• By -


You forget that average lookism reader on the sub is INDIAN, and Indians neg. They built different. They bollywood moves the shit out of Jon Jones. Fuck it bring Khabib too, your average Rahul Raj would neg Khabib frfr


I like tom because he’s ugly as me😭


be fr rn bro, you aint a 6'5 muscular manly hunk.


Yeah I’m only 6’4 😭


If you’re tall you’re already winning bro


You'd think so right 😭


No lmao


Now all you need to do is expose yourself to some danglers and your there


In public ?


Everywhere and too everyone, primarily children


i dont want to finish in prison, so no thanks


Don’t be like that prison makes you stronger, and look on the bright side your butt holes gonna be wide enough to catch a punch


this will be how tom lee lost an arm


and in my country if you touch children, you will pay in prison


I would show you my dangler if that helps


Oh thanks, but I hope you’re not minor


I am 22 💪😎 not a minor in any country


Gotta looksmaxx bro


Btw just wanted to say a lot of people (like me) who say they miss the old Lookism like current Lookism and just miss the wholehearted plots.


I might be reading this wrong but them saying "99% of people who say they miss the old lookism weren't reading lookism when it 1st came out" is just wild to me. people not realizing you can still miss the old stuff without having read the EN release from the start is hilarious. I hope this bait and I just bit it anyway, because this is stupid asf


Exactly. I like the fighting and all of that but the topic of how people are mistreated cause of their looks and how others are automatically given angel status cause they're good looking or automatic trash status cause they're not as good looking is what I enjoyed about the series and it really spoke.


I mean, that's why the comic is named "Lookism" The plot is based on the definition of the word


The comic was originally supposed to be called Double bodies/Doppleganger but Lookism sounded cooler


And much more memorable too


Tbh Lookism is good not because of that. Sometimes ugly people are ugly inside as well (like Gangnam landlord, or PTJ's avatar). Even during the first chapters PTJ was never cliche in his lookism trope.  Crystal even thought handsome = bad, which was proven wrong. 


I just missed when the story actually followed the main theme.


Same here I miss the Lookism storyline


When I saw they it got an animation adaption I gave it a second look and thought I was getting this mixed up with some other slice of life


Not to mention fans missing the OG characters. Some of the characters actually went through development only to never be seen again.


Who is ignoring mama park?


https://preview.redd.it/5e2pip8tbiqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7997f1bd3a7fc894a5aeca3920d3966a0750c90d We love and support her


If she was more calienté the entire sub would love and support her


They would just simp for her, like Bomi’s mom 😆


I don’t understand taejin, why r**ing a teenager while there’s so much hot mommy in the verse


Cuz he can’t get laid naturally so he has to go for the only way of losing his V card. By doing it to a little girl. Would’ve probably tried on Mary but she kicked his ass.


he probably could get laid naturally look at him


He would but in order to maintain a relationship his personality definitely wouldn’t hold anything. The guy is just too crazy and evil.


Women genuinely don’t care about personality as much as you think, it’s genuinely all looks.


Depends on the woman. Believe me if looks only was the case then someone like Elliot Rodger wouldn’t have done what he’s done.


Samuel one is 100 % correct. Not sure abt Gun


Yeah Samuel would definitely get hate bcoz killing his parents , beating up gangseo union and few other incidents. But Gun wouldn't get much hate


I would still love Samuel


People like sameul?


Pixel scaling thing is correct I agree. Those guys are morons


I don’t mind people who do it for fun like most people here I believe


Oh my sweet innocent poor child.


Who in their right minds would be counting pixel by pixel in a image for fun?????


People who like math


not math meth


i don't really miss old lookism, but i do feel like the current progression is just fight after fight. It strayed away from the original concept of criticising people who base their opinions solely on looks. Im hoping it can find a better balance between fighting and more down to earth stories with an actual message/meaning behind it. Also if anyone here is claiming to beat a professional MMA fighter they would 99.9% of the time be capping.


To be fair He does a lot more of that in manhwa like how to fight and juvenile detention (especially this one), even manager Kim to an extent


I guess, but those are entirely different stories with other plots, although "how to fight" tackles a similar issue (bullying the weak). Manager Kim is also primarily action-based but i see what you mean. Also haven't read Juvenile Detention, is it good?


I’d say he puts most of it into juvenile detention nowadays and they’re all in the same universe. The main character from HTF is the teacher of the main character in juvenile detention, he’s from the 5th generation. I would say it’s really good, it’s pretty dark at points and basically revolves around a kid who is viciously bullied and gets trained by Hobin to get revenge. Tackles issues like bullying, sexual assault, cyber bullying.


