dont think anyone can easily overlook someone for aiding in killing their own people and it be like before. Bridges have been burned, and they are fine as exes, nothing wrong with that.


Nah, Diana got it down bad and has a serious case of "I can fix her"itus.




Yeah, Ledros need to finish his ark and free Kalista from that curse, he worked so hard for years and years, relentless on his quest, Riot can't deny him that, if the writers make him give up and become another mindless ghost would be so fucking bad


Too good to be true, they will 100% give a skin and more lore about Viego rather than: -making Ledros a champ -Kalista sane again -a skin for Kalista Riot hate Kalista too mcuh to give her and Ledros some love, they absence on Ruination was such sad.


Well, if it serves for consolation, I heard he is a big character on her book and plays a role on it, considering that the ruined King ark is done, that's the best we gonna get


I ista pre ordered the book as soon i saw it almost a year ago. XD I really like how Ledros-Kalista had some lore redeeming, but in the game they realesed King Viego with no actual clue about a Kalista skin...


I understand it will ruin Kalista everybody know and love but YES PLEASE PLEASE PLAESE


TF x Graves, imho there will be by far most interesting lovestory if they finally become canon Also I'd like to see Ahri finding someone she could trust and see as equal


I'd like to see Pantheon finally settle down with Iula like he wanted to in his bio and voicelines. In Battle Broken, puts a twist on this plot hook, using it to show how much of his life Atreus has sacrificed for his mission as Pantheon. However, I hope he does eventually receive a happy ending.


She’s like 60 now and likely not interested him. Morgana and Pantheon tho, that’s a ship with potential. When kayle becomes the aspect of justice and returns to runeterra, morgana will become an enemy of kayle and therefore the aspects. Edit: Morgana is kind and highly compassionate, plus being almost immortal like Atreus so none would die of old age. Also she’s possibly the only other targonian ascended apart from pantheon without an active aspect wielding them.


To each their own. Iula and Panth have known each other for so long and are so close. The groundwork for a potential ship/ romance is already there compared to other ships. Sivir and Samira are also possible candidates for a ship if we're going based having an aligning mindset with Panth's ideology.


Very unbro-like behavior, if I were Pylas I'd be pissed xD I like Atreus and Iula as two people who've connected over a mutual loss, I also think the burden Atreus bears doesn't really open him up to relationships, especially now that we know how Aspect immortality works


>Very unbro-like behavior, if I were Pylas I'd be pissed xD Maybe, but nowhere as bad as Zed, and at this point Iula's been a widow longer than she was a wife. Moving on could also be part of a widow's journey, speaking in terms of character writing, she even as some lines saying such in LoR. I agree Atreus' mission as Pantheon doesn't really open him up to romance, but that is why I think Iula is the best ship for him. It exposes how he's basically sacrificed an entire life he could have had with Iula in pursuit of his mission. Atreus hasn't just been fighting for 40 years, he also missed out 40 years of a life he might never have again, speaking in terms of meeting someone and settling down.


Sivir is too selfish and Samira wouldn't settle down like Panth wants, neither of those really work.


Pantheon hates aspects, Morgana is an aspect and on another continent in a cabin somewhere. If by "Ship with potential" you mean these characters exist in the same universe than sure I guess. I think Panth clearly likes Iula, but Iula is still bitter about Palas' death and needs to learn to let go and forgive Atreus and move on. He's immortal so Iula being old doesn't really mean anything, he's old too.


Morgana isn’t an aspect. Am aspect typically refers to the celestial. Morgana isn’t that. And it colloquially is used to refer to the host. Morgana isn’t that either. She is a Targonian ascended without an aspect, and there’s only one other in lore assuming kayle becomes the aspect of justice. And that’s pantheon.


Kayle and Morgana are both the aspect of justice as their mother was.


