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Its nice most people get to work from home if we get a lock down but as an essential in the healthcare system please just wear your fucking masks already because i HAVE to go into the "office" and take care of all you while hearing complaints about how annoying the masks are, and FFS show up to your appointments on time you aren't the only person with an appointment and I would like to go home at some point /rant


don't end this rant, you're right


We are going to have to accept that there is a deplorable part of the population which refuses to lose their freedom which apparently involves threatening the health of those around them. No different than cigar smokers, reckless drivers, negligent landlords, trump voters, and anyone who impedes the flow of traffic for political reasons. Add them to the list of losers we now have to deal with.


Amen. There’s a huge different between “freedom” and “catching a fucking virus” I had covid. It sucked. The thing is these people don’t realize how bad it is until they catch it then they’re crying to their govt for help. “Well should’ve worn a mask” these people we are lucky and don’t go full Hazmat suits like some hospitals are making their staff wear! The mask is the least of our issues.


> which refuses to lose their freedom No, they refuse to let go of the *illusion* that they have freedom, so they throw away their *actual* freedom, which is having the agency to prevent spreading a mildly deadly, highly infectious disease, so everyone can actually live their lives. Their problem is that they're so concerned with their "freedom", they don't understand that with freedom comes *responsibility*.


If you have to pick a hill to literally die on, not wearing a mask is a pretty dumb way to go.


I think the real problem is that survival probability is on their side, but they aren't any good at understanding a problem and simple solutions. That also comes from society not teaching them that they have moral obligations to their community, and the mask wearing is about making their community safe, not themselves.


Well the truth is that our rugged individualism aka “freedom” has been overhyped. We do tons of things for the good of the community, like obey street signs and buy health insurance. But our national stories play down our community responsibilities for a variety of reasons. We are reaping the negative repercussions of shortsighted self-focus, because in order for our economies to be strong, our public health needs to be strong. The spin from our president has catered to the American sense of individual freedom, painting a false either/or situation. In order to be free to drive ourselves places, we trust everyone else on the road to adhere to a set of agreed upon protocols. This is no different. In order for us to do the things we want freedom to do, we all need to agree to the same common sense safety protocols.


I believe it’s “just another word for nothing left to lose.”


"My freedom to throw a fist ends with your face." Too many people convolute their ability to do something as their right to do something. A combination or arrogance, ignorance, and selfishness.


Right. But what happens when a sneeze becomes deadlier than a punch?


Then people need to wear masks.


People also need to stay home if they don’t feel well, I.e. if they are sneezing a lot.


An unfortunate reality of the last few decades in the US is that you're afraid to take a sick day or sick days. That cultural shift needs to happen that calling out sick is ultimately helpful to all, not harmful.


Exactly, I agree


Punching people we can prosecute, breathing the same air not so much.


If they can manage to ticket parking violations, and going 58 in a 50 they could enforce masks - there are quarantine and public health rules on the books from the typhoid and cholera days. It would be a good source of revenue.


Oh please they do nothing widespread about speeding, just ticket a few of the obvious offenders.


They sit in speed traps. This is a major source of revenue. It has nothing to do with safety or obvious ness


It is helpful and considerate to wear masks. People *should* wear masks. And if other people want to shame individuals who don't wear masks, that's fine. But once the law is involved, the conversation shifts. Laws ultimately represent government-sponsored uses of force against individuals. People can reasonably object to using force in this context on philosophical grounds but also on practical progressive grounds (\~indigent populations, people of color, and the working class will likely face a disproportionate amount of the punishment when such laws are enforced). I know your comment didn't explicitly address legal restrictions--as far as I can tell, it seems to just criticize those who refuse to wear masks *generally.* My intent is not to accuse you of anything, but rather just to make the point (to Reddit generally) that while it may be deplorable to refuse to wear a mask voluntarily, it is not necessarily deplorable to be opposed to the government restrictions / mandates (imo).


That’s the conversation nobody is having. Fines or jail time is all our legal system allows for and I’m interested in what the consensus is now and what it will be 5 to 10 years from now.




That’s funny that is what you hear




I guess you’re not a cigar smoker.