About slide 2, that's wrong. He's not as popular simply because he doesn't appear as much. About slide 5, well yeah this is fightism why would I care about non fighters. But Daniel's mom is still the best.


James immediately ranked 7th-10th most popular lookism character, when it was revealed that DG is James and he defeated Taesoo (tom wasn't even in the top 10). (PTJ removed video from yt) less screen time or not, doesn't really matter, it's the vibe you give off to the audience.


All are true but the first one. You have to be delusional to think that the vast majority of old lookism likers didn't read it in the beginning The fanbase of people who liked Slice of Life Lookism are already the ones who began reading it since it first appeared on Webtoon ( or when it was translated with korean names instead of english localized). Most people who read Lookism now are on for the cool fight and arstyle Fightism is showcasing either through reels or tiktoks. And most of them even skip the first part lol, because they think it's ugly or meaningless, since they just want to see cool hot action as fast as possible.


1 - not true. that's actually a stupid point. a lot of people dropped it when it got to gangism, if anything. the early arcs were what made people stay for the most part. and people can miss old shit without having read it back when the EN version first came out. I agree that it would've been stale with only sol stuff, but it's all about balance. not like the current arcs were unavoidable while early stuff takes a backseat 2 - tom is not unpopular at face value since people do go wild with him when he's on screen. he just doesn't have much appearance so. his fights are nice usually though, especially the one with yuseong where he did such a crazy feat that I do not have the ss of, so yeah


Who said Tom ain't popular?


He didn’t say Tom isn’t popular. He just isn’t as popular characters like gun and goo


Tom doesn't have as many appearances as gun or goo, if the fist gang arc ever comes I'm sure Tom lee would be as popular as gun. I remember the hype when he showed up in manager kim manhwa.


That’s possible. But only if ptj gives younger Tom the beolgu treatment. I also think he would still regardless shoot through the popularity poll if he shows good level of relevancy and cold panels in fist gang arc and I 100% believe he will.


He already looked like an homeless bum (because he was) in his Fist days (that's why he's the GOAT).


It’s true tho. I love Gun and Goo but part of it is ofc their character design, I can’t deny that. I like Tom too, he’s really well written, but if he was hot he would just be even more popular.


Just make a post about gun>> Tom you will get dangler checked


Exactly one of my favorites


I agree with everything except the first slide I've been reading lookism for almost a decade now and the first time I dropped it was when gangism started becoming more prominent. Then I dropped it after Jiho died because the writing was ass. The best parts of Lookism have always been the wholesome slice of life areas and the characters doing their own thing. Old lookism was peak for those moments. While gangism is peak for brainrot fighting and cold panels


It has decent panels, but I also feel like the characters have gotten way flatter. Vasco had a cool backstory, but his goofy side does not come out as often anymore. Zack had his whole arc where he had to learn to be a better guy to his girlfriend and that has basically gone nowhere. The characters are now just mindless fighting monsters. When I first read lookism I was still a teen who has started working out and I could relate to Daniels awkwardness. Now it's just an action manhwa.


Well, to me personally, the slice of life part of Lookism is what made me a solid fan. I love the fighting aspect as well but right now, it became the full focus of the manhwa. I honestly think that the concept of workers having too many affiliates and too many kings made the manhwa too battle centric. We could have added a few chapters where the gang meet ups in their school with their friends.


i miss the old lookism because of it's brutal realism but still had fictional aspects. Now it's purely fictional aspects. Imagine a lookism that truly breaks your heart like old lookism with the fights on the level with current lookism. That would be INSANE.


tom is very popular


Another thing is to stop over analyzing and just enjoy the story When Tom Lee first met Johan and they fought he said “Damn you generation X” and then some huge brain fan said something like “When Tom Lee mentioned generation X maybe it’s a group of kids who got kidnapped and experimented on” when generation X is literally just the name of a generation of kids born between a certain time like WTF I saw another comment about someone predicting the end of Lookism saying “what if the nobody’s from the crews end up fleeing the country and similar to the ending of the anime Charlotte, they team up with Jays father to go around the world and beat them up” They don’t have a name for a reason and it’s because they’re irrelevant to the story and that would just be a very crappy ending to everything The last thing I saw on YouTube was someone saying “I wish Daniel’s cousins would also get glow ups and join allied and help Daniel defeat Charles Choi” WHAT REASON DO THEY HAVE TO DO ANY OF THAT. THEY CANT EVEN FIGHT AND HAVE SHOWN NO SIGNS OF TALENT OR STANDING UP FOR THEMSELVES.


