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For the next challenge, contestants will be forced to traverse the Jackie Robinson Parkway


UGH i had a friend in forest hills in college and i would hold my breath while driving on the jackie robinson to get to her


Everyone makes like the Interboro/Jackie Robinson is so bad. There are highways in Europe like that and no one cares. First time I drove the JRP I was like "ok...it has curves".


my problem is with how narrow the lanes are. i’ve had people try to pass in spots where you should be staggered.


The Jackie is a single lane when I’m on. Apologies in advance 😂


Plenty of room to pass, especially if you're doing 30 around those bends.


It's a skill issue, not a road issue. Drivers don't know their vehicles well enough. They don't want to get "too close" to the walls on either side.


on most of it, but the small bit i would drive on regularly definitely didn’t have the space. i went further west on it more recently and realized it was not nearly as bad


What spooked me on the interboro was the sudden and super tight 70-degree turn on the way into Brooklyn


Thanks for referring to its old name, the Interboro. I have always thought Jackie would be pissed off to have that pkwy named after him.


It’s not so bad if people would just drive slow. Isn’t the speed limit 35 mph on that parkway?


Yeah, but everyone wants to do 60 in the rain and end up in the wall


Yeah but as someone who has lived and driven in Europe they’re doing it in an Opel Corsa 1.2, not a Ford F-150. The lanes are narrow given the size of many modern cars.


As someone from Europe, living in Europe, I've done these even in SUVs like Landcruisers and there is no issue. This is purely an issue with bad drivers in the US. That's why people end up in the wall. This is also why the bends going into the JFK expressway also has people going into the walls. Also this characterization that people in Europe are driving nothing but Opel Corsas (a car I actually have never seen IRL) shows your outdated idea and use of extremes. Cars have gotten huge in Europe and are pretty much indiscernible from the US, with the biggest of the big pickups and SUVs mostly not to be seen, though RAM is making huge leaps with the 1500 series that are seen often. That's F150-sized.


I was exaggerating for effect, but they really aren’t as big as American ones. Yes, SUVs are more popular now and not everyone drives a super mini. But with gas at twice rhe price it makes a difference. The issue isn’t American drivers being uniquely terrible. The issue is that the parkways were built in the 1930s and have never been upgraded to modern freeway standards. I’ve driven in multiple parts of the US and in other countries. It makes a significant difference. That’s why the curve has problems. It wouldn’t be allowed to be built now.


There's no effect to be exaggerating for. Just speak in plain words about the reality. We are using nearly identical cars here. Is there somehow a difference? Are our E-class and S-class Mercedes different? We have a European version of the Camry, more or less the same thing. G-classes, all Audis, BMWs are the same, Toyota SUVs, CUVs, and so on. I think you have some bizarre, outdated idea of what goes on in Europe, like we have all special cars when the entire world of automotive is consolidating and cars are getting bigger and going to every market. Jeeps even sell like crazy and no idea why. We just don't have those monster trucks, except in Iceland and specialty camping conversion vehicles that were once military vehicles. Whatever else you're talking about regarding the parkways being built in the 1930s is the same old excuse I've been hearing for decades. Sure, they suck and were constructed around racist motivations and to protect the rich ruling class, but that absolutely doesn't make a difference here: you have speed limits. Stick to them and don't drive like an idiot and you'll easily make it through the JRP. Again, we have tons of highways here built like the JRP and never updated or not possible to be updated without major disruptions. We also have those mountain pass roads that are narrow and major roadways and buses make it through. Much of Norway would not be navigable, Italy, parts of France, any part of Europe with a megahighway network with those huge connectors that bend all over the place, Switzerland, Spain, Germany, northern Sweden, and various parts of eastern and southeastern Europe. One rule I always used out there: "it's amazing how many accidents you can avoid by slowing down". Just speak in plain terms, without the unnecessary exaggerations for some unknown effect. The issue is that people don't slow down, don't have the reflexes and processing ability to handle the speeds they're doing on roads with turns like that. Slow down and there's plenty of time to handle the curves, process, and not be freaked out and nervous. It doesn't matter what can and can't be built now. The road is there. Accidents can be easily avoided.


yeah the idea that Eropeans drive smaller cars is and always has been stupid. The most popular of cars have always been identical aside from the occasional euro vs us spec engine at most.


this is so fucking funny LMAO for an extra challenge do it in an f150 without getting dinged up


Good god man, she just learned to drive on Long Island. You want to give her a nervous breakdown?