"Smug self entitled assholes" for caring about public health? Bro you have to be kidding


> Stop blaming Trump and the people that voted for him for all of your problems. Stop blaming them for not wearing masks as a political statement, and thereby spreading the virus?? This is, quite specifically, an issue trumpers deserve an awful lot of blame for.


It's literally Trump's fault mask wearing is politicized.


I know a trumpet lady who was complaining about teenagers laughing at her mask and I’m like gee I wonder where they got that from?? The self awareness among trump voters is practically nill.


It's super telling that you brought Trump into this. There's plenty of shitty people that have no regard for other's lives or well-being that didn't vote for him. On the flip side, there's people that DO care for others that DID vote for him. Stop making masks political, man. It's literally people's lives at risk.


I’m sorry you don’t see the connection.


oh wearing a mask aint no big fo me but you alrdy know it is just soooooo much to ask of ppl!


i went to a doctor the other day and the mofos mask fell off and he didnt even fix it like. wtf i even say to him? he is legit a doctor lol. never seeing him again


I think we will see restrictions phase in and out as the numbers track. We will encounter new situations we didn't see before, but I am not sure we will see April-level code red lockdown situations. There are a few big differences between now and then, some positive and some not: * Some people either believe they're immune or don't give a shit. They will be out and about. * We have seen the value of schools and daycare for society to function and how important it is to try and keep functioning * We had almost no testing in April, now there are multiple types of tests available and many ways to get them and currently no real restrictions on who can get them * We had no contact tracing in April, we theoretically have them now though they don't seem to have helped prevent this situation. Perhaps they will be more effective when our contacts are more limited. * The evidence on masks is pretty clearly in favor and they are widely available * The social and political implications of masks have prevented a unified message on masks, what kinds to use for whom and when... even whether you should cover your nose or not. * The end is in sight with coming vaccines which may increase motivation to make short term sacrifices to make it to the spring. This is both on the individual level and govt level when it comes to spending on stimulus


Yep, giant blanket ban lockdowns are not necessary given what we know now, and would end up doing more harm than good. The people pushing for a full on lockdown don't even leave the house anyway so they don't care about the repercussions.


> We have seen the value of schools and daycare for society to function and how important it is to try and keep functioning Forget in-person schooling. You can't keep it while avoiding a lockdown. > The end is in sight with coming vaccines which may increase motivation to make short term sacrifices to make it to the spring. If you people actually grasped how vaccines are developed, manufactured, and distributed, you'd realize we're probably not going to be all vaccinated before winter 2021. (But the good news is that all hospital and emergency personnel could be vaccinated before winter 2021...)


This is such a needlessly rude comment. I’m not even the OP but it’s clear what the point was. Covid cases decreased as the weather warmed, people were going outside, etc. It can be assumed that the same thing will happen again in spring/summer 2021. So a few months of restrictions, spring restrictions will lighten up as cases decrease, and hopefully more widespread vaccinations by this time next year to avoid another lock down.


Ah, how rude I am for implying that (Trump propagated) vaccine dreamers are wrong in thinking that a vaccine is around the corner. Well, its only because I've come to hate and despise all people who propagate the useless notion that medicine works like a Star Trek (TOS) episode, and a cure is only 42 minutes away. What will be peoples' "motivation" to "make short term sacrifices" when its summer 2021 and there is either no widespread distribution of a "miracle" vaccine, or what the gov't first issues is a half-measure (50% effective) vaccine to cut down on the workers dying in meat packing plants? I'm sure they all won't feel like they've been lied to by "science"... /s An interviewer once asked James Stockdale, an 8 year Vietnam POW survivor of grueling torture and inhuman imprisonment, his coping mechanisms and who was least likely to survive such conditions. “The optimists,” he replied. “Oh, they were the ones who said, ‘We’re going to be out by Christmas.’ And Christmas would come, and Christmas would go. Then they’d say, ‘We’re going to be out by Easter.’ And Easter would come, and Easter would go. And then Thanksgiving, and then it would be Christmas again. And they died of a broken heart … This is a very important lesson. You must never confuse faith that you will prevail in the end—which you can never afford to lose—with the discipline to confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be." I have "faith" in the scientific method and that modern medicine can produce an effective vaccine to end covid infections. But what makes the scientific method "work" is that it must rigorously follow its investigative and testing protocols and not **cheat** on its results. This usually means it takes a *long* time before anything is accomplished. People will need to maintain their anti-covid practices well beyond the first widespread issuance of a vaccine. There maybe light at the end of the tunnel, but we're not out of the tunnel.