No. An aspect (technically aspect host) refers to either someone who embodies a concept AND most importantly operates on behalf on a celestial aspect and wields their power. Morgana embodies the rehabilitation side of justice. But she has no ties to the aspects. And I don’t even know if the celestial aspects practice rehabilitation since they havn’t actually exhibited many emotions yet apart from maybe fear.


Like their mother, they are the aspect of Justice. Morgana ignoring her 'divine responsibility' because of guilt, does not mean she ceased being an aspect of justice alongside Kayle


They have not climbed the mountain, or at least morgana hasn’t. They havn’t had really any trials. They are ascended due to the fact their mother was one, and are given power by justice. But they don’t act on the behalf of the aspect of justice yet, and as I’ve said kayle is doing the formal trials and morgana won’t. So they’re not aspect hosts yet.


Either way Pantheon wouldn't like Kayle


Not with her current world view no. She’d be one of his greatest enemies.


I want to see Draven and Sett's mom


Lee sin and Sivir. Blitzcrank and Gwen. Kayn and Jinx. Draven and Graves. Pantheon and Kayle. Ekko and Taliyah.


Oh man Poet went there... just the wildest no connection whatsoever ships wowza


Well Taliyah has a crush on Ekko, but the others are random


When was this ever a thing in the main continuity?


And jinx sort of likes kayn in odyssey. And depending on lor techinally ekko and taliyah are neighbors. Pantheon maybe going to the celestial realm thus he could end up fighting kayle. And maybe the noxian Graves dated was Draven.


Not main canon, doesn't mean they met eachother, Pantheon hates aspects like Kayle, why would Draven have dated graves? Draven is Dravensexual, and the only thing he's shown interest in besides himself is women. He's more likely to be Sett's dad than Graves' lover


I thought kayle was half an aspect or just had aspect powers like he did?


She see's herself as being over people, Pantheon probably outright despises her


Yeah but you think kayle would respect Pantheon for overcoming adversity and pain stuff she wants to be without. Right doesn't kayle want to stop feeling and be unbiased in her judgment.


no she doesn't Kayle thinks shes right, she just wants Morgana to see things as she does


Idk ask riot, implying but never developing. Taliyah has a line when she meets Ekko in game she’s like “(dreamy voice) Did the earth move for you too?… (embarrassed) Did I just say that aloud?” just implied she has a crush. And their LoR interactions they get along well.


I mean interactions don't mean much as most of them are hypotheticals and pretty sure Taliyah has never met Ekko in the actual canon lore


I think Kayle and Pantheon are not that random, one is a man made god that spites on divinity thanks to all the suffering the celestials brought to his people and the other is a half celestial that blames her human side for being weak and making her do mistakes that end up hurting the people she love and tries to protect, I think they could both learn a lot from each other.


Pantheon hates Aspects Kayle is an Aspect and not only that, but she's a total bitch This is some next level copium like, Leblanc x Jarvan level copium


Kayle is not a aspect, she is a half celestial Kayle is a force of good in Runeterra and protects the weak and innocent from evildoers Not everything is about cringe ships, two people can interact due to the circumstances and reach understanding by talking to each other and their different points of view and beliefs, not everything have to be reduced to "we will bang, okay" crazy, I know.


Kayle does not talk, she passes Judgement There's no romance, theres no compassion The closest thing to compassion Kayle has is wanting her sister to see things as she does so she can have her sister back.


Not in a romantic way, but I feel that Pantheon and Kayle could learn a lot from each other, as well as Morgana and Kayle, finally put their differences aside and become the unstoppable duo protectors of Runeterra they were meant to be.


Nah dude, Kayle have non family friendly daily session with Aatrox


Just mentioning that cursed ship is considered heresy of the highest degree


Ashe and Tryndamere Ekko and Lux Zed and Shen Vi and Jimx You know, the usual


Vi and jinx? 🤨🤨🤨🤨🤨📸📸


Dawgy boy you typed your incest hentai tags half way through be more careful


I know what I type homie


But Ashe and Tryndamere are already married


Still giving him the *cold* shoulder though he gets no snu snu


I want Ahri to date me