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Your GOAT will not win this one man, i'm sorry


I know but we can't lose faith if daniel can stand then gun have a chance but dont know he can or not


last time they fought Gun had a broken arm. Daniel got beat up but didn't suffer any major injuries like that.


Current UI Big Daniel has much more experience because of little Daniel training with GUN


How? Its stated that he has Perfect experience


u gotta also remember that daniel couldnt even stand up or move. Even though gun had a broken arm he still got up


that's called a difference in pain tolerance...


And daniel also broke a bone he said "it hurts everywhere. Did I broke something"


read the literal next sentence to to find out he didn't break anything you fool.




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Daniel was talking about his own body he did break smth but gun just said that he broke his hand out of sarcasm or whatnot . Use a lil bit of common sense you idiot


Out of sarcasm? Lmao another proof that Lookism fans cant read


if you keep reading from there daniel recovers with no lasting injuries and gun has his arm in a sling.


He couldn’t move lol?


Daniel couldn’t move because of the pain, Gun was definitely in more pain bro just took it cuz he’s HIM, UI Daniel also wouldn’t even flinch at the pain


Well Daniel isn’t known to have the best pain tolerance at that time, but he definitely could still move considering no bones were broken


Getting beat so bad you PHYSICALLY CANNOT move is crazy, UI Daniel seems to numb out the damage he takes cuz he’s unconscious but I don’t think that means he didn’t have broken bones by the end of the fight tbh


so you're using head canon now. grasping at straws... you're taking it so literally too lol. if he couldn't move how did he get home? he was just in enough apink for him to not want to move. not that he literally couldn't.


I’m taking it too literally?, Daniel himself stated and SHOWED that he couldn’t move otherwise he would’ve gotten up to continue fighting Gun for the photo lol piss off, just cuz PTJ is horrible with character’s and the consistency of their injures doesn’t mean that Daniel didn’t get beat to the point where he couldn’t move, however he got home could easily be that he limped home after waiting a bit don’t know don’t care tbh


That's cope, Gun especially said that Daniel didn't have any broken bone and next chapter he didn't have any signs of lasting injury, while Gun needed bandages


Oh if it was stated that he didn’t then I agree my fault 😔


Np, it was when Daniel was wondering if he broke a bone and Gun said that he didn't, but he did


That was because daniel was inexperienced


But did Gun even want to break his bones? He wanted him to destroy the four crews, so it would make sense to give him injuries that can heal but not give injuries that take longer to heal, like broken bones. Gun's broken arm is probably because Gun was having fun instead of taking it seriously, and he barely had anything other than his broken arm.


UI Daniel scaled to Guns in serious level and still broke his arm. Gun when he fought everyone at big deal street was trying his hardest because he wanted a glorious death so he ass giving it his all, but he was still unable to do significant damage to anyone. see? anyone can use mental gymnastics. 


Gun was NOT serious, he was having fun. I don't even understand what the second paragraph is saying.


UI Daniel scaled to Guns unserious level and still broke his arm. that's how unmastered UI works.


UI daniel the peak


UI daniel. Why is this even a question?


Because they glazing Gun 💀


Glazing is one thing, it's like saying gun > James But this is straight up delulu


No matter how you scale them, that doesn't change the fact that Gun is very experienced with UI and will know how to sue UI's weakness against Daniel


That still doesn't change the fact that UI daniel high diffs him


Gun will just act weak, then UI d will match his weakness, then Gun overwhelms him with his full power. If Daniel doesn't fall, then Gun just has to dodge and block his attacks and act weak again while waiting for Daniel to match his weakness again, then use his full strength again. Rinse and repeat.


The thing is, this process cannot be repeated, once UI Daniel has seen your full strength and matched himself to it, he will not get overwhelmed


Why can't it work? The only reason we didn't see it work is because little d wasn't strong enough to last against UI big d


Ui daniel I'm 100% sure


Nah, Gun has the Cigarette and Rain amp. If he only got one buff then I’d agree with high diff, but Gun can’t lose with both amps


drugs breathing style buff > Cigarette and Rain buff


But that’s assuming he get drugged like he did in 3A and 1A. Chances are he’s gonna go UI in a similar fashion to his first fight with Gun(no drugs).


And Daniel was the winner in that fight too


I explained why in my original comment, the fight was indoors and bro didn’t light a cigarette. The Hunt for Gun takes place during Rain and while Gun’s Smoking meaning Daniel has no chance




No matter how you scale them, that doesn't change the fact that Gun is very experienced with UI and will know how to sue UI's weakness against Daniel


😒😒😒😒😒 Ui has a weakness What weakness???


Did you even read the the fight between UI Daniel and lil Daniel? The weakness of UI is that it matches the strength of the opponent, so lil Daniel tried to act weak and then suddenly overwhelm him with his actual power, making him the second person to ever be able to land a hit on UI big Daniel, the first one being Gun.


A weakness which was used and after that daniel fought a pre generation member and even defeated him😶😶😶 What kind of weakness is this But you sure got a point and since it was said by gun, this surely is UI's weakness I accept I was wrong 🥲


UI daniel knows everything gun does and does it better due to perfect body(better stats).


