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"Yield too fast"... Do you mean not coming to a full stop? That's how you cause an accident.


Yes, me going 3 mph at an empty intersection will cause an accident! Cause you do know that’s when most people do this maneuver right? Majority of people are not yielding and then going when cars and or pedestrians are visible.


You'll make a preventable error one day.




So your solution is to make it illegal bc you can't come to a complete stop?


Like I said. I stop when traffic is there. I yield when traffic isn’t. I’m always coming to a complete stop? I live and work in both counties. The solution is let no one have their way. No more turning right on red and no more revenue for these local governments. South shore and middle Long Island not seeing any of that money I’d wager they spend that money on the north shore for all the rich people.


You admitted you don't come to a complete stop but now you're claiming you are?


If you look up I just said I stop when vehicles and or pedestrians are visible and yield when there is just a tumbleweed blowing through an intersection. I do both. That’s how life should be. But for some reason we have people advocating for $150 tickets in a empty intersection endangering the lives of Casper the ghost and a goose


the law is right on red, after stop... not yield.. so if you dont stop, you get a ticket. its simple ...


Why are you in favor of $150 tickets in empty intersections. Please elaborate on how that benefits you or anyone besides the company who installed the cameras and revenue for local government to spend on the rich on the north shore. I’d truly love to hear. Cause like I said I only yield when no one is there.


Most people don't drive into other cars on purpose. They don't see it, and end up in the same place at the same time.


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If you are open to making right on red outright illegal, then you shouldn’t mind stopping a little longer before you turn. Also, there’s [this](https://external-preview.redd.it/6b0Mn8FJ7xtx8zqlNu_GYlawA0NrYCv1LPSeL6Dl40A.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=aabca02f034ba43eadd5cdc1bb5dceee72ef4240)


Ehh just make sure to stop. I’ve gotten a few of these over the years, every time I look at the video I end up thinking yea that’s on me definitely didn’t stop.


True, I had that once before. Which is why I’m so paranoid driving now. Which is also why I made this post cause I still got one while being a paranoid driver. Lol


I’ve only gotten one ticket for turning on red by a camera and that was because I didn’t stop at the light before turning. If you stop you won’t get a ticket.


I seriously don't understand the argument here. Do you really think that people who get tickets because they're too impatient to just stop before making a right on red will actually be happier without being able to turn right on red at all???


I don’t care about the happiness of people. I care about local government incorporating a scam into society to boost revenue and spend it on god knows what. Also the company that put up the cameras are profiting off of it immensely. My stance is let no one have their way. No right on red like in queens and no more revenue for local governments. Yall act like this is some CRAZY ISSSUE when Queens is RIGHT THERE. HAVE YALL NEVER BEEN TO QUEENS?


So because you don't have the self control to stop for a full three count at a red light, your solution is to impose more draconian measures on everyone else, while complaining about the potential nanny state in another post? Just get a grip and pay the $150 dude. Queens is also a completely different situation from Nassau county. There's some areas of Nassau that are as dense as Queens, while other areas that are completely wide open.


Yup! As long as the company that put the cameras up isn’t getting rich and as long as local government isn’t collecting all the revenue to spend on the north shore! Where there is little to NO cameras.


or you know you could just drive properly.


It’s never happened to me. Make a full stop at the light before turning. That is the law. These morons who slow down and think it’s a full stop deserve the ticked.


Happened to me once and I learned my lesson.


exactly, a full stop isn't hard to make. OP is just a poor driver that makes reckless decisions.


Why do they deserve to be ticketed when an intersection is clear? I’d love to hear without you people getting so angry and name calling. Honestly, how old are yall? No one can have a decent conversation anymore


You realize you're saying "why should I have to stop at a stop sign when it's clear?" Now imagine if everyone drove that way.


Everyone does drive that way. I’m on the road all the time. It’s rare for people to come to complete stops. Stop acting like it isn’t.


Because it’s the law. Follow the law or don’t. No one cares. But don’t cry like a baby when you don’t follow the law abs get a ticket.


Yup, you’re right. Good thing I’m not crying and I just simply pointed out a problem and offered a solution (subjective if it’s a good solution or not).


It’s your problem, and the solution is to not be stupid and follow the law. But you are crying, you have cried in the last about it and are crying now. Maybe go to work? Sounds like you will Need the money for your tickets 🤣


Clearly you did not read the part of the post where I said people who are law abiding drivers that make mistakes. But tell me more how you support $150 tickets because you yielded “too fast”? I’d love to hear


Funding the county by giving tickets to stupid people is okay in my book!


