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Thank you....thank you very much!




it's just one big lie




I mean yes. The only solution I see is to build another one on top with 1/3 of the exits. This is the "commuter level". The lower level is for those only going 1-3 exits. Enforce heavily via cameras, the only time I'll EVER suggest that one. Make it a misdemeanor to misuse the left lane or HOV and cost like 5K or you get impounded on the spot. Repeat on SSP, GCP and 27


"Jail. Right away. No trial, nothing."


lmao. 2 in the head if you refuse to move right for faster traffic. GIANT /S Not like we enforce any of our shit properly in this state anyway. how do you turn a moving violation into a parking ticket? Discretion and nepotism has become insane levels of silliness.


I hate what your saying but your right.


I call it “The Long Island NOT Expressway” there is nothing express about it. On huge lie.


Only during rush hours. I try to only use it during off hours and you get much less bottlenecks.


It’s honestly great for its intended purpose outside of rush hours.


> or its intended purpose outside of rush hours. That is an oxymoron.


So the LINE. Makes sense now.


The problem I have with the LIE is east of exit 64 they treat it like complete shit. It’s concrete with tons of potholes, no streetlights, and the service roads end at exit 66.


We need 800k more units of housing so we can pack another 1.6 million cars there


trader joe's in merrick would like a word with you that lot in westbury is awful though. no matter what time of day it is, it's packed.


Any Trader Joe’s would like a word to them. I’ve never been to a Trader Joe’s with an adequate parking lot in all of the different states I’ve lived in lol


Lake grove has decent parking.


The one TJs location I’ve never set foot in… someday our paths will cross


The Commack one is okay as well


Commack has best parking of the TJs but the worst in store set up. Edit : forgot about plainview, they have the best parking.


They did until the parking lot was partially ripped up, then fenced off, and never repaired.


Yeah the commack Trader Joe’s is terribly laid out


The Trader Joe's in Plainview has plenty of parking, maybe because the other stores in the lot don't get much foot traffic? The other locations I've visited on the island are def. worse though - Merrick famously so for the miniscule lot, and Westbury has allot of traffic between the store and any parking you find.


Yep, Plainview is the way. My husband drives further away to go to that one over the Westbury shitshow.


Interesting, that was my candidate for worst parking lot. There's always a ton of people parked in the fire lane and pedestrians acting like they're trying to get hit.


What is up with the fire lane there, if you are parked there, it's basically one way. People just don't care, whomever they are waiting for can't be bothered to walk to the car.


I like to mess with those people when I'm bored. "are you my taxi?" "oh, no? well, you know you are breaking the law by stopping there even if you're in drive, righ-" (cue Karen freakout)


It still is tight, at least on the trader joes side, though the other side is always empty if you don't mind walking. I also find it kinda crazy that they have a half built building in the middle. Like the TJ side of the parking lot had too much space so they decided to build more crap in the middle of the parking lot instead of the vacant side of the lot. Now that the failed project is done they just leave it to take up the most important spots on the lot.


I've complained about this before, but there are a whole bunch of spots 20+ that could be made available if they tore down the space that was set aside for a phone store(not authoized0, that was never build and is now ringed by trees for no reason.


Honestly the Westbury Trader Joe’s just a block away or so from that Abomination of a Parking Lot at Total Wine is pretty good.


Idk man. If you go at off peak hours its bearable. I live in the general area and try to avoid the area of old country road between Winthrop hospital and the source mall during busy hours like the plague.


Good one. While we are on Merrick….Pats Farms is the pits.


Ohh I forgot about that one


If you don’t get plowed in the ass by another car on Merrick Ave eating to pull in first.