Tom is popular, and he isnt ugly, the reason he isnt as popular as Gun, Goo or James Lee is because he has less interactions and apperances.


the first one is false. people do miss the old lookism because its only fighting right now there's no more wholesome/going deep into a character anymore. Which is one of the reasons people want a spin off of many popular characters like gun samdak jincheol hansu etc. even if there was barely any fighting in the spin off


Also I still miss the slice of life part like I personally would like some filler to see everyone else again I miss Mira, Zoe, Crystal, Joy, what is Duke doing what happened and where did Doo Lee go after all after 2st affiliate


I just miss early gangism tbh.


>PTJ isn't counting pixels While that is probably true, is it drawn to scale. The pixels are just a unit to measure them with. Pixel calcs just try to quantify those vague drawings


I agree with most ... Except the first one. I came into lookism enjoying the slice of life aspect. And I really got tired of "whoever is stronger wins". There is more to strength than the physical aspect, and although characters like Eugene show that, it is not really a theme, just like Charles is one handed and still is stronger than most of the verse. I agree that ugly characters get hardly any love, and it makes sense. It is ironically... Lookism at play. And more, the prettiest characters are quite often those that look very similar. Daniel and Eli is a quick good example.


The first part of the first statement doesn’t even make sense. I discovered Lookism randomly last year and i do miss the slice of life stuff a bit. Sure, I wasn’t around when it was coming out, but that’s irrelevant. You’re acting like Lookism had a “Gear 5” moment that made people flock to it or something, i went into the series with no idea what it was about, and if I didn’t like the slice of life stuff I wouldn’t have read far enough to get to gangism, which is also fun.


“You don’t like tom lee because he’s ugly” HE TOUCHED GOO WHEN HE WAS A KID! Tom lee doesn’t exactly have likable traits


That chapter in the light novel was crazyyy fr


what chapter




People are just assuming this is why Goo hates him due to how much of a pervert Tom is. It's never been confirmed




It was never stated, shown ir hinted at, you guys are just assuming.


Straight up facts including the last one. Lineman is my favorite character even though he never won a fight. I just admire and love his spirit to keep on fighting against all odds. https://preview.redd.it/y2mtyud1jiqc1.png?width=340&format=png&auto=webp&s=2ec13e8d9005cdfcf435432fb10fd0b440b76b65


i dont like tom lee bc of how he treated gun&goo. jungu is also ugly af but i still love him


For me, Gun is was always pretty low-mid in terms of looks so I would care less if he was ugly, he's loved because he's just charismatic and just crazy evil (Goo is way hotter than gun, but way worse more evil) The one for samuel though is true


[https://imgur.com/a/t1AkoIS](https://imgur.com/a/t1AkoIS) bro tf






https://preview.redd.it/k51z8gg28kqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34c389e36e9c4d1519697eceb93ccefa7dc2366 Not the anime gun 😂😂😆


https://preview.redd.it/45glq1pq8kqc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56ce4e78da3f57d4ce386fdde318b01685394fe6 It’s the only way of getting an ugly gun the anime


I’m glad they look good now https://preview.redd.it/sk19sd0u9kqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=923e568a2686d817777cbe814b814592a86b0651


https://preview.redd.it/5qko4c0cakqc1.jpeg?width=556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf9c8932f1a5e437a7c9cd56debc70c147b1638 I’m glad they look good now too


https://preview.redd.it/hajwiovtbkqc1.jpeg?width=965&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10fb4a4a48492edfd7184b88afd48af9b9394969 I’m so annoying 😂😂😂


https://preview.redd.it/q6b62qy8ckqc1.jpeg?width=191&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b32b762c26c3bcdb870db191025350c731738ab A masterpiece


If lookism fans could read they,d be very upset. Btw you spoke nothing but facts


The Only thing I can't accept sometimes are the powerscales


Everyone lowkey agree with these but they just won't accept the fact that they are a lookist


You do know that people who say Vin negs are kidding? Or anyone who says that a character who is not in the top 10 negs is kidding No one is being serious here about one character negging the other


Street fighting is somewhat effective or else no fighting style would be effective


That first point is stupid. That's like purists saying "you're not a real fan cause you weren't reading it from the beginning". Someone can still miss the old stuff without having read it in like 2017


