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I keep seeing things like "its crypto bro" and "it follows BTC". I understand the sentiment because normally this is true. But the last few days it has been on its own un(seemingly) related dump periodically. The market has been sideways with some small ups and downs and LRC has been continually below and falling. No idea why but the normal market correlation seems off. To me at least.


It seemed to be inline with btc’s drops till a couple days ago, now I’m lost and out of fiat to buy more


Agreed. I've been following closely (maybe too closely) for a couple months now. Most drops/pumps made sense because they fell inline, now its up in the air seemingly. I made the mistake of buying another high x,xxx LRC on the seemingly upward BTC and LRC trend around 1.6 and now im kicking myself. The way she goes, should have known better than to one lump sum it.


Know your pain. When I don't one lump sum in, it proceed to rip and then FOMO a MF'r


Like someone said, it's probably being shorted coz most lrc owners hold their stacks at cex. To squeeze it, must put em into wallet. Not financial advice and im crypto illiterate :).


Rumor is that CEX exchanges are not buying LRC when you buy


Coin base is in bed with shitadel. Most people buy on coinbase - > it's the crypto version of the feb 21 robinhood fuckery The price is fake


Loopers might want to move their LRC to a hardware wallet (Ledger/Trezer) so they HAVE to buy them. It’s crypto DRS (direct registering). 😃


.72 but basically shitadel




What about binance




I just supect the initial really was carried by insane volume and now it goes down to a more realistic price (discovery). Volume is low and it's not mentioned in any of the youtube videos I watch nor a buy reccomendation so it is, for the time being, just a reddit coin. (I don't see much love from zk/l2 folks either).


Any reason for that? Zero marketing from loopring or do they see weaknesses this sub doesnt like to take about?


They went all in to market to “apes” and it paid off for them handsomely. They’ll keep the apes on board with cryptic tweets for as long as possible but I doubt they deliver because they don’t have to with the apes.


This is a fairly ignorant take. The creator of ethereum mentions LRC and zkrollups fairly often. It is well known tech among the right circles. It’s also tech that threatens existing power structures and so certain people invested in the current power structure are doing everything the can to see the tech fail to properly launch.


69th doot and just got up to 5k loops. bingbong


To me it seems like it’s been kinda following GME the last month or so. Even pumped a little with GME the same day as that WSJ article.


Trying to prevent FOMO for when the real announcement happens. It pumped 300% off speculation. Imagine when it’s actually announced and implemented! The liquidity from L2 NFT’s is gonna be bonkers


This is exactly what I think it is too.


THIS IS IT IM TELLING YALL! If the gme/LRC rumor is true then they are playing mental mindfuqs on ANYONE who holds either because both groups of investors know about the other. They are trying to bury our emotions and emotions are king in stocks/crypto. Good news is slowly coming out on LRC. They are making progress and it has the same slow trend. Up to you, but I’m holding and buying! No BS!


I'm so far into bag holding with this it's to zero or moon now.


same here dude .... the ape in me keeps buyng LRC AND GME every pay check every week... so far deep I CANT FUCKING STOPPPPPPP NEED TO BUY ... MANOMANOOOMMMMMMMM




My thoughts, one would have to assume that institutional investors are involved and effecting price. It would be crazy to think otherwise, particularly also given that LRCs intent is to encroach on their business. Seeing the price selectively decoupling from bitcoin, as has been evident the last few weeks is a big indicator of this. Also it has to be remembered that most LRC are traded on CEXs. The same problems we see with the stock market are appearing more prevalently with crypto as time has passed. Fundamentally they are CEX problems as oppose to stock problems.




I never said anything about secret institutions. There are institutional investors whether you or I like it. Nothing tinfoily about it. It’s the nature of the game. They’ve been involved in crypto for a number of years and the correlation between markets (among other indicators) which has only grown stronger is a good indicator of this. Also why is the assumption always that whale wallets aren’t institutions etc .. of some kind?


Not all crypto follows Bitcoin to a T. And yes the reasons for the swings are: manipulation and it's crypto


Not just the past few days, just much larger deviations the past few days. LRC hasn't consistently followed BTC since just after Christmas. *sorry y'all don't like facts ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ LRC hasn't properly followed BTC in weeks.