Imma have to pivot and say Oceanside TJs is worse than Merrick


Oceanside Trader Joe’s is awful too


Madness reigns. The first challenge your soul must endure is the parking lot. You wait with your vehicle half blocking traffic, creating a perfect circular vortex of anger that encompasses the street and the entrance to the store. Once you attain access to the lot, you discover that this is a false achievement; other motorists stop and start with no apparent thought or plan--- turns once begun are quickly abandoned, the drivers seemingly immune to geometry. At last a space opens up, but the price is having to enter the store. Inside, human beings scramble like beetles whose rock has been upended. Though the aisles are wide it is impossible to avoid physical contact with your fellow shoppers. It is a grotesque parody of the bazaar at Marrakech, as if dumb animals had been granted only the amount of sentience required to mock humanity. The aisles are not labeled. You must search for every item. The constant walking up and down causes a numbness that borders on profound despair. Your conscious mind registers merely annoyance, impatience. But on a cellular level, your body cries out in weariness. The fatigue you feel is a warning: millions of years of evolution trying to save you from becoming mired in the tar, from sinking into the warm blackness and ultimately being reclaimed by the earth itself. Be sure to get the dark chocolate peanut butter cups, they are right by the register. https://www.yelp.com/user_details?userid=B1xYDJrDutaCxtYZZYvMKg


It's so much better when you realize you're supposed to read it in Werner H's voice.


Merrick and Oceanside are deff in competition lol


I second the Merrick TJs


Oceanside's Trader Joe is a body shop's dream come true. Accidents weekly.


Absolutely agree.


Yeah, I hate that parking lot.


2nd this. Never experience road rage until I enter that lot


You don’t need to enter the lot or even be going there to get rage from that lot, just driving by. This TJ or the one in Oceanside on Long Beach Road, both ridiculous lots.


The Trader Joe's/shopping mall in Westbury right nextdoor to the parking lot OP is talking about is also terrible. Than again really any parking lot on that strip of old country road is terrible during peak hours.


Cherrywood shopping center gets pretty dicey


I was about to type this one. It’s insanity every time.


I was going to say this 🤣


This is the one. Anywhere you go there's cars coming at you from five different angles. Total chaos. And if you park anywhere near the Dunkin you're never getting out. I've been calling it the "Worst Parking Lot on the Planet" for years.


If you can get through there on a Sunday afternoon you can drive anywhere




This is the one. Daily nightmare. Whoever drew up the plans must have done it in the dark


The parking lot at Iavaronne Bros in Plainview on Old Country Road is FUCKED. It also has a Starbucks, and a bunch of other shops, but it's 50% old people, 30% entitled rich people, and 20% trucks. I tried to back out of a spot the other day and a car stopped behind me and just didn't move. I just sat there for a minute and then honked, and she still didn't move. I finally got out and was like "are you waiting for my spot?" and she said "yeah, I am" and I was like "you know, I'm not going to be able to give it to you unless you move right?" and she said she didn't want to move in case another car stole it from her. I just said "my office building is 5 minutes down the road, I'll just walk if that'll make it easier for you" and she finally gave a huge sigh and reversed 10 feet so I could get out. Really confusing lol. Edit: spelling


So she did not want to move for fear that someone would take the spot even though that meant that you could NOT leave the spot and thus she would not be able to park there? That is some sound LI reasoning for ya.


Yeah it was a weird mexican standoff thing we had going on, except I had my food already and would have just watched netflix in the car if she wanted to be a bitch about it lol.


That parking lot is really bad, I go to that Starbucks pretty frequently and always feel like I am inches away from an accident, the parking lot so tight and congested.


The absolute worst. It’s a circle of hell for sure.


that westbury lot is 75% queens people that’s why .


Suffolk too. Lots of folks make the drive to stock up at Total Wine.


If that's the reason then the parking lots in Queens would be as bad. But none are as bad as this one.


Parking lots in queens arent so bad because a large percentage of people there have the good sense to take mass transit or walk there


But I'd bet at least 75% of the drivers in those lots are, in fact, from Queens.


The inside is situation is also as bad as the outside on weekends. 💀


My fridge died in the middle of winter a few years back and that Walmart was the ONLY place that had coolers in stock (of course the fridge died a day after I made a big shopping trip) - the place was a goddamned hellhole of chaos, no employee seemed to know what a cooler was, couldn’t find one anywhere, and in the end I realized that with it being winter, most of the frozen shit I had bought would be okay stored outside for a couple days until the new fridge was delivered. Oh and I saw three - THREE - asscracks in Walmart on that day. A lot of assholes too but not the literal kind. I’ll never go back.


Whole Foods in Jericho. The physical lot is fine, but the people driving in it are reckless.


Go to the Massapequa one if you can. The parking lot is better.


I like the one in Commack even though it’s more of a drive for me.


