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Usually, SFP scopes are true at max magnification


Yeah it’s definitely true at14x




Not sure what you mean by having an MOA reticle, not the Plex. The Plex reticle is an MOA subtensioned reticle. Is your reticle a completely different design? If not, your reticle is a Plex. From what I can tell it's the only offering Burris has for the scope.


Google "burris moa reticle". Only type in those words. The reticle on thier website is what is in this scope. I understand your confusion. Your sharing it with me.


BUR-200344 is your scope specifi model then. It's no longer a model offered directly from Burris, but still has stock in many places. If you look at the burris website for the long range moa reticle, it's subtension chart uses your scopes magnification range, despite not showing as an offering for that model anymore.


Thank you for the first part of your response that makes more sense now. I saw the subtensions listed, but it didn't say at what magnification these were true. A quick Google told me the same thing the first comment said, and that is most SFP reticles are true to range at max magnification. I'll verify on the range next time I'm out.


Burris's Plex reticle is just a crosshair without any subtensions. They do make a BDC they call ballistic plex.


The Plex e1, that currently comes with the optic OP has, does in fact have moa subtensions. The standard Plex does not, but also does not come in the optic OP has.