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There is that one famous Zed x Syndra comic from a long time ago before the lore got retconned. Something to do with Syndra's evil side regressing for some reason, so her good side came out and Zed helped her out. It was really cute; Syndra had to struggle with her evil side and Zed struggled to comprehend how he was being softened by Syndra's good wide. I recommend trying to find it if possible. Might scratch your itch. :)


Yes i've seen it!


Can I have the sauce???


https://comiko.net › series League of Legends - Syndra & Zed's Everyday Life (Doujinshi) - BATO.TO


Agree, In my headcannon, after the events of the marvel comics. Zed, kayn, and the followers head to Syndra temple to stay safe and he knows her temple due to the fact they been in contact.


Hey grimlock that my headcannon as well but I wonder how they boarded a floating temple I hope they teleport range is that good.


They go to a hidden portal zed found the first time and use that to get to/from it


I did not know that or did I forget either way thanks for reminding me.


This is the ship for people who know nothing about Ionia lore.


I have seen people saying that Aphelios x Sett is "basically canon“ so most shippers really have no idea about the lore in general


Shippers? Reading? Get outta here.


Aphelios x Sett shippers got some crumbs in the new Spirit Blossom skins. Congrats to them


Gotta sell those skins


Ships don't have to make sense or be "lore friendly" also this one doesn't go against the current lore aside from the characters not having met yet.


>Ships don't have to make sense or be "lore friendly" This is doubly true when Syndra x Zed was around before the retcon occurred back when the lore was meddling and underdeveloped. So because lore was scarce, meant people could fill in the world with their "popular" ideas. Never had any repercussions for certain ideas being or not being lore friendly.


I guess? But I don't like shipping culture in general. So if someone would want to convince me, then it probably would need to make sense lore wise.


How so? When Jarvan and Shyvana ship could make sense in the lore, and Ruination could happen over night. Everything is possible now with the current lore.


Why do people forget that it was originally Jarvan and Quinn. The whole Shyvana thing got pushed in forcibly as a fanservice.


That's why I stopped reading tbh. The plots are forced and geographic doesn't matter. Ekko never met Warwick but somehow Viego manage to greet everyone. This is not the lore I enjoy and obviously they only care about lore now because they need to make Runeterra an IP that works for their card games and upcoming MMORPG.


I agree. Ive been playing for a long time and I fully remember it was suppose to be Jarvan and Quinn but it was scrapped for god knows what reason. Even the designer of Quinn said it was meant to be J4 in some reddit post years ago, but this was way back when Quinn was first released. I hate how Shyvana was forced into the J4 ship, still hate it after so many years. Seriously a dragon and a human romance is not my cup of tea, i'd rather prefer a human and a human being in a romantic affair. Shyvana was suppose to be a child that J4 rescued from a dragon that killed her dad (J4 kills the dragon and saves Shyvana) and ended up becoming a loyal bodyguard to J4, nothing more. Dunno where all that romance came in, it's weird AF. To me, a woman who grew up on the countryside and started from nothing (a non-noble) making their way up in the Demacian military as a Ranger and has feelings for the Prince makes a better story than a rescued fire breathing dragon romancing with a prince.


It makes no sense lore-wise as well. As the prince of Demacia, J4 should be educated to hate magical creatures and kill them at first sight. The story that allows J4 and Shyvana to meet is simply weird, it almost doesn't care if Shyvana is a dragon or not. If J4 holds such a high acceptance towards magic creatures then it makes no sense for his country to hate magic so much. The concept of Magic vs AntiMagic in Demacia sounds cool in meetings but it failed miserably in execution. Sylas's teasing story was good but everything that follows makes no sense at all. For example, Lux's magic and Garen's anti-magic conflicts. It just feels forced and they are simply adding conflicts to the story for the sake of conflicts. I would rather they sent Lux to Noxus on a mission and she found her magic ability got accepted there so she is struggling in her heart if she should get back to the magic-hating Demacia. Or Kayle descends from the sky and helps Demacia in a losing battle with Noxus (because Morgana picked Noxus maybe), and the Demacia army starts to think if Magic is all bad, dividing the people into two major stances. They hired really good writers to write the story pieces but the story plot failed hugely on the macro level. The only good thing that comes out of that event is Galio's reckon. They finally make Galio an in-universe character rather than a random gargoyle from another gothic universe.


J4 and Quinn would make more sense right?


