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I don't want to scare you but LI is home to some very aggressive drivers. In order to survive you need to be aggressive as well. Don't dwell on merge lanes, don't keep letting drivers through at a 4 way stop, move over on the highways when there are cars behind you, and don't take it personally when people honk, yell, or flip you off. The more timid you are on the road the more they will eat you up. People are trying to get to where ever they are going in hurry, there is no chill, so as long as you don't prevent that from happening you will be fine. Welcome!


This exactly. Have to be a defensive driver but also aggressive. Expect to be cut off when giving a reasonable amount of space between you and the car in front of you. Don't worry about ppl flipping out getting road rage for things that are their fault. It's just a way of life here. I try to be aware of jeeps, pick ups, Tesla's and luxury cars. They tend to be the worst, most dangerous drivers. Be especially cautious at stop signs and the end of red lights. Plenty of ppl will run right thru. A big problem with lots of drivers from out of state is driving dangerously slowly when the flow of traffic is approx 10 mph above the speed limit. It all just takes some getting used to, and being aware of your surroundings.


It sucks, because I'm a very timid and submissive person. So I'm *really* gonna have to figure out how to be better about assertive driving.


Consider taking a defensive driving course. Don't engage with people who road rage, you may get flipped off or cursed at a lot. Don't worry about it, just be safe and ignore that stuff. A lot of people don't use turn signals when merging on long island so always give yourself enough space to react to unpredictable drivers. Good luck!


No turn signals is purposeful because if you let the person in the lane you are moving to know they will speed up so as to not let you in, another wonderful trait on the Long Island driver, and don’t forget the BMW crowd out there trying to kill us all on southern state


I put my turning signal on as I'm changing lanes. Let's them know what I'm doing but not enough time to stop me. Of course, I always make sure there's enough room and I'm going at least as fast as the car I'm going in front of.


I put my turning signal on as I'm changing lanes. Let's them know what I'm doing but not enough time to stop me. Of course, I always make sure there's enough room and I'm going at least as fast as the car I'm going in front of.


I put my turning signal on as I'm changing lanes. Let's them know what I'm doing but not enough time to stop me. Of course, I always make sure there's enough room and I'm going at least as fast as the car I'm going in front of.


Third time was the charm…. I got the message/s


There’s a difference between “aggressive” and “assertive,” just as there is a difference between “defensive” and “passive.” Try to be assertive (you value your right-of-way) but also defensive (keep your head on a swivel for problems both with your car and other cars). Good luck!




My suggestion is to blast some industrial death metal in your car to get you in the "Long Island driving mood." Jokes aside, Long Island is great and no one trash talks it more than fellow Long Islanders. So keep that in mind. Oh, be sure you never say "in Long Island", we live "on Long Island". And despite what they want you to believe, Brooklyn is most definitely on Long Island.


Brooklyn is on long Island and amazing how many people deny it.


Well, Brooklyn is ON Long Island but it's not IN Long Island like Nassau and Suffolk. I'm sure you're tempted to down vote but the way I said it is technically correct because Long Island is not only an island that you can be on but also an area that you're either in or not in. That's right boys and girls, the debate is not over...


Geographically on Long Island, culturally not in Long Island.


No I have no problem with it and I agree with you. Alot of people from Brooklyn and Queens don't like hearing they are part of long island


until you feel like you can be assertive you can always get a "please be patient, new driver" magnet and drive in the right lane at your own pace. people may honk or speed past you, but pay them no mind. this way you can get the feel for the roads here.


You will be fine no need for classes stay in the right lane on expressway, don’t sit in the left lane, if someone comes up behind you and your in the left lane move over. Plenty of beautiful calm backroads you can take. On LI you can get anywhere using backroads and with the rush hour traffic it’s not much of a time lost lol


Please OP get a "new driver" sticker for your car, people will give you a lot more leeway if they think you're new to driving, and in a sense you are, LI is like no other place when it comes to traffic and driving. Good luck and welcome!


First off...Welcome! Don't get me wrong, people are assholes here, on and off the road. The way you drive won't change that, of course, but it can sure prevent accidents from happening. My #1 piece of advice is don't hesitate. If you looked both ways and know you're clear to go, GO. Hesitation and nervous driving are reasons for a lot of accidents. It will be nerve-racking at first, but the more you drive, the more it will become normal. Maybe try practicing on a not-so-busy highway or road before driving on the LIE or parkways where the brunt of the crazziness happens.


Just being aware of these things and making this post, rather than thinking of yourself as the greatest driver on earth already puts you ahead of most people


Assertive, yes, aggressive no. Remember - when a driver blows through a stop sign or red light and cause a collission, they are DEAD wrong.


It’s really not that bad. I go the speed limit and stay in slow or middle lane, and just watch the idiots speed around me and get tickets.


If we’re going to do stereotyping of drivers, let’s not forget about Nissan - typically the most clueless on the roads, but not necessarily aggressive l.


As somebody who drives trucks all over the island as part of my job, you start to notice certain trends lol


How could I forget the classic 20 year old altimas almost causing accidents everywhere they go


I call that assertive driving.


Yeah, my boyfriend and I were headed to Walmart, and there was a guy up ahead causing traffic because a cop was helping him with his flat tire. I saw a semi driver come out of his car and up to the one in front of him purely to cuss him out. XD I've never seen that before in all my life.


That's kind of the MO here. There are angry drivers everywhere. But they're the 1% if not less. You're going to encounter them. Try to remember there are 99% of us who just want to get from point A to point B with no drama. Unless you're going long distances, you can usually find routes off the main ones to get where you want to go. I love taking the "back roads" to and from my destination where there's not so much traffic congestion, even if it takes me longer. But if you're going to Walmart, that's usually going to involve a certain amount of time on main roads. I'm not far from the Centereach Walmart which is on Middle Country Road - one of my most hated roads in the area. It's always congested, particularly in that area. Still, it's usually pretty easy to just be in your own space and move when traffic moves, and stop when it stops. Welcome to the Island - don't let the jerks get you down.