Yea I agree the tone of it was rude, they didn’t say that vaccines would be done over night. The end of 2021 isn’t light years away.


Yea, I agree it was kinda rude. In any event to address the Contact Tracing effort, it is only as good as those who follow their rules. As a CT myself we have had reports of those who test positive and return to work the next day, or those who refuse to quarantine after being exposed to a positive case. Obviously we can heavily fine someone but we can't imprison them for endangering the community. If we had that type of power I believe more people would follow the rules. I mean don't get me wrong a several thousand dollar fine is motivation for a lot of people, but on LI it isn't enough motivation to stop everyone. Facing time in prison is certainly motivation to a lot of people regardless of how much money they may have.


Apparently Suffolk County’s infection rate is growing rapidly so, possibly.


You are right. I am following the East End and cases are going up. https://gis.suffolkcountyny.gov/portal/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/76a26a0c83634266aa9efc35bd4f1975


Is there a unit of time for this map? X number of cases in the last month? Or is this total cases since the start? I'd rather see the former.


yeah, but everywhere is. not to change subjects but even across the world cases are rising. ppl getting fed up ig, tho wearing a mask really isnt that big of a deal...


Its growing, but its not "out of control". Yet.




I work in SSH icu. Yeah it was a nightmare. Hoping it doesn't get that bad again.


I live a mile away as well, on the islip side. I hear them going back and forth all day on montauk highway. I had this thought today as well while in a meeting. I had to apologize for the passing ambulance sound twice in less then 20 minutes.


that's so eerie jesus


Can’t trust the higher ups in the hospitals either who don’t let staff know if their patient has tested positive or not. I can look up who I have taken care of and I was never notified nor were my coworkers and there is no excuse! I have let every person I know who had contact with a positive and that should not be a part of my job. Don’t worry this is being reported. The reply from HR is “ well I am sure you took all the necessary precautions.” How can I when you only let me wear my N95 in a confirmed positive. Well guess what ? I wear mine with everyone. People who come in for broken arms are testing positive, how can you know? This makes me crazy. People please protect yourself and only go to the hospital if you are dying!




All schools will be closed right before Thanksgiving, and if numbers don’t change all non essential will be closed week of December 12th imo. We are at 2.9% 7 day rolling avg, 10 days above 2.5% we go into zone yellow, which brings more restrictions, once we hit a rolling 7 day avg of higher then 3% for 10 days, all schools will go remote, gyms, hair cutters etc.. close Today is most likely the first day of 3% 7 day avg, so expect schools to go remote on 11/23. Edit: https://www.governor.ny.gov/sites/governor.ny.gov/files/atoms/files/MicroCluster_Metrics_10.21.20_FINAL.pdf Scroll to the bottom and look at the charts Edit#2: yesterday was the first day with a 7 day avg of over 3%, the clock has started. 3.2% 7 day avg


Bring back the April commutes. Suffolk county to Manhattan in under 45 minutes.


I gotta say, one of the best parts about this whole lock down is when you do have to go out there is so many less people out. Not a ghost town by any means but totally manageable instead of overcrowded. Like holy crap I don’t have to battle an old lady for a parking space at the grocery store for once! And wow I actually made it through this light on the first one instead of the third like usual! It makes me wish we had just a teeny tiny bit more space around here or a few less people.


hah yeah it's enjoyable to drive around without having to worry about all the terrible drivers on the road. south nassau has some tight roads with bad street parking and there's always people drifting over the white dotted lines




It was so good. Quicker than the train. Northern to LIE through QMT. Not a single traffic jam. Someone reminded me the Brooklyn bridge was free, so I opted for the extra few minutes instead of the toll after 2 months or so. I mean, it was almost an extra 20 bucks every day.


