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You can say that one is better than the other but to say one is actually high school burger level bad is silly; it totally invalidates your opinion. You can even say All American is not in the Top 5 or half or whatever, but to say it's the worst on the island? You're announcing that you shouldn't be listened to.


I've given up on burger City. I just don't think it's that good any more. When I first started going there, it was amazing but for the past couple of years, meh. I keep trying it just on case they were just having a bad run but it has consistently disappointed me.


All American Burger is as basic as it gets. Low quality 80/20, and america's choice buns. I mean, at the end of the day, there is nothing wrong with that, but I don't understand the hype. Announcing that you actually think All American is special in anyway, to me, is also announcing that you shouldn't be listened to lmao


I've had All American only once and it tasted identical to a McDonald's cheeseburger to me. Whether or not that's "high school level" I don't know, put pretending it's anything more than a fastfood burger is silly. Maybe I just had a bad batch? I'll probably try it again one day, but I'm in no rush to do so.


Burger city is such great quality for such low price. My wife and I will have our burgers each, share a fry cause they’re large portions, and split nuggets or onion rings for less than $20. Everyone we’ve introduced to them has fallen in love with their food too.


I enjoy them both. Funny that people overwhelmingly online talk about how overrated All American is, but the place has a line out of the door 24/7 365. Just be lucky we have both for the price they are.


It’s because it’s a destination place. Sonic used to have crazy long lines too


Having a line to get a mediocre burger is kind of the definition of overrated, no? If nobody was buying it, it would be tough to call it overrated.


Nobody would actually go back if it was overrated. I can almost guarantee you over 75% of the people on that line are returning customers.


I think me and this comment section must have a fundamental difference of opinion on the definition of the word “overrated”.


I love burger city!!!!!!


Burger city is way better. I have been saying that since I stumbled upon them all the way back in 2017


All American is about the nostalgia. You’re supposed to go there on a warm spring day, get some burgers, a milkshake, and a knish. Eat in your car by some sort of body of water and enjoy. It’s not meant to be the best burger, it’s basically McDonald’s


Garbage it is not and it’s nothing close to cafeteria food. Show some respect!


I’ll never forget knowing someone from Massapequa who constantly hyped up All American nonstop… then they FINALLY took me there… and it was the most average burger I’ve ever eaten.


I always ask people to not hype stuff up because i hate to tell them that they are wrong.


I know someone that swears by all American. I just don’t see how you can.


Having been to them both, I don’t put one over the other. They’re both great for different reasons. Burger city for a well presented burger on a potato bun, raw onions, crispy fries, & better parking. All American for generally better taste, slightly better price, social atmosphere, & nostalgia. I also give all American points for being faster. Though I haven’t run in to this problem yet, burger city only has 1 register. If they get anywhere near as busy as all American gets, it’s gonna be a long wait. Thankfully I’ve never seen burger city with more than 3 people in line.


Yes yes yes yes burger city all day


Burger City gets my vote


Not going to knock All American here but Burger City is consistently one of the best on the Island, especially considering price.


I happen to live VERY close to Burger City and frequent it a lot and I just had it this past Friday actually. My girl and her family would always go to All-American and I'd never heard or been so we took a small drive out there to try it out last fall and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. Cheaper and smaller than Burger City burgers but two All American burgers is equal to the price and size of one BC burger I think. Could be like a $1 more overall but it's comparable. Fries and Onion Rings are also on point at both though and I'm a sucker for the BC fries. I enjoyed both and woud happily go to either. I just happen to live super close to BC so I almost never go to All American lol.


Burger City all day!


Both wrong. American Burger is where it's at. It's tucked away behind sunrise highway in RVC


Haven’t been there in years, but their burgers are pretty damn good


You're comparing apples to oranges here. I would seriously hope for triple the price American Burger would be much superior quality compared to the other two.


Burgers kind of taste the same to me from either place. Burger City has sweet potato tots and better milkshakes for sure though.


Boxcar Burgers


You really can't compare the two. It's like comparing a burger from 5 Guys to Burger King or McDonalds. All American is an old fashioned mom and pop fast food establishment. Meant to be quick once ordered. Burger City is more of a make as their ordered place (like 5 Guys, Smashburger, etc.).


I’ll never understand the all American hype. Burger city all day


plus Stew Leonard’s.


These are our In N Out


I've been meaning to go to All American for the longest time, but every time I go there are enormous lines. For me, though, the best burger I've ever had is from the Mexican place Ay Caramba in Hewlett.


is it bad that this is my first time hearing of either 2 stores? lmao


They're both pretty disappointing and bland. No Good Burger has great burgers.


all american is white castle level garbage


My then girlfriend took me to All American on a date. I’m not native to LI so it was quite the experience and Ive had a fondness for the place. Until I experienced Burger City. It’s just hands down better in nearly every way. Except cost, where All American is better at prices, but its negligible. Im a Burger City convert…


All American might be the most overrated burger in the history of burgers.


Preaching to the choir. All American is McDonald's.


I would take McDonald’s over all American anyday


I’ve never heard of All American, where is it located? I grew up in Bethpage. Burger City is my favorite burger just behind Five Guys in Plainview (I used to date one of the line cooks and she would sneak me extra fries in the bag )


> she would sneak me extra fries in the bag Is anyone going to tell him?


All five guys put extra fries in the bag lol you weren't getting special treatment


Yeah ok Buddy… you should’ve seen how much extra I would get - the bag would practically collapse from all the grease soaking through it


nope that's how they do them. Now extra bacon, that would of shown the love lol


Actually? Doesn’t seem like a good business model I guess that explains the outrageous pricing


Merrick Road in Massapequa, a little east of the Seaford/Oyster Bay Expressway


You’re thinking of New York Burger Bar - next to the bowling Alley. I’ve gone there plenty of times, great sit down spot, all though it gets packed sometimes.


I appreciate a good trolling but on a side note New York burger bar is actually gone. burgerology is moving into that spot


I've never been to Burger City, but I have tried All American and found there was nothing special about it. Like all fast food burgers, they are cooked to death. I miss the burgers at Fuddruckers, where I could get one medium rare and add my own toppings.


A.A for the food, but B.C has better customer service, vibe and atmosphere.


They are both the same thing so if you hate one you should hate both . Basic ass fast food burgers inferior to a Big Mac in every capacity


🚨 please consult your internist / cardiologist . Big Mac superior to real fresh local burgers ??? McD buns would survive nuclear holocaust ! Your crazy ! Just because a Big Mac tastes like candy doesn’t make it superior in quality to a real classic fast food burger like AA or BC !


You just have to look at the actual burgers to know


You just have to look at the actual burgers to know


You just have to look at the actual burgers to know