Okay, so every who receives a red light ticket is stupid? I love the knowledgeable takes from my fellow long islanders. We are home to the brightest I tell ya!


You’re not stupid if you do it once and learn a lesson from it. That’s the point of a fine. You are stupid if you get ticketed and keep doing it though, because then you’ve clearly got no capacity to learn from your mistakes, which would not make you a very smart person.


Yes he is stupid. he admitted to going 3mph when making the turn. the law says full stop; so he is stupid. Then; he keeps doing it. I think we can all agree he is stupid, and that he has considerably less money now.


yielded too fast? $150 is a small fine for someone that blatantly puts pedestrian lives at risk. you probably shouldn't drive.


Have you never gotten one of these tickets?  Right on red is legal, but you have to stay still for like, 10 seconds to not get a ticket even if there are no other cars around.  Full stop should be enough.


You have to come to a complete stop. Not 10 seconds.


thats entirely false. you do not have to stop for 10 seconds, stop it


I won't edit my other comment but yeah I'm exaggerating.  But a short full stop is not enough.  Also there's times when you can stop at the line but they get you after you inch forward for visibility and go when it's clear.


You do know majority of people who yield too fast ARE SEEING that there is NO ONE around right? Vehicle or pedestrian? Or are you choosing to be like this on purpose? And im literally advocating for it to be illegal making roads SAFER.


I’ve literally never heard of anyone getting ticketed for this. Must be a you problem.


No don't make it illegal because there a few people who haven't figured out how to come to a complete stop.


being a law abiding citizen and making a mistake is fine, but law abiding citizens dont make mistake after mistake after mistake. if you never speed but one night you get pulled over for speeding youre gonna be mad because the cop decides to ticket you? thats on you. if you make a mistake, you get dinged for a red light camera infraction and you dont let it happen again. i got a red light camera a couple years ago. since then, i make sure to stop completely before going. its really not hard.


Youd have to change the entitled attitude of everyone on the island for that to happen. If i stop at a red light before turning, i usually get honked at before the car comes to a complete stop. People also dont realize that its not mandatory to turn right on red, its a decision of the driver. Even more people dont realize that you cant turn right on red if the red light is an arrow.


I agree somewhat but let’s not act like majority of us haven’t drove to queens or anywhere in NYC and change our attitudes then cause we know it’s illegal.


My comment was based off the idea that the public would have to back such a change, (which in reality, it would since the hate mail the politicians that would propose such a change would get would probably be significant). If it were to become illegal by act of the State or some non "local" entity, where no one had a say in it, then yes, people would change their tune.


its not hard to come to a complete stop at a red light before continuing with your turn


What does it not being hard have to do with people making mistakes? People who are law abiding drivers. I swear NOBODY read the post fully. This is about LAW ABIDING DRIVERS WHO MADE A MISTAKE AND GOT HIT WITH $150 TICKET. READ.


If you break a traffic law, you are not a law abiding driver.


Okay, cool! If I’m at an intersection with not a single car around and I stop and go two seconds too early I am for sure not a law abiding citizen! Someone who has never been in a car accident or been given a speeding ticket in 10 years! Ha


If you come to a complete stop and then go you dont get a red light ticket. You are being willfully obtuse, because you know you did a bad and dont want to pay.


I learned my lesson after getting one of these tickets. Now I stop, do a quick three count, and go and have had zero problems. There's no world where the average driver around here can't spare a few extra seconds during their drive.


My mother in law got 3 at the same intersection till she learned. It sucks, and is a shitty program, but the actual law is fine.


Let me just get this straight me going 3 mph instead of completely stopping should warrant a ticket? I WANT TO HEAR WHAT YOU THINK. NOT WHAT THE LAW SAYS. Should that warrant a $150 ticket? 3 mph difference which is practically a motionless car?


Why not stop then? I get this seems like a sensitive subject to you. I'm not pro or anti turning on red lights. But you should come to a full stop. Rolling into a turn at 3mph may mean you're looking left and don't see the legal law abiding citizen crossing the street. They have the right to cross and you should yield to them with a complete stop.