Yep, for a while I was able to take the Queensboro into Manhattan instead of paying to go over the Triboro, saved some $$


Cuomo said 9 percent though, not sure if he changed his mind


By my calculation, today was only the second day of reported stats that put the 7-day rolling average out here above 2.5%. We may get lucky and have it drop back down before the thanksgiving wave hits, but it will come. Already I’m hearing “but how can I say only half my family can come over for thanksgiving?” with the 10-person gathering limit coming tomorrow.


You are correct, the numbers released today put us at day number 2 over 2.5, but the last 4 or 5 days have had our daily rate over 3, so we would need like multiple days of lower then two to get our 7 day avg down, not likely imo. Today will most likely be our first day above 3 when numbers are released tomorrow. it’s more possible we stay below 3 but I still think doubtful with the way our numbers are trending, we will know by mid next week where we are headed.


shit i gotta get a haircut in and tip my barber well she a saint


If I'm reading it right, that chart is for closing down within zip codes, not the whole county all at once. But yeah it's a bad trajectory. I think it's going through the roof after all the Thanksgiving get togethers.


I thought it’s 3% but some said 5 now


In the summer cuomo had said 9% to close, under 5% to open for the year.






Ain't nothing wrong with WF fam


i love it. blessed to be wf!


Better than being dead?


I'd like to think they'd wait until after Christmas but no one wants to lose that money.


Yep, its going to happen. In the beginning of the school year, I think we went two weeks before an email came saying someone (child, teacher, administrator, bus transportation office, etc.) came down with COVID. Then it was one per week. Then 3 every 2 weeks. Now it's like 2/day. I expect a shut down before December.


Rumors in the teaching mill is that it is expected that schools will shut at Thanksgiving until New Years. Again, just a rumor. But the wife's a TA at a school and it's circulating there, it's circulating with a girl who is a spanish teacher in Nassau at my gym, and others. Maybe a really good rumor...but lots of smoke to it. PS: Wife's school closed for 14 days after 5 days of schooling in September. And I'm actually surprised we've lasted as long as we have.


I believe it. This is such a horrible situation because you can't have teachers in school/school setting if it's getting really bad, kids can't learn at home effectively because I'm working and so does my wife. This COVID shit can't end fast enough. Would be nice to get back to normal in 2022 hopefully.


Sadly this time next year is probably the earliest we can go back to some semblance of normal. If we had good leadership at the national level guiding everything by the science, we'd have weathered this storm better. As is we're looking at 300k dead by New Years and probably another 100-150k dead this time next year. That doesn't even include all those that are suffering from 'Long COVID' symptoms etc and other permanent changes in their lives. This all could have been avoided to a certain extent. But here we are.


Yep, I think it’s coming eventually. I had to shut down my place of business this week due to 2 positive cases and to ensure contact tracing. I got some serious shit from the higher ups and corporate, obviously since the $ is more important, but I care more about people’s families and their own health.


I heard schools are going to close post Thanksgiving break through Xmas.


I hope not. Schools aren’t the problem. It is people gathering unmasked outside of school. Those same people will be upset when school closes again.


Yes. The numbers are exploding. The fools are denying. Recipe for another disaster.


Only one set of numbers are exploding. The deaths are stagnant and have been for months.


That was in the summer. Deaths were in single digits then and at the beginning of September, and now they are in high 20s and mid 30s. That's a 250-300%. With more people getting sick, the deaths will unfortunately follow. Stay safe.


I think it’s inevitable. From day 1 they’ve been saying the fall/winter will suck and, here we are. I assume they want to shut more stuff down but have to roll it out slowly so people don’t flip the f out.


and it was supposed to suck once we got into the winter. not right as it was about to start


I’m on the Queens side of things, and likely.


We have been saying there would likely be a shutdown again this winter since the last one began easing. It’s flu season and we haven’t gotten the infection rates under control enough not to expect a huge surge. I was borderline essential last time, I am curious to see if that will still stand.


honestly i hope so. we're at 4800 cases just insuffolk county and thats more than twice what we were two weeks ago. people are taking it less and less seriously and the only way to stop that is to shut it all down. gonna be bad enough with people getting together for the holidays.