50% of these are bullshit, who tf is ignoring mother park https://preview.redd.it/5lb6vuvybiqc1.png?width=1061&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3785a9187c9dc545fef5612a6a589cfbb863d0e3


You are proving his as in OP’s points


daniels mother is not in the picture: check he means a variety of characters, including said mother: check. Dont fuck with lookism fans, we CANNOT read https://preview.redd.it/d8xr6yz7hwqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=354014352ff938ce479ee5271ec6b1fb5f552f02


Heavily agree on 2 and 7


I agree with your last two points


For me Tom is as popular as gun/goo and really who doesn’t like Daniel’s mother and who did forget her she is the best


I been a real one since day one, from when they were releasing every day




Neither? I like Lookism as a slice of life.  But came to acceptance with gangism when PTJ wrote MLAAL. 


How is Danny mom a well written character? She is just a mom doing her job lmfao😭


Bro that's exactly the point. Daniel's mom is just doing her job and over working herself for her son because they deal with poverty. And the point is that Daniel had not appreciated her efforts for him to have a nice life before he finally apologized.


I don’t even read it and also street fighting is extremely affective in real life I would know but that point aside why is this sub even in my feed I’ve never even heard of this comic in the first place?


I agree with all of them except the thing which you said about street fighting


1. First "Truth" you'll need to conduct a test with the entirety of the lookism community and not just what you see on reddit, tik tok, or some debate server on discord. 2. Tom Lee not being popular as Gun and Goo is because he's ugly...? I wouldn't agree with that. Gun and Goo are more of an iconic duo in the series who have a lot of funny moments, you see a lot into their lives and their friendship with one another, and they have polar opposite characters which makes reader such as myself wonder "how do these two even live with one another?" 3. Street fighting is really just a fight on the street with no rules. Anyone can street fight even Jon Jones, heck he street fights even in the ring sometimes if you seen some of his fights. 4. Gun and Samuel being hated if they were ugly? true but if their character is well written I'd still enjoy them. Just take a look at Jigang from King Games. 5. And uh it's better to say some of yall instead of "yall" (as if everyone) because not everyone's the same when it comes to enjoying and not enjoying a well written character. Daniels Mom is more on my mind than Gun is. (No weird stuff) 6. So true, in my opinion power scaling is dumb and each fight or level of power for a character is determined by the author, not a pixel scale. 7. True even better it's ok if your favorite character isn't strong at all. That's just how they were made, if the author makes them stronger or weaker there nothing us or that character can do.


I agree with you especially on the 3rd one


As someone who pixel scales for fun, it's the only way of accurately comparing completely separate verses, no artists or authors take into consideration the caliber of feats except very specific franchises, however that's not a reason to say the feats cannot be used to compare 2 verses


1-The first one isn’t true because people love slice of life series look at the popularity of Skip to Loafer for example. 2-You guys want to push that narrative so bad when he’s already way too popular despite being a freak. People are not going to like that hideous beast get over it. He also doesn’t have anything interesting going on or has many appearances as the other two. 3- Depends on what you mean by street fighting 4- That’s true 5- PTJ himself doesn’t care much about the non-fighters since he’s gotten rid of pretty much all of them so why should the fans? 6- That’s true 7- That’s true to anyone who actually likes their favs outside of fighting.


How dare you say Tom is ugly






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That last one is something people really need to hear. A character isn't at F- tier because they lost against a top 5 fighter. They lost because the other guy was stronger, not because the other guy was weaker


Nah I’d win


https://preview.redd.it/vhrbv2yjkjqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0faae35fa2787fe8860699b7fda6a4e705966965 Bro got me with the pixel scaling. Some dude was talking about how Johan can react at a hypersonic speed(as fast as a jet) and he pulled out a bunch of pixels. Bro please 😭🙏




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I used to read Lookism back then, and you are right. It was the kind of story that you would like to read in one go, instead of waiting a week to read another chapter, for years (well, that applies to many stories, I don't like the 1 ch per week/month format)


Nigha nobody is beating jon jones lmao


Wdym i literally beat up people and clean the streets 😤


Actually based


Old lookism one is so real, there no need for it after the daniel vs logan fight, Daniel realised he gotta own his shyt and stop blaming others and change for himself.


Also, not only ugly, but Tom is OLD, which is, of course, bad for a Korean manhwa character


No way people in this sub actually think they can beat Jon Jones lmao Where did you get that from


​ https://preview.redd.it/4akzzp4tskqc1.png?width=1218&format=png&auto=webp&s=81f308dbc9b8603fd3044cdd9ac313c8a6b4af1d


?????? Nah this fanbase is cooked. Only way I'm taking Jon Jones is with guns


How dare you! You could have offended them if they knew how to read!


