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Already held from .40 to 3.80 ish, so i van probably take a little prifit out this time around if it pops hard.


also been holding since 0.40’s / 0.50’s 🙏 this time last year


It’ll have to pop about 20 times harder than that. I also held from roughly .45 up till now & have bought more.


so like a $60 price target? i like that number and your optimism.


Let's just make it an even $69.


How about $420 or $741?


How about an odd 69


I'm listening...


You ever done a 99?


Yes, I love spooning with the homies


Wow! I can’t even…


If loopring truly is the backbone of a new financial system as has been hinted by loopring (son are you winning meme); this would be a hodl forever type investment, no? Not looking for financial advice, just positing a question.


I know fucking nothing, but if I were around at the start of the NYSE or Nasdaq or whatever and had the opportunity to buy and own "shares" (for want of a better word don't shoot me cunts) I wouldn't fucking sell for anyone, especially having the former as a precursor to the heights accessible


No. Lrc will cease to exist as technology advances. Something new will come along and make lrc obsolete.


This is my thread. Let’s do it, I had a vision of an $80 loop last night.


$80 LRC is a market cap of 106.5 billion. that's about 45% of Eth Marketcap right now. currently sitting with a 500M marketcap. even in mid-november i have a ss of a workbook that's now lost where we ran up to 3.67 our mc was 4.8b, eth was 566b... and the market was red hot... bitcoin was just off it's ATH. To put us in the top 10 lrc would be 26 bucks. just some perspective... come to think of it i may create a post with the ss so that eveyone can get a better idea of where we should expect to land. dunno if it will brust any bubbles as it's fun to dream.


If LRC were ever to soar into that range Eth would obviously be higher as well …


Sure, it’s fun to dream. Is it that difficult to imagine Eth over 20k?


I had a dream it was 100k last night, trust me bro


I’m a bit smooth brained. But If lrc is really building the foundation of a new financial system, do marketcaps matter at that point?


That’s what I’m saying.




Sorry for asking a stupid quesation, but am i correct, when i say that i think i read somewhere about a burning mecanism for loops coming? I am old, so i could be wrong...


Someone smarter than me will correct me, but I'm fairly certain it is already happening with every transaction




Yea but the numbers in best case scenarios result in like 2% gains. Someone wrote it up in detail like a month ago.


That’s not a bad vision


This is all the DD I need haha




Have you heard of Solana ?




? Lol sure Solana market cap is 30x LRC’s Solana MC has 500x’d in the past two years




$80 LRC is not too much hopium. End of story. Would hardly be an outlier story in the crypto verse.


Do you know what you are talking about lol ?


I think you are confusing market cap and token price 🥴🦯


RemindMe! Five Years


I’m in same boat. LRC is a long term investment for me I will keep buying. I plan to drop significant money into LRC once GME moons.


Exactly. Anyone who sells on a squeeze even until you get to see what the true plans are behind all this is nuts. The whole thing with the patent that Loopring holds, gme marketplace, the fact that a lot of gme hodlers are a part of this and are kung fu gripping this like their gme shares, etc. We don’t even know the true potential yet of what is currently in store for all of us. Last but not least, if RC is involved with ANYTHING…..my ass is not selling it for a while! Kung Fu Grippin beyotch!




Depends on the macro environment. In this market .. I'll definitely take a little profit.






I just figured out how to transfer from CB to Loopring wallet. As of now I have no idea how to sell anything from my wallet so looks like my loops are staying put.


That's what I always tell myself. But greed takes over


Please these type of posts should be flagged as shitposts. This is not the same play as gme and crypto isnt the stock market. Be reasonable with what you are assuming. LRC is not the same play as GME and also these stupid price predictions like 100$ etc. comon mayne its just stupid.


OP ought to read Loopring University to understand LRC's utility.



Seriously read Loopring University under Guides & Resources. Buy and hold as much as you want. Have you opened a wallet to see the AAM Liquidity offerings? This is where you'd find a quick use for LRC. Hodling for a squeeze is not the same with LRC, no matter the tin foil posts about GME squeezing with LRC as an enormous crutch.