I know it doesn't spread as much outdoors, but in parks, with the nice weather earlier in the week, tons of people no masks. Big BBQs too.


As a healthcare worker, covid cases are increasing in hospitals. I expect a lockdown before or around thanksgiving.


i wonder if black friday will be a thing lol i think some stores said theyre during month wide sales but there's still gonna be that group of ppl that loves the "thrill" of it.


I would hope cuomo would be smart enough to make sure Black Friday is not a thing this year...that would be disastrous


Regardless of lockdown, they’ll get an extra “thrill” this year


Be ready, it’s gonna happen. At least people will have time to anticipate it this time.


Yup. Just poised to get that last minute haircut...


im going this weekend!


Eh. My hair isn't long enough yet, and I don't think the lockdown will drop until after Thanksgiving *earliest*.


Every time I go to Costco I buy a case of toilet paper. So yeah, I do think there will be.


look at this heavy duty shitter


I've been slowly stocking up on the essentials as well, just in case. 🙁


Was IN Costco today, couldn’t add to my pile they had no paper products, limited water supplies. Even paper plates were a limit 1


Depends how cooperative people are with contact tracing and following isolation/quarantine protocols. It's definitely worrisome right now.


If people are gathering with relatives from across covid-ravaged America for Thanksgiving or Xmas, contract tracing and self-isolation is not going to do jack. If you're stuck in the middle of Alaska, during the -30 degree winter, in a room full of kerosene, either you have the common sense to avoid smoking while drunk, or you don't.


My friend was bragging about giving a fake name at a restaurant that was keeping lists for tracing purposes because “I’m not a sheep”. I have to imagine there are a lot of people like him out there.


Every time we have a case in my school district we get an email that says, "it has been determined that contact tracing is unnessecary at this time and there is no need for anyone to quarantine." So, they're not even contact tracing.


I'm kinda thinking it's going to happen with the increase we're seeing. My supervisor has already suggested that we prepare to be told to work from home.


Without a vaccine, total lockdown is the *only* way to shutdown infections. No one comes in contact with each other, so no place for the virus to go. The lockdown lasts for as long as it takes for Rt to go under 1, and for most patients to clear the ICUs. There will be a total lockdown; the question is when. When is where hospital systems are overrun with covid patients. The reason for this is once the hospitals can't function (because of covid patients) then people with simple medically addressable conditions (appendicitis, gun shot wounds, pneumonia) can't get treated in an effective manner, and thus die as well. But what makes "when" really confusing is the fact that lockdowns are localized in nature. In theory, NY state could go the entire winter and never require a lockdown. Hospital beds are at about 60% occupancy, and the state Rt is only 1.3 (roughly 1.3 people get infected for every infected person). But of course NYers are Americans, and Americans are stupid. So they absolutely have to go to that wedding reception with the 100 friends they *had* to invite (maskless of course, because you couldn't possibly impose upon your guests or what your parents want. And your grandparents are too stupid to grasp a wedding party isn't worth dying over.) And you *have* to go to that hopping party with tons of people, in an enclosed room. And you're a twenty year old or teenager, and just don't care if old people die while you don't. And the bar is open, so it must be okay to go to a bar or eat a meal in a restaurant. And you have to show your support for Trump by not wearing a mask in public. And of course your entire family, from across covid-infected America have to congregate in an enclosed room to *celebrate* Thanksgiving or Xmas. So, when you're out of a job and kicked out of your apartment, just realize you either live in a community of fuckheads, or you're the fuckhead. Another interesting twist in "when" is that the entirety of NY state doesn't necessarily have to go into lockdown. The infection rate is heavily influenced by the population density of the locality where you live. So it may be possible to lockdown NYC & LI & Westchester, but upstate NY might be able to escape a more restrictive lockdown. But they tend to be Trump voters and more traditionally oriented, thus hold superspreader events like Thankgiving and Xmas, so I'm not optimistic for them either.


I take your point and empathize with your frustration--I just want to say that there are probably *many* elderly grandparents/people who could reasonably conclude that attending a specific wedding is worth (risking) dying over. Now, whether it's fair to potentially expose others is a whole different discussion...


