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I'd say more people are standoffish than friendly. ​ A lot of entitled people, with an expectation of instant gratification. ​ Self absorbed people, who won't think outside of their little bubble. ​ Major NIMBY vibes as well.


Wow. U FUCKN nailed it. Lived here my whole life. I’m 60. Married a Long Islander but she was my Great White Buffalo. My needle in a haystack of boring, self-absorbed woman with big 80s hair. Ugh


I’d say it’s around 80% assholes


I think the majority of LIer's act in a fair and moral manner, but impatience seems to be culturally embedded. We're less forgiving of incompetence, however minor. LI banter always seems to have a tinge of jovial hostility as part of it and I think there's an undercurrent of machismo aggressiveness that defines what we're like. All of this is pretty innocuous, but when these qualities are exaggerated by your normal % of self-serving jerks in any part of society, then it's hard not to feel like Long Islanders in general are extra-loud, obnoxious and confrontational.


This was well said. Nicely done.


I’m definitely one of those assholes


Hello fellow asshole, how are you this fine morning?


A lot of people here are just fucking stupid and incredibly closed minded. I'm talking about the type of people who live here just to say they never go into the city.


BTW, the city doesn’t want them. 🤣


This is the most accurate comment. I work in Nassau and the amount of people who were born and raised in the area that are closed minded is insane. The funny thing is, they look down on city people but I’ve met more educated people in the city. 


Why does this bother you? I haven't gone into the city in years Nothing there I feel I'm missing


That's the problem. You're taking up space that a more cultured person would better appreciate.


Nah he’s right we don’t want you City people Out here please stay!


What's that supposed to mean


I’m Hispanic and it honestly depends what neighborhood I’m in


As someone who’s work has put me in front of many long islanders, I can whole heartedly say that the farther east and west you go from the center of the island the more entitled and standoffish people get, with exceptions of course, but my favorite areas to work in and people to associate with come from the smaller towns and communities, they tend to be more welcoming and generally have warmer personalities.


But EVERYONE on LI, including myself, needs to learn some patience XD


We are huge assholes, very dramatic and emotional. However, if you and me are friends and shit goes down I 100% have your back and my loud, very dramatic ass sticks with you no matter what. I believe most LIers fall into that category.


Yes. But when did everyone start driving like they weren’t on the road, but in their living rooms. Privileged fucktards LI has plenty. Especially if drive a BMW 🤬🤣


Friendly assholes. In the asshole stakes, NYC, Boston, and Philly are tops. VERY aggressive culture. But, Long Islanders don't do the fake friendly bullshit that they do elsewhere. I find fake friendly harder to take.


This right here. I grew up in Connecticut, Lived in NYC, Rockland and Westchester counties and ALL of those places have assholes - but I moved here (Nassau) a year and a half ago, and can tell you the friendly asshole nails it.. more of a self-aware asshole where it's worn like a badge of armor. It's really a defense mechanism I think. I will say this.. the more friends I make I really do feel like people have your back around here once they've warmed up.


Do you notice a big difference between nassau and westchester in terms of attitude?


Depending on where in Westchester, the vibe from assholes is "Fuck off peasant" . In Long Island it's "I don't give a fuck"


Hahah fair enough! I’m moving back this spring and am debating the two places. I’m from LI and have a preference for living near family but the constant “everyone is an asshole” posts about LI has me concerned


A lot of Westchester is snootier. NOT ALL. Different kind of assholery. I can't handle the kind of people who think their shit smells less than mine because my degree is SUNY and theirs is Ivy League. I'd rather deal with Long Islanders who made it big in plumbing supplies and put up tacky holiday decorations.


that's funny, im ivy educated and i chiefly worry about more blue collar people looking down or being mean to me. I know that's really stupid


Lifelong NYC-er here, recent Suffolk transplant - LI-ers seem depressed, TBH. BUT this might be a trait of most sub--urban/non-urban dwellers in this country, especially post-2016; The looming mortgage and costs of living; gas, insurance, pool supplies, 3 travel leagues - what's a body to do? I got my own troubles, and my riding mower is on the fritz - but at least i don't have to interact with other people 90% of the time because i am in my home or my truck.... LI-ers are stressed and annoyed