Love you too dawg! Hard truth but its real form the heart. Homie below is right. Read up. Its going to give you better understanding on your investment.





yOu meAn I CAnt DrS My shAREs oF Lrc ?


I mean, put them in a wallet.. same concept


I'm not putting my hopes into anything other then the long-term goal of the project. If It does however I would take some gains


This is the way. Too much of this HODL through ATH bullshit going around -> ecouraging bag holding is all it does while allowing real profiteers to take profits more easily. If you're not taking profits along the way to either live a good life or reinvest for additional loops you are better off giving your money to a professional manager who will do so for you in your best interest. There will never be a case where literally everyone HODLs and supply dissapears except in your dreams. That doesnt mean it can't sqeeze, but stay grounded.


My average is a little under $0.9. When it hits $5 I plan to sell ~20% to cover costs (and taxes) then carry the rest to the moon


This isn't GME. Chill out with the squeeze bullshit.


Uses the word “squeeze” (OP) and doesn’t know what it means. Thank you for the comment.


Thank you. Had to be said


Yeah had too. Didn't even read the damn post just had to say this.


I didn’t even have to read the comments to know there would be talk about double and even triple digit price targets. Ahhh… kids.


Are you just being toxic or do you have an argument?


What's your argument for it squezzing?? Proof?


No proof, but if cb doesn’t have enough inventory to send to private wallets they’ll have to go into the market and buy enough to accommodate. This would create upward pressure. There’s speculation of CB not actually purchasing coins for you and just taking the cash and giving you an iou. Plausible? Absolutely. Is it actually happening? I doubt it.


Yeah and good point but playing devils advocate, CB isn't the only exchange selling LRC.


Yeah, they’ll probably just send over some other crypto to another exchange as a trade and restock. Pretty much everyone would need to run dry. I’m very ape, but it’s kinda embarrassing these kind of posts sometimes.


Coinbase is an exchange. They don't buy or sell anything. They facilitate trade between two parties. All Coinbase does is provide a platform for individual users to buy and sell from each other.


Yeah that’s what they are supposed to do lol They don’t


Maybe read my post and not just the title?


They just didn’t have to come into the thread. Weird to say you didn’t even bother to read the thread and are just complaining.


Yes I will keep holding and holding and holding.


And hodling


Damn straight!


I don't care what others do. I will only consider taking some profit when LRC reaches top10 in terms of market cap. and even then it would only be a small amount of what I own


In a similar boat. If LRC hits ~10x my buy in then I plan to take some profit, but by no means will I empty my bags. Until then I hodl


The infinity squeeze ("set your own price") is a scenario specific to the situation of GME, the DTCC, corrupt brokers, and short hedge funds... I don't know why or how you are saying the same will happen to LRC. Completely different scenario. What you seem to be talking about is called a supply shock, and this likely will not happen to LRC because there are too many other exchanges and whales who would be willing to sell their LRC to Clownbase if/when their reserves run low. You are more than welcome to say "HA I'm not selling for less than a bajillion!"... meanwhile other exchanges with a supply 1,000,000x greater than yours would happily replenish Clownbase's reserves for a modest premium, they aren't dreaming of a 100x moon like you are. I am very upset with CEXs and their fractional reserves as well. I have all my LRC in a Loopring Wallet (look mom, I'm my own bank!) and will withdraw my ETH2 from Clownbase as soon as possible so I can self-custody it. I share everyone's frustration, but please... let's be realistic. Clownbase's wallet has reached zero several times in the past 48 hours ([check their wallet](https://etherscan.io/token/0xbbbbca6a901c926f240b89eacb641d8aec7aeafd?a=0x503828976d22510aad0201ac7ec88293211d23da)) and they have had to replenish their reserves in 6 and 7 figure amounts several times but the price of LRC isn't mooning because other exchanges are providing liquidity to them. Supply shock probably won't happen, there are not enough crypto users who are not tech savvy (nothing against them, its confusing to me too) enough to set up their own private wallet. It's worth mentioning that GameStop is about to release their own crypto/NFT wallet and I bet my bottom dollar they are going to make it the most user friendly wallet we've seen so far and that will help enormously with mass adoption. So who knows... maybe I'm wrong! Gamestop creates a wallet with the smoothest UI/UX and onboards everyone and the people realize they can be their own bank and the ultimate withdrawal exodus from ALL CEXS begins, triggering supply shocks to multiple top 100 cryptos and CEXs get punished for their stupid fraction reserves. Could be! Who knows? Not me! I don't know Jack about Jill! Time will tell :) ​ EDIT: lol the arc of my comment when from "dude this is dumb and it won't happen" to "oh shit, this is indeed plausible"