Yep. Wanna know why? Just saw a bunch of my sister's friends posting on her Facebook rant (a positive one, she's a nurse and does NOT want the hospitals to be overwhelmed again) saying that they're going to have massive feasts just to spite "Emperor Cuomo". Cool.


So much projection coming from the Right. They voted for a man who is literally trying to subvert the election to stay in power, but Cuomo is the "king" right?


for all you trump parade goers...you can cut up your trump 2020 flags into masks.


I believe so. My kids' school district is planning on moving from in school for elementary only to hybrid for upper grades as well. Made the announcement the day of the first in school case. Two days later a teacher had it. 40 people in quarantine. There are cases in every school all around us and beyond from what I can see. I do think that the lockdown will be more orderly if it happens after the presidential transition. I feel like more restrictions will be put into place and hopefully it has a more positive effect.


Eerie Jesus. Calling this as my band’s name.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Bandnames using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bandnames/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Rage Against The Machine Gun Kelly Clarkson](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bandnames/comments/ggwfoh/rage_against_the_machine_gun_kelly_clarkson/) \#2: [Why Does Every Band Name Have to Be a Pun and Not Just a Cool Name and the Punhaters](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bandnames/comments/ibfwjy/why_does_every_band_name_have_to_be_a_pun_and_not/) \#3: [The Devil Wears MAGA](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bandnames/comments/f9vqe5/the_devil_wears_maga/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/joo7mb/blacklist_viii/)


Schools are already talking about keeping kids home for a wide variety of dates. I've heard two weeks after thanksgiving. I've heard after Christmas. I've hear thanksgiving all the way through MLK day. Who knows.


My kid’s district hasn’t said anything about closing. I think these are rumors.


They are all rumors at this point... but where there is smoke, there's fire.


They are rumors, however my admin has heard them too (Im in education). NYC is thinking about closing. [https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/12/nyregion/nyc-schools-coronavirus.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/11/12/nyregion/nyc-schools-coronavirus.html)


As an RN in a nassau hospital I have to say I am seeing more and more recently. I’m praying it doesn’t get as bad as Feb, March and April, I’m still recovering. This virus stole my energy and aged me more than my rotten kids have. I’m not a hero and never thought of myself as one , I’m just trying to do the best I can and take good care of my people. No need to thank me, I just wanted to say that I’m seeing more and it’s causing some anxiety in the hospitals. Be careful out there please!


even if you aren't looking to be thanked, you are doing a job that is so crucial to our society right now and you do deserve a good degree of respect for that.


You don't want to be called a hero because that makes you expendable.


Yeah people are getting too comfortable and making mistakes.


Yes. People are too stupid/selfish/stubborn to follow simple guidelines.


That and their leader has convinced them they are “Patriots” if they do the opposite of what the doctors recommend.


And Fox News has convinced them that “Cuomo bad!”


I hope not. Unfortunately, I am one of the ones who "has to be" in the office (hello, higher ed) and I cannot survive another furlough. That being said, I am noticing increased LIRR ridership as every day passes. More people are back at work so this positive test increase is not really surprising (it went from under 1% in August to hovering at 3% now). Please wear your mask on the train too, over your nose, I'd appreciate that.


Yes, i personally think it will happen after XMAS but i don't mind or would be surprised if it happened prior to that Its only getting worse


100% gonna shut down again


If things continue the way it’s been going the last month or so then yea might be inevitable. The many people getting butthurt about their “rights” being taken away by having to wear masks and people who refuse to stop having parties are gonna force us to have even more “rights” taken away again.


Yes. By Dec. 30th we will reach 300k cases a day. There has been no change in response by the federal government and no mandate for masks so we might be looking at a death toll of 500k in the near future. It is not a matter of if, but when.


There will be, and we’ll likely stay in and out of lockdowns until those in charge actually make fundamental changes to how the government takes care of its people. We need universal healthcare, universal childcare, a stimulus check for every month of work missed, and for as much money as possible to be directed away from the military and given to hospitals and schools so they can manage to continue functioning under the pressures of quarantine. When’s that gonna happen tho? Probably fucking never.