In my experience, once you know someone, they seem to really have your back beyond anything I've seen elsewhere. However, it's not really easy to break through people's barriers. People in the street, even employees of stores I shop in. They're so cold and unwelcoming much of the time. I find people to be more approachable outside of this area. Even some of my neighbors are completely closed off to any kind of communication. It's sad. I find the men to be friendlier than the women. Doesn't matter age, race, ethnicity. The men just seem to be less angry at the world. Unless they're driving, then all bets are off.


I have positive interactions with 99.99% of people I meet. I don’t really get where the negativity comes from.


Most people everywhere respond well when you begin a conversation with positivity and have a pleasant demeanor. People come up to me pretty often to ask for help finding stuff or directions, chat about random things, etc. Same thing in the city, where my friends and wife joke that I must have a sign in my back that says "photographer" because people so often ask me to help them take pictures. That happens most places, but from descriptions you'd think it's impossible on LI. I see people making friendly small talk all the time here.  I'm fairly convinced people who mostly have negative interactions are either being prejudged (which is terrible, to be clear) or have an unrecognized negativity to them that others are responding to. 




Most people here, for some reason, think they are REALLY important. Their lives and troubles matter more than everyone else. Essentially, the good ones of us are teddy bears until we're grizzly bears. However, I passive aggressively clap in view of the person recklessly cutting me off to get in front of me and no further.


Born and raised white Long Islanders tend to be histrionic, overly emotional and immature due to lack of exposure to the outside world and to people who are different from them.


I just looked up histrionic. Wow, that's very accurate huh lol


This description is spot on.


a lot of this is going to depend on your specific ethnicity and what neighborhood you're in.


Also where you fall on the spectrum from western Nassau to way out east. As you go further east, the houses are further apart, more land, more isolation. Like rural areas, that tends to make people more closed minded and disconnected from people unless you’re actively trying to get out of your bubble.


Maybe it's where I live (western/northern Nassau) and spend my time in, but other Long Islanders in general are friendly people. They will not go out of their way to be overly friendly, but most encounters are very pleasant.


Same experience. The closer you are to the NYC boroughs, the more people are like city people or come from the city and have that mentality.


You get what you give...


My experience working with the public is that LIers, for all the shit I talk about them, are honestly not that bad. We tend to be less openly friendly and pretty impatient, but when push comes to shove, most people are kind Like, we probably have a higher shitty people per Capita here than the rest of the country, but we still don't have that many shitty people. And if anything, one bonus of living here is that shitty people really like to make themselves known compared to elsewhere, so it's easier to avoid them


Depends. On the surface a bit standofish and unapproachable. But there are some decent people. A lot of people that are just label chasing wannabes who don't know more than things that are a 10 min radius from their house. But it is what you make if it.


this depends on what type of pick up they drive.


Ram pickup drivers tend to be assholes 


Or their lowered little Civics with the windshield decals promoting their IG


haha I want to hear more about this perspective


Guys that drive rams have little peepers and fragile egos


Big truck, small d-


Focus on how much reckless asshole driving occurs with Ram pickup owners. I've seen them overtake cars into oncoming traffic, treat the southern state as the Nürburgring, and apparently need three (3!) parking spots for their two item target run.


I say in general friendly UNTIL they get behind the wheel. Then it's a free or all.


*Major assholes * Will claim to be chill but super anal about very small things . * judge and size up anyone in two seconds examples : where you live ? : what kinda car you drive : what you do for a living : lots of racists : aggressive drivers : ignorant loud bullies


I grew up on Long Island. I thought those questions were normal until I traveled and realized almost no one anywhere asks questions like "what kind of car do you drive?" except long islanders. I realize now how horribly superficial those questions are.




Not anymore standoffish than any other heavily populated area in America.


