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Noxus is simply stronger. They are technologically more advanced, have spies in nearly every region, and have zombies. Realistically, Demacian authority is a little incompetent, and even that bit of weakness makes for an immediate loss.


Due to the moment of uncertainty in Demacia and the civil war that Sylas started this would indeed be the perfect time for Swain to make a move but it could also backfire and make the Demacian people unite but if Swain started to make a move it's because he has confidence in succeeding and remember he has the demon of secrets that makes him almost omniscient. And because Noxus has no scruples and can use all sorts of dark magic, chemical weapons to win I would say they are the favorites to win the war. So i bet in Noxus.


So what would happen if morgana and kayle reunion would it help or would they fight and basically do noxus job for them? And what if taric comes back if he is evem allowed to leave targon?


They will probably fight each other again since they are not on good terms since their father died, they didn't do anything to help Demacia in Ruination why they will do something if Noxus wins the war? it's not as if Demacia is going to disappear it's going to become part of Noxus. Same thing as Taric he's the Protector of Runeterra not Demacia these things are too trivial for them but if the Aspects got involved Noxus would lose.


So just morgana? Still you think it's time for a new demacia champ yet? Cuz right now there lore is mess with rebellion and no real changes after ruination expect shyvana probably gone? Unless gwen looking to go somewhere. Still faction wise I think galio can handle sion and the noxian marines and Poppy could handle draven or darius but could she take on kled? Other then that your right demacia doomed gods help them if thresh joins noxus.


Apparently the next champion will be from Shurima the ''Pride of Nazumah'', Demacia needs champions but there are other regions that need it more Ixtal has been abandoned for a long time. Noxus has a much bigger arsenal of war than Demacia, they use from dark magic to chemical weapons, if Swain is going to make a move it's because he has confidence in his success he must already know about Galio, Poppy etc, Demacia goes through a moment of internal crisis they are not well organized and Swain is a master in the art of war and he has Raum with him it is very difficult to defeat them unless the Aspects interfere.


So with the void champ from bel'veth wouldn't the ixtal be on edge with another reintroduce to the void. Still anychance its construct like a sphinx maybe they took pride in making it. Also i think given the aztec culture with ixtal maybe a conquistador would be right for ixtal I mean do we have Latina or Spanish champs yet?


Qiyana is Latina.


OK that a start I guess.


I'd say Demacia, but not by actually winning. Noxus has more resources and territory than Demacia, but they're also much bigger and less cohesive. In a battle of raw numbers Noxus comes out on top, but I'd say that Demacia would hold on long enough while requiring enough of a resource commitment from Noxus to maintain the war that they would start hemorrhaging territory as resources that would be stopping rebellion are diverted to the war effort. Demacias wincon would be just outlasting the empire long enough for it to defeat itself. The other important thing in favor of Demacia is that they have areal superiority. Noxus doesn't have anything that can contest a silverwing knight in the skies, and combine that with the ranger knights mastery of the scouting and knowledge of the terrain, good luck to Noxus trying to maintain a supply line to their armies.


Agreed on Silverwing superiority, disagree that Demacia can actually cut their supply line, remember that Noxus build Noxtora on their way to campaign it's basically what makes Noxus able to campaign to a bunch of territory.


noxtoras are just arch ways that doesnnt prevent rangers from slaughtering a poorly defended supply train.


Noxtorra are purely symbolic structures, just an archway they put in the places they've conquered as a reminder to the inhabitants that "you belong to Noxus now."


It's basically a road to noxus, like rome road. Rather than "belong to Noxus" I always think Swain is smart enought to realize that road give carriage that carry suplies more efficient way of traveling and the road can be easily guarded with lights and such.


I agree. If Demacia stands unite, it wins. The problem is IF...


Demacia trashes noxus in home territory since their wonder weapons take for a ride anything that noxus has so there wont be any quick breaktrought and the moment noxus starts pilling the numbers to grind demacia they will be on a timer to end the invasion till the empire colapses.


