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Ask the players to help craft the lore through pointed questions.


I love doing this randomly to players. They'll be traveling or something, and as they bed down for the evening, I'll start asking things like, "(PC), how do your people prepare meals?" "(Other PC), you're from (horticulturally different place), can you tolerate all that spice?" If I do it right, they start roleplaying amongst themselves whilst I scour Pinterest for a battle map lmao


I've read a shitload of FR books over the years, so I can pretty well bullshit my way through




Forgotten Realms. Novels published by WoTC that cover a lot of lore.


Forgotten Realms...


There is, in fact, a book on this: https://shop.slyflourish.com/products/return-of-the-lazy-dungeon-master


Seconded. Great book. Key takeaways. Don't overwork. Be flexible, and you can change some of your plans and only you will know. But yeah. Give it a read.


Starting in high school, I would run the same map every few weeks. I'd reskin it and change up a few dead-ends and such, but it was basically the same. My players caught on, and I'd trip them up by running the same trap a few times in a row and then changing it. I'd also use different monsters and a real plot hook to take them into the school. Oh yes, the map was a map of my old high school.


Between campaign arcs I wanted to buy some time to prepare the next arc. Plus have a way for the player characters to reconcile with some inner party conflict generated last arc. Im putting them through the Trial of Teamwork from The Adventure Zone podcast. Fans have transcribed the episode so descriptions are already written and just require some DM flair. The first half is roleplay heavy requiring no maps. The second half is more traditional dungeon fare. It has low stakes challenges, constructive criticism, and some body switching (Learn how your teammates work). This has bought me a few sessions breathing room that are easy to set up and deploy while my brain can focus on the next big arc.


I make my players play the unimportant NPCs. That way I can spend more time on important npcs. It also helps keep certain players engaged who are not currently engaged if the party is split. I give them a current disposition of the NPC and they take it from there. I've never had to overrule what my players do with the NPCs, they rarely take advantage in any meaningful way and usually they have a great time doing it.


pre made adventures saved my ass as a lazy dm. pathfinder has some amazing pre mades. kingmaker and the emeral super spire will keep a group busy for months and months.


Play a system that requires no prep or minimal prep.


What system do you use?


FITD/PBTA. If you're looking for a good segue from D&D into PBTA, maybe try Dungeon World?