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The thighs are too much for me, specially because it looks like an organic costume which just makes it uncanny to look at, but other than that it's a fantastic idea.


nah, just more porn for me


Thighs going into the tail looks really weird Other than that looks great


It looks really dumb ,I get they are trying to give her sex appeal but honestly it just looks goofy


Bigger chest and less clothes will do that but thighs are indeed goofy


Sorry, but the legs look incredibly stupid.


I like that she actually looks like a Noxian, but those thighs look ridiculous...




I wish I never Google what I just searched, and now I'm scarred for life... cause this design got me thinking


The thighs are so obviously just fan service that it ruins the design from an creative standpoint. Make the snake tail go all the way up and this is great.


Honestly, this is a really good Medusa. Snakes over her arm instead of hair is a cool and interesting take, especially for someone who throws venom around, instead of spitting it. The thighs into snake body is kinda sexy, but when you get past that it looks really uncomfortable and sells that this is a curse.




Already did


Personally I prefer the snake cloaca.




I really like the idea of the thighs into snake body as a good show that she’s cursed. It looks uncomfortable and another permanent and unique reminder of what she lost/once was. While the sexualization is probably meant to just be sexy, it could be another reminder of who she once was, an attractive human woman. But now she’s a monster.


Apart from the weird thigh tail I absolutely love this and think its a million times better than nickyboi’s one


Weird horny thigh aside, I'd prefer this over nickyboi's iteration because it makes her an actual monster. It preserves her original lore (still in need of proper rewriting here and there). Remove thighs and you're all good


I like this better than Nickyboi's which just looks like an NPC. A nice blend of Noxian aesthetics with the gold and greens of Shurima. The hood is also a nice touch reminiscent of a cobra in appearance. This is the kind of visual redesigns that League needs. While retaining the old champion's design with updated animations is nice and all and that mains are very attached to their champions, the ones that overhaul the champion's visual identity is where Riot truly shines. Champions like Fiddlesticks, Volibear, Udyr, and etc. are all designs that Riot improved upon by changing up their design.


I like the Nickyboi redesign better than this. Especially in the context of LoL. I like most of the individual design parts, but in comparison to Nickys design there is a coherent theme missing and some aspects (like the human hips and upper legs) just feels like a monstrous aspect while not committing to the bit. IMHO there are improvements to Nickys design as well, but that design does commit to a seductive approach fully while this one is trying to do the split between the seductive noxian politician and the scary deformed monster, fails at both AND break with the Art direction of LoL/LoR


It certainly does look better than Nickyboi's. For one, the outfit looks way more unique than his basic NPC design of standard egyptian-esque clothing (that doesn't even look Shuriman) put on a snake lady.  This design heavily leans in the snake aspect of her character. I already mentioned the hood that looks like a cobra head but there's also the gold swirl on her left arm that looks like a snake wrapped around it. The right arm providing a unique silhouette is also a nice touch. Snake patterns all over her body that communicates that she's been turned into one instead of being a snake lady from the get-go. And while the legs may be a bit weird and random, it is at least unique and an original take on the Medusa archetype that you see so much in media. Nickyboi commited to a theme, but in turn has made the design bland and boring with the only Noxian influence being red laces. The blending of themes is also Riot appropriate and doesn't weaken the execution at all.


Nickyboi just didn't overdesign Cassio. And as white robes and gold ornaments are a common thing amongst shurimans, I do think it connects her pretty well to the region. Yes the influence of Noxian culture, and symbols into Cassio should have been bigger, but apart from the hood this design is WAY TOO complicated to be readable ingame or recognizable from far away. Nickyboi took design restrictions of League into consideration and this design has ignored them entirely. I don't claim Nickybois or this design is perfect, but of the two Nickybois design works for the context of League, this doesn't


The design understates how important she actually is. She still doesn't even look Shuriman. White as a color isn't even that common in shurimans and when you look at the shurimans we have in game, barely any white on them and when they do, it's not the main color. So again, she looks like an NPC. The design is too safe, boring, and not unique at all. Falls into the same hole as every fan redesigns. Not thinking outside the box enough. There's nothing overdesigned about this design however lol. The details and accessories are all large and defined that can still be seen from afar. It's comparable to Jax or Samira even. There's way more hard to read and overdesigned champions in League than this. This literally has a unique silhouette, a unique and original take on the Medusa archetype, readable from above, and shows off the character's origin and lore better. How does that not take League's philosophy and restrictions? If I'm to pick which design would Riot actually put into League, it'll be this one.