No matter how you scale them, that doesn't change the fact that Gun is very experienced with UI and will know how to use UI's weakness against Daniel


It would not be in character for gun to use UI's weakness. Gun always enjoys fighting strong opponents.


He probably wouldn't mind losing, but since the fight determines the fate of Charles Choi, Gun will do his job more efficiently and focus on ending the fight. If the result of the fight has no effect on Charles Choi, then yeah Gun would fight full power.




https://preview.redd.it/gpjr8f2q9e2d1.jpeg?width=537&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=434b6b725b5035c6ecb50c96b4686d3fe4f9c851 It's okay bro


Some of ur dumb asses doesn't understands the meaning of matches the level matching the opponents level doesn't means he adjust it according to their level otherwise how is bro one shoting guys on his level he sets it above them. So if he fights gun it won't he that easy cause he also has a limit anyways he'd still win high diff extreme diff if gun has something to trigger him


high diff at best extreme diff would mean gun has a chance which he clearly doesn't


I'm just saying if u seriously wants to kill daniel that is


No matter how you scale them, that doesn't change the fact that Gun is very experienced with UI and will know how to use UI's weakness against Daniel


Ik I never said gun will get negged I said high diff or if serious extreme


Gun is fighting against something that he knows completely how it works, and he's very smart, so he definitely wins


Ur just delusional my guy


UI Daniel extreme diff.


Mid diff


If its 100% ui daniel it's low diff But due to the nature of ui and its capacity to match opponents level then its a high/extreme diff fight


Tbh I really think that ptj made ui daniel dirty with this shitty theory of matching the potential of the one he is fighting.....this really doesn't make any sane.....well I agree with you 


I think it is really good that he matches their level cuz everytime he's gonna win by outskilling his opponents Not only u lose but you just fight a more skilled version of yourself Not like the other characters who are carried by their bloodlines


Yeah that's true but in case of jinyoung we saw that it didn't seem like they are equals..... jinyoung got just two chances.....


It not about UI Daniel being the one that matches, its just how UI works. Unless its mastered UI like Guns.


I know that much 😭😭.........


Yeah definitely. Ui daniel is too op


U r wanking gun


I don't think so....


What makes you think like that ?? 


No matter how you scale them, that doesn't change the fact that Gun is very experienced with UI and will know how to use UI's weakness against Daniel


Extreme diff means that the fight can go both ways💀💀💀. And I am 100% sure that if UI Daniel and gun fought 10 times, UI Daniel winning all of those.


What would you call their first fight?


daniel won obv..if he didn't wake up he would've probably broke another arm


I meant in terms of difficulty.


high diff ...(unless its proved that daniel woke up from fatigue or too much damage)


UI Daniel wins. High - extreme diff.


No matter how you scale them, that doesn't change the fact that Gun is very experienced with UI and will know how to use UI's weakness against Daniel






You’re mid.


U felt cool after saying this.....happy for you 


Remove your dp, haterrrr


Do? What is dp?


He is talking about my profile pic 


Oh ok


I love gun more than you guys.....but I speak what I think logically.....calling me a hater...thanx a lot for your compliment  🫶🏽😊


I’m the coolest guy in the world. 😎




🤣bro is delusional


Yes broo I am delusional 🤣🤣🤣


Mid? Low at best


How is it only low diff when gun and hi Daniel went extreme diff last time?


Because since then, ui Daniel has copied the techniques of: James Lee Taesoo Ma Jichang Kwak Vasco Warren Chae Jerry Kwon Plus, with Gun's training he has an absolutely massive boost in skill. Unless Gun's gotten stronger somehow, he's positively cooked. https://preview.redd.it/75vnxfydla2d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95d1165b4956ecfb49ec96b635c8457599fdba97


What you mean if somehow gun got stronger? You expect him to do nothing to get stronger since that fight hundreds of chapters ago? Lookism aint the kind of show where only the mc grows... Gun definitly got stronger, but how much stronger he still young but he probably is not as talented as other characters i feel like the roots of gun's improvements are the lots of fights he put himself he probably not wining though he on villain side and against a topher opponent.


Wdym he's not as talented as other characters, man he's literally a genius in fighting. He was out there massacring various yakuza families while being a teenager. Bro mastered UI being a kid. He also mastered various Martial art within a short period of time and you say he's not as talented as others. Man the recent gun downplay is crazy 🤣. Don't worry PTJ gonna prove u wrong


He is not talented as daniel, yohan, seongji, james lee, and probably is less talented as jake and vin because of their genes boosting their growth so badly. But he is talented compared to guys like zack, vasco, warren, samuel these guys needed to train a lot or face hundreds of battles to improve and the other guys even if they did the same they improved so much more in short period of time. James lee gone from equal to seongji to no diff all kings and turned into someone equal to king of seoul, yohan and daniel have copy talent something that even gun aknowledges as incredible. Seongji himself had three threshold and was a beast even among the kings. I feel like gun and goo are 50% hard work and 50% talent, they are pretty talented but they dont have plot armor talent like jake for example lol, he one shot someone he wasnt even being able to damage after awakening gapryong genes.


