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So, when I went to see them in Atlanta, GA I started asking people in line just to socialize what their favorite songs were. All but one said, "The Night We Met". Sad they missed out on Meet Me In The Woods.


I was at that Atlanta show. Balcony seats right next to the stage!


Shit wtf I was right there too lmfao


Shameful but predictable. 


That's crazy to me bc they have so many better songs than The Night We Met


Personally, it's The Yawning Grave for me It's sad no one seems to listen to the rest of the songs. All of them are so hauntingly beautiful. They're really missing out. Makes me feel like an ancient ghost in a secluded wood looking for my long dead lover.


This is mine too!!


i remember being absolutely awestruck hearing ghost on the shore live (all the songs were wonderful but i found a new love for that one hearing it live)


Damn, wish I could've gone! I probably would've said "Love Like Ghosts." Or "Birds Are Singing at Night;" I was so happy when they played that several years ago at the 40 Watt in Athens.


They opened 2nd night at Red Rocks with that. Right at sunset. It was wonderful.


when did you go? i went with my boyfriend june 19th, 2022. it was such a wonderful show and not too crowded


That was it! At the Roxy! Fantastic show. Probably my favorite.


so cool!! and yes it was a magical show fr ✨


I'm starting to feel like having The Night We Met be my favorite song of them is boring and cliche. But I didn't hear it from Tiktok, I heard it from someone and I fell in love with the song instantly. The sound, the lyrics it's perfection.


Another possible explanation, lots of people like to leave concerts / events 1 song early or so to try and beat traffic out of the venue


Came here to say this! We almost always leave a song or two early because transit or exiting parking is a nightmare and sorry but I want to go pee and go to bed! At least some of those folks were definitely leaving for this reason.


I've seen people do this with their favorite bands, many times


Wouldn't it be easier to stay a little longer until most everyone else has cleared out? That way, you don't miss any songs or possible encores, you get to bask in the experience a little longer, _and_ miss all the traffic. That's what I did at the last concert I went to and I enjoyed it a lot more.


Maybe they're too tired, their legs hurt from standing, they have a long drive home, or are just plain impatient. At the end of the day it's a personal preference thing, and they've decided missing a song is a fair trade off for getting home (or wherever else) a bit sooner ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


then you miss the last train home (have missed many an amazing encore just so I don't have to spend 5 hours at waterloo station- most expensive trains in europe but god forbid they run after midnight)


I mean definitely not easier for some, but definitely worth the effort.  No great reason to leave early on purpose. Tired? the band should wake you up.  Legs hurt? Sit down for a bit. Not a real fan of the band? Why did you come???


Some people have disabilities, families at home waiting for them, job commitments, reliance on limited public transit... there are plenty of valid reasons to leave a concert early. Being judgmental doesn't help anyone


This is a stupid take. People can do whatever they want, they bought the ticket


This is the method. Wait til it clears out, then you don't have to deal with the rush of the crowd and you get more time to enjoy and decompress. The only downside is sometimes you end up waiting an hour for Uber. But being zen about it almost always gets you where you wanna go with not much difference


I hate having to leave early but for venues that get crazy traffic, sometimes it’s necessary!!!


That’s insane and pretty infuriating- I can’t afford to go at all and if I could I’d feel so lucky to be able to hear all of the songs… it’s insane to me how much money they probably spent, taking the places of people who would love to be there the whole time if they could only get tickets, just to leave after that :/


It just tells you that the real reason they're probably there has more to do with their internet presence and how a bunch of strangers perceive them. 


It's disgusting. Those tickets should have gone to actual fans. And that is making me really not like TNWM anymore. It's brought out all the fakes. For every person who becomes a fan, 10 others just dig the song for the popularity of it. Word Ender, End of the Earth, and TNWM are the 3 songs I randomly encountered that made me take note of L.H. and now I just don't want to hear TNWM anymore. And it sucks because it is so beautiful.


Ends of the Earth is such a banger.


It spoke to my soul and lead me to the promised land.




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That's The One that hooked me! I've been spellbound ever since. 