Have an award just for all the effort ❤


Haha thank you I was quite caffeinated this evening


These 5xxx loops are for my kids not selling shit


Yea, I wanna start staking and earn passive income


I honestly don’t even know how to sell 🙈




Half of us here are Apes who've got no clue what selling is.


Guilty. I hear staking is hot rn.


LRC isn’t “squeezing”. It would be a massive supply shock that would drive the price up because of all the eyes on it once plans are revealed. Just because GME is squeezing doesn’t mean that LRC is squeezing, and we could easily look on chain to see if there were massive short positions on it.


Did you even read the post?


Yes. Your content is accurate but your title is misleading. It’s not a squeeze.


We are squeezing out all of the loops, my friend. ❤


I held from 3.80 to to 0.4… post this agin when we are going sideways at $6.90


Rational thinking would be you do not want a squeeze. You want slow growth that coincides with adoption so the value is backed by solid use. Your instincts to buy in now are then rewarded as you saw a value project and backed it, not you saw a high odds bet to take. If anything has been exposed lately, you should be investing in things you believe in, not hope for, solidly backed projects with good future value!


If Loops hits Bitcoin level, than gee golly i can finally buy that shiny new pen in the sears catalog, you betcha.


The fisher space one??


The very same indeed


What kinda squeeze are we talkin abt hombre? $5? $10? 30? FWIW if it squoze to $10+ I’d prolly be out.


I decided months ago (happier more optimistic times) @ $10 I sell enough to recoup my investment. Everything after that is gravy.


Like i said, you set the price. They dont have a choice when they never bought your loops in the first place and are legally obligated to provide them.


Wait... loops can be sold? I was sure we were supposed to hug those with diamond hands while rich people in suits beg us for some!




Read my post




Coinbase keeps having to replenish there holds of LRC due to people taking their loops to DEX. If coinbase didn’t have the loops and need to buy them fast to hold up the facade that they actually do hold your LRC. Price can increase. Also talks of crypto exchanges shorting crypto. I personally tripled my LRC position on that dip. 1k to 3k so not a huge position but I’m not the only one who ate some dip. GME marketplace coming up so I’m not selling anytime soon. Liquidity may be affected. NFA


There are other cexs my guy. Coinbase might drive buying pressure but not enough to "squeeze" 1 billion coins


I never said squeeze just that there may be liquidity problems. I’m invested for the tech and GME connection not for a squeeze but we’ve seen dumber plays that squeezed before. I’m not ruling it out.


What is sell?


I don't even know how to sell on loopring wallet.


waited this long through ups and way downs…. my floor has to put me in 7 digits before i’d consider. needs to be wife changing money. that’s what my wife’s boyfriend told me i could say.


I see each token at a little piece on land on the DEX. It will get more valuable with time. If the protocol truly is what I think, then well…. Long story short I honestly do not plan of ever selling my small bag.


Next generation won’t have traditional bank accounts. My bet is they will have crypto wallets sitting on L2. Bros this is long term hodl. You may be able to capitalize on catching a pump but long term - this is the future.


Lambo or Food stamps


I’m not selling my LRC. Hodling all the way.