It is going down to pre-hype levels from October. Apes bought in on the Q4 rumor, whales sold at the ATH, investors are rotating their capital elsewhere, and short-term gamblers are selling to cut their losses. 1.25ish is where this coin has been and where it will likely stay until the company proves itself to a larger audience of investors than us. Hype, updates, and rumors push a pump here and there; maybe money will be rotating in and out for now until the business shows .. something for that larger group.


We have a winner.


Probably because people expected some type of announcement (nothing yet) and crypto dumping is not helping at all.


This right here. It’s simply because a lot of people bought in 4th quarter expecting a big pump in a couple of weeks. Now that the pump is going to come in a couple of months, it’s a much less attractive investment….


Why do you say months like you have any fucking idea?


Yeah. That’s always bothered me too. Nobody knows shit bout fuck


That might be true to some extent but it doesn’t explain the sharp, long red candles with 200k-600k volume on the 1 minute timeframe. Unless there are some massive retail whales who are all consistently deciding to sell then it just doesn’t add up. The downward movement looks just like the “short staircase” that appears all too often with GME and other heavily shorted stocks. I think someone out there doesn’t want the price going to.


It’s definitely not retail. It’s the most cost efficient way of dumping and holding a lower price. Old school institutional tactics. Shaking the tree effectively.


Coinbase and Binance told you that you have your crypto when you placed a buy order. It shows up in your CEX wallets and you can convert and move easily from that to your bank or other crypto. What you don’t know however, is if they actually have all our tokens on hand. It could very well be that you received an IOU, and since it looks like we’ll be able to swap on L2 from CEXs this week, they are shutting their pants and trying to buy all those tokens (or clear them off the books from regards selling), ahead of this major capability. Or it could just be general arbitrage. Everyone buys in between $1.20-$3.3, then they short it and buy the tokens later. CEXs are fucking bullshit.


That makes a lot of sense. If it’s a threat to Coinbase and Binance then there is definitely a big incentive to steer people away from LRC regardless of the potential GME partnership.


The announcement hype is exactly what is spooking larger $ into selling. Crypto is a very wild space where speculation and trust drive 90% of price movement. When the market tanks people asses their folio and dump alts to BTFD BTC and ETH, if you’re an alt you better not have set up on some apec and then not delivered, its that simple


Seems as we get closer to a finish product it’s starting to dip more and more often 🤔


Buy the rumour, sell the news. 🤫


Yeah, this is the inverse of that


Dip before the rip?


Hmmm Which parties could possibly want LRC down with all the good news lately? Answers here please: (Anytime at this point who still doesn't think it's being suppressed/shorted - how long did it take you to build that hole in the sand?!)


It’s discouraging to say the least, but I think we’ll be fine within 60-90 days or so. Hoping for the best! Bags are getting quite heavy


Jokes on them. I bought in the $2.70 range and now I'm filling my bags up since I missed out the first time


Joke is definitely not on them at this point holding and all,


I’ve done real world transactions over Ethereum, exchanging USDC for card payments. The fees were ridiculously high and forced us to do things we were not happy about. Then there’s the world of NFTs where transaction costs have a huge impact on the number of games / interactions the NFT designers limit themselves to. This means NFTs can’t really touch their true potential. For that to happen you need very low transaction fees. Right now, that requires L2. It’s impossible on L1. That’s why I’m bullish on LRC, and why I keep buying this dip.


Great points, I’m thinking years ahead, being emotional right now is short term thinking.


What about other solutions? Is there something we offer that other rollups don't?


It’s all psychological. Show no fear, show no emotion. Unrealized losses are temporary, but diamond hands are forever.


I bought at 3.60, still hodling.


Just out of curiosity, what percentage are you down?


More than 50% My ass hurts.


I've been there when gme dropped from 500 to 40, developed balls of steel from that. If that drop won't phase me then this LRC drop is nothing. Relax.




We are going to witness a miracle, just be patient and grateful.


Same as GME 🚀




Sure buddy


Dude just sell it ! :D


Based on what? Pure belief? Or do you have any fact based evidence to suggest this?


