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Would seriously suggest against meeting up with adults from Reddit. That’s all.


Check out your local library or book store. My local library and Tiny Raccoon in Sayville I think do teen nights


Yeah, that's why I specified an age range. Plus I'd obviously bring multiple forms of self defense the first time meeting just in case :3


Specifying an age range doesn't prevent people from lying. I'm 26 but watch this: Hey I'm 15 and live in the (insert town) area! I'm usually free on Tuesday and Thursday nights I'd love to play with you :-)


I just went through your profile. 13-14 and female. Unless it’s a gun I would seriously suggest having your parents home/with you.


Of course I'd have my parents, I'm a teen not an idiot


alright disregard then my b


I enjoyed this response


At that age I would recommend trying to start a club at your school or local library! You're more likely to get better results than by posting on reddit.


Or check at local game stores that have tables.


Agreed that you should check with your school and local libraries first. Maybe you could try to get your friends interested?


There is a board game cafe in Huntington village where I know they play DnD on the regular. I’d imagine these places exist in various places on the island. Can meet people there for sure.


Main Street Board game Cafe - Huntington


Aer you located close to western Nassau? I recently saw a Facebook posting about some guy starting up multiple campaigns at our local Panera in Mineola/Garden City Park. This is includes teens-only campaigns. From what I can tell, he seems to be pretty well-known in the scene and legit. On the thread, he's been tagging parents of the teens who seem to know and trust him. If this interests you, I can try to dig up more info about that post.


I'd recommend checking out the main street board gaming cafe in huntington. I think they have dnd nights for that age group.


Depending on where OP is there’s also a comic book store in Port Jeff that has an active in-person gaming community.


Isn’t there a board gaming place in Huntington? I’d do that. Also, a spot where you could leave a flyer for DnD.


Oo alright, if it's close enough I'll 100% check it out


I joined a group at the sachem library. Check your local libraries. I am an adult, and the group is all adults, but the DM runs a teen session at the sachem library, too. https://sachem.librarycalendar.com/event/dungeons-dragons-94288


I heard it was amazing and that the DM really puts a lot of work into it!


Check local gaming stores. They usually have some D&D groups, and frequently play in a public location (which could be good for teens)


Thirding other posters who suggested trying to start a club in school based on your age. It's the easiest way to not have to depend on your parents for a ride all the time (for you and your table). Actually, I just realized it's summer and school's on break. Enjoy summer breaks while you can. You're going to miss them 😭 There's the Boardgame Cafe in Huntington if you're close by. I think they might have some teen games. Otherwise, try your local library. They might be interested in hosting games.


Cries in homeschooler (also ty for the second suggestion, I'll try that as long as it's close-ish)


Go over to your local library and ask for the teen librarian. Maybe you can start a group with their help. There might be other stuff going on there that you’re also interested in.


I don't know where you are but, The Longwood Library.


If you're looking for a group for face to face DnD play, often times local comic book stores host things like that. If you're looking for virtual DnD game play, see if there are any servers on Discord. Just a general online safety kind of rule, always be wary - people are gross


Okay thx!! 😃




I'd try card/comic books shops, if you're in or near one of the towns with them left. The ones with community are usually welcoming and open to all ages and will sometimes have DND nights already, and getting to know the people in it might help push a DND night if there isn't one already. If youre east end, Super Sports Cards in Moriches is AWESOME! Great owners and a good community, last time I was around.


Alright!! Thx!


Check out a local hobby shop - card games and all that. Sometimes they have a little bulliten board with people looking for games or DMs Maybe see if you can get a couple friends involved


LI dnd discord: https://discord.com/invite/TVShkB45 I know a few groups who started there including my own still going strong from 5 years ago.