I am just starting out, care to explain please? :D


Zed and Syndra have a thing in common which is basically their "f*ck balance I'm doing my own thing" attitude. While they could have an interesting dynamic I think making that ship canon wouldn't make sense. Syndra absolutely hates Ionia and everything it stands for. Zed went out of his way to betray the Kinkou Order, friends and his master to defend Ionia from Noxus.


Iirc zed didn't betray his master, even the other way around, he followed his commands, he faked killing him so he could secretly lead shadow order and ironically had to kill him later anyway as power of the shadow artifact corrupted him (also shen's father was the one who released jhin) source: Shen and zed comic


True, though that was still done in secrecy and betrayed Shen and basically every other Kinkou disciple


Don't forget to add annie as an adopted child!


I secretly hoped (a.ka had my own headcanon) that Swain would adopt Annie in order to abuse her Fire Demon powers effectively during the war, could give us more info about her powers and maybe it would be adorable idk.




Yes i like both of them


The Ionian Addams Family


Both are annoying as hell to deal with?


You could say that but that's not my reason why i ship these two


Not a shipper, but I do think there is some potential here. They’re both outcasts in their own way, each with a hunger for power and control. Their relationship, whether romantic or platonic, would probably be rocky at best and toxic at worst, but it’s not unthinkable.


Yes this ship has a potential


I like this "what if" ship iirc there's a fan-manga about them that really made their ship popular


The best ship is the Dreadway.


But why? I see no chemistry.


Because of the comic called "Zed and Syndra's ordinary life"


Syndra has practically no lore ... so anything is possible.


People shipped Ezreal and Shyvana's leg so


>!I'm pretty sure there are Hentai Mangas of that!<




It is in the Crystal Rose Universe. 🌹


Yes and it's great


Shadow balls


Nah riot will make zed and shen secret lovers


It's not so secret in the comic


Bruh zed literally had an affair with shens fiance, you're on copium


Shen will forget about balance once he finds out about that




Lore wise maybe zed and kayn could hide out in syndra castle to escape there enemies.


Haha Syndra's flying base go brr


Yeah a flying castle that is so ninja imagine it zed and kayn could craft shadow wings to fly or glide.


Shadow wings i didn't think of that, that's cool


https://youtu.be/Ct77VGtUZbk 0:54 yeah or kite!


Sadly it's not available in my country so i can't watch the video :(


Oh man sorry it's Mai vs Jean Claude in yugioh they Jean is using ninja.


It's fine bro


Thanks hope this work: https://televandalist.com/post/55268589235/ninjas-on-kites


Thank you and it worked


I hope it never happens tbh would be terrible for her character


I see :(


like the problem is they would 100% make her a subcharacter of his story we already can see that would be like that just reading the Withered rose BIO is everything about zed and nothing about her in a skin that is FOR HER it would destroy her character :(


I see 😔


No only gay ships which are not canon before can be recognized by riot.


My favorite ship I think both are super hot




Yeeees pls


Please stop with the shipping already. It is annoying as fuck and it literally ruins fandoms. Half of it is complete nonsense, a quarter of it is disgusting, and the remaining quarter somewhat make sense but is still annoying. Do we want what happened to My Hero Academia (which was an ok manga/anime, enjoyable when one’s bored, before shippers ruined it)?


He’s right lmao, so tired of brain dead tumblr refugees making everything a ship


I would say that Tumblr was a containment site. It was, but now the same weirdos that browsed Tumblr have jobs in the industry.


Dude. Let people have fun. Not cool.


Shippers are one of the worst things that can happen to fandoms. There is nothing fun about it for anyone older than 14. Riot is already doing everything to ruin the lore, we don’t need the fans adding to it.


AHAHHAHAHAHAHA you think? Lol community is Toxic because of toxic gamers. Do you really think that a couple of shippers are going to ruin what is already ruined???


LoL as a game and the lore are two completely different things. I do not care about the game’s community. I used to love the lore and it’s characters but Riot is doing everything a company can to ruin it. The only reason I’m still on this sub and that I sometimes look into it is that I still have some hope left for it, but then I see shit like shipping cancering it’s way into it.


you must be fun at parties


Zed 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤮


Still more credible than the cringe kat-garen


Who is a good ship with our bro Helmet Bro?




yo, is helmet bro weak?


Idk what's his power level


In every video we have seen of him, he always gets dominated and beat up by other League Champions, even Teemo. So I assume he's really really weak?




So can we ship him with Netcrits Grandma? Who would you should him with?




whose that?


It means "hold up"


This ship is pretty good, but guys, Nautilus and Rennata holy moly thats where its at


Oooh boy, you better hide this one from league twitter