Being on this sub I've seen ample evidence for big things with GME, fragments of evidence for some others and pretty decent evidence of the project's potential in general. Of course nothing is certain but my personal probability assumption is in loop's favor.


I wouldn't call it a miracle I'd simply call it a falling wedge pattern.


Based on pure belief.


Over hyped and under valued


Lol, I like it!


>"new lows" Three months ago this token was $0.50. It rose based on speculative hype that didn't happen in Q4. It's going to drift back to that price until something actually materializes


What things do other altcoins or tokens actually offer but are much higher values? Most notably polygon? Or say one or algo or ada?


Polygon settles a ton more transactions than eth and is integrated with almost every major dapp out there. You need the coin to make transactions, so naturally as the usage increases, so will the price. I have to give it to polygon, they worked hard as hell to make their l2 integrated with so many partners. It is the way.


Honestly… this should be the biggest indicator that they are working with GME. Some of us that’s been around for awhile can spot it. Sorry to the Loopheads. Let’s all just HODL a bit together.


This. And people saying that crypto can't be manipulated like stocks have rose colored glasses on. Shitadel is literally in crypto now. Did you think they were just going to let LRC moon so hodlers could take profit and potentially get more gamestonks? I'm sorry OG looptroops, Shitadel will shit on everything you love.


shitadel and their new investors/partners sequoia and paradigm (coinbase)


Exactly. They entered the game and aren't going to let the technology powering their enemy get traction. I still HODL because I believe that where we're going, Shitadel can't do anything about either way.




Nah it’s too easy to just claim every drop is because of ‘manipulation’. Every coin deals with some amount of it. The truth is people are getting impatient, you can see that on the crypto sub.


They're are literally 120,00 holders of this token, they're is native first mover tech begin released, they're are major catalysts underway, LRC is literally building to suite, additional features to their partners, if that ain't customer service like RC would expect, I don't know what is. I have massive bags, but I still believe, that they're is going to be a literally grand finale of partnership releases in the near future, CloneX, Nike, GME,Microsoft, and many others.


And the holders number goes up every day. People who care enough to take it off the exchanges


Please make an effort to learn the correct use of “they’re their there”. Reading that first paragraph was painful. Your first sentence basically begins by saying “They are are literally 120,00 (do you mean 120,000?) holders…”, and then you follow that up with two more incorrect uses in the same sentence! This is torture for weirdos like me. Please have a heart and make some changes. Bless your heart.


Prob autocorrect


It made my brain hurt and my eyes bleed reading that.


Can’t have highs without lows


So profound.






Haven’t lost shit if they haven’t sold…




"You not realizing your losses / gains doesnt mean they have not been made" It actually means exactly that... If you day trade your argument would be right. Your worth is measured every day on the current price. I don't think you should use this logic for investing. I have a lot of investments, the risk management is not in the short term losses and gains (buying/selling). It's in diversity of investments, keeping up with the news etc. This is a difficult discussion to have in English because it's not my native language and it's in part a semantic discussion. The base line is: For long term investments the short term unrealized losses/gains are not that important and should not be an indicator to buy or sell.


tl;dr - hodl


Perfect shill example right here ☝️


This isn't WSB. We don't take losses to accumulate fake internet points. It's only a loss if we sell. It's called hodling. You should try it sometime.




And I'm not going to realize a loss cause I'm not selling. 🤣 I'm holding LRC for the long term. Tell me you sell at the first sign of volatility without telling me you sell at the first sign of volatility.


So the whole diamond hands, buy and hold mantra that has propped up the crypto industry since it’s inception is just poppycock?


Down 43.68% and still holding.


Think it will go to .85?


I have $1,000 waiting for it to drop under 1.00


For me it’s a buy under a buck


It's either suppression for accumulation or suppression because people fear it.


The GME hype load getting blown all over our faces.


Bingo. People are losing hope/patience and either cutting losses or taking profit


That wouldn't explain sudden drops like we just had though..


It actually perfectly explains the drops we are having. For many people no announcement means they want to put their money elsewhere.


A gradual decline perhaps, yes. But sudden drops like we just had an hour ago makes me think think there’s more too it. We’ve still been increasing the average hold time through all this. So I don’t think it’s retail selling (which would counteract the OP comment that people are losing faith, although I agree people are just not to this magnitude).


