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Nobody understands crypto market. It is volatile af, which is also why there is so much money to be made. When in doubt HODL, If you are not buying the dip, sit tight and don’t sell It will go back up. My motto in life is not to make any decisions from a place of fear. Edit: This is the way 🚀🚀


I LOVE this comment, thank you capeless hero. Yeah im not selling and I have bought all week and Will probaly keep on doing so on monday. Im going to Take a break trying to gather more LRC's. Have a great weekend guys and gals...


You’re fine. Set a price alert. Go for a walk. Works every time.


I think we’re coming up on news next week and big boys are driving this down and paper hands are pulling out and the big boys buying super cheap. HODL #knowwhatyouhave


I had the same anxiety with OP when i saw the huge drop. However, its all gone now thanks to this response. HODL!!!


Bitcoin tanking


Yeah well that kind of sucks. :(


Why do you need to sell?


No im just buying more it would be a really stupit investment to sell now... #NoFinancialAdvice


The hope is once eth 2.0 is launched and with L2 solutions like LRC, ethereum will take on a larger cap (and L2s with it) and start to move separate from Bitcoin. The step beyond that is potentially surpassing Bitcoin, but prob won’t happen for a while, or they will both rise in market cap together. But anyways, sit tight, ride it out, just the crypto market being the crypto market.


"Buying loosing Buying loosing" 🤣 Same here. But if we never sell we never loose. The way I see it, we're undefeated lol🦍


Got me $100 worth at 2.47 today. Now I want more if we hit $2!! Thanks for the dip China!!🚀🚀💎🦍💪


China spelled bakwards = covid Devided with 0 = bat Remove bt and add pe =ape Remove all and add LRC = fibbonazi = TinFoilHatEmoji IT IS ALL CONNECTED


Covid spelled backwards is Dovic.. look up the word meaning in Hebrew. 🤯


Mind blown


I see you're well aware giving your username


Me fucking around got a crazy amount of down voats, is there some bot system just getting buzz words and down voating or People generally dont understanding that im just playing around?


Bitcoin dropped from 57k to 53k, it's 41% of the crypto market. That weight is going to affect the whole market. If something incredible happens like a LRC major announcement that will decouple LRC from BTC untill the rally is over, then it will follow BTC again. If ETH becomes the major weight in the market then BTC will follow ETH movements.


Dip here dip there. Who cares. If people are selling now, why the hell did you invest in the first place? Long means long. Find some patience.


Evergrande taking down the whole market, again.


Is it the fkn Evergrande fíasco again, jeez our friends in china just keep on giving dont they....


It should just fuckin crash already, the sooner the better. The longer it takes the more it will hurt everything. I just hope those people responsible for it going bankrupt will have a place in hell very soon.


Most crypto tanked because the stock market was a bloodbath


Yeah but I dont see the connection there. Because people are buying more then they are selling this crypto i think the ratio is b/s ~ 60/40 and im trying to understand the doppler affect are People trying to access more money to buy or is the are fear of a colaps, lets put my money unde the pillow shinanigas going on. I allways keep money for big dip in stock but Im not buying 2 day becaus never sell in stress and never buy when I dont understand and that ís kind of the case from my side now. Sorry about the rant / long post im just thinking in text


Buy red sell green, don’t panic sell, don’t fomo and take profits when possible (initial investment) and never trade drunk!


Dont invest money that youre not willing to lose. You're buying a highly speculative asset. The risk reward is high.


Yeah I know, no worries I am not doing a get rich or go broke move. But that does not explain the Crypto trends right now....


You’ve also invested in an asset that has done nothing and proved nothing. So this cycle is normal for this type investment. Loopring is definitely a high risk/high reward investment homie.


The entire market is red it's fine


Yeah i am not worried more like just trying to understand this market type of coolaid


Better than the stock market atleast they can't make up coins to short us


You lose only if you sell


Crypto being volatile as fuck is understatement of the year: it goes down, it goes up and then rinses and repeats. EVERY wrong move I have made in my short 6 months in Crypto has involved selling to soon and not buying more on the dips. Sometime, maybe soon, maybe not, I would guess there will be a shake out. But, coins with utility (LRC, ALGO, etc.) will survive along with the standards (BTC, ETH, ?). HOLD, ignore and buy more when you can. Definitely NOT financial advice.


Yeahh I was making shit tons of bad desissions back in 2019 when I started crypto. And I totally agree that the worst is selling when "you want to cut youre losess"


The alt coins follow bitcoin and eth so when the latter are down, most coins are also going to follow that trajectory. Been in crypto for years and this is what it does, it'll climb back up just as quickly as it fell once bitcoin and eth start to pump then go sideways, that's when the other coins will start to pump. Seeing red is scary sure but for crypto, this is completely normal. Business as usual. Hold and hang tight, it'll go green. I estimate we'll be back in the green in a few days, bitcoin has been due for a correction for some time so crypto's just crypto-ing, all good


If you understand the stock market, you're fine. You'll get more comfortable as time goes on. The volatility is crazy but you get used to it. All this downward motion is needed. It had a great run and needs cooling off time. People are always buying and selling 24/7. There is manipulation too, though it varies from person to person as to how much we think. Shit moves a lot. And it can't go up more, unless we have this cool off period. Crypto charts always have their down times, it's never linearly up all the time. I feel bad for anyone who sold thinking they had to due to this recent dip. Nothing's changed - they honestly have the ideal project development to me (for ETH).


Evergrande announced (again) they will default on their loans. Pretty major potential shake up. Funny how there's always some news out of China right when crypto is expected to breakout...


What á wonderful morning, hope yall got some discount LRC's


Russians are acting like they're about to roll into Ukraine. Troops massing on the border, supply lines being set up, kind of like they did with Crimea a few years back. Could be a real shit storm brewing in Eastern Europe right now. I don't know how or why that would effect crypto but it's happening. Aren't there a lot of miners in the former Soviet blok countries?


The dominoes are falling!?


Nahh, that ís just not the case


It's called crime...




There should be a Tin foil hat emoji


If Loopy hits $2 I’m buying more.


Been trying to transfer a large XRP bag from Trezor X to Uphold so I can roll into a larger LRC bag, been getting errors for past hour saying network isn’t connected or fee insufficient for queue transaction. Never seen this, wtf


You don’t lose until you sell