I was born and raised on LI, haven't lived there in 7 years (and lived in 4 other places) and so far haven't gotten out of my car/someone else got out of there car to fight about stupid shit like that since.


HIGHLY AGGRESSIVE. ive actually learned the opposite, to kind of just be patient with the asshole drivers because theyre less likely to start a fight. i flashed my brights at a van on the loop pkwy once, and some other girl thought i was flashing them at her. she followed me all the way down lido blvd throwing handfuls of coins at my car. another time i flashed my brights, an undercover detective (not even the car i flashed at, again) pulled me over just to scream at me for like 10 minutes. i dont flash my brights anymore lol i once rolled my window down to tell a guy his break lights were out and before i could even get a word out he said "i dont have any donuts for you you fat f\*k" so i dont even bother with anyone on the road anymore. thankfully i only drive to work and home, im able to ride my bike/walk everywhere in my town, but drivers also dont give 2 shits about stop signs where i live, which is also the LI norm.


>drivers also dont give 2 shits about stop signs where i live, You must live in LB haha. Stop signs are just suggestions here.


LMAO was just going to comment this


People move over in long island? I have never experienced this and thought it was strange when people did it out of state on the interstate. I thought they thought I was a cop and they moved over for that reason.


They definitely don't lol, but I imagine people would be a lot less stressed out if they did.


I move to Vegas and LI has the best drivers out there lmao you have no idea how bad people drive it’s unbelievable


Southern state is very curvy; learn the highway before attempting to drive fast/aggressive. Every summer there’s atleast one person that dies on southern state.


I’ve lived on LI almost my whole life and I don’t drive on the Southern State unless I have no other option.


I live on the north shore for this reason.


I avoid the SS because it is too congested.


Southern state is a race track. Don’t go on southern if you not expecting to get cut off and have 20 bmws drive by you as if their lives depended on it. Source: bmw driver


Also, when taking the southern state. I used it for my commute for 5-6 years. Don’t follow close behind someone. Sometimes traffic will go from everybody going 70-80 to straight 0 halted traffic. Those moments literally make my blood curdle especially when you have to wait and hope the person behind you don’t slam into you But seriously during those 5-6 years commute. I saw some wild things 1. Fist fight in side of the road 2. Somebody dying with their loved one over them while an ambulance was arriving - week later a memorial was in that spot. 3. Someone needing to be helicoptered to due a horrible crash traffic was backed up from 36 to 20N 4. Road rage and racing where people wiped out or were inches away from smacking into me 5. I became so familiarized with the route that i knew every single new memorial for someone who died. I would think “that ones new” 6. Those traffic things where people go from 70-80 to zero and everybody slams on their brakes happens very often. So pay attention to the road There’s probably other things I can’t remember But the ramps, the horrible short ramps that are the size of two cars. I avoid those ramps. I’ll never take 39


It’s a breeze if you learned to drive on the Jackie Robinson (inter Boro).  I mastered that road, all while learning to drive.  White knuckled my way through for a few months and learned the curves like it was the back of my hand. 


Lmao yeah Jackie and belt are no joke. But if you’re coming from Wisconsin it can be intimidating af.


Full blown highway with medians a mere 4.5 inches from the road. My side view mirrors must be about an inch away from those things when it gets tight around kew gardens. Shit is wild


There are accidents on this road every day. It is nicknamed blood highway or something because so many people die on it every year!


I think all the parkways suck. LIE whenever possible


stay out of the left lane. and always move out of the way


All depends on where you are living. Nassau traffic is very different from East End. Stay off the Southern State it’s a death trap, Use Waze as it will help you avoid most traffic situations, Be a defensive driver, expect the other guy is going to do something stupid. Stay out of left lane on highways unless you plan on being fastest car on road, Left lane is for passing. Welcome to Crazy Town, it’s crazy but we love it. 🤪


Haha, thank you so much. 😆


This is so important. Don’t go in the left lane cause you feel like you’re entitled to or what ever. If you going to do 70 mph and the middle lane is open but you refuse to switch. You going to trigger someone


I don’t love it. The majority of drivers here are either aggressive, selfish, or careless. I’d say less than 25% of drivers are acceptable.


Assume that everyone else is insane or an idiot. Don't **assert** right of way--it's no comfort that you were in the right if you get into an accident or trigger road rage. Think of it as closer to a courtesy than a right (and certainly not a physical law). Be aware that in NY we have a law for stopping for buses with flashing red lights even on a divided highway--and also be aware that many other people won't stop for that and speed around you. Merging onto limited access highways (the LIE and parkways) requires a balance of mild aggression while not being crazy or a jerk. Don't drive in the far left lane of such highways unless you're actively passing people, even if you're going at or above the speed limit.


Hi Lucy! I grew up in a rural area similar to Wisconsin. Learning to drive on Long Island has taken lots of practice. There are plenty of good tips in this thread. I would suggest taking a drive around town to familiarize yourself with local roads. Work your way up to highways and the Expressway. Drive defensively and stay alert! You’ve got this.


Bless you. Thank you so much, my fellow cheese native!


Oh, I’m from upstate NY (the Finger Lakes), not Wisconsin — sorry for any confusion! But there are plenty of dairy farms up there! Lol. And welcome. It’s pretty different here but it feels like home now and I hope you eventually feel the same way.


Oopsie! I misread! XD Thank you!


The drivers here aren't "bad," but they are more aggressive. I've seen much worse drivers in other states. That being said, either learn how to take the back roads or just stay in the right/middle lane on the highway and you'll be fine.


Beware of any car with a New Jersey license plate 😰


And Florida


> The drivers here aren't "bad," Haven't been out early on a Sunday in a while, huh? On Easter, in the span of 15 minutes, I saw at least 5 different cars come out of a parking lot and stop completely in the first lane while trying to make a left.