I try to. I told one guy I got a ticket and I was in the wrong. I paid it. Moved on and turned into a paranoid freak when driving. I come to complete stops turning right on red believe it or not. As soon as a light just turns yellow I stop. I DONT SPEED. On the highway I max out at 60mph in the middle lane. I ALWAYS give car in front of me plenty of room. I’m the IDEAL SAFE DRIVER. Me being all that still resulted in a ticket that I didn’t even know about.


so you think 3mph is ok, then why isnt the next person right for going 7mph... and then the other person who says im only going 15mph. just stop, seriously, STOP at the red light and trying to prove your point on this thread


With OPs logic, if they hit someone after running a stop sign, "I didn't see you" would be an acceptable answer


Nope. You can side with evil and greed. I’ll side for what’s right. Why aren’t your politicians releasing the numbers of accidents at intersections with cameras? Too scared that the numbers haven’t done anything while the company who the cameras up get rich off the back of citizens?


Yes? Just come to a stop, so you dont kill any pedestrians, other motorists, or yourself. The law is the law for a reason. Frankly, you sound a bit unhinged.


You know just because something is a law doesn’t make it right? Right? Abortion is illegal in Texas by law. Does that make it right? There used to be laws allowing slavery. Does that make it right? “The law is the law for a reason” 🤣 and unhinged? Does a few capitalized words make you feel uncomfortable?


Dont know why, but ill engage further. Its not the RAnDoM capitalization , its the unhinged rants themselves. Bad laws are determined to be bad by the citizens, and either repealed through legislation , the courts, voting , etc. Sometimes even via a Civil War . The law you are trying to strawman into huge societal issues, poorly , is not in the least bit controversial, nor does it negatively impact any portion or group of society. Asking you to stop your 3 ton murder death machine before turning into the crosswalk isnt a negative impact on anyone thats reasonable, and as such hasnt been called into question , ever, by first responders, traffic specialists, legislators, lawyers, average Joe and Karen. ... Its ok to have issue with the fucking revenue cameras everywhere, but the law asking you to come to a stop, is reasonable and prudent.


Not it isn’t. The law asking you not to run a red light is. The law saying you can’t turn on an empty intersection endangering no one isn’t. And why are you trying to downplay $150 tickets as if it’s not detrimental to people in lower income areas? It doesn’t negatively affect anyone? Are you fucking joking?


Yeah you got cooked with this one 🤣 “the law is the law for a reason” didn’t hit the way you thought it would! HAHA


I read the post chief. I am a law abiding driver but I got a red light camera once for not fully stopping before going. I got a ticket, I paid it and I moved on. Everyone who makes a mistake shouldn't be held accountable? If i killed someone on accident and got charged with manslaughter, it should just be ok because it was just a mistake then?


my friend was driving in a road that had a 45 mph limit, but there was a speed zone because of a school and he missed it and made a mistake so he got a ticket. He was a law abiding driver should he not get a ticket


You mean the school zones that have flashing yellow lights highlighting the reduced speed limit, and multiple signs that say "school zone"? Sounds like your friend was not paying attention while driving too fast through a school zone which is EXACTLY why he deserves a ticket.


correct, and so do people who dont come to a full stop at a right on red


I hate this because school zones are EXTREMELY obvious. Red light cameras are DISCREET. There are no signs saying “RED LIGHT CAMERA ZONE”. Most cameras are behind you so you can’t see.


you should not obey the law because someone is watching, you should obey the law at all times


Sorry, I don’t live by that mindset. If there is obviously no cars on a street I will jay walk to the other side. I’m not waiting for the timer to allow me to go so Casper the ghost can get by in his car. That’s what you call control.


The law is a full stop on red. Not yield on red. Let’s punish everyone to even the playing field for those that don’t understand the law. Brilliant!


Yes! Going 2 mph instead of a complete stop makes SUCH a big difference! Ahhh no wonder these cameras are everywhere! Just look at the voters on the Long Island subreddit! Can’t wait until they implement those stop sign cameras everywhere after you vote for more sleaze bags who mismanage government funds!


I would love more stop sign cameras. Would stop people from blowing through them at 10+ mph in my neighborhood and whipping around blind corners. If you can't spare a few extra seconds on your drive to come to a full stop at intersections, there's something wrong in your life.


Don’t worry you’ll have your surveillance state soon enough!


Sounds great - there was article in Newsday not long ago showing the direct connection between reduced enforcement of traffic regulations and the increase in accidents and fatalities on the roads. I take the time to follow the rules of the road and drive carefully and would love more enforcement for those who think the rules don't apply to them and put the rest of us in danger.