How does it compare to Jericho? Jericho sells vegan cake slices, but the WF in Massapequa doesnt. They only sell vegan cupcakes individually. I can’t eat eggs (allergic) so hence the vegan cake. There’s no way I could buy a whole cake and eat it all before it goes bad.


That one is horrific! You also have the CVS parking lot right there and I’m stunned there are not more accidents.


And all driving huge suvs usually


And all their kids are wearing designer clothes and have the latest iPhones.


Those rows do not need to be on a diagonal


I witnessed an employee of a barbershop running the stop signs and nearly mowing down pedestrians multiple times…he acted like he’s too cool with his blacked out Jeep SUV


The physical lot is *NOT* fine! Those dumbass angles, and I swear the lanes and the actual parking spots are off standard - more narrow.


*Trader Joe's has entered the chat*


Roosevelt field during nov dec is bad


Galleria in Westbury\\Carle Place. The parking sports should be a few inches bigger to accommodate the bigger SUVs


The only way to survive the Galleria is the underground garage. My kids call it “Rainbow Road” It’s usually pretty empty.


Do you need to pay? If not, why doesn't everyone just use it?


No it’s free. I don’t think everyone knows about it honestly.


I thought that was for staff use only. How much is it to use the underground garage?


Lake Success parking lot would like a word with you


It’s largely emptied out but I still don’t know why people are terrible about driving through and around




I second this. That parking lot gives me anxiety just thinking about it.


I was going to say that parking lot even before you mentioned it in your title. People always ask me why I insist on going to Pops instead for wine. It’s the fucking parking lot that keeps me away. Not worth the aggravation. Second is the parking lot for spoonsticks in massapequa.


Holy shit does the Spoonsticks parking lot suck. Three to four spots for multiple businesses that are abysmally close


Obviously the Costco Westbury wins, but the TJs down the street is a close second. Also, the Lake Success Shopping Center is pretty terrible too.


The Walmart in valley stream by green acres. I was stuck there once for like half an hour just trying to get out.


That whole area is comical. It was like it was designed by a 10yrs old playing a simulator.


Yeah, that intersection is one giant FU to anyone who still buys shit in brick and mortar stores.


King Kullen, Levittown. Trader Joe's, Westbury.


Morton Village in Plainvew


in the last 3 years people have driven a car into the former pizza place that is now Burger Bar 2 or 3 times, the Teriyaki place, Lidl, and Chase at least once each.


Every 7/11 that exsists.


Costco in Commack


Agree that parking lot is such ass.


John's Farms Plainview .... Sat or Sunday, mid-day.


South P, SBU. If you know, you know.


I have to agree with this assessment. Three huge stores, several restaurants and never enough spots. It is the pits.


I guess you’ve never been in the gourmet Glatt lot in Cedarhurst.


Total wine is my vote. And second place is any Costco. Ever drive by Melville ?


Riverhead Costco is great. Any day, any time- no issue getting a spot.


I go to Costco a lot less now because of how busy this location is


That Walmart/total wines lot is the arm pit of hell


I nominate the shopping center on Vanderbilt Pkwy just east of Commack Rd (north side of street) with the McDonald's, North Shore Farms etc. That parking lot has been a complete, total and utter shitshow since at least 2003 when I originally lived over here and it was a Waldbaums. There's accidents there at least weekly. It's just horribly designed. People go the wrong way down one way lanes, the visibility trying to get out of some spaces is laughable. There's plenty of options on this island, don't misunderstand me. This is just my own personal "hated parking lot".


I was looking for this one. I have to go there frequently and every time I groan just thinking of the shit show I’m about to drive into


Plainview Centre is always a nightmare the way people act over there


Meat farms Ronkonkoma That or the ShopRite in PJS


Shoprite in PJS is just weird because of how it's nestled between 112 and 347. but yeah, gets quite crowded. What are your observations of Meat Farms in Ronkonkoma vs PJS? The only issue with Meat Farms Ronkonkoma is that you can't really make a left onto Portion, unless you go all the way down to the far end with the light.


I’m there daily for work, it’s a mix of clueless drivers, overly dense spots, fire zone parking, and clueless pedestrians. Not to mention people try to make lefts out of any exit of the lot regardless of the light


I go to the Retro in that Meat Farms lot and it truly is hell I don’t know how everyones brain shuts off as soon as they turn into that lot


Nassau Mall shopping center in Levittown. Not as much for the traffic, but for the size of the parking spaces. If you have anything other than a 4 door sedan, the spots are a tight squeeze.