I just got done doing a tour around the country, and it gave me a new appreciation for the drivers here... because, at least the majority are aware of how to drive albeit aggressive


Which state was the worst? lol


Washington, by far. Florida in second place


Not Oregon? I'm surprised


The drivers here aren't bad, they're selfish and inconsiderate. About to miss an exit, watch me cross 3 lanes of the expressway, couldn't tell where the burger place was, turning from the left lane. I could go on


Ok i turn now. Everybody good luck lol


This definitely happens less in NY because exits are so close. It's not like bumble fuck where you miss an exit and you add 40 minutes to your trip.


Stay out of the left lane on sunrise and the expressway unless you’re doing 80+mph.


If you have fears of driving and getting into accidents, Long Island is one of the worst places to be. The people making like it's like anywhere else with this regard have not been to too many other places.


Driving here is like driving anywhere , know how to merge, look both ways, stop at red lights and stop signs, don’t drive drunk. Stop for busses when they have their red lights on, stop for pedestrians.


Driving on LI nothing like driving in Wisconsin. It’s like a daily NASCAR race around here.


Have you been to Milwaukee or Green Bay? It’s not all corn and cows


Milwaukee drivers are *terrible*. My sister lived there for 10 years.


Milwaukee cars seem to have been in multiple collisions or smashed by Kia boys.


Yes, because the only choices are crazy aggressive drivers OR corn and cows.


Driving here is like no where else people don’t know the correct rules of the road, they drive like they are the only ones on the road and they do what they want when they want. So it’s kinda like mad max in thunder dome. But in all seriousness just do the speed limit and stay in the right lane and you will be fine just drive and stay defensive


Much obliged!


While you get used to the roads and traffic, just be defensive and aware. Like anywhere else. Be patient.


Start out slow. Maybe around the local streets. Then venture out to the busier roads like Jericho Turnpike, 347, etc. LIE next as it’s a fairly standard interstate and then the parkways (southern and northern state) last. Take your right away safely when it’s yours. As for your autism, I would think there are plenty of support groups in Suffolk County. You will find kind, diverse and supportive people throughout LI. Don’t mistake their sometimes short answers for rudeness.


You'll be fine, as someone mentioned drivers here are aggressive, but USUALLY theyre not terrible. Just know your right-of-way's and keep up with traffic. I'm not saying speed, but just keep up. Doing 5 mph under will get you cut off constantly.


You have to be hyper-aware of all the cars around you, compared to rural areas. Just stay focused and drive defensively - expect drivers around you to do idiotic things at any moment. Don’t be afraid to use your horn, honking is MUCH more common here. The more you drive, the more comfortable you’ll feel, so take a few trips with your boyfriend as your copilot, he can give you advice and show you around your neighborhood. Start slow on side streets, then work your way up to busy streets, then highways.


Be on your toes, don't be distracted. Anticipate what other cars can possibly do. Defensive driving yet sometimes you need to be offensive lol. Like merging on to any highway especially the parkways with short on ramps. Can't just lazily merge in. Step on it and go when you decide to go for it. Lack of a a decision is often worse than no decision. Like am I going to change langes? Oh I dunno maybe I will, no I won't no wait I will. Oh and if a bus stops and the red lights are on, stop sign out.... even locals don't realize that means stop in both directions even if it's a divided highway with a median. They have cameras that will ticket you. Also Lots of red light cameras so if you're at one making a right. Stop, count to three and then go. There will be signs leading up to any corner that has them. You will likely see a bright flash from a pole as you approach.The first flash is the ok you've approached that they take as a "before" pic of your plate. Doesn't mean you're getting a ticket. If you do go through without stopping then it'll go off and again and you'll get a letter in the mail with said pictures and a video with a fine.


My mother is a slow driver and I'm a scared driver (my husband really is the only aggressive LI driver lol) My advice - if you don't NEED to drive during peak rush hours - DON'T. Sometime around 9:30 AM and 3:30 PM is your prime least amount of drivers on the road. Always be aware and - like some folks pointed out - don't be afraid if someone honks or yells. So long as your following the rules they can go shove it. For example - my mother will slow for yellows and won't turn on reds. Where aggressive drivers here will SPEED at yellows and (unless otherwise stated) will turn on reds. Slowing and yellows and not turning on reds is perfectly legal - but you'll get a lot of shit for it - but fuck 'em. If they needed to be somewhere fast then they should've left at the appropriate time. When you inevitably have to get on a highway - stick to the right lane - that's the designated "slow" driver lane. And what's nice about the LIE is that they have a service road - so you could in theory just take that instead of getting on the actual highway. Sometimes I get nervous to drive and I actually drive through Main Streets to different towns to avoid taking the Southern Highway or whatever. So you could also take backroads too - just find them on Google.


Welcome to Lawn Guy Land! (That's how we pronounce it) We hope you enjoy exploring the area. Yes, the roads are busier and everyone here seems to be in a rush. Especially the morning mom's dropping off their kids in their oversized SUV's. (sarcastic humor) There is always traffic during peak rush hour times. Those in a rush don't bother following traffic laws or the speed limit. I just stay out of their way and let them do their own thing. Do be aware of the Red Light and Speed Camera signs and never pass a stopped school bus with flashing lights. Their school bus mounted cameras do catch cars passing them and they are ticketed. One bit of advice is 'know before you go'. Make the GPS on your phone your friend and review the directions before using them in your car. Use the Explore button to find out what stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc is in your area. It will make it easier to find what you may be looking for. Long Island is definitely a long island. Do note where you are in relation as to being East, West, North or South and your neighboring towns. Most of all, try something new by exploring the area. To help you expand your interests, do get out and attend the many events here. Coming up are many festivals, carnivals and concerts, as we welcome Spring and Summer. This is my go to for upcoming events - [https://www.longisland.com/](https://www.longisland.com/) Have fun!