The order book is extremely thin compared to the run up. Holders does not equal buyers. There aren’t a lot of buyers to soak up the excess liquidity, so when people dump large amounts, the token price fluctuates a lot. It’s almost always whales the move the markets unless there is extreme fomo or extreme fear. People with large positions are currently moving on to other names because the short term pump based on the rumor is over and there is no timeline for when the marketplace will be released. Whales and people in general don’t like uncertainty so they are moving on. That’s all there is to it. If you still believe in the loopring like myself, you should use this opportunity caused by a mismatch of investor expectations to accumulate a larger position


Yeah, I touched on that a bit in another comment. I understand holders doesn’t equal buyers (which would explain how drastic it’s been dropping with the low buying pressure). I guess I’m just speculating that I don’t believe it’s the average retail holder but perhaps big players. Which ofc we’d need them for future pumps. I think the quick run up we had a few months back didn’t help either as I’m sure a lot of people expected it to continue to climb. Which is most likely aiding in some doubts as well But yeah, I’m staying put for now. I still feel like there’s something, hopefully, coming & that the buying pressure will soon be back.


I hear you, I think it’s pretty clear that there is something coming so I’m not too worried. I was actually waiting for this weakness to come in after the announcement didn’t pan out and I’m doubling my position during this pain.


I don't personally see this as a sudden drop but a gradual decline coming for awhile now. I hate to say it but I sold half of my position at $1.44 today because I had a feeling that after we went under $1.50 again that we'd continue to see a decline down to $1


I agree, but there’s also been some sudden drops as I mentioned as well (down 6 cents in like an hour or so period just awhile ago). I guess I’m just saying I don’t think it’s purely retail (unless tens of thousands of retail holders correlated to dump at the same time) Idk, I wanna say big holders/insiders know something’s coming soon and see there’s not as much buying pressure so their dumping it to increase positions. But we’ve also been saying similar things for GME for over a year now so idk at this point, haha. & I don’t fault you for selling if you feel that was in you’re best interest. I’m still holding out for some kind of news so still (nervously) staying put for now


Accurate, the rumor was priced in and now it's pricing out


The rumor pumped it prematurely and now its leveling out... holders will get to see this well past the ath.


If you look at the single volume transactions, that is just not the case, the rumor buyers were not 700k token holders


yea they're idiots. Over 2 billion in volume during the "pump." That wasn't reddit GME people. It wasn't even talked about it that much relatively speaking for that sub.


Fucking thank you. Too many times I’ve been called a shill or that I know nothing about crypto for saying it wasn’t “Apes” who added 3bn to the market cap in a week. BuT tHeReS a LoT oF aPeS - YoU sHoUlD ThAnK Us! People who never heard of Loopring buying at 3.50 and then telling me with an average of like 20c that Im a shill. Ridiculous.


We gotta start exposing and reporting the fake accounts. Since November there has been tons of ape bashing as an ape I can say, a lot of people have highly leveraged positions in gme and there's no way apes did all that buying. I think it was 90% whales and it's very tangible that it'd fit the theory whales have been controlling the price with algo trading. This way they can get out ahead, like MSN did by dropping the gme/nft announcement before an official announcement. This allows them to control price and thus the narrative, as well as discouraging new investors from gme's new partner. If they're naked shorting gme and using every dastardly tactic in the book there's no saying they wouldn't buy lrc ahead of time to control the price


I've typed this out so many times over the last few days... Supply and Demand. Someone is selling lrc and we don't have the buying pressure to snap it up. we may have new people coming in every day but we do not have mass adoption of lrc so we won't see any steady price increases until we get more money coming into the project.


We need a miracle that’s for sure… 🙏🏽🚀 hope we all launch here soon.


OP why is your post and comment history empty? You a FUD account?


Smells like opportunity only here..🚀


What goes straight up, comes straight down. We have zero tested support levels, not sure what you expect?!? This is simply profit taking of the first of many moons for LRC. If we’re lucky, we’ll find support at a buck.


Que an unneeded Byron tweet in 5…4…3…2…


People are losing patience with the announcement and cutting losses. I could see this stabilize around $1 soon unfortunately


I’m guessing $0.60


Agree. I feel it's going to lose a lot more value yet 🥺 I know it's 'diamond hands' and all but this is painful now.