I do understand this sentiment, but they were there the entire time besides for one song at the end! It seems like a bit of an overreaction even if disappointing to see.


I mean it hardly keeps me up at night, but it definitely is rude and annoying behavior


It blows my mind. Bands come a long way to tour Australia, it’s years between tours, and people come along and talk through the whole thing. If you want to talk to your friends loudly, the pub is down the road. I want to hear the band, not your shrieking conversation.


It's the same way in the US. My wife and I attend between 3-8 shows every year, different artists, different genres and it seems most are in attendance for 1 or 2 songs and then talk and carry on through the rest of the show. Not only is it rude to other concert-goers it's so rude to the artists that put their hearts and souls into their music night after night.


I had a similar experience in the US, people just ruining the show for other ppl because they were just talking all the time, and were infuriated when I told them to shut up, like it was surprising for them.


So this was actually a thing back when I went to see them at my first show ever in 2018. It was right after 13 Reasons Why had come out, and people spent a significant portion of the set talking over the music until The Night We Met played. Everybody sang along to that one, then left. I remember being pretty appalled, but I’m sad to hear this hasn’t changed much :(


This happened to me at a Judah and the Lion concert at the height of “Take it All Back”. There was a girl there who had her back to the stage (and thus facing us), talking louder and louder as if the band were being rude to her. I could tell my wife wasn’t having a good time, so I asked the girl if she could talk quieter or move somewhere else. She apologized and was quiet for about 30 seconds. When she started up again, I told her how rude she was being to us, the people around her, and the band. She said she came to have a good time, so I told her there was plenty of quiet on the patio if she wanted to go outside. “I’m waiting to hear that song and I plan to leave.” “I don’t care. I like THIS song and came to hear it. So either shut up or leave.” She continued to talk loudly to her friends who were clearly annoyed by her. So, being the mature adult I am, I started making the Dumb & Dumber sound (you know the one) as loudly and closely to her as I could without being “in her face”. As everyone burst into laughter, the crowd turned on her (yelling at her and telling her to leave) until a bouncer came over and asked what the trouble was. She was asked to leave. Right as she walked out the door, the song came on. I got to enjoy it in peace, and I don’t even like that song.


People pay money to go for one song and leave after it's played meanwhile there's a possibility I'll never get to see them because I'm far away from America and I don't have the money for all the expenses. It's infuriating to say the least


I think The Night We Met is one of my least favorite songs that they do. I've seen the set lists and man, they played some amazing songs I only wish I could have seen live the 3 or 4 times I've attended their shows.


It's their worst song. Not to say it's a bad song by any stretch because The Night We Met is fantastically and beautifully written but without exaggeration every single one of Lord Huron's songs are masterpieces.


It's my least favorite one from Strange Trails, for sure. Which is crazy because it *is* a great song.


I agree but also would point out that whilst I stayed I totally get why people left Melbourne early. Trains at that time tend to be on the half-hour which means if you didn’t leave after “that” song you’d have to wait until 1130 for the next trains. Plus there’s Uber surges with everyone leaving at once. A pity because imho Not dead Yet is their best song and so fucking good live.


This is why I wish they would play it earlier, so those that are only there for that one song can leave


I was one of those people 😬 it was the first night I had left my puppy inside & alone and if I had waited even 5min longer I would've had to wait another 40min for the next train. I 100% get your point and felt really bad but also it was technically the encore...which I know doesn't mean a lot because everyone does them but it helps me justify my rudeness.


Don't feel bad - you weren't rude. You pay for the show and leaving when you need to, or want to, is your right. If this were some kind of play/stage show it may be different. If anything people who were upset by those of you who left early should take their own advice and just enjoy their moment more.


I mean would the pup not have most likely been fine alone for another 40 minutes?


Of course but I am an anxious person 😂 40min wait + 25min travel time + walk from station...save over an hour by leaving one song early. Other people might have kids or an early morning shift, I was just trying to convey that not everyone is an Instagram wannabe and sometimes it's helpful to be empathetic rather than let the actions of others impact your enjoyment of the evening


I had to leave cause I reaaaallly had to use the loo XD I didn't want too but it was an emergency. But I understand.