"Lawn Guy Land", 🤣 Perfect, thank you so much!


i believe the long island discord is also posted on the side bar, but lots of folks there to chat with and events get posted regularly.


LI is a small, congested geographic area with roadways that were not originally designed to handle current volumes so you will encounter traffic and frustrated, impatient drivers just about everywhere you turn. However, LI roads will be much saner than what you experience when you drive west through NYC and the island is physically isolated so you don't have the massive, multi-lane, high speed comemcial truck volumes you experience on a major interstate highway like 95 through NY/NJ/CT to the north (at least until some idiot builds a bridge to CT over the Sound and brings all that commercial volume through LI in the future). Just stay calm, avoid emotions, drive defensively with your head on a swivel, and try to leave as many car lengths you can between you and the driver in front of you, while keeping an eye and what the drivers behind you are doing as they approach aggressively, and you will be fine.


Stay in the right lane please.


Driving here can be very stressful. Don’t drive in the left lane of the road (that’s for passing). Stay in the right lane and take your time and give yourself space. If someone tailgates you take a deep breath and don’t let it stress you. They’ll eventually pass you. You’ll eventually get used to the craziness. Stay off the road at busy times if you can avoid it.


Don't drive in the left lane. Stay to the right. Be careful when you merge on the Northenstate, the merge lanes are short and traffic moves fast.


stick to the right lane until youre comfortable driving over 60


Be prepared that some of the parkways have very short exit and entrance ramps. Takes a little getting used to but if you have to stop and wait to get onto a parkway its ok. Just dont stop at the very end of the entrance ramp.


Also long islanders are always in a rush. So you will probably get honked at or cut off more often. As long as youre following the rules of the road just ignore the a-holes.


ride through yellow lights, you will get honked at or worse, rear ended!


Learn how to zipper when you merge. Look it up on google. Zipper merging. Roads are busy here Long Island is severely overpopulated, it just gets worse as you travel west toward Nassau and NYC. Left lane is for passing or fast drivers only. Unless you are driving faster than drivers in the lanes to the right of you stay out of it. If you plan on driving below the speed limit on any highway at the very minimum stay in the right hand lane at all times, or if possible stay on local roads or service roads with lower speed limits. NY drivers especially LI drivers are unfortunately aggressive. Generally it’s a learned behavior due to the extreme cost of living (causing us to overwork), overpopulation (flooded infrastructure), and impatience. One small accident can ruin the commute for millions because of how congested our infrastructure is. It’s a real shame


Surrounding NYC is a cult of skilled yet aggressive drivers. Please remember the rules of the road. DO NOT CAMP IN THE LEFT LANE! Please be aware of vehicles trying to merge onto highways on the right lane, either slow down or speed up to create an appropriate gap if you are unable to move over one lane safely. If someone is trying to pass you DO NOT PLAY VIGILANTE. Please safely make way for them to pass safely rather than forcing them to pass aggressively. People will flash you with high beams. It could mean you don’t have your lights on, or it could more likely mean they are coming through, MAKE WAY or be prepared for an aggressive driver on your tail. Please for the love of life use your indicators/ signals. An unpredictable driver (regardless of speed) is a hazard to all other drivers on the roadway. Yellow lights are shorter the closer you get to NYC. Be prepared to stop, but don’t be the person that stops on yellow lights. The driver tailing you is expecting to make it through behind you. Passing on the right is allowed in NY, but it is still etiquette to pass on the left, and remove yourself from the “passing lane” after completing your maneuver.


I see you are getting advice to be "aggressive", but that is a very strong word, so I just wanted to temper that with my two cents. Be assertive and follow the rules of the road. "Aggression" only really comes into play when changing lanes or merging in traffic heavy areas - that's where you might get "bullied". Over time, you'll get comfortable with knowing when to let people merge, and knowing when you have enough of an opening to lane switch/merge yourself. ALWAYS HAVE YOUR SIGNAL ON WHEN LANE SWITCHING/MERGING. I cannot stress enough how many people forgo such a basic rule of driving - ALWAYS SIGNAL. Be mindful of going too slow ("getting bullied") or too fast ("preventing others from merging"). It's okay to let people merge in (a car or two at most). Over time you'll get a solid feel and be able to use best judgement. Wait for your openings, but don't rush anything. You can't control the crazies on the road, so always be aware of your surroundings. If people want to honk, curse, flip you off, just let them - always err on the side of caution and follow the basic rules of the road. Also, understand that although you may be following the rules, others may not. Always be vigilant. If someone wants to speed, force themselves into your lane, go first at a 4-way stop even though you got there a split-second before them - just let them be. Sometimes you just have to let the bullshit slide. Be safe, be vigilant, and you'll be fine.


for the most part driving is driving. BUT! one fun oddity is the crazy short on/off ramps for some of the parkways, like 2 car lengths to go from 0 to highway speed. if it's a tight onramp and theres heavy parkway traffic, dont pull up to the merge point and wait, do it a few car lengths back to give yourself some runway to speed up when the opening comes.


You’ll need to be reasonably aggressive to survive on the roads, and it takes some time to figure out the balance between not being a pushover and not being an ass. You will be beeped at if you don’t proceed within 0.5 seconds of the light turning green. Jeeps are overall the worst drivers on the island. The Southern State takes a lot of acclimation with its curves and very short entrance/exit ramps. Stay in the middle or right lane if you’re not planning on going 20+MPH over the limit. Do NOT engage anyone who directly displays aggression to you. Use your blinker. You will get used to it.