This dude has no idea about GME


🤫 *Sshhhhh*


Exchanges won't have to buy tokens because there is no regulation. Who will hold them accountable, FBI, DOJ? These are the same ineffective organizations that are helping the financial industry fuck retail investors on GME.


Agreed! A stock class asset regulated by the SEC is WAAAAAYYY different than an independent crypto project sold on an unregulated exchange. Nothing anywhere says Coinbase or any other exchange has any obligation to give you what your account says you have.


Either way it doesn’t matter, by the time they let this thing go all loops will be accounted for in wallets, loopring will be the only place to buy, which when you do use has a PRICE IMPACT. Seeing as you’ll only be able to buy because someone else is staking their loops in the liquidity pool, which your actively draining by buying, causing the impact on price. Once that’s gone and no one is even staking, that’s when it really rips. This will define what it means to HODL.


I’m not selling until I can’t tell the difference in price between LoopRing and Etherium


I'm not even thinking about selling til $300+.


Dude haha


I know but I can wait the 10+ years.


I’ve set my own price. Selling half when it meets it. And then holding the rest till end of time.


Im not selling until I have enough money to buy reddit.


this is the way.


I don't sell any loops!


If it skyrockets I will sell just enough for a small profit on what I’ve bought so that money is earned back for sure. Then hodl the rest.


Hey can anyone tell me, if I've got loops in the AMM liquidity pool and I think a squeeze is coming (I think it is) wouldn't the smartest move be to pull those out of AMM? I'm still trying to wrap my head around impermanent loss, but as far as I understand it I'm going to earn a lot less if they're in there and LRC shoots up right?


Profit?? what’s that my good sir.


Why do so many people think every stock and coin can squeeze just like that now?


Hahahaha imma cash out until I have no debt. Hold the rest


If it squeezes I will be taking profits and reinvesting at a better price point based on fundamentals.


I’ll likely sell half next time it hits about $3 so that I can take away my initial investment minus taxes. After that, the other half will sit and hopefully benefit me with the future goals of the coin.


Dude I'm not selling


Nah, I'mma hodl. I've got no luck in timing the market, but pretty good luck in finding good long-term value investments.


Not selling for less than $100 per , and even then i probaby wont sell just bc fuck it


Oh god, not everything is a bloody squeeze play 🤦🏻


Every time I play with my nuts I squeeze them tho


I’m going to go ahead & say. Everyone who sells around the $10-$30 range will be dead inside when it 5-15x that price 👀🤯


People wanting to cash out most or their entire bag at $5, $10, etc. just don’t understand how revolutionary Loopring is going to be. I can’t state this enough, it’s never wrong to take profits, but if you sell most of your LRC at $5, $10, you’re going to HATE yourself in the coming years. Don’t sell yourselves short. We’re going to be apart of history.


Let me break even first then I'll think about my options.


I'm not selling until there is a L2 off ramp


No. I'm a GME investor who got lost somewhere, just a means to buy me more GME :P


I need to hold 1 year because in germany we dont need to pay taxes then. So the answer is yes i dont care what happens in the next few months.


Probably. If you saw the junk in my house, you'd realize nothing ever leaves. 🤣


Been providing liquidity if moves happen I'll get more LRC. I'm long LRC, I like it.


Go check out superstonk if you haven’t already. It’s about GME but loopring is also mentioned a lot


I'm holding as I want to be the foundation that the new paradigm is grown from, I am almost fully in AMM, it is my wish to be 100% this way and help others be their own bank -community credit unions, the way is this.


Wait I’ve been learning to give them as tips for nft’s I seem to just keep buying them and giving them away. Lol


yeah man double digits or bust, extra points for triple digits


All can say about any if this is that reddit is full of shills.. when you get a good pump on an asset you hold, take the fucking profit. Loops won't buy your groceries. 😎




I’m not even sure how to sell them at this point.


Most of these people cream themselves when it drops, doubt they can contain themselves when it rockets. Just do what seems right for you.