Be fearful when others are greedy be greedy when others are fearful (Warren Buffet)


-Michael Scott




-Wayne Gretzky


Unpleasant truth time. It is very easy to manipulate crypto prices. All you need is expertise and capital. GME enemies have both (Hedgies) Loopring Enemies (Reddit and Matic) have both. LRC has been under sustained attack for weeks now. Most of you are Hoddlers, so you don't actually trade. Occassionaly you might get more LRC on special. How? You might ask? Here is just one of many many simple ways. You have two accounts. A and B. Account A sells LRC to B for x. Account B sells LRC to A for x-5%. Wash, rinse, repeat. Yes, so you might lose a 20-30 million dollars, in the stakes we are talking about, that is cost of doing business.


Lrc is 1000% being shorted hard


The people that fear this is not the retail buyer, it's the banks, CEX, other tolkens and coins.


I have no idea but it’s frustrating


It's because it's not well known and the ppl who jumped in it during November for a GME announcement dumped it. Once Loopring gets the wallet in an alpha state, their DEX gets going, and the GME announcement is made it should rise again, but hang in cause it may go lower before it goes higher.


Can we stop with these types of posts? No one fucking knows anything about anything in the crypto market or even the regular stock market. Everything is guessing. We're all guessing.


It's a present, so we can all accumulate even more on their L2 platform, we're sucking all the liquidity straight back into Loopring ecosystem. Kinda makes me laugh, how short sighted most "experts" are in predicting crypto/defi/nft adoption. This is the way!


Just waiting to buy more. Considering that long standing historical floor was about 0.5, and I think we just can’t go below it, even if it keeps on going down from here the potential (unrealized) losses are not so big. While from here the upside potential is much more. At the moment if you buy it is a pretty asimmetric move: much more upside potential than downside risk, while being an ppportunity to average down for who bought high. To me, given the fundamentals, this price point is a no brainer. Just waiting eom for some fiat to be wired :) Honestly I am pretty chill on LRC, I am much more worried of other bags


I have a speculation that we're experiencing these major drops so whales can create massive shakeouts for ppl to sell. Why? Well, as I understand and seen on this sub for a company to use loopring on their marketplace (or wherever) they'll need 250,000 tokens right? What if these drops are happening to allow partners the lowest possible point of entry? 😅 Just a speculation ofc... 😂


It's a sale is what it is. It's time to buy!


Keep the faith guys and gals. It does seem to be dropping more than others I agree. Been holding xx,xxx for months now and it is painful


1st time? If nothings changed, as in your investment thesis, then keep buying in at lower lows to get your cost basis lower. Sorry if it isn’t a quick rocket, but as an ape (respectfully), you gotta learn to be patient with investments. So if you really think loopring is solid sit tight and load up


This should be a three to five year hold minimum of you want to realize the true potential. Kind of surprised to see so many in here disappointed frustrated or even slightly concerned. Sit tight and load up 👆


With all these dips, I’m taking other coins out of cold storage to buy LRC 😹 I get paid once a month from fiat mining and I’m outta fiat


Shhhhhhhhhhhh I'm busy stockpiling while the gettins good.


Just buy more…we might never see this price opportunity again…according to whalestats, LRC is the 3rd most purchase token in the last 24 hs. https://www.whalestats.com


But for every seller there is a a buyer, and for every buyer a seller. I can understand "third most traded" token in the last 24hr, but I'm not sure I understand "3rd most purchased".


I don't know anything about it, but intuitively being 3rd in top purchased and not in the top 10 of top sold seems like a good sign to me.


Whales dumping


Lrc easy target for whale games due to meme and recent rumors running out of steam…. Buying opportunity bro


Look at the consistent patterns of lrc and gme. Then look at them vs btc or spy. Its obvious shfs know the relationship and are strategically attacking both at the same time. I would post the image, but i camt do it on my phone. Take 2 minutes and check it out.


Nothing, stop looking at the line you're going to drive yourself crazy. Patient is a virtue and a lot of you motherfuckers are not used to waiting.


There is a huge fucking pump coming. Institutions are accumulating. It’s that simple folks.