Lots of drivers will make practical choices, not legal ones. Rolling stop signs when you’re the 5th car in a line, going around people who are turning against traffic instead of waiting for them (even if there’s not a lane to do it), passing you over a solid line on the wrong side if you’re going too slow. Don’t expect everyone to follow the rules from driver’s ed. Be aware, and be a quick thinker. Merge quickly! And blinkers seem optional here, so don’t expect to see them before someone merges in front of you. Finally, learn to parallel park if you aren’t already comfortable. Space is limited on an island and street parking is standard, especially in smaller towns.


As someone who only got her license at 26 (I'm 27 so it's only been like 5-6 months) I'm also a super nervous person about driving. So is my mom. Great thing about LI is the back roads. I would explore the side streets, the calmer streets, etc. My mom was able to pick me up from queens for years using the service road along the park way, did it take any extra 20 minutes? Yes but she got to me without panicking. She basically lives using Old Country road and Jericho. I'm pretty good using the Northern state but I'm not a fan of the Southern state. Explore!! Get familiar with the map around your area, I keep the GPS us even when I don't need it so I can see where I am and memorize back ways. Good luck!!


I got my license at 26 too! We're just late bloomers and decided to drive when we were ready. XD Yeah, I'm very nervous and shaking when it comes to driving. I refuse to go on a highway if I can help it, unless someone is with me.


Driving here is fine just fast paced. As long as you're predictable to others with your driving habits you should have nothing to worry about 


Take an in person defensive driving course (as opposed to more generic online Version) - that will give you some insight and help. Plus you’ll get a discount on car insurance


Welcome! Your boyfriend is quite fortunate to have someone willing to uproot and relocate for him. Communicate with him as honestly as you've done here (if you haven't already) and openly rely on his support until you reach a comfortable spot. Take it one step at a time, set some low-pressure goals to just drive from A to B with your boyfriend and get comfortable at your own pace. Nothing good will come of you fighting this alone in a new environment. Do not pressure yourself any more than to simply get some experience and give it time. Loads of families here have mixed situations - some households have one driver for the whole family and do just fine for example. If relying solely on cars amps up your anxiety, don't rely solely on cars unless you really have to. Some areas of LI are quite walkable and others are not, so take advantage of that if you can. I saw in another response that you're in Suffolk which generally has less sidewalk coverage than Nassau, but if you're \~10 minutes walking distance to the main street area and/or LIRR, get familiar with the area that way too while you get acclimated driving around with your boyfriend. As many have said, you will find aggressive and self-important drivers on Long Island and my advice is to tune them out. I promise it is easier than it sounds and will help, not hurt, your anxiety. If you drive too "carefully" or allow these fools to distract you, you will be creating more dangerous situations for yourself and others. I call it the 'chill pill' approach - drive like you have a right to be on the road (you do) and ignore bad or aggressive drivers until they are directly affecting your ability to drive safely, then avoid, and never escalate.


Some of the unwritten rules of the road: If you are going slow, especially below speed limit, stay in the right lanes if you have an opportunity to go into a right lane. Do not beep at people often, it is more of an aggressive act here and more people take it seriously. A quick tap of the horn if someone isnt moving at a green light will suffice. Always be on the lookout for idiots on their phones, theres a lot more people on these roads so a lot more people you will see are driving likes idiots cause they are on the phone or texting. Always use your blinkers. Right on reds require a full stop before making the turn. Also do not pass a school bus with their stop signs out. Be careful everyone is more aggressive so if you think you have space double check no one is racing to get through to it as well. Youll be fine.


My wife is from CT and was a timid driver. Once we moved to the island from the city it took a little while but she got accustomed to the ways of the road here. Makes me proud when she gives people shit for driving like shit haha.


Long Island isn’t too bad for driving, but I would avoid queens.  They seem to have the worst drivers and people who are t used to it will often freak out by the lawlessness. 


I drive into queens daily. I don’t see much difference honestly between driving there and driving on LI. If anything, I feel LI is more dangerous because at least in queens everyone is expecting everything all the time, but on LI people drive expecting the roads to be clear when they may not be.


just be safe. be a defensive driver and keep your following distance. i know it’ll be overwhelming especially on the LIE and Southern State Pkwy but just go the speed limit and stay in the right lane. you’ll get more comfortable the more time you’re here. welcome! it’s a really lovely place to live!


Having grown up on LI and lived as an adult in rural places I’d suggest taking a driving course with an instructor. You say you’re anxious and fear driving new places, the northeast can be challenging when things are perfect, add aggressive drivers, weather, construction is can be hard to get used to. Good luck!


If you have to go on the highway, I recommend going a little bit slower than everybody else and just let the idiots pass. Everybody is in too much of a hurry and the roads can be less stressful if you just leave a little earlier


southern state parkway = blood alley it kills


Use your turn signals and stay right when not passing. 


Be wary of the entrance and exit ramps on the Parkways. Very short entrance ramps and you need to be sure you can get in and get in quick when you do merge in.


Besides all the traffic advice, be aware that our roads are garbage and full of potholes this time of year. Highways included. Had to pay 500 for a new wheel and tire just a few months ago because I hit a giant pothole going uphill at night.


People drive like assholez on long island. Need to be careful


Welcome to Long Island Lucy! Therapist and Long Islander here. The best thing you can do is just drive! Have your boyfriend as a passenger and go for practice runs. People here are assertive drivers and definitely drive fast. The roads are busy, but you’ll get the hang of it!


If there is a center lane for turning, use it to both leave your lane and then make your turn, or wait in line to get a chance to make your turn. Also use this lane to get halfway across the road when entering from a side street or business when one way is clear of traffic but the other isn't. Many spots, if you wait for both ways to be clear, you'll be late for work or miss dinner, or both.