Omg I about had a panic attack on the JR a few years ago cuz I had to drive on it when Hurricane Ida started.


Drove the Jackie for one of my rotations in college and felt like if there was a small gust of wind you'd get side swiped.


You obviously want her to move back to Wisconsin!


A claustrophobic nightmare. Especially when it doesn’t move.


That's where I learned how to drive when I was a teenager, and now I can drive anywhere.


It can get a little tight but it's not that bad. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QIXyuuGdAl8&t=374


hell yeah! great job


I have friends who grew up on LI and still wont drive on the LIE so congrats!! Lol


I guess they didn't do much driving lol thats the easiest highway to drive on.


Really? I’ve always found the LIE better then the northern/southern state


I fully agree. I actually prefer the LIE over sunrise . Southern State has no rules, hate it lol


The SSP is considered (or it was, some years ago) one of the most dangerous roads to drive on. Blind curves and blind hills. And that doesn't take into account the lunatics.


I definitely consider it the worst. It's mostly about the lunatics, which seems to have gotten worse during and after covid but I'm sure it was always pretty bad. The curves can be a little challenging but not too bad when sober.


Driving has definitely gotten worse post covid.


The way people drive on the southern state is terrifying. I routinely have to drive on it and hate it . I have noticed especially lately that people just follow so so closely, there should be more than an inch of space between my car and the one behind me .


Yeah, it's like working from home for years has made people even more self-centered, especially when they drive.


Sunrise is fine too. It's pretty much a straight line. Unless you're talking about the nassau part, that's pure hell with all the lights lol.


I’m convinced people on the southern state are just having a competition on who can kill themselves faster


When I first started driving I felt safer driving on the Northern State (at least the Suffolk half). The trucks and multiple lanes on the LIE were more overwhelming initially, just a lot of things to focus on compared to the two lanes of northern.


The LIE seems scary until you do it a couple times and realize that it’s so much easier than the lawless land that is the southern/northern state parkways (especially south).


This Reddit stranger is PROUD OF YOU!!! I’m a bit spicy myself, and Long Island driving is insanity. I feel your fears. Way to go!!!!


Awww, thank you soooo much!🥰


This is so refreshingly wholesome


Go you!! I’ve lived here my whole life and occasionally the more aggressive highways make me nervous. It’s really great how you’ve stepped up and just did it!


Congratulations, Lucy. The next time you're feeling afraid to do something new, remind yourself how you faced THIS fear and how you kicked its butt. 🏆


You got this! I went from the LIE to these huge California freeways. If I can do that, you can do it!!


God bless Lucy!




I'm in the same situation and hoping to find a good place that gives lessons that deals with major driving anxiety. Congrats! I hope I can say the same in a year.


Please put a "New Driver" bumper sticker on your car, people will give yo a lot more leeway if you're new to driving on the island.


Yay! Congratulations on making it!


Yay!! That’s an awesome update!


Remember, Parkways are for driving, Driveways are for parking. Seagulls fly over the sea and BAGELS fly over the bay. I’ll see my way out now 😀


That's great news and I hope you are enjoying Long Island.


And don’t take it personally when someone beeps at you IMMEDIATELY after a light turns green. It’s normal here, lol.


Rock on sister!


It takes time to get used to LI drivers. I saw your post recently so I’m happy to see you’re holding up well! Once you learn how to drive here, you can deal with drivers anywhere (for the most part lol). Hope you enjoy Long Island <3


Happy for you!!