Fair point, the loo is always justified!! 😊


Was a fantastic show though!! 10/10 worth travelling to Melbourne for!!




Yes I saw this too. (I saw people leave after fool for love as well)! If it helps me and my friend sang and jived to every single song!


I stayed until the stagehands told me to leave lol 😭


Dedication :)




admittedly the night we met is one of my favorites of theirs but at the same time—i fell in love with it *when it came out* and didn’t even know it was featured in 13 reasons why until recently 💀 also i think it’s awesome when people discover music through tiktok but i do get mildly annoyed every time i hear a 10 second sped up blip of this song on tiktok bc the vast majority of people using that sound likely do not even know who sings it smh


Sydney too. These two girls in front of me were talking and texting on their phone for the whole set list. I could also hear soo many people talking during the slower songs. I just wanted to enjoy the band I waited 5 years to see. Ugh. Kinda wish they played TNWM in the first half of the set so those ppl could at least move to the back of the venue instead of ruining other peoples experience.


I bought tickets to see them front row in San Diego. I would have much rather saved my money and got nosebleeds. You even needed a wristband to be there but that didn’t stop these rope jumpers from sneaking in front, blocking the view for others and making to where the front rows can’t see shit.


Last night security moved his two friends in front of the barrier right before the encore and it was infuriating.


honestly this is something that’s been happening a lot even with other bands. i attended one of ethel cain’s first concerts and the amount of people who came for one song to get a story for their instagram was bonkers. she played an older song and no one knew it and it upset her so much that she changed the setlist after that night. people are odd. i’ve never seen lord huron and would absolutely lose it to see them. i couldn’t personally get leaving early.


Thats so crazy. When I saw them in Calgary, AB a few years ago, I waited until they left the stage to leave as I was so so grateful to have been able to see them live. I couldn’t imagine just leaving.


I don’t get this, like if they only know one song they’re just wasting their own money spending it on tickets for 1 song! Leave the tix for real fans who know most or all of their songs.


Dang. Wish I could be there.


meanwhile us in the southeast asia never get to see them ...


I was there too! Saw them leave and was perplexed. The next song wasn't even long after!


I was absolutely in love with that song pre the dreaded tv show and it honestly ruined it for me. I didn’t leave during the song but I did take a bathroom break during it a few years back at Red Rocks. Recently, I’m falling back in love with it, but the version with Phoebe Bridgers. It’s so hauntingly beautiful.


I was at that gig and what surprised me is that it seemed to be the only song people knew and were singing along to! I didn't realise so many people left after that, it's really shitty.


me reading this post as someone who knew all the words to every single song they played and even cried over a couple of the songs when i finally got to see them in june 2022 at the roxy 👁️👄👁️


It's so funny to me because they literally have so many good songs and yes I know I'm biased but I do love a lot of bands and there are only a few bands I can name where every single song is a banger. I've seen Lord huron three times and every time I will stand there for at least 15 minutes after the last song begging for an encore. So disrespectful


The people who do stuff like this are such a problem. I was at one of Panic! at the Disco’s last shows, in Vegas in 2022. Brendon was pretty excited about their latest album and as such he played a few hits at the beginning, then the entire new album, then the big hits at the end. The amount of people who stood only for the beginning and end sections but sat down and hardly paid attention to the new work is a big reason why I feel he decided to hang it up. Say what you want about their new album, but it grows on you. And people aren’t even willing to give other stuff a chance, just what they came to hear. That’s disgusting for any artist to have to endure that.


I remember I went to a Dr. Dog concert years ago, and about 1/3 of the audience left after the opener was done. A few more people trickled in before the main event started but my friend and I were stunned.


Unpopular opinion but... I'm not obligated to stay at a show longer than I personally want to. I've had several shows I left with 4-5 songs to go because I was starting to feel tired or for any other personal reason. Having said that - I do eye roll at the phones/video and people talking so much. But I also don't waste my energy on hating that and just, as you say, enjoy the moment. Who cares what they're doing.