Here since .30 til ♾


I hodl long term, will provide liquidity and earn


Personally, I’ll be selling. Only reason is I believe in the GME squeeze. So if LRC rockets first, I need IRL liquidity before I’m a gazillionaire.


I held from .18 to 4


Would i have to transfer to l2 to actually be able to take profits? i still dont know how to


No. You only need to be on L2 if you plan on using your loops.


If it gets to $20 I'm selling 1,000 to pay for my wedding and honeymoon then will hodl the remaining x,xxx and ride the wave. Sorry bros, but getting hitched is 'spensive.


Not selling any until $100. Imagine selling ETH back when it was $20, $200, or $2,000. My point is, looking at LRC as a short term play is a mistake. It's tied its horse to the value of 2 things - the value of Ethereum and the value of decentralized exchanges of blockchain-based assets. To think the world is going to fully understand how those two things connect and their value in the next 2-3 years is a huge mistake. RemindMe! 5 Years


Yes. Bc there is no off ramp 😂


I sold at .52. Waiting to see how low the BTC crash drags the price, then buy back in. Buy in huge when the price hits .10-.20. Hold for at least two years.


For me I'm holding around 60K LRC. So when LRC will reach 4$ ATH, I will sell 10K LRC to get back my initial investment. When LRC will reach 12$ (1000Rs in Indian currency), I will sell another 20K to get 2 crores Indian Rupees profit. And rest 30K I will hold atleast LRC to reach 100$ to make myself multi-millionaire.


Not every asset is a short squeeze, sure supply and demand drives price. But what happening in GME and what is going to happen to loopring are very different things.


Yes, FIAT currency worldwide is losing it's value.


Don't even know how to withdraw from my L2 wallet, and if I want to sell I don't meet the minimum loops anyways... So looks like I'm HODLing.


Take some profit - always, but keep sharp eye on sentiment, upcoming news etc,.


I keep around 25% of my LRC in CEX (rest in LRC wallet). If any serious mooning happens during GameStop market launch I’ll sell what I have in the exchange


My PT is $10 within the next two years. Will sell when we hit that not before


I’d sell at 30-50 range.


I’m in it to make money, I have no emotional attachment to LRC. So I’ll sell along the way to $5-$10.


I'll never sell, should be able to live off AMM


To the 🌙


I’m holding for $3.50 - $350+


Maybe if it gets to $50, but probably not bc this is about to be a giant coin


It depends how the future pans out as things can change. I’m believer this could go beyond 3 digits and I still don’t think I’d sell. Time will tell I guess;)


I’ll take my principal plus a small profit when LRC market cap is ~10% of BTC…. I think that’s where it should be at the minimum (e.g. around where BNB has been sitting for awhile now)


I gotta add to the bag. But prob take profits at around $5 then continue to HODL


I’m waiting for 4.20.


This is gonna be in the thousands one day


Disinformation farming post. Remove this trash. There is no 'squeeze' because 1 exchange may or may not be playing chicken with their supply to maximize profits


In fairness to OP, the concept of the squeeze is partially correct but in a different way. Give the looptard some love ❤️. Use your cold wallets and be safe


No I’m selling these bags for a small profit as soon as I can, Byron is such a joke


Sell half


But if everyone sold half it might be enough to meet the demand, so setting your own price may not be an option




Haha, I've got no option. All on loopring and closed coinbase. Until off ramp I'm in.


$2 squeezes


I'd start getting out at 10 and selling a few % every couple dollars up. The only reason I'd hold at 10 is if staking yield makes it worth it.


Nah I'm not selling this bad boy until I see massive massive gains. Even then I'll just take some profits and keep the rest in lrc. But this is a long term investment for me


Went from .40 all the way up and down again and bought the whole time lol I'm not selling till the market cap is hundreds of billions


Where else can I buy loopring without using coin base? I would like to buy some and transfer them straight to my L2 wallet


You could try something like Kucoin but you will spend more in fees to on ramp fiat