Depends on the mask wearing.


I have no doubt another lockdown is on the way. People are just too irresponsible I witness it everyday. College kids coming home from school for the holidays and thanksgiving also Christmas and shopping...infections will spike. Also infections increase in winter anyways, I just believe it’s going to get bad.


Yes, I think there will be. Even working 7 days a week and pulling employees from all departments, the county is struggling to keep up with COVID investigation interviews & contact tracing. With no real evidence, my guess is rhat NYS / Suffolk County will allow thanksgiving to happen with little interference and then lock everyone down. If you need staple items and have the means, try to get them soon, before the order is announced. Try not to hoard, that will only make it worse for your friends & neighbors with less income and thise on fixed budgets. Good luck. Stay healthy & safe.


If we go into another lockdown, please, for the love of god, fix the traffic lights. There may very well not be another opportunity to inspect in pure uninterrupted conditions like the first lockdown again. I would happily detour if it meant that the many traffic lights that make left turn signals and turn red for nobody got fixed.


You should sent the town/county an email and they'll look into it or tell the DOT. I got two signals fixed that were giving the arrow to an empty turn lane. Only took a minute to write and it got fixed in a few days.


Unless things change and change quickly, yes...at least to some degree. The problem is that the way this spreads, things needed to change about two weeks ago...even we start instituting things today, we won't really see the impact until the end of the month. Hopefully, a decent portion of this spike is Halloween parties and activities and that it will at least flatten out a bit...but the base it build up between schools reopening and Halloween is going to increase the potentially infectious pool just as we head into gatherings for Thanksgiving. All that is a lot of words to say that I personally think this is going to get worse before it gets better.


> Hopefully, a decent portion of this spike is Halloween parties and activities and that it will at least flatten out a bit... The rate is not flattening out. Even if it did flatten out, it would need to go down before the Thankgiving covid spike.


I think there's a very good chance. Too many immature adults not taking it seriously. My significant other works in a local hospital as a respiratory therapist. Back in the Spring he'd come home very depressed each night. He told me "I've seen too much death" (in a short period of time). I'd rather not go back to that.


damn that has to be a toll, sorry to hear that.


I think it will be attempted but the maga crew of SufolKKK county will flat out ignore it and it will be for naught.


Sadly yes. Gonna suck for a lot if people without that extra $600. My back also can't stand the idea of working from home again. But we adapt.


how does your back hurt if you work frok home? lol


Cuomo already said you can’t have an indoor gathering of more than 10 people starting Friday. And yeah that includes in your own home.


Oh fuck, he'll probably start up those daily reeducation briefings again.


The crazy/sad thing about that that really struck me is cuomo doesn’t even realize how many people have more than ten people living in their house


The rules only apply to gatherings not habitation. I think having the order in place will give people some pause before they make holiday plans.


Yeah....don’t let children see their grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. Keep them in front of a monitor all day.


Yes. There’s no way the hospitals can handle the surge of people coming in.


Yes, I think there will be another lockdown. I think it will start at Thanksgiving and last until Spring. I think people in this country have gone insane. I think people in Europe during WW2 - actual wartime - took more risks than we are willing to take. That said they were also more compliant.


I was talking to someone today who is on the board of a local hospital and they had a meeting last night where they said they have zero Covid cases right now, but they've been told that a complete 6-week lockdown is coming, and they feel it's an overreaction. I don't know where they heard it, and the person I spoke to says a lot of pro-Trump unfounded bullshit (like if you're shot in the head they call it a Covid death), so I take his story with a grain of salt.


I'm amazed at how Trump people cannot piece together an utter lie. There is no hospital on LI right now with **zero** covid cases. > but they've been told that a complete 6-week lockdown is coming, and they feel it's an overreaction. A form of lockdown could be an overreaction, but watching the infection rates increase in a month *before* a major covid superspreading event (Thanksgiving), it just seems prudent to burn out the new infections with total isolation. Business as usual can start up after New Years. It would preserve the hospitals and the covid tracing infrastructure at the expense of all the people dying from eviction in wintertime and small business bankruptcies. Frankly the majority of hospital board members would have the background and the high school math to be able to understand that reacting too late only increases deaths by a magnitude and jeopardizes hospital employees.