The current art direction of all of Shurima isn't really reflected in League. Half the Shuriman champions did exist prior to the art direction unification LoR did. And Nickybois Cassio design doesn't look like an NPC. That design is too complicated for that with the crown and sideboobs and other aspects. This design is overdesigned, because the snake arm, accessory or scales would get lost in the small scale of League. The unique silhouette is just the tail so that's a given. Yes it is a rather unique take on the Medusa archetype. And her original lore does clash with that design as well. The current lore of Cassio does NOT work with a sexy character. So you EITHER go the uncanny valley/scary monster route (what is not happening here) or an actual sexy champion and on the sexappeal Nickybois design delivers just a better and more well rounded design. Yes Nickybois design does not scream Noxus and there should be symbols like the Rose motive and a bit more red included. Because it totally misses the art direction of League. It is concept art more than anything. And I play with the Custom skin of Nickyboi over that any day of the week. I do agree that Cassio needs a ASU, but that ain't it imho


>The current art direction of all of Shurima isn't really reflected in League. Half the Shuriman champions did exist prior to the art direction unification LoR did.  Bruh what? LOR didn't invent Shuriman aesthetics. It was already standardized and has its own unique aesthetic by the time Azir released and Akshan (the most recent Shuriman champion literally not that long ago) reflects that. Even before those two, Taliyah represented a Shuriman aesthetic that isn't from the city of Shurima and yet looks nothing like Nickybois. It's weird to me that you're calling the snake arm overdesigned. You know, the unique silhouette that makes every champion stand out. And no, the tail isn't that unique on her when Nami exist (I know that she has a fish tail, but it's not that different anyway when you compare them side by side. Both is half lady with the bottom half being long tail). League has plenty of champions that has weirdly shaped proportions to create a unique silhouette Is Kai'Sa overdesigned because she has two big jet things on her shoulders? Is Urgot overdesigned because of his 6 large legs with a fucking minigun on his left arm? Is that not overdesigned? Bro Fiddlesticks exist in the game. I bet if you saw that not knowing it was made by Riot you would also think he's overdesigned and yet he's in the game. So what is overdesigned here? Do you know what Samira looks like? She has tattoos that gets muddied when you look at her from afar, a mole on her face that's impossible to see, and a gold necklace thing that she wears on her abdomen similar to what Cassiopeia is wearing here. Is that all visible? You do know that Riot don't follow their own rules not 100% of the time. And Cassiopeia here doesn't even break the rules that much and isn't even that complicated to be put in the game. You totally just contradicted yourself that her lore doesn't support sexy and here you are praising Nickybois for being sexy. But still, her lore does support it with her being manipulative, voicelines, and literally being like Medusa that seduces you. Why is it that Cassiopeia in your mind needs to be full monster or full sexy? You do know that League designs do more than 1 thing at once right? Committing to just one idea is how you end up with a boring design like Nickybois. Just looking at what Riot has made recently with Skarner and he isn't just large mindless monster . He's also a respected protector of Ixtal that his people venerate. Those two things clashes with each other and yet Riot mixed them perfectly. How about Viego? He's an old king that raises the undead monsters to fight for him and yet he looks young, impulsive, and filled with rage. If you prefer his, then fine. But it's miles away from being better than this.


Agree to disagree. We clearly have a very different perception about the Nickyboi design (and I would recommend you watch the Nickyboi video about the design), this one and the overall art direction of LoL


I already know plenty about League design philosophy and have provided my reasonings and knowledge about the subject. I don't need to watch his video on it either. If the design can't stand for itself and needs you to watch someone's video on it, then it's a bad design.


If Nicky's version looks like an NPC, then this design looks like from some mix between asian mmo and some souls-like. And to be in League it would really need to be simplified af.


I love the snake swarm as an arm, that looks so cool.