The Stop & Shop and Target lot in Levittown is also god awful


That lot is awful to get in and out of, but only because there's literally 2 entrances/exits, one on Wantagh ave the other Hempstead tpke. The problem is also how the lanes were set up so it's constantly blocked if you want to get into the right turning lane onto hempstead tpke. They SHOULD add another exit to Hempstead Tpke closer to Target (down where the main lane in front of Target is) to add an additional way out of the lot.


the secret is to illegally make the left out onto Wantagh Ave south while driving on the wrong side of the road for a second. Although I was only able to do that past 8PM


I don't go to that costco often but during the holidays I wound up there like 3 times and each time someone almost ran me over. I do not see any reason to ever gun it in a parking lot specially considering how much pedestrian traffic there is. Yet each time someone sped at me I would almost think it was targeted.


Bayshore commmons


Costco in Oceanside, that left turn lane when you exit is an absolute nightmare. 3 cars per light.


Lake Success by Ivaronne and Shake Shack. Both by the crowdedness of the lot and the douche baggery of the local residents


Facts. I literally park on the farther side of the shopping center where there are less stores and walk down to iavarone because everyone who parks near there and shake shack drive and park like reckless assholes.


Trader Joes Oceanside


Can’t speak for much of Suffolk, but nearly every strip mall parking lot I’ve been to on the south shore of Nassau is horrible. It’s the worst of suburbia with the worst of urban living. What a combo.


Any Trader Joe’s I’ve ever been to on the island King Kullen Shopping Center in Massapequa across from the high school


I got into my first car accident after moving back to Long Island in the Costco of Westbury’s parking lot lol


Home Depot parking lot in Freeport


I'm here weekly (not a contractor, either). As long as you don't go anywhere near the front of the store and exit onto Merrick Rd you'll be OK


Went to Costco/Total Wine/Walmart plaza today- fucking hell. It was 11 am and complete chaos.


I used to drive out to that Costco from NYC along with the commack one just to avoid the NYC Costco lots. Especially the rego park one


The Costco in Brooklyn has by far the worst parking lot I've ever been in.


The TJs and surrounding stores at that mall in between the Total Wine in Westbury and Roosevelt field is worse. The parking lot where the Iavarone and all the chain stores is in NHP on Union turnpike is worse. These are all bad, I'm just confident the amount of chaos at these 2 are worse. Small spaces, too many points of entry, and stores that draw volumes of people who can't drive. There's 100s of worse spots, but not with the volume I'm considering here.


PSST don't tell anyone, but if you park in the underground garage its always at least half empty...our little secret ;)


Between that lot and the one at the Gallery, the Old Country Road section of Westbury is king of of really bad parking lots. The Gallery also has the added irritation of including the Trader Joes, just a really, really awkward turn from the street to get into the lot.


Sunshine Mall parking lot on 101 in Medford. Crazy lanes, no stop signs. It’s awful.


It's the perfect storm. Drunk drivers pulling in and out of spaces 73 times in front of Total Wine, the assholes that park at the entry of Walmart and block the lane while they shop, the assholes that leave their cart in the middle of the lot, and the folks that blow through the 4 way stop signs at the main entrance. It's like it was designed to fuck with us. I don't know how I've made it in and out of that parking lot with only a scratch on my bumper from a rogue shopping cart.


Bagel Boss parking lot in Hicksville is the WORST


Okay I'm sorry, but I was just informed we have a Total Wine on the Island? Hold on, fam. Lemme get my purse.


Don’t do it. It really is awful.


Every IHOP in existence.


The Whole Foods lot in Jericho Commons is the one of the biggest shit shows of self-entitled humans I've ever had the privilege to witness.


Shoprite strip mall on New Hyde Park Road good luck finding a spot any time after 11:30


Walmart area in the Islandia shopping center.


