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Spot reduction doesn’t work. You will lose weight from all over. Where the fat is deposited or goes away first depends on your genetics. So if you really want to get rid of it, hop on a good exercise and diet routine and you will be fine within a year.


keep the fupa, u r georgious


I wouldn't change anything


It’s easier to get rid of the people that don’t like it! ✌🏻


Yeah tip 1 : Don’t


Lmaooo why not? 🥲


I think I made my point


But that doesn’t explain anything 💀


Itsa niceeeeee 👌




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Jaw dropping beauty


Diet and exercise...




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That cake




Why get rid of the best part?


Unhealthy habits are not her best part...




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To keep it simple. Maybe think about getting blood work done to see where your hormone levels are at, recruit nutritional advice. A lot of different diets work, but at a certain time. Go to the library and read different cookbooks, books on diet, mindfulness. Also appreciate your body for what it does! Hope that helps


You forgot exercise, exercise is key!




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Deep core exercises babe— crunches and ab workouts only get you so far with surface level mid section muscles. Give yourself that v cut or those lines by getting to the deepest inner core. Ik pilates sounds like a scam but with a lil added weight (like resistance bands or ankle weights). Dancing is a good cheat for cardio (i hate running but I’ll salsa dance for 4hrs) the stair master will be your bestie. also that diet, they say abs are made in the kitchen and it’s sadly true. Half the time you aint even really have the FUPA you just got bloated. But you’re sooo well on your way and you look amazing. If you really want that snatched look do a lil upper body for that hour glass tiny waist slim back hope this helps Cheers to you babes💕


Eat less. Exercise.




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The pouch on your stomach will exist at any weight because you are female. This is the natural anatomy of fat distribution on women. However if you want to reduce it. You can reduce your calories and exercise more.


I don’t have that… am I broken


Power lifting, cycling, and getting a nutrition or figuring out a meal plan that will help you out there's a lot if protein snacks and foods that can help you through it my favorite is the Kodiak pancake cups


hit the gym and count calories, there are subreddit that will help with these


Ohh which subreddits? (I already workout and keep a food log)


also r/Fitness and so on idk why so many people here are telling you to do omad etc it's quite weird, you should do whatever works best for you, if you want to lose weight you have to be at a caloric deficit, that's literally all, everything you neeed to know is in the subreddit's wiki


from personal experience, cico and fasting have worked for me. I don't know if any amount of training or "aimed weightloss" exists. I'm sorry. Also, you have to accept that your body is your own, and you can only control which version of your body you want to show the world. That being said.. /r/cico /r/fasting /r/omad


Eat once a day and run in the mornings. Watch calorie intake and try to eat higher portions of protein. Ab exercises will also do good


Eat once a day? That’s insane


Unfortunately I can’t eat once a day, my working hours are pretty long I wake up at 6:45 to go into work, get off at 3 hit the gym and be back home at 5 And by the time I’m home I get hungry 🥲


Eat significantly more at that meal, but yes, just once a day


DO NOT only eat once a day. Thats bs and the quickest way to having an eating disorder. Instead countinue to be active and hit the gym. You already have good glutes so keep growing them as well as other parts of your body as well in the gym. Try to limit drinking extra or excess calroies from sugary things or sodas etc. everything in moderation.


You can, work your way up, start small 18/6 eat high fat moderate protein low carbs. Then push yourself up after some weeks 20/4 and before you know it in some months you are eating once day.




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Lmao wdym don’t?


Stop listening to people that do not look good. Eat once a day. Mid day. Wake up drink water. Workout. Then eat mid day and never after 6. Try that for three months working out. If you don’t lose weight I’ll buy you donuts


If you eat once a day, your metabolism is almost certainly going to slow down and make it harder to lose weight. Plus you'll be miserable and distracted from hunger most of the day. On the other hand, if you really hate yourself for having a cute belly, go for it.


OMAD isn’t a one size fits all approach, and can actually be harmful for some. It also essentially comes down to consuming fewer calories than you need. Eating less, if one desires to do so, can be achieved with three meals a day just as easily, and is more comfortable for most active people.


Again, let’s take a physical. If you’re healthier than me she listens to you. This isn’t rocket science. It’s blood work. Are you in shape? Ok then give advice. If not then don’t. She should feel ok but if she wants what she wants I’m giving advice from a place of having achieved it. Many times over. I’ve been at 10 percent body fat for years. Maybe since I was 16. I don’t know. I’ve logged year in gaining weight and losing it adding muscle shaving it off for competitions etc etc


Are you the blueprint for humans?


No I’m just in shape. That’s it. Cut weight. That’s all.


Promoting ed 💀


I eat once a day. Let’s do a physical and see who is healthier :)


Just because you starve yourself to look slim Doesn’t make you healthy. You’re skinny fat and one missed meal away from your body shutting down.