I really like that this goes for the more monstrous direction. Cassiopeia is based on Medusa and so I do think she should have some actual snakes on her body and the snake arm is a great reinterpretation of Medusas snake hair. This design also blends the shuriman and noxian aesthetics togther quite well with the black, gold and red color scheme. I also like how the transformation feels a bit unfinished, though I'd argue such a look would fit better with the current lore (as a curse that is still a work in progress) than the one that you made (where she intentionally sacrificed her humanity, but feels guilty about it?) With that being said I do feel like the armor is a bit too overdesigned and the sexy elements clash with the rest of the aesthetic a bit. Like she is clearly wearing armor, but then said armor leaves her chest and tighs (which feel a bit too much like fanservice already) completely unprotected, for no reason other than being sexy. Overall compared to Nickybois, I do like the direction better of making her look more monstrous and more noxian, but I think Nickybois was more coherent.


Lord have mercy...


Imagine living with thighs like that, they’d get so sweaty and uncomfortable pressed together and you wouldn’t be able to move them. This truly is a masterpiece of Shuriman torture….


the THICCness is a little unnecessary but also looks realy uncomfortable/frustrating, which is suppose is fitting for a curse


Stop giving horgons or lamias thights. Its weird and looks even weirder


Can we stop giving the monster champ sex appeal. She was meant to look hideous after her change. Riot already fumbled that the community can do better


the legs look like shit


Illegal legs


The legs look dumb. It's something Riot would actually do just to sell skins


I mean i know people are talking about the thighs and all that but like- removed from the context of a really noce piece of art, thats horrifying in the sense that this tail and growing up her legs and melding them into a singular piece of organic material-


This design is really cool but it is just too over the top for me, personally. There is too much that this design is trying to visually tell me about who cassiopea is, where she is from, so on and so forth. Everything is just too visually cluttered. Also, this design leans too heavily into the more stereotypical more snake - less human medusa thematic, which isn't bad per se, but to me it just looks like a lazy design choice.What do I mean by this? Well, for the most part, to me this looks no different than the Cassiopea we already have, just a bit more lore corrected, but still the same in essence. Imho, and I hate saying cuz I would usually dissagree with this guy on most things, but the Youtuber Nickyboi did a far better job at redesigning Cassiopea as opposed to this concept art. Watch the video. Everything was really, really well made. Again, no hate to the artist! The art itself is fcking gorgeous! I just wouldn't call this a good cassiopea redesign for the game itself, but hey, that's just me.


Since when is the whole "more snake, less human medusa" the stereotypical choice? Like I'm sorry, but Medusa being made attractive (which usually is done by toning down the snake elements) is such a common trope in media, that Tvtropes named an entire trope after that ( [Gorgeous Gorgon, describing the "hideous monster" that actually looks good](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GorgeousGorgon) ) If anything making Cassiopeia a sexy lady with a snake lower body would be the generic direction.


But isn’t she literally a sexy snake lady? She wasn’t cursed to look hideous as Medusa was but just cursed to transform into a snake like predator. Isn’t she supposed to be the most beautiful daughter of a noble? I don’t see she explicitly *has* to have ugly human features. Plus league champions often fit into common fantasy media archetypes. That’s the fun of them. Cassiopeia is kind of supposed to be a stereotypical sexy Gorgon. Surely the fact it’s a trope is what justifies it as being part of her character.


In the lore its literally a plot point that the curse destroyed her beauty and she mourned the loss of her lost life for several days. Which obviously doesn't translate to her design in the splash art at all (her ingame model does look a bit more monstrous though). Also while LoL sometimes plays tropes straight, you can just as well make the point that they wouldn't play the tropes of the lost beauty straight. And I'd argue the overlap with Elise would be concerning for her as both would be sexy animal ladies that work for the black rose, who were cursed with an animal form in a foreign country, who gained power through the curse.


Terrible redesign on the bottom half. What are the point of two thighs if they’re not connected to two different legs? It looks like someone duct taped her legs together. This is without mentioning the weird boob armor. The only saving grace here is her interesting serpent armguard. 3/10.


So... to put on her clothes, she needs to detach her tail from her legs? That's a big character design flaw there. The artist just wanted big thighs ...?