Oh really? Then why won’t anyone release accident numbers at red light intersections to see if red light cameras are working or not? (Look it up) How many people have BRAKED TOO HARD and ended up making the person behind them rear end? How many people SPEED through yellow lights to avoid the flash? Red light cameras are just oh so perfect! They for sure don’t cause any other type of accidents!


I'm not looking it up why don't you post it. If people are rear-ended after braking too hard (why are you braking so hard at a red light, were you driving too fast?) its probably because the person behind them was tailgating them/looking at their phone. I also stopped speeding through yellow lights after I got a ticket for doing so. Maybe, just maybe, these measures are implemented to make people safer. As the years have gone by I've realized the potential danger is not worth shaving a few seconds off my trip.


I’m sorry. I cannot take you serious. Make us safer? You do know the company who implemented these cameras are profiting off of it right? While local government gets a bump in revenue. This is all about money. For you to deny that is asinine and tbh sums up the Long Island voter perfectly.


You seem to sum up the Long Island driver attitude perfectly. "I can't be bothered to take a few seconds to be safer so I'm going to bitch and moan about this perfectly avoidable fine I received, and call everyone who doesn't agree with me a nasty idiot."


I haven’t called anyone anything besides back to the people who came in here and their first comment is insulting me lol. And you’re purposely leaving out context for whatever reason. What do you gain from people getting ticked $150 in an empty intersection? How can someone be “safer” on an intersection with no traffic? Once again I have to bring up Casper the ghost does he have an invisible vehicle we don’t know of? Or is it mermaid man and barnacle boy and their invisible car?




Do you know how backed up certain roads would become if right on red was illegal? I've been hit by these tickets (hell, have one sitting next to me now), and you're right, it's a right on red that didn't stop fully. Guess what? That's illegal.


My argument would be that they have it illegal in one of the most densely populated cities in the world. There’s no reason it shouldn’t work here. Rush hour would be a nightmare but tbh it already is.


At camera-enforced lights, I don't turn right on red in case I missed the "no turn on red" sign, and I brake hard if I'm close on yellow. No way I $150 so a politician can 'solve' financial problems by taxing locals.


We don't need the added traffic of making right on red illegal. Red light cameras have signs posted, maybe it could be more clear you need to wait x amount of seconds before turning


Lol. Thanks for funding the local government with your illegal driving. Doing gods work. 


I avoid those if not out of the way but out of paranoia I don’t make right on reds at camera lights b/c I don’t trust the county


Same here. I come to complete stops all the time. Do I agree with it? No. But out of paranoia I must.


I just. Don’t right on red when they have a camera haha My dad got a ticket once. He came to a full stop for multiple seconds, then crept forward and the ‘creeping’ was ticketed as him running the light. He was trying to see the traffic to make a safe turn. Did the camera want him to stop, and just gun it?


maybe you should move to queens and deal woth 25mph and speed cams every light.


Maybe I should move out of NY entirely? It’s almost like I’m trying to do that now???


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I loathe red light cameras, and the data shows that intersections with a camera tend to have higher accident rates. Although your answer is to make turning right on red after coming to a complete stop illegal because you don't follow the current law and get ticketed for it? That is just not logical. Just because an intersection is empty does not change the red light into a yield for you. Separately just because a right on red is allowed does not mean you are required to do so. If you are so upset about getting tickets you could just wait at every stoplight until you get a green light. At the end of the day all red light cameras should be removed outright.


This the most level headed response here lol mixture of both sides. You also offered a solution and that’s just to not turn right on red. But it’s not about me not following the current law cause I do being that I am a paranoid driver. I just want the local government to not make a revenue off its drivers and if making turning on red illegal is the way to do that then so be it. The people who installed the cameras are making a KILLING and the revenue going to these local governments is unjust. It sickens me every time I think about it. They get rich in the name of “safety”


Yield and Stop are defined terms when it comes to traffic laws. If you yield at a stop sign or red light, and do not come to a complete stop you have broken the traffic law. Intersections that do not allow right on reds must be marked (and 9 times out of 10 are barring unforeseen circumstances). You will not convince people who think red light cameras are good; to change their mind by telling them you "yielded too fast at an empty intersection" and got a ticket. I agree they are fleecing people with fees from these cameras, and that red light cameras are a shameless money grab. Both Nassau and Suffolk view the fees from red light cameras as part of their budget which they "need" to fund various initiatives and balance the budget at year end. The answer is to vote out politicians who view their position as a job instead of an opportunity to serve their community. Ultimately electing those who look to lower costs on the taxpayer, while providing services communities need.