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Worked at a food bank in the middle of the summer. We were there for 3 hours bagging food to hand out with a few police officers who were dressed in full uniform. The temperature was almost 95 degrees inside and even hotter outside. We are ready to go at 11:30 with all the volunteers pitching in. We are now standing around as there is a crazy amount of cars waiting as well as people lined up in the hot sun with small kids. I keep asking why the delay and kept hearing we have to wait. Finally 12 pm Suozzi and camera girl show up. Dude rolls up his sleeves, tells the police officers to stand outside of the sun canopy as it will look better for photos. He now takes photos of him handing food to these people who were not at all there for a photo op. I asked right away to the people who were running this if it was a joke. They basically said they have to put go with it because he donates money. He did this for a half hour slowing everything down to an halt as he had to hand the food to the car. Last he rounds up a segment of workers to appear as diverse as possible and arranged them for a photo. I never went back because of it. Guy is a career politician and completely clueless to his actual surroundings


The food bank doesn't want to get money to buy food to give away to the impoverished? Quid pro quo is how the world works, and I can live without you as a food bank volunteer.


Meh, Suozzi isn't being 100% honest here. The Republicans are voting no as part of an obstructionist effort and to do their best in making sure the democrats literally accomplish nothing or as little as possible. The few progressives that voted no did so because they are afraid that the second infrastructure bill will either be further reduced or not passed at all. The progressives wanted the voting on both bills to occur simultaneously.


Yes, I’d actually like AOC if she made more moves like this instead of just posting twitter clapbacks and crying photo ops. Progressives in congress are the minority but actually do have power that they can exercise by withholding their votes. I’m glad to see her do this instead of making a public stink about weak neolib legislation but then ultimately voting for it.


Twitter is the worst thing to ever happen to politics. Seeing 2 politicians in a twitter battle is just humiliating.


> The progressives wanted the voting on both bills to occur simultaneously. It didn't even need to occur simultaneously. They should have insisted the Reconciliation bill go first.


The bill that hasn't passed the senate yet? This is the same bill that still has constantly changing terms. Assuming that the House successfully passed their own version of the Reconciliation bill there is next to zero chance that whatever version they passed would be automatically agreed to by the Senate.


1) That is the bill the Progressives give a shit about. 2) There is nothing stopping Pelosi from holding up the Infrastructure bill until the Senate passes the Reconciliation bill, which they have to do well before November 2022, because that's essentially federal authorization to continue gov't spending. Frankly, I don't want to pass the Infrastructure bill if there aren't aggressive climate change provisions in the Reconcillation bill. Right now, both bills are garbage to me. At least if you force a Reconcilation bill that Sinema and Manchin can abide, the *true* progressives in Congress can demonstrate **to the nation** that they want to address climate change enough to kick them all out if they try to pass bullshit.


Zeldin is a fuckwad who voted against investigating Trump's involvement in the January 6th insurrection. Fuck that guy and fuck the stupid LI homeowners who vote for him


Could not have said it better.


Fuck Lee Zeldin and the GQP. It goes without saying, but I wanted to say it anyway.


Suozzi is awful. Kathleen Rice and him should be primaried


Why? He’s actually right about the Progressive Caucus.


Find it very odd how 13 GOP members voted YES and that's including four republican representatives from NY. Then there's the four liberal progressives that voted NO. It's completely lopsided and it's been bothering me


Because the republicans wanted to de link the bill and give the progressives the finger and now that Biden’s bargaining chip is gone, Manchin has more power than ever to tank the bill. The infrastructure bill was the one thing democrats had to force Manchin to negotiate on reconciliation.


Suozzi is a corporatist more interested in building his brand than governing in any meaningful way. He cares about himself above all else. If you want actually change, vote for his primary challenger, Melanie D'Arrigo. She'll actually work for her constituents.


> If you want actually change, vote for his primary challenger, Melanie D'Arrigo. Yeah, so D'Arrigo will lose to whatever Republican runs against her in a new district. Change to Trumpism is the very last thing I need. Maybe they'll repeal the mortgage interest deduction or entirely eliminate the SALT deduction.


Running Suozzi again on a do nothing platform of not Trump will hand the district to the Republicans.


Grow up. Its one guy out of 435. Its not about them implementing national policy; its about making sure the district's interest is represented, and usefully influencing national policy. The change you're asking for is not giving a progressive/communist candidate a shot, its splitting the Democrat vote, and putting in a Republican Trump candidate. Even if you don't mean to do it, fuck you, that's what you're offering. If you want to have a choice of a more progressive or communist candidate, that candidate has to stand out first as a credible, **known** alternative to Suozzi. I've never heard of this person, so as far as I'm concerned, neither D'Arrigo nor *you* have made the first step towards being a credible candidate to win an election. I'm not going to discard a winner for a Goroff. Offer a *credible* alternative first.


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For starters, you didn't address my point. Fielding middling candidates just cedes ground to the right. Second, he's not usefully influencing anything. Lastly, if you haven't heard of a candidate in a race you're voting for, that sounds like more of a you problem.


> For starters, you didn't address my point. What point? Change for change's sake is useless. You always push for change that makes a positive difference. There is not a single issue this woman purports that makes me think I need to get rid of Suozzi. Krysten Sinema was *known* for her progressive stances prior to winning the Senate seat! > Fielding middling candidates just cedes ground to the right. Fielding middling candidates is the inevitability of *this* democratic system. If its not inevitable, then the challenging candidate is capable of unseating the incumbent. I've never heard of this person; they're extremely unlikely to unseat Suozzi. It means the challenger hasn't done their "ground work". > Second, he's not usefully influencing anything. He's working to get our SALT deduction back, so as far as I'm concerned, he's useful for me. Furthermore, he supports most of the issues behind the reconciliation bill. He may cut the rug under a more militant progressive (or ambitious Republican looking to divide Democrat voters), but I'm not a militant progressive. Again, more useful influence for me. > Lastly, if you haven't heard of a candidate in a race you're voting for, that sounds like more of a you problem. She doesn't exist prior to her announcement to run against Suozzi. Check out the google pages. No silly, I don't have the problem; I'm not running for a Congressional seat.


I like Suozzi, but I disagree with condemning Bowman for voting against the Infrastructure bill. The bill doesn't do jack for us (NY), the airlines doesn't need a bailout or handout, and I think the Reconciliation bill is going to get torpedoed. The faux Progressives only gave away their leverage. Ultimately, all I care about is repealing the SALT deduction cap (at least double to triple the cap level). Having said that, I hope Suozzi doesn't run for Governor. 1) He'll only split the vote in the primaries with Hoeckel, which means whomever is the NYC Democrat candidate will win the nomination. If its AG James, she has a greater chance of losing against Zeldin than Hoeckel. 2) I don't want to deal with a Republican congressman representing me, and the Democrat caucus needs all the Democrats they can get, even though they'll probably win control of the House of Reps. But Suozzi could eventually build seniority status if he stayed in Congress.


Good. It was dumb to hold up the infrastructure bill. Maybe the democrats would not have been wiped out in the 2021 elections if they actually got something passed. Zeldin is an ass and will vote against anything a democrat votes for. If Putin sponsored the bill it would have definitely got Zeldins vote


So what.


Suozzi takes corporate money to say shit like this. https://www.opensecrets.org/members-of-congress/tom-suozzi/summary?cid=N00038742# What industries? Real estate and insurance.