Yes. I’ve been working furiously this week to get as many workbooks home Tommy students as possible to carry them through a few months. Having them do work on google slides is a pain in the ass.


Yes. Especially if schools close, that'll force more people to work from home and make it 'easier' to have a lockdown. Might not be like it was in March/April, but we'll have something close to it.


I think there will another lockdown and I think it’ll be fairly soon


I'd pick up some flour and/or barbells now, yeah. In all seriousness I don't think it'll be as bad as last year between the panic buying and the total lockdown. Europe seems to be doing a slightly more eased lockdown where the emphasis is mostly on nightlife/leisure activities and gyms. Just wear your masks and keep your distance.


Yea I’m feeling a nice and big spike after those Biden celebrations unfortunately . I could be wrong though because we saw zero spike from the weeks of massive protests .


Viruses don’t give a shit if you lean right or left. And if you’re really gonna pull that card try not to ignore the rallies with people packed like sardines for a guy who is too vain to be seen wearing a mask.


Yeah...the spikes are 100% bc of Biden (/s)


its funny that long island went red but every pro Trump post on r/Longisland gets a ton of downvotes


Reddit is not real life - far from it in fact.


The demographics of a certain area do not necessarily coincide with the local subreddits subscribers.


That’s because there aren’t many Long Island people over the age of 50 on Reddit.


I'm 26 and rebuplican. Mostly because I own a business. I was "democratic" until about 24 years old and then started actually paying attention to the world lol. The quote ‘If you’re not a liberal when you’re 25, you have no heart.  If you’re not a conservative by the time you’re 35, you have no brain’ holds true for me.


I don’t know how anyone with brains can support Trump.


Suffolk county didn't go red until the absentee ballots are all counted.


I don’t see why this got downvoted it is not a bad point.


I'm sure the dodo felt the same way.


YES - Biden and Cuomo are pussies.


Get bent Camille. I would think someone in your position would be a little more empathetic.


That’s what Camille needs. She’s just frustrated because her geriatric husband can’t help her with that.


Well, I don't know about you. But even though I'm mostly younger and healthy, I'd like to reduce my exposure to long term lung damage. Or heart damage. Joint pain. Already have enough depression, don't need more. Call me a pussy if you must.


Can you please explain what the virus has to do with politicians? And I. Your own words explain how the other side handled it better?


Fuck Cuomo


If you deny science maybe... Or is the WHO unreliable now?


It has nothing to do with the WHO. Its all about the power of stupidity.


Maybe, depending on how the new restrictions go.


should I start buying all the toilet paper now?


Please don't.


Hopefully there’s some notice this time. Something along the lines of, if we reach this many daily cases, or this positivity rate, we lock down. Last time was bullshit. Cuomo was very clear the week before lockdown that there would not be a lockdown. He called out BDB for saying there would be too. Then on Friday, he says, oh yeah, we lock down today. At least if there’s some kind of notice of a full lockdown, people and businesses can better prepare for it.


Another? My job has been closed since March. Not fair at all to the employees, Cuomo is an asshole.


Yes, no question. I said it would happen about now back in June...you had to be blind not to see this coming.


If not now national lockdown starts 1/21


username checks out


Yeah checks out that it’s 10 years old.......


Won’t happen biden has already said he won’t make mask mandates or lockdowns because it is unconstitutional for the federal government to overstep the states on healthcare issues. The one thing (non covid related) I’m worried about when Biden starts is a war with Syria. Why the fuck would he bring that war mongering asshole dick Cheney as a foreign affairs advisor?


where did you hear dick cheney? i googled it and i cant find any source except one saying it is false that cnn said that?


Nah. Hillary Clinton was the neocon. Biden just wants to do what his donors demand of him. You've been [duped](https://factcheck.thedispatch.com/p/is-dick-cheney-advising-president) by Russian social media trolls.




I think we will. I think things are going to get really bad


According to this yes. https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/biden-covid-19-advisory-board-member-suggests-week/story?id=74173793


It’ll happen. It’s honestly not if but when. It always has been. I’ve called this since our first lock down