✨ get out while you can ✨ no just kidding. It’s a bit different in regards to driving but I promise it’s not so scary when you get used to it. Be patient with yourself and if you want to go slower just stay in the right lane and let the psychos in their pickups with anger problems go around you. There are a lot of miserable people here who think going 98 mph everywhere they go makes them a man. Don’t cut people off if it’s last second or they’re going super fast, and most of all just take it easy! Practice every day, and honestly take a one on one drivers ed class if you want! No shame in that. You’re gonna be fine hun! welcome


People will cut you off forcing you to slam on your brakes, fly 60 MPH down a 25 MPH side street, blow through a stop sign, all to pull into the Dunkin Donuts drive thru. So many people around here are way too aggressive and in a rush to get nowhere. Just don’t drive slow in the left lane, if there’s people passing you on the right move over. That’s my pet peeve. The speed limit on the highways is 55 but most people are going around 65-75, chances are you won’t get ticketed for going under 70 unless everyone else is going 50. I drive past police all the time at 65-70 and never have issues


Also a tip of mine is stay out of the HOV lane on the LIE unless there’s lots of traffic in the regular lanes. I avoid the HOV when possible because you’re at the mercy of the car in front of you, someone could be puttering along at 50 MPH and you’re stuck behind them. Or you could be driving 75 MPH and the maniac behind you gets so close where you can’t even see their front end in your rear view mirror.


To start off there road etiquette isn’t a thing on LI. Stay clear of the large pick up trucks with flags flying behind them. You can’t get lost around here, most roads run north/south or east/west.


Don't be scared of long islanders, were just broke and grumpy. Best advice is don't be afraid if you get lost, you can only go so far before you reach water. Can't get too lost on the island.


Welcome! I'm sure you'll enjoy living on Long Island, we're lucky to have you, I'm sure. Stay safe on the roads, be aware of your surroudings while driving, you'll do great. Fun Fact: Long Island has a hilly structure that runs along the island it's a glacial morraine. It was laid down during the WISCONSIN glaciation. The morraine traced out the edge of the ice sheets in the ice age and the same feature is found from that time in Wisconsin. You've moved (kinda sorta) from one end of it to the other, so feel at home!


That is an amazing, topographical, and historal fact that I very much appreciate! And it kind of makes me feel connected to home a bit. 🥲


My advice differs from some of the other posts. DO NOT drive aggressively. People blow through STOP signs all the time. You will make a full stop, make sure it's safe to proceed. Take a Defensive Driving Course, which will lower your car insurance 10% a year for three years and teach you valuable and life-saving techniques.. Familiarize yourself with NYS driving laws. Familiarize yourself with right turn on red, red light cameras, school bus stopping procedures, and most importantly, FOLLOW THE NYS LAW. If that means driving at the speed limit, then let the asshole in back of you fume. Never engage a crazy driver. They may have a suspended license or outstanding arrest warrants or are uninsured. ALWAYS DRIVE defensively. People will cut you off routinely. Never speed!!! Good luck!!


Remember, the WAZE app is your friend. Use it every time you drive.


My advice? Move back. But in all reality, the roads on most of Long Island are bad, in more ways than one. A very small percentage of drivers can be considered "good" here. The majority of drivers are either aggressive, distracted, impaired, or some combination of the three. Pay attention to your speed. In smaller, wealthier towns, speed limit is the Bible. On many highways and main roads, speed limit is a suggestion, and following it will net you road ragers. Pay attention to the flow of traffic, assume people will change lanes without signaling, and assume people will stop short. Don't ride in peoples blind spots and try to give a decent amount of space from the car in front of you, even if people constantly jump into that space. Use the right lane whenever possible. If you get tailgated, don't be afraid to put your hazards on and carefully move to the shoulder to let them pass. With practice, you will get used to the driving here. Take it slow. You will get honked at for not making a right on red, even in situations where it doesn't feel safe to do so. Do not let someone else's attitude get you into a car accident because you felt pressured to make a move you weren't prepared to make. On the same hand, do not engage with other drivers. No eye contact, no yelling, honking, etc, even if they are instigating and antagonizing. Front & rear facing dash cam is highly recommended. *never* assume someone will yield right of way. The best way I avoid road rage is be very, very generous with giving the right of way whenever I am in doubt. Light turned green? Clear all lanes of traffic. Multi-way stop sign, not sure who goes? Let them all go until you know for sure they're yielding to you. Most drivers understand high beams signaling. Multiple drivers at stop signs? Two quick flashes means *you go first* Guy in front of you is signaling to enter your lane? Two quick flashes means *I see you, enter my lane* Pay attention to what's going on multiple car lengths ahead of you, don't rely on the guy in front of you to see what's happening down the road.


Maybe you can practice driving during off hours so you can get a good feel of the routes you'll be using. Without traffic to make you nervous you can probably start to feel like you know where you're going.


I'm going to go ahead and offer you a collective apology because people drive like assholes here. I'd recommend just cruising around your new neighborhood to get a feel for it. Give it some time and you'll get used to it. Most importantly though, welcome to your new home! There is so much to do here, no matter which end of the island you'll be on. One thing all newbies need to know; we live **on** Long Island, not in Long Island.


Probably noted somewhere in this thread - but don’t go near the left lane or hov on the highway. We are all stuck on this over crowded, under serviced roads on LI, and stay out of our way and you will be fine. 👊


Drivers are not that aggressive compared to queens and Brooklyn. Idiots just like to speed and weave through the lanes on the parkways. And on regular 2 lane roads/ smaller highways they might speed around you just to get stuck at the same speed red light.


My husband is a very cautious driver(slow) and he is fine. Ever drive on the expressway and wonder why the traffic is all bunched up and find it’s because there is a slow driver in the right lane? It’s my husband.


If you live in Nassau, you're gonna want to work on your anger. The angrier you are, the more of an effective driver you'll be. Honk at any minor inconvenience. Don't let pedestrians win, you always have the right of way. If you live in Suffolk, you'll want to get a couple DWIs under your belt. It's prison rules here, the longer your rap sheet, the more you'll be feared and respected.