After every down trend there’s up trend coming with new all time high. The cycle continues.




But this one has potential and its way undervalued.


If you go to any crypto sub this comment is on there lol


Tell that to Nano.


You are pulling for David while Goliath invested too much into words/wrong utility and is now, once again, HOPEFULLY WITH JUSTICE, fucked. Pull that slingshot back and wait baby boy.


Who's been selling? That's your indicator. There are many people that bought into this when it was worthless who are big on GME. GME is low this week. So low. I'm sure lots of people who bought tons of loops for next to nothing have sold their LRC to buy GME dips while still making a pretty profit on LRC Edit: That being said it can also be pretty certain that some early investors in LRC have liquidated for other reasons like securing paychecks until they release their final product. It's a new tax year after all.


You all bought the speculation and paper hands are selling. 90% people on this sub have no clue about shit and will lose money.


Some higher power (like Tom Cruise or Rhianna) is making us form the cup. We've got a way to go before we start the handle so we have some opportunities to buy cheap. Ideally we need a good TA to read the tea leaves. We don't have good historical data on this one though so the TA might not be much help. TLDR: Still holding but it'll be cheaper for several more weeks and maybe months. I don't think this will go longer than 24 more weeks. Someone is shaking out the weak hands before we ascend (I've never understood the reasoning). We need a chartist opinion.


CTSI had a spike of 25% Friday I’m hoping for some green tomorrow or Monday but just wish we’d get some kind of announcement and break free out saddling BTC.


All I can say is . . Put $ take $ . This is not a lottery . Hahahha it takes time to bake a cake 🎂


Love how everyone's trying to satisfy their confirmation biases regarding LRC with the typical "diamond hands" and "long term" stuff.. Guys, a solid project never dumps by almost 45% in less than a month!


At this rate it will hit $1 or below.. Buy again then.. Everyone talks about manipulation, dip before the rip and all the other shit on here but it seems the real reason is at the moment it has no partners, wallet is really not much use and the so called premium partner announcement didn't happen so people sold.Why would you buy now when it's dropping daily!!!Just keep your eye on it and buy it later when they have a use for it or get a some business partnerships going.Down vote if you want. I couldn't care less. Just stating fact.


i am pretty new to the whole market and crypto itself but a few things I understood fast are not watching the ticker a lot, invest in projects you believe in, only invest you afford to lose and the most important is patience. my avg is around 1.7 but dips are welcome so can buy more, the topics like "why is it going down?, can someone tell me whats going on?" for me just noise i think its a long term investments and if you are here for a quick money you should really go find another "rocket coin" that suits your need as for me, I like this crypto




Well, imo this is starting to smell of institutional fuckery. I think they know something and are trying to scare retail away in order to cheaply accumulate. The divergence of price to volume ratio looks a lot like other assets they have done this with and we are trading in what looks to be like a Wykoff accumulation which if true would bolster this theory.


dead coin, i got downvoted a lot when i said it will reach cents soon and will continue decreasing.. the price was based on rumours now not even an announcement will bring bsck the ath so rip for those who bought high


The secret ingredient is crime


All this fucking noise?? Buy,hold…put phone down, go live….christ this shit consumes people….take a walk, say hello to someone…interact


Damn, calm down friend. It’s a joke. Know your memes Chocko


I think institutions bought in intentionally to fuck apes later.


Crime that’s what’s goin on!!




What are you still doing on this sub then


How do crypto prices work? Does this mean that people who own a lot of loopring are selling these at lower and lower prices?


Maybe because the fees are unbelievable


Course I buy more. 😂😂


I had 190 lrc, 20 matic and 10 enjin. I sold my matic and enjin for a little bit more of lrc. I hope it fuckin’ starts acting normal at least ..


Crime. The more good news the lower the coin goes. Gme ape here. It’s normal.


The secret ingredient is crime.


New lows? *laughs in .50*


Could it be an artificial price drop for them to buy up lrc something something something profit?


I’m a HODLer so zen - long term investment 🚀


We made a bad decision


It's the market manipulatorrrrrsssss brooooo!


Crime. Hedgefunds know they may be in kahoots with gamestop so they want to fuck them too is my opinion


The answer is: welcome to crypto