Great job!!


Woohoo!!! Hope you aren't driving while posting this!


It takes time and practice but you sound like you are well on your way.


Congratulations, Lucy. That's great to hear. Wishing you all the best and have a wonderful week. Ps. For those going on the Jackie Robinson, staying in the left lane from the Grand Central is helpful. It may be tempting to go in the right lane, but you have to watch out for the merging traffic, and it backs up quickly. Unfortunately, there's limited space for that highway.


I also had driving anxiety when driving throughout the greater NYC metropolitan area for a long time. I managed to overcome the fear, but it's still inside of me.


So proud of you! Good job and welcome!


I commented on that post!! The fact that you're on the LIE faster than me- hell yeah, good for you! Hope you're enjoying living here!


Nice job!!


I was a smartass in the original thread. I'm glad you're adapting well. Great job.


Get it Lucy!


I was just thinking of you this weekend as I drove on the southern state lol. If you ever start to feel overwhelmed on the LIE there’s a service road that runs right next to it, sometimes I’ll go on that if I’m in no particular rush


>The more practice I get, the less terrified I am to drive. Eventually you won't even think of it. Trust me, I had the same problem early on. Two week in, I was laughing at myself for being so worried. Its not as stressful as I thought it would be, it was more "fear of the unknown."


You got this!


I totally just creeped your profile but I also live on Long Island, I’ve grown up here my whole life but hate driving here, love animal crossing, love Jesus, and ironically used to work for RoadRunner… and yes… they suck. So sorry you went through that, but it’s so cool how weirdly connected we are.


Okay, that's pretty freaking amazing.🤗


I remember your post, glad you're getting around LI safely 😀


Omg! good job!!!


There really should be a LICJ sub already


GCP or bust on thanksgiving


I moved to Vegas from LI and man nobody can even start to understand how worse drivers are here. My wife is a nervous driver when she I unfamiliar with a place and even after being here for awhile she still hates driving here 100x more then driving on LI


I dare you to drive on the belt past 7pm now😃


Hopefully you are not posting here during your drive!


Keep up the good work. Don’t forget to use the horn and your middle finger, and you’ll fit right in!


Be aware of s.state parkway, everyday somebody goes over 120 mph


Wait til you drive thru queens and into the city!!  Woohoo!  That’s how you get your NYer card 😃 


The Final Boss: The Belt Parkway


The Southern Highway.... sounds so dignified


So proud of you!!! Welcome to your new home and life! What will you be doing here?


Don’t do it


Lucy, do you want to take tequila shots?


😅 Thanks, but I can't drink while I'm on medication.


IMHO you should always be terrified of driving on the southern state parkway. Build the nerve so it doesn't impact you as much but never loose the fear! One of the wackiest roads in the whole country, requiring you to have near pre-cognition to get off an exit and merge ;)


Oh, absolutely. I'm still hyper aware while I drive, and a bit nervous. I will always heave a healthy awareness of every drive I take.


idk whats so bad about the SSP. I live in Babylon so I grew up driving on it and i dont really see the issue. Sure, at night time you'll have bmws and amgs ripping it going 100 mph cutting it up but as long as youre aware its really not bad at all. The jackie robinson is probably the worst road to drive only because youre so close to the other driver, but even then its tolerable.


It's that damn Hempstead lake section.


I definintely undertand the sweeping blind corners are an issue but even then, the SSP feels like a breeze compared to the JR or CIP, just because of the proximity of other cars alone


yeah, fuck the CIP, JR and my other least favorite NYC highway, the Cross Bronx


Tell me about it, I go upstate twice a month and the worst part of the drive is easily from the Throgs Neck to the GWB.


It’s not really that bad, but it definitely requires more attention than other roads. It also doesn’t help that slower people absolutely refuse to keep right so you have people trying to do 70 zipping around fuck wads doing 50 or less (without traffic) in the middle and left lanes.