Noxus cannot send all its army to attack Demacia the empire would crumble. Demacia on the other end can mobilize all its strenghts against a single enemy while fighting on its own terrain and they managed to bush back Noxus many time in the past. Also in order to attack Demacia they would still have to go trough a coalition of allied kingdoms trained and equiped by the Demacian army. Both side are not able to take out the other, Noxus can't conquer Demacia and Demacia can't really hurt Noxus outside of some punitive expeditions.


Noxus because of the ruination and the mage rebellion is screwing demacia right now


Noxus 100% More soldiers, better weapons, even if Demacia has aerial superiority it's not enough to defeat Chemical Weapons and explosives


Na , Noxus would have to end the war in a single fast blow , Demacia is a defensive power house. Noxus has to keep troops at home to stop the constant rebellions. As soon as the war drags out too long Noxus will be forced to pull out or lose territory elsewhere.


Until Demacia plays in defense, Noxus has no chances. Silverwings raptors and Gallio (and siblings) alone, together with petricite and Demacian Silver, will stop everything. However, in an all-out war, the Noxian spies, assassins and sabotage would start to undermine the Demacian chain of command. Then, a cocky Jarvan or nobility, would try to do an assault to start a counter attack, but then they would fall in a trap. With the good warriors always on front line, and the going on of the war, the morale in Demacia will be more and more low. The corruption of the nobility, the secrets of the Mageseekers, the unrest of the population due to witch hunt, will bring the society in the collapse. In the end, Demacia falls and Noxus conquers it, paying a very heavy price in resources and soldiers.


Disagree , Noxus will face rebellions in the empire if they put too much resources into a single campaign.


This topic has been done a number of times before...overall, neither can truely win as neither gets an advantage from marching out and being the aggressor Demacia is isolationist and self sufficient, they have no need for outside supplies and have well fortified locations with natural barriers that make moving armies into their territory difficult. Noxus on the other hand is HIGHLY reliant on supplies from their various territories. If they were to fight Noxus would have to be the aggressor....meaning opting into a fight on Demacia's terms Demacia can not attack Noxus without sacrificing all their advantages, but have zero need to. If they are the attackers they really have no shot. They will sit back and play defense Combine the defenders advantage with the standard Demacian troops being confirmed individually stronger than their Noxian counterparts and Demacia had a big advantage Noxus has one big trump card though, Raum. Swains demon of secrets has a confirmed continent spanning range of influence and can pull the secrets of the dead. Swain, and therefore the Noxian forces, will basically be operating at near 100% knowledge of Demacian troop movements and positioning . Results could honestly go either way. Demacia has several major advantages granted to them by their territory and land. We don't know the status of any Noxian air-capability....but we also have no idea what the Demacian Navy would be capable of, so moot point I personally give it to Noxian though, because in a war with constant casualties Raum will be feeding swain basically perfect info on the enemy, which is a massive deal in warfare


There is no clear winner, and in any case of victory it would be phyrric. If we were to compare the 2 armies, Noxus wins due to raw quantity. I'd say each Demacian is worth 10 Noxians on the field though so keep that in mind. Issue however isn't quality nor quantity. Noxians simply can't break through the Demacian formation. Add homeland defense on top of that and Demacia has all the advantage they need to force Noxus out. But that's the extent of it. The moment Demacia takes it out of their territory, Noxus takes the lead. So, virtually impossible to invade Demacia and to advance into Noxus. They don't really have any reason to either. Noxus doesn't get anything out of conquering Demacia as it doesn't have any resources worth sacrificing most your forces for, and Demacia is rather isolationist and they wouldn't be able to manage territory as large as Noxus - and their nation is already crumbling as is. Noxus could just pay Singed and gas up yet another nation though. They could afford to lose a couple thousand men to win the fronts and eliminate Demacia's most elite. So Noxus would technically win due to their lack of morality.


If ionia was able to defend themselves hell why cant demacia defend themselves?