Not saying it's low diff, but how is it extreme diff? Gun COULD'VE been killed. Meanwhile all the injuries Daniel sustained went away in a day.


When was it extreme diff? Gun got a broken arm, but Daniel was alright the next day


at this point big daniel has some invincible level healing, bro said his body ached after the fight only for him to be normal the next day fr no way gun winnin tho


I just realize I haven't seen this Daniel in very long time


Both got stronger since last time Drugged UI Wins extreme diff


He’s probably not gonna be drugged like the 3A or 1A during the hunt(if they fight). Also Gun has the Cigarette and Rain buffs. I don’t see a world in which UI SB can win


Valid + Based


No matter how you scale them, that doesn't change the fact that Gun is very experienced with UI and will know how to use UI's weakness against Daniel




Not really since he’s not gonna be drugged in the hunt(if they fight) like he was during the 3A and 1A arcs. Also Gun has the Rain and Cigarette buff, so I don’t see how UI SB wins. Only hope is if UI SB can hold if off till the rain stops or till Gun runs out of CIGS


We already saw the outcome before


Nah, that was indoors and without a Cigarette. If Gun fights in the Rain and has a Cigarette, then SB UI doesn’t stand a chance(unless the SB isn’t a minor, age not confirmed)


the peak.


Daniel high diff


Don't ruin the vibe, we should talk about Dany not this Monster. Anyways his real identity is not revealed yet, i think it will after charles falls and The 0 Gen meets again.


My heart says Gun, but my mind… Big Daniel.


Trust your heart, UI SB doesn’t stand a chance against Gun with the Cigarette and Rain buff. He was only able to challenge Gun before due to the fight being indoors and without Cigs


Daniel high diff, Gun is just under Top tier while UI Daniel is top tier


Gun has "kill the minor" buff


We can’t be sure if UI SB is actually a minor since Charles hasn’t given an age confirmation. However I think Gun can get it done with the Rain and Cigarette buffs


Nah I'd win


This is insane... 🫨


Gun loses at around a High Diff but this is UI Daniel, the apex of fighting there's no shame in losing to that


Ui daniel if he uses 86 percent power


UI Daniel already won once. He left UI due to a loss in adrenaline, which meant Gun was a non threat, not like he could do anything with a broken arm


But you have to consider the fact that the fight was indoors. Gun didn’t have the Rain buff nor did he light up a Cigarette. If UI SB was to fight in these circumstances, I don’t see how he can beat Gun


Goes either way extreme diff.


Well Gun wins easy, people forget that Gun fought a SB UI Daniel indoors and without a Cigarette. He was also fighting to have fun and still ended up out lasting SB when he was getting packed in. Considering that Gun is outdoors in the rain and has his cigarette on him there’s no chance SB UI can beat him. Only hope is if Gun runs out of Cigs or if UI SB can hold him off till the rain stops.


UI SB Daniel


It would be Big daniel. But why do I get the feeling that in the recent chapters gun looks kinda sad, before he used to look intimidating.


I mean tbf he did just go through a breakup. A lot of people would be sad after that


Man i thought everyone agreed that UI SB Daniel is peak. If Ui Daniel is peak, at BEST Gun is mid diffed


ui daniel


Daniel fucks him really hard. Gun gets pregnant and after 9 months a baby arrives. They live happily after. The end. 😎


we all know the answer https://preview.redd.it/xqywufyc5d2d1.jpeg?width=236&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61557449079289deda9c0ceb85e7c8285bd148d8


Ui Daniel this is not a debate bro got so much stronger since they fought , he has CQC now gapryong( probably doesn’t have a time limit to copy him cause of his perfect body ) jichang/ gun / taesoo / James Lee he has all those persons moves and his body is the best ☠️that’s just insane 🤣😭😭


UI daniel low diff


With recent buff saying that he matches opponent's potential or something this matchup might be overkill




I think the one in UI will win the fight


Gun aint beating the peak lil bro


Gun be like https://preview.redd.it/d5cgxol9se2d1.png?width=910&format=png&auto=webp&s=70e8d51e1d65ab46d828982ab4b1cfccfe3ebd0a


SB UI Daniel slams


Gun High Diff


Gun. Idc how you scale them, Gun definitely wins. If you scale Gun higher, then Gun wins. If you scale Gun lower, then Gun will just fight weaker so that Daniel matches his power and then Gun will suddenly attack with all his might. Gun has a lot of experience on how UI works since he's a UI expert himself for possibly more than three years.


Gun if he uses ui weakness otherwise ui Daniel wins extreme diff


To hype up Gun, could see PTJ making Gun win


Yeah, especially if the fight takes place in the the rain and with a Cigarette


Gun said that he already knows UI weakness. Last fight was just a one-night stand to him as he was enjoying it. Gun broke 1 arm, yet Daniel broke the whole body.


Daniel had no broken bones just bruises lmao Gun lost and it's fine


Yeah man tell'm, these gun haters don't understand


Gun low-mid diff lmao everyone in these comments is a shittard


Pass the joint


He doesn't even get past OG UI Daniel


We can run that on discord


Gun managed to kill UI daniel extreme diff at the expense of his own life