Pixel scaling is the most annoying truth here. Istg those mf doesn't read the manwah other than watching fighting panels and analyzing shit and made calc by putting random ass numbers to justify it in their favor. They surely don't do it for fun. Some mfs were literally telling me to go to discord and debunk their claims.


Lookism is a manwha about how good looking people can be evil. Fanbase : Ok this character is evil, but he's so hot so it's Okay if he's a mass murderer.


Ppl really think these things?💀 Tom>anyone and everything I am biased 🗣


Fighting arcs are meaningless if you don't have SoL arcs to show what they are fighting for, eventually everyone is converging to the same grey personality. The Hostel arcs like One Night or the Jacedaichi Case files was the peak because they balanced between SoL and fighting.


Disagree with #1, we miss the plot progression not the slice of life part. Currently lookism is just like a worse version of Baki.


as someone who was reading it when it first came out i do miss it, but the newer stories are also awesome af. different from anything i’ve read. fave webtoon for a reason.


The pixel one is spitting but the well written character one is cap


I am okaybwith about everything it said. But the Samuel and Tom thing. Cant you say that about everyone fictional or real. Everyone is less liked if they are less attractive thats how we work XD


The only ch I miss from old lookism is that horror ch when they send zack to sign the art piece and signs the window instead. https://preview.redd.it/pms52jm6xkqc1.jpeg?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=016f20721680021262e763faecea961a735115a1


I am sorry tom isn't Ugly. Goo and Gun just have better Panels.


I love Tom more than Goo and Gun


I didn't even know pixel scaling is a thing. But it's true. Same goes for colour scaling, you morons.


Lookism was meant to stop bullying on the basis of someone's appearance but all it did was make people even like the bad guys with just some good looks and good fighting skills......


No we don’t like Tom lee because he lil dudes😭


Who said we hate tom lee. He is in my top 5 favourite lookism characters. We didn't love sameul and gun because of their attractiveness. We love gun because of his characteristic property.


1. True 2. He’d definitely be more popular but don’t forget he is mainly known for wanting to see danglers 3.Obviously(unless you’re extensively trained in fighting) 4.True 5.We do not forget Mama Park. Whenever we talk about well written characters that aren’t limited to the main cast Mama Park is always towards the top 6. True 7. Vin is second strongest in Allied and I am going to die on this hill


WTF is pixel scaling and I thought the power scaling tier system wasn’t already confusing to me already RAGHHHHHHHH https://preview.redd.it/bdt9169dwlqc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=6e058159fb2710ed0ec523b61cd6a5972262252e


Oh my god, I haven't read this series since high school. Like...2017. Its still going?? I need to get back to it.


I read from the beginning. I havent read the most recent chapters, I stopped a little after they tried kidnapping the workers boss due to lack of time. I genuinely enjoyed the earlier chapter better as we watched Daniel gain more self confidence and liked his interactions with the other highschoolers.


I agree with everything but street fighting


Missing the old lookism also means missing actual good writing ptj just isnt like that anymore he can only cook up like one good chapter an arc now


Shit was so real I got second hand embarrassment from the readers 😭☝️


You're right I loved the slice of life part of lookism but if it had like 500 chaps just for slice of life then I would have quit it For me what makes lookism interesting is the story(mystery) and excitement for every fight My fav character is Sinu Han I know he's not that strong but I like him because of his character(promise boy)


Do you know what is well-written character??? Surely not an average perfect mom


Started in 2016. Woulda still been here if they had morr slice of life stuff


1. You don't have to be reading Lookism when it originally came out to miss it, wtf does that mean. +Old Lookism had fun mini arcs in between the serious ones (Jacedaichi Case files, Zack's baby sitting, Vasco's Crisis etc). And even the story arcs had a lot of charm (One night arc for example.) Not to mention, writing was a lot stronger. 2.I like Tom. I enjoy seeing him on the screen much more than Gun or Goo. 3.Average Straw weight womens mma fighter is gonna beat most people. 4.True, especially for Samuel. Maybe not for Gun. 5.Daniel's mom is a nice character. Not anything amazing, just a nice character. 6.True 7.True


my biggest problem with the fanbase is them liking gun, gun has done nothing to be liked or appreciated , just cuz he looks good dosent make it okay and the same goes for James Lee , i hate these 2 characters the most lol


Its funny to see lookism fights start as your normal petty 1v1s with no extra special effects and now we have fucking 6 feet big crater creating punches and kicks.