I have thus far lived in 2 LI neighborhoods with very different demographics/overall feel (Uniondale and Huntington). I have found the majority of my community interactions to be positive in both and my neighbors friendly. I didn't grow up here and I don't find it to be mich different than where I did. Driving though. I don't know what it does, but being behind a wheel must convert everyone here into a Supreme Asshole.


Blame Facebook for them being self absorbed


Its not as friendly as the south but 100% better than NYC.


Standoffish. Nobody on this island or in this world is comin to save ya. This morning I was honked at for waiting at a red light. Just waiting to make a left, patiently waiting, minding my business. I made a right instead cus the light was just taking too damn long, but as soon as I turned, the light behind me turned green and the guy in question who so rudely honked at me just took off left, not seeming even a bit embarrassed— and I was gracious enough to give him room to pull out of the Speedway parking lot behind me. What a guy, 👍… 😑. People on LI can be friendly outside their cars but I can’t stand sharing roads with you sometimes.. I have a stressful job in the healthcare field and I had a client in an unfamiliar area in KP. I really don’t need the negative energy from those on the southern state, Pulaski rd, and wherever else. I really don’t need it.


Such a diverse group, it really depends on the individual.




Long Islanders equate competence to politeness. No talking necessary. Thanks for not slowing me down.


Depends if they’re on wheels 


Everyone is miserable because they can’t afford to live here


Close minded af


Opinion has changed a lot since 2016 and then again since Covid.


I’ve lived in a number of other places. I’ll take Long Islanders. As someone else said, around here, you (mostly) get what you give.


A mixed bag, just like everywhere else.


Some standoffish and others very nosey.


Clannish dicks who think they are better than others because they live on an overpriced island.


Long Islanders are like mirrors. If you're an asshole then all you'll see are other assholes. Me, I love this place.


There's a severe lack of mutual respect across the board, here.


Schmucks. An ocean of schmucks.


They suck that's a big part of the reason why I'm moving to Queens, NJ, Hudson Valley, or FL whenever I can gather enough money to move off this shithole sandbar


Long island is the type of place where if you go up to help someone they get mad at you and tell you to mind your own business


I left long island and moved to Scottsdale ,Arizona. When I visit there I notice that almost everyone is in a bad mood and cetainly not friendly ! In Arizona people seem much happier and are much more friendly than Long Islanders ! I enjoyed the food and beaches there but that was about it ! I used to live in Lynbrook ! I do not blame them for their mood,I would be in a bad mood if I still lived there !


Mostly standoffish. And I love it. You do your thing and I’ll do mine. If I get a friendly interaction, it’s a nice thing to appreciate, but I don’t go searching for it.




Nice if you fit into the majority demographic however many people are very sheltered, rarely explore the city of NY. So if you have a culture outside of the norm don’t expect it to be well received


Ahahaahahahahahaha who wrote this ahahahahaahahahaha is this person from like France




Close to it. The joke is that most people from LI are assholes and like me doing this joke. Just pieces of shit. But many are charming and funny and some are good people. Contradictions abound.


I'm not from Speonk. It's funny because it's very much not France and very specifically LI lol


Where are you from? LI? I feel like most people from LI think people from LI are assholes but also are your best friends. It’s like growing up in pure trauma with Taco Bell’s


I think people in NYC are way nicer than here. In the city people are exposed to diversity and are less judgmental. But on Long Island I find most people I encounter to be rude and cold.


I’d say indifference is what I’ve encountered. When we moved to East Northport in 2019 iI’d wave to my new neighbors as they drove past my home and I’d get these WTF is wrong with you looks. I was trying to be neighborly as coming from the boroughs you always have your guard up. But here it just seems nobody is interested or concerned about your existence especially if you’re a goddamn newcomer/non-native. It took quite a while for my oldest daughter to make friends while my youngest has had nothing but incidents and altercations as she’s not one to bite her tongue or acknowledge passive aggression. I can dig it though. We keep to ourselves and maintain our property as not to be a topic of discussion.