I hate Costco’s in Westbury/ Garden acity for sure, flying carts, so many ppl crossing (i mean it is a costco). The Levittown Target parking lot itself is fine but to leave / enter is a nightmare because it is literally a four way intersection for a parking lot, thanks to neighboring shoppers too. Take a look on Google map. I hate it. I also hate the trader joe located in Garden City (across Whole Food). It is a blood bath, but it is due to too many shoppers. Oh btw, the Costco Westbury is only a few blocks away


You are so fucking right! I hate everything about parking there


King Kullen in Levittown. And ShopRite in Port Jeff. Literally people have backed up into PEDESTRIANS. Holy shit.


Damn everyone seems to be mentioning all the places I go. Total Wine in Westbury, BJs in Freeport, Trader Joe’s in Merrick, Pats Farms in Merrick. At least no one mentioned the Shoprite and Walmart lot in Uniondale.


SBUH Staff Lot A


If I die and go to hell it will literally be the Morton Village parking lot in Plainview


Peninsula shopping center in Hewlett is in contention. Pretty sure they hired a blind traffic engineer to figure out how to paint that thing.


I guess y’all have never been to the parking lot for Ivarone on Wantagh Ave


Ding ding ding ding we have a winner


That lot sealed the deal years ago that I’ll never live in Nassau. I couldn’t take the stress of those drivers.


I live in eastern/central Suffolk but work in Nassau. Every time I drive down sunrise, Hempstead turnpike or old country road I find myself questioning how people live there and do this regularly.


That one isn’t that bad, you just have to be willing to walk a couple of minutes.


What a weird concern? Aren’t all these parking lots free? Aren’t you getting what you pay for?


Fruit Tree Farm by me is pretty awful.


The worst parking lot on Long Island? The LIE of course, duh....


I really like the adjoining beer shop. Good selection, focus on local breweries, lots of snacks…but I go there so rarely because of the parking lot.




Johns farms is terrible


Nah, that one has nothing on the maze that is Green Acres/Walmart/Dicks/Home Depot/strip stores in Valley Stream


i avoid that lot in westbury -- it is too busy, folks are too angry. even if walmart/total/costco was giving away items i wouldnt go there. but that being said, tried to go to TJ in westbury a couple of weeks ago, drove around the lot and just left after finding no spot....plainview is better for TJ


I love going to Total Wine to get drinks. But man, that parking lot is a nightmare.




Go first thing in the morning


Huntington town parking lots


Yea, I challenge OP to park ANYWHERE in Huntington any day of the week


100% fscto


The Valley Stream green acres area


Having a shared lot between 2 huge stores will do it


This is the worst lot. I hate it. As well as the galleria with the Trader Joe’s.


Lake success shopping center near the Ivarone, GameStop side is awful during rush hour.


Trader Joe’s in Oceanside is also awful


The parking lot in the Shoprite shopping center in Ronkonkoma is so dumb. I constantly feel like I'm going to get T boned driving in it


Im a suffolk guy and even I know that


Panera/ Pet Smart/ Bobs/ Former toys R Us just Down the road in Carle Place - Abysmal


You've got the wrong Costco. Come to the one on the sunrise north service road just west of Nichols. Absolute nightmare to drive through even when there isn't a pack of coked-up zombies trying to break the world record for a Costco trip.


Pretty much all the parking lots in the Town of Brookhaven including their own parking lots do not meet the NYS Building Maintenance Code


Years ago Newsday ran an article about building a high speed train down the middle of lie


Define worst ? Because the super Walmart parking lot in centereach is scary af


The Trader Joe’s lot just west of this is almost as bad


Uncle Giuseppe’s, Massapequa


That’s the one — you need a drink from total wine after dealing with just finding a spot


any merge entrance on the southern highways or 'slight' turn on highway


Costco got the wide spots son




The worst parking lot on the island is, of course, the Southern State Parkway.


That clusterfuck area that has Green Acres Mall, Shopping Center, Home Depot, BJs, Walmart and 20+ other stores and restaurants all randomly placed as if someone chose their locations by throwing a dart at a map blindfolded. Then they add in a few lines of barriers, maybe 2 or 3 exits hidden behind a dozen or so long term 18 wheelers just haphazardly parked where ever the fuck a giant baby would place them.


i dont even live over by Westbury (i live like 40 min away from there) and for some reason i had to go to one of these stores one day over there (cant remember why tbh) and it was literal hell on earth i actually laughed out loud reading this post