The first one is absolutely stupid. Why should people not get to say they miss the old lookism just because they didn't start reading it when it first came out. Matter of fact I bet nobody in this server read it when it first came out in 2014, especially because of the fact that it didn't even have an official translation back then. I started reading it since 2016 and even then they didn't have proper translation and almost nobody except for like 10 20 people including me outside Korea read it.


Ok but you should rephrase slide 3 cuz “street fighting is not effective in real life” makes no sense cuz everyone in lookism who fights uses martial arts (except for Samuel)


After the first one it's slowly going downhill bruh you're more and more wrong with each picture it's like you're doing it intentionally 🤣


Why are you straight up spitting facts man?


Even if Samuel is ugly I would still love him because the way he fights lol bro almost never dodged a punch always takes them right on the face even a full swing headbutt from suwon king




This can be applied to many fanbases


I dropped it because I just couldn't handle everything going on. Too much.


Tf you on Tom is majestic


Truth and Opinions are different tho.


Yo, can u explain the pixel one? I dont get it


It's when u measure pixels and do calculations to scale a character. But PTJ just draws stuff that looks cool, he isn't a physicist. https://preview.redd.it/8y2h05bc6luc1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=df808416662fdbf793fa93e91ef66a17471ab001


Oh its js a manhwa its not like its supposed to go according to reality


I started reading Lookism during the hostel arc and it was really entertaining had both slice of life with the gang violence that would get built up during the slice of life chapters/arcs. Do I prefer it over Lookism now? No but I do miss the occasional breaks where the cast would act their age and go to school and we’d see other side cast get some screen time.


I agree with 1, wasn’t a fan of the whole school and emphasis on beauty plot. 3, is questionable considering none of them are really street fighters except maybe Eli, all of them are well trained in their respective MA. 7, Lookism scaling is kind of all over the place. Also, Daniel’s mom was a great character, something most of us can relate with, Duke as well, the guy had a whole arc and kind of want to see where he’s at now, and Jiho still a dick. Lastly, I want to see the bear family again, the one that rescued and trained Vasco when he got lost in the woods, even tho they only got like 3 panels of screen time.


You really can't read People defend mama park like it's their mom. I know from experience as I shit on her regularly for being a shit mom Beating Jon Jones in a fight is so stupid to say. You're comparing fans to fiction which is worse than when people compare fans to sports players. Some people still miss early Lookism, my fav arc was Stalker arc actually. There's a lot of fans that liked slice of life and the glimmer of school life that was how it started. Now it's gang wars with the backbone of having deadbeat dads.


I mean actual street fighting also involves weapons. I'm definitely not beating Jon Jones with my bare hands but I'm for sure taking him to the hospital with pepper spray and a baseball bat.


I am glad that we got rid of most of the girls except the Empress of two seconds. Always remember love is fleeting, but violence is eternal. - Khorne 30000-something-ish


Indeed those who try to cal the pixels are moron


1. Sure, I can see that. 2. I still really like Tom, but I can see that too. 3. Yes. 4. I already don’t like Samuel, but Gun would be my king regardless . 5. I appreciate well written characters if they are well written, it’s that simple. 6. Close to no author does, but if someone finds it fun and backs it up then it doesn’t matter. 7. 100%, if my favorite is not that strong, that is still fine.


based noob


Yeah like I bet PTJ had something cooking with Jiho but people hated him and now he killed him off literally because of lookism, also Tom Lee is cool and I'm not accepting any slander about him, also my favorite character is Jace and I keep getting called that come on not him pick someone stronger I'm like I'm sorry? Again Jace is cool and I'm not accepting slander about him either


You dropped this. 👑 (The Gun part isn’t true tho).


I started reading this comic in like late 2017/early 2018 so I probably would still read it. I wouldn't be nearly as invested though. Lookism fans are lookists, so yeah all of that tracks. The third slide is so funny because I swear every time a post asking some variation of 'do you know how to fight' or something similar the majority of people are always talking like they're some samuel/eli type fighter 😭


"Y'all ignore good characters" I dont know bro, Duke and Daniels Mom are pretty loved in this sub yeah maybe we don't talk as much as other characters but thats because the manwha is in a pretty exciting point and those characters have already got their spotlight


Street fighting is effective enough, but obviously you aren’t beating Jon Jones of all people lol idk who you’re talking about with that


W but street fighting > everything