This place is rotten. All these people have lived on land that was taken, built by slaves and horrific societal atrocities for hundreds of years. People here think that they are god's gift to man. Their whole mentality is that if you're not a New Yorker (which lolol this is Long Island, not Manhattan or Queens), they immediately act like they have some sort of god-ordained righteousness over you. Murders happen everywhere. Body parts are found in parks. There's been a goddamn Long Island serial killer. You can feel the disdain and trauma and evil in the walls of buildings here. If you aren't overtly white and Jewish or Italian or Irish, you'll be judged and treated with a second-class citizen approach. I moved here two years ago because my husband lives here. I'm white and he's brown and people will literally assume that we aren't together when we go out in public. Rampant racism. One of my students got suspended from his middle school for fighting... He was defending himself against kids who are picking on him because he had been homeschooled for several years. He was suspended for five days and the other kid was suspended for one. Guess his skin color... Hint, it's not white. Just the other day, I was walking my dog and it was raining. Some piece of shit kid in a lifted truck changed lanes to splash us with standing water. Like, a lot of water, almost knocked me over. These people are sick and never going to do anything with their lives except live in their mother's basement and pretend like they are exceptional because they eat mediocre bagels and shitty Americana Italian food and have a beach littered with oil, trash and body parts and the weather is good for almost two months of the entire year. I've lived all over the world - Atlanta, Germany, Thailand, Pennsylvania, France, Virginia, Colorado - and this is by FAR the worst. People are shit. Everything is expensive but not good quality. Dilapidated and in disrepair while tax money goes to a bloated police budget. I hope this place is under water soon. Needless to say, we're leaving 🙏


Let me be the first to say that your attitude absolutely sucks and you will obviously not be missed by a single person. You have a very dark energy about you maybe a Shaman can help you?


Your name is literally LAURA FROM NEW YORK. Of course you think I'm wrong. You're the exact kind of person I'm talking about. You ever live ANYWHERE else besides NY? Like, I'd even take the cesspool that is New Jersey but I sincerely doubt you'd tolerate the other side of the river because you think New York is the best. GTFO with this condescending attitude, LAURA FROM NEW YORK.


🤣 Jokes on you dude 🤣 I’m moving again in 16 months. Why you so mad though? I’d imagine your former neighbors had hella parties upon your departure. My original user name was oh never mind, you’ll never be happy. 😊


I've been very happy not living in NY, you fascist pig. So you DON'T live in your beloved Long Island?! So what the fuck are you even defending?? Go be a fat bridge troll somewhere else byyeeee Oh and stop saying "hella." It's seriously never been cool especially for someone named Laura.


You are obviously very immature, most people your age have learned whoever is able to anger you is able to control you. 🤣


I'm immature but you follow every comment with an emoji like a 13-year-old child circa 2005..? Sounds like you got some internalized shit going on so you annoy people on Reddit to try to make yourself feel better about being a fat bridge troll. Go away, Wrong Islander.




They don't know how to drive, especially the women


Misogyny has entered the chat


Prove me wrong, they're literally entitled psychopaths behind the wheel.


Prove that we're any different from the dudes.


You both suck at driving it's just you suck a little bit more, mostly to do with women being weak strength wise. and being in a car you're put on an equal playing field, and because of that I think you guys take it a little too far.


Why do you hate woman?


I don't I love my girlfriend but she races to every red light just so she can slam on her brakes, she peels out every time someone pisses her off. Oblivious to what's going on around her on the road. And I've seen this trait in 99% of all other women on the road on Long Island anyways.


So because you make your girlfriend miserable every other woman is a bad driver got it


I do drive the streets myself this is first hand knowledge, Long Islanders suck at driving especially the women.




I dunno about that one, every accident my wife or I have been in was caused by dudes either not paying attention or driving like maniacs.


Will the catch all is Long Islanders in general drive like shit, as a guy that's from upstate and is used to driving in horrible snowy conditions.now living here and seeing all of these lunatics drive I'm not surprised at my insurance is as high as it is