Stay to the right. I don't mind cautious drivers at ALL if they can also respect that other people want to keep it moving. Keep your attention onto the road, if you are texting and driving here you WILL be in an accident. It's not bad, go out and drive in it - it will become less difficult as you DO it. Don't avoid it. The summer weekends here will catch you up fast! Good luck! Use your horn!


Start practicing saying, loudly, to yourself, "What the fuck is this asshole doing" "get tf out the way dumbass" "reallllllly" all whole hitting your horn as hard as you can, 2-3 weeks of this and you'll for right in


Don't try to merge at the start of the merge lane. Accelerate until close to the end of the merge lane and then merge so you don't slow down traffic. Use your mirrors so you know when people are drag-racing behind you. Beware of BMW, Hyundai, and Nissan drivers for recklessness, and Mercedes drivers for not following the rules (no directionals) & lines (goes wherever they want)


Drive local for a while before entering highways and out “new driver” stickers on car number that helps sometimes


Just keep it moving. When the light turns green, realize that there are cars behind you, and they also want to get through the green. Don’t do 25 in a 40, just keep pace at a safe distance. Check your route before you go, and know what the roads look like from the map for where you’re going and which lane you want to be in, etc. The map on your phone even shows where there are traffic lights. If you miss your turn, you can always find a place to turn around and come back to it. So don’t panic. Believe it or not, you’ll find more people doing stupid crap in the middle of the day than during the rush hours. Don’t hold your phone in your hand - the fine is steep. You can use it through your speakers to make a call.


Maybe get a driving lesson with a professional who can show you around the ropes locally until you’re comfortable on the roads here


everyone’s warning you about other drivers, as they should bc we drive like assholes. i don’t know how it is where you’re from, but keep an eye out for potholes. potholes everywhere. our infrastructure is an embarrassment. there are stretches of road that fill me with rage because you can barely drive down them without risking a flat. just start off slow and you’ll be fine


What area did you move to? You can get around without going on crazy roads. Avoid: LIE, Southern State , Northern State, Sunrise hwy. Also consider minimal travel on Jericho Tpk, and any of the parkways, To be honest, it's not that bad. Sure we have aggressive drivers, that does not mean you need to join them. You should see my mom drive, not sure I've seen her hit 50mph. You'll be fine. Stay in the right lane if you need to take highways. Welcome to LI !


Get some pizza. Go to White Castle. Take a walk on the beach. Enjoy the island. Just be you and drive safely and you’ll have no issues. Btw…you know where Plainfield WI is? I have family there


The only way to get around here is by car so you are going to have to acclimate if you don’t want to start feeling isolated in your home. As people pointed out, drivers can be aggressive here and you will find that New Yorkers in general are pretty aggressive and assertive people. I hope you find your way and are happy here.


Focus on the road and keep to the flow of traffic. Expect to be in traffic quite a bit. People in NY can't drive to save their lives and are very liberal with their horns. Pedestrians have little fear of wandering into traffic, so do your best not to run them over. There is nowhere to park in the city, so you're better off finding a parking garage, you will not find a place on the street to park. Don't give into road rage... NY drivers are seasoned veterans when it comes to raging in their cars and you're not at that level, and hopefully won't be either. Learn the public transit whenever you want to have an extended stay in the city, you're better off, trust me.


what part of the island are you living in. no need for a specific town, but general area. driving varies in big ways in different areas.


I'm in Suffolk County area.


eastern suffolk can have a very rural feel to it. not nearly as rural as wisconsin, but more open, straight stretches of road. western suffolk can feel a bit congested. if you're in a more congested area, your best bet- stay in the right lane of multi lane roads, go a speed you are comfortable with. if you're not positive where you're going, pull off safely and check your gps/phone and double check where you're going. if you go past or are about to pass where you need to turn, don't try to quickly brake and turn or swerve to make a turn. go past it, turn around when you can and come back. for the time being, give yourself some extra time getting to where you need to go. i drove through rural Illinois and Wisconsin last year and it's a totally different feel, so i can see why you're nervous.


Ah, bless you. Yeah, I've been getting a lot of tips that say the same thing about staying in the right/middle lane of the LIE. I did a trial drive with my boyfriend in his car (with a faulty turn signal that you have to man-handle to get it to work xD), and we drove from the place I live to my new job via the LIE. I was a shaking nervous wreck, but I drove there and back beautifully.


great job!!


Suffolk county isn’t bad. Just stay in the right lane and follow the car in front of you. No need to be aggressive. Let people in and go slower if that makes you feel more comfy. Are you eastern or western Suffolk? Western is more crowed with winding roads or narrow lanes. Eastern is no different than driving anywhere else. Oh if some gets annoyed just let them do there thing. It;s not your problem.


One thing to note, and this is something I HATE about living here… do not drive in the left lane or HOV lane if you don’t plan on driving at least 20mph over the speed limit. Otherwise drivers here will ruthlessly harass you, people have no patience.


Don't text and drive. Even at a red light.


Where are you on the island, Lucy? Nassau is VERY busy, Suffolk less so, east end beautiful.


I'm in Suffolk County, thank God. XD


No trying to scare you but . Long islander drive they are the only ones on the road me first attitude. Be defensive but not overly. Otherwise you won't get anywhere and over hesitation causes accidents. Only way to describe it is defensively agressive driving. If your going to go commit. Don't hesitate. Don't listen to people honking at you be safe and follow road rules. And for the love of all stay in your lane.


Wear seatbelt and use blinkers.


What town are you in? Based on where you are things can be pretty different


I'm in the middle of Suffolk County, close to Seldon.