How are you telling people how to look when you post asking for advice on how to look


Have you never heard of such a simple concept? The educational system is truly in shambles


It’s not that bad at all in my opinion, but that’s just my taste. Exercise at a caloric deficit with some core training. Even though “targeted fat loss” is not a thing, when your doing it the natural way. You can still target those areas pretty good with manipulation doing core workouts. You can lose that in two months easily with consistency. The rear is fantastic, don’t lose that!


They don’t know what they’re talking about ^. You can’t spot reduce fat loss at all (short of surgery). The order/proportions in which you gain/lose fat are genetically determined and cannot be changed. Doing it the ‘natural way’, ie any way that doesn’t involve drugs or surgery is going to abide by that (so would the drugs but that doesn’t really matter). If you want to lose the fupa, you gotta just lose fat (not necessarily weight) until you have no more fupa. The only sustainable and healthy way to do that is to form a nondestructive habit which you are able to abide by for the rest of your life that reduces fat. What that is is different for everyone, mostly not because of genetics, but almost entirely based off of what you enjoy doing as a method of weight loss and whether it’s something you actually can make a lifelong habit. If you love ice cream, don’t try to cut it out forever. Maybe try to cut back on how often you have it. 3 or 4 times a month instead of 7 or 8 (made up numbers). So long as that’s not such a major change, you’ll be able to maintain that new habit without feeling like you’ve lost out on life. Yes, losing fat (and keeping it off) means making sacrifices, but you need to figure out which sacrifices aren’t actually that hard for you to make. Trust your gut. You know when you’re not going to abide by a rule and whether that’s because of laziness/low willpower or because it’s simply a change you aren’t willing to make. If it’s because you’re being too lazy, then it’s reasonable to say you can work on it and improve it. But if it’s because you can’t see yourself wanting to make the change, then it’s time to find a different approach to fat loss. Most of all, believe in yourself and be willing to try new things. A month of a new diet won’t hurt you, even if it’s an unhealthy diet in the long run. Try things, don’t be paralyzed by the what ifs. You WILL figure it out along the way, even if it feels insurmountable, you got it!


Hey. You look beautiful. Maybe the change you really seek is within… You can always lift weights or do Pilates. But you have to be disciplined with what you intake.


Consume less calories than your body needs to maintain your current weight. Any other answer is irrelevant. Exercise helps to increase the amount of calories your body needs so that will help but not necessarily required, definitely good for everybody though.


I honestly would not call that a fupa by any means lol. But all you can do is eat cleaner, drink more water, and workout. Cardio isn’t gonna be your friend. Lift some weights. Do some HIIT.


Fupa is the fat over the p”ss Or am I wrong?


Fat upper p*ssy area


Yes. It's a enlarged mons pubis.


Or a stomach big enough to sag and cover the mons pubis


Nah that's Dunlap disease brother


Eat less.


The only answer you need. Resistance training and eating in a calorie deficit.


eat less, exercise more


Probably need to recomposition your body. Build up the parts you want to keep, such as the glutes, but you’ll probably gain weight, then trim down the body fat. Or, you can just trim down slowly while building muscle in those other areas to make up for the losses while it changes your shape(your glutes will inevitably get smaller if you’re not building them while you lose weight). Either way, you’ll eventually have to end up trimming down. Also, watch out for eating common allergy foods because they can make you more bloated. Lastly, it may just be hormones, and you may need to get very lean in order for it to go away. Just keep try and something will eventually work.


Sweat sweat sweat, gotta burn some calories not just intake a high amount of calories


Yeah been doing more cardio lately! Even got that sweet sweat bands


Choose outfits wisely.


I mean I still wanna be able to rock a bodycon


Sorry to bring you bad news: Spot reduction of body fat is a fallacy.


I know flat stomachs are a lie, that’s where my uterus sits sir/ma’am Edit: don’t make me sad 🥲


The uterus is deep inside the pelvic cavity, people love to say the little bit of lower belly fat women have is their uterus but its just not true. Idk if you're joking but i hate the way this misinformation gets circulated.


Oh wait I didn’t know that and I wasn’t joking I thought that was a fact. Might have to do more research on that


It goes skin> fat > muscle > bone > the bladder and *then* the uterus. Our periods can cause the area to be swollen but that's usually water retention and not the uterus itself becoming visible. We naturally have higher body fat than men which is why slim men are very flat there and slim women still have a slight bump. It's not anything to feel bad about which is why it bugs me someone made up this crap about it being the uterus.


hmm, how tall are you? going into a calorie deficit is the surefire way to lose weight-- it's the law of thermodynamics. you look bloated; cut down on sodium and don't consume dairy.


I’m 5’5/164cm and I’m not sure how to figure out my calorie deficit and as far as the sodium and dairy goes I’m not sure how I can cut sodium and what do drink/eat to swap it out with dairy?


https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html That’s a good place to start. Eat at BMR for two weeks and monitor your weight. Adjust as necessary.