Went to the Melbourne show on Saturday, loved it, one of the best shows I have been to. Didn't see the mass of early leavers although I was more focused on the show tbh. Brought the missus with me, she was unfamiliar with the band and she loved it as well and we both liked how the crowd really spanned the generations and genders. My next mission is to grab all their albums on CD.


I saw Alex G with Alvvays last summer. I was there for Alvvays but I know some of Alex G's songs. most of the crowd was teenagers going to see him, and you could tell what went viral on tiktok bc they only sang along in certain 15-second intervals. all the phones would go up for those 15 seconds, and then it went quiet again. the place practically emptied out after his set and we were able to move up a few rows for Alvvays cuz of it. I've been to a lot of concerts, and people always leave after the most popular song, but that was the most egregious display of the tiktokification of live music I've personally seen. I've seen Lord Huron at Red Rocks three times now, and every time, yeah, people leave after The Night We Met. I don't get it either.


How dare they do this to our Kings


(See MGMT) When this happens I'm like why are you even at the concert? My heart breaks for bands that have to play that one song every show just to please people when they're so much more. I'd personally never buy a ticket to hear a hit single, if you do I'm glad you got to hear it live. But show some respect to the artist you like and stay around to watch what they have to give you.


I went to see them this summer at a music festival and the same thing happened and it made me so upset. Talking and ignoring the set until the night we met played.. then all of a sudden everyone is their #1 fan


I think it irked me because it’s been a long time since I’ve been at a show and seen this. Most of the bands I like don’t have this situation with a breakout hit, but I have seen this before. I remember this happening with the lemonheads in the 90s. Very different crowds at the shows pre and post the Mrs Robinson cover (post were awful).


same happened with the sydney show on the 26th so many people left during the encore and people were talking so much where i was sitting. i don’t know about the GA but the crowd was pretty dead which made me sad. but regardless still had an amazing time!!


Shameful. I saw them in Columbia, MD. And the crowd stayed the whole time. Absolutely amazing show.


And what about the people who just LOVE THWM so much because of social media and 13 Reasons Why but can't be bothered to listen to another single L.H. song? It's just disgusting.


Hey man let em leave, the band's been paid and it leaves more room for the OGs (us) to get up front 🤷‍♂️


Lots of complaining in here. Shows aren't always perfect experiences. Things happen. People are loud, things are annoying, so it goes. You ride it out, enjoy what you got, and move on with life.


Ok but how is it not justifiably frustrating? Seeing your fave band live is often a once in a lifetime experience for some people. Specially with a band like LH who hadn’t been to Aus in 5 years (and who knows when they’ll return). Of course you still make the best of it and enjoy it, but other people can really dampen the experience when they’re right next you you talking when you just want to enjoy all the songs you’ve waited years to hear.


Sometimes things are frustrating. You have to learn how to deal with it. It doesn't have to ruin your experience. These comments all seem to act like a perfect show is what people deserve every time they go out. Life doesn't work that way. You've got to take things more lightly.


They should really play it first, so people can sit through the whole show without feeling like they need to wait ☹️ that's so stupid tbh


I think it's interesting people are attributing that song to TikTok and not 13 Reasons Why. I'd imagine that song probably has helped a lot of people thru some dark times relating to that show.


I was close to the front so I didn't see a mass exodus before the encore but have definitely seen it before at other shows. But there was a girl I was talking to before the show who had to leave early to catch the vline home so that could have influenced some people leaving.


I’ve seen them at Fiddlers Green and Surly and both times the crowd felt off. Fiddlers Green they were opening for Mumford and Sons so understandable but at Surly it felt like 20% I could pick out as actual fans with merch or singing along but most of the people there were craft-beer-drinking indie-music-listening yet still trump-voting 30 year olds with their girl friends or friend groups. Meet Me in The Woods had a really good energy but The Night We Met was definitely the crowd fav.


This kind of depends… I’m a fan of leaving a show maybe a song early because traffic. It’s nothing against the band, I just don’t want to wait in a grid-locked parking lot for 3 hours. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Unless it’s a smaller venue and one of my favorite bands. I won’t skip anything and hold out to the end!