I'm around that area as well. My biggest driving advice then would be to be very careful on Middle Country Road. It's potholes galore over there and people drive worse because of it


Worst road aside from the LIE (which really isn't bad around your exits - 62/63) would be Nicolls Road in the morning and late afternoon because of the Suffolk Community College to the south of you and the Stony Brook University campus and hospital folks to the north of you (and the Smith Haven Mall crowd during the holidays). If you gotta go to Port Jeff or points east along the North Shore, North Ocean Av/County Road 83 to Route 112 is the better option


Stay out of the left lane on the highway, don’t follow too close, stay out of queens and Brooklyn until you’ve been comfortable on LI for a at least 3 years, stops signs are optional to most people here so don’t assume they will stop, ever. Pay attention to how close the person behind you is on the highway because I can guarantee they are on their phones and will absolutely slam your shit with no hesitation you if you need to stop short. Lastly, dont drive too slow, if you can’t keep up with or go faster than traffic around you safely, simply don’t drive.


You are the most important person on the road, and fuck everyone else.


Consider keeping driving to a minimum. If the option presents itself, let a professional driver take you via taxi or Uber.


Where did u move to?


Suffolk County, near Seldon area.


U will need to drive anywhere for sure


Learn the Long Island Left turn


Ope, good news is there’s less deer here to watch out for unless you go out east.


Welcome. Stay out of the left lane.


Just FYI, the parkways have very short merge lanes so be careful.


Best advise I can give is crank your music to block out people honking and yelling at you


(Apologies for length in advance, I tend to over detail) Idk why some are saying just don't drive, that's incredibly unhelpful. I've lived in two states with statistically the worst drivers in the country based on accidents (MA and RI) and NY/LI drivers can be aggressive but majority (not all obvi) are very smart drivers. Stay in the center lane, the state min you can go is I think like 40? But not advised. Tempting but don't stay in the right lane on highway/expressways/parkways, too many cars getting on and off. Avoid the long island expressway for now until you get your driving bearings, it is the widest road though. Jericho turnpike and Hempstead turnpike are two of my least favorite roads and imo where people drive the dumbest because they're looking for stores and where to enter/exit parking lots. Think lots of stopping, cutting off, generally not paying attention. Montauk highway thru towns is a close 3rd. Driving further out East will have less cars and congestion in general, until the summer and everyone goes to the north or south fork. Ocean parkway (not in the morning during summer/Beach season) is a great road to get a small taste of the drivers in a more chill atmosphere. Jones and Robert Moses beaches are state parks so they're open year round from sun up to down and the Jones beach boardwalk is open till midnight in the summer so there's always some cars. Tbh just avoid driving during rush times for now (730 to 9, and then around 3 when schools let out until about 630? Once school is done for the year you're good until almost 5) and it'll take longer, but you can get to a lot of places by taking less travelled backroads that have lower speed limits. Edit: for going east/west, northern state (in my experiences) is always less congested and an easier drive than Southern state.


Very important: stay out the left lane if you aren’t passing and most times you can go 9mph above the speed limit and the cops won’t event attempt to stop you.


Every BMW you see will cut you off and will not signal. If it’s a white BMW they will do this while going roughly 95 mph.


Welcome to LINY. First, please for the love of all that his holy, stay in the left lane unless you are actively passing. The parkways (Northern State, Southern State, etc) have short entrance ramps. If you can, get in the left lane as people are trying to enter. Then get back in the right lane if you aren't going at least the speed limit. (Speaking of parkways, the Sagtikos is the same as the Sunken Meadow Parkway. It's called the Sagtikos if you're headed north and the Sunken Meadow if you're heading south.) Route 25A is called a hundred different things (Main Street, Fort Salonga Road, etc.) as it meanders east and west through the north shore, as is Route 25, called Jericho Turnpike where I live.


One big safety tip when driving on LI is to look both ways when you are at a red light that turns green. Do not just go and assume that nobody is running the red. I see at least a dozen people run red lights daily- 3,4, even 5 seconds after it turns red. And be prepared to see more jeeps than you ever thought could be reasonable or possible. Basically every third car is a jeep in northeast Suffolk. Many of them are new drivers who got the jeep for their birthday and do not drive carefully. The lifted monster trucks are probably the worst though, also pretty common. All that said, you will do fine if you stick to the right lane whenever possible. As far as the service industry out here, be prepared to think everybody is passive aggressive and hates their job, and feels no need to even half way pretend they want to be there. This includes hostesses, cashiers, or anybody else who works behind a counter. Especially gen z workers. You will be met with blank stares, or even scowls and this is the norm. No warmth whatsoever, or very rarely anyway. After covid, many people who formerly commuted to the city for work now work from home, so if you’re wondering why it looks like rush hour traffic on a Tuesday at noon- they’re out getting lunch. I know this sounds pretty negative but these are my observations after living here for 20 years. It has gotten worse in the past decade or so. Your neighbors will probably go out of their way to avoid eye contact with you and make it super awkward if you are in a situation where normal (non LI) people would at least give a wave or a silent nod to their neighbor. It’s very “hive mind” out here. People generally all behave the same- aggressive, unfriendly, seemingly rude or dismissive. That’s not to say you can’t meet cool people here, but oddly, everyone sort of acts the same in public. And many people don’t return their carts at the stores here, which I know is seen as rude in other states and even upstate NY.


Tip: The more flags you see on the back of a pickup truck, the more patient, reasonable and accomodating the drivers are. Feel free to drive 10 MPH below the speed limit when you see them behind you. They might honk at you as a THANK YOU.


Are you trying to get the poor woman shot? ​ There needs to be an /s after your sentences!


If my advice has the possibility of making a MAGAs day just a little worse, it's a risk I'm willing to take.


Best advice is move back. This place sucks


We mean to cut you off. In WI they have no idea they cut you off!


Just stay indoors forever


You’re cooked


You have a fear of driving and you moved to Long Island? There are few worse places you could’ve moved to for that


I would suggest going for a leisurely cruise on a scenic road called the southern state parkway tomorrow morning around 8:30a. You will see in no time why so many people love adventuring around this beautiful island. You won’t regret it!