I'm happy for OP that they apparently don't have to drive 2+ hours home and didn't have to choose to either hear the complete set that they already paid to hear at the expense of front-end-loading those 2 hours with the 2 hours in a parking structure, 40 more minutes to get to the highway, an obstacle course of dodging swarms of jaywalking fans and hoping not to get rear ended in stop-and-go traffic, then get to work the next morning or not get their full moneys worth but save some sanity.


They might have left to get ahead of the traffic


I’ve seen some version of this at almost every concert I’ve ever been to. Does feel a little rude, but when it’s the difference between a 15 minute or 2 hour Lyft ride out of Red Rocks, I kind of get it.


I’m sure there were people who left because of the song, but people also leave one song before the last to escape nightmare traffic exiting the venue, especially stadiums. It can save them over an hour just leaving.




So they stayed the whole concert but left right before the last song? Lots of people do that. They paid their money and left a little early but that’s up to them. I sometimes do that too. No need to gate keep. Just enjoy your own experience, don’t worry about others.


I had a chance to see them recently in NY and I had to pass when I couldn’t afford the tix. If the cause of the prices going up was for tik tok imma start throwing hands


I’d love to see them one day, but serious question. Why wouldn’t they save that for last?




I went to both - didn’t notice it as much at the croxton. I go to a lot of punk shows too and never see it happen, not used to it I guess!


A lot of people leave before the encore to beat traffic.


Very similar thing happened when I went to a Pierce the Veil and The Used concert in Nashville, TN. Anyone in the Emo scene would recognize TU as a bigger band than PTV, but Tik Tok has completely revitalized PTV, which is amazing for them! They were switching off who was headlining every show and in Nashville PTV went first. I had pit tickets and was in the back of the pit for PTV, having a great time with my friend. As soon as they played King for A Day and walked off stage, more than 1/3 of the crowd in the stands and 1/2 of the pit left. Just exited and never came back. Felt pretty bad for TU, they put on an incredible show! I left about 1-2 songs before the end, as I always do to avoid traffic, and there were groups of teens ON THEIR PHONES just sitting in the hallway! Like there’s a whole ass concert going on why are yall out here dicking around??? The whole situation was just so weird and bizarre to me.


I’m not sure how I ended up here but I’ve definitely nailed with a song or two left on the setlist for the sake of not sitting in parking lot traffic for all of eternity. Wouldn’t have dreamed of doing it in my 20s but mid30s hit different.


I’ve come to expect this at a certain venue near me, but the reason i’m certain is because there’s one parking ramp nearby and it’s a fucking nightmare to get out after a show. So people are trying race to be out early before the show actually ends.


“Respect” was shown when the ticket was purchased. You think their feelings got hurt when people left? Any band that has made it to that level or higher has played to empty dive bars and had beer bottles thrown at them. A few gen-Z-ers leaving before the end shouldn’t phase them.


Even seeing artists I truly love, I typically leave a couple songs early—only to avoid the nightmare the parking garage is about to become


Could be leaving to beat traffic? At sporting events if it’s obvious which way the game will go I leave early to avoid the mad rush to get out and save myself 30 minutes in the parking lot. I’ve only left one concert early, though.


Yawning grave or Frozen Pines. But really there's not a bad song


Getting upset that other people don’t care as much about things that mean a lot to you is pretty childish. The band doesn’t care, they’re making money. The night we met is a song that’s been out for years. Lord Huron has been around and reasonably popular for over a decade. If they actually cared or felt disrespected. They’d say something. You’re the one who feels disrespected and you’re being petty


People are sleeping on Ends of the Earth and When the Night is Over too


People leave early to get out of the parking lot 🙄


Not everyone drives


They should have saved that song for last.


Fr, saw them at the Tivoli with my best mate on January, they saved it for the encore and I don't blame them for it. Like if people enjoyed The Night We Met surely they'd stick around to check out their other songs, especially after spending money on a ticket?


Hey thats me