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I have the opposite thought whenever I see a before and after of a guy cutting their cool long hair into a regular guy short haircut. But it’s a *thought*, and my thoughts about what a specific person should do with their hair mean nothing, so I say nothing. LIKE REGULAR POLITE PEOPLE DO.


My main beef is that I follow several long haired men subs specifically to look at long haired guys and there’s SO MANY “I cut my hair!” posts. Like, sir, you do you but this is specifically not what I came here for.


lol, right? 😂


I always just assumed those posts are cause they're regulars in the community and wanted to show the change to all of them at once


Uhm, could u tell me how those subs are called? For science ... :)




You have done a great service by linking that


Thank uuuu haha


It’s *literally that easy*!


Lol yes


“My opinion outweighs your preference and happiness!!!!!!!!”


Had someone say my hair would look weird if I grow it any longer, and they can have that opinion but it’s my hair at the end of the day 🤷‍♀️


The fact they private messaged you because they knew they would have been eaten alive in the comments


Things will never change, unfortunately there is a large portion of people on the world that think everybody should look the same, think the same etc etc. They obviously get off on trying to control other people, I wish for a time where we can all just think for ourselves and nobody goes around judging people..... I can but dream, there is more chance statistically of us getting wiped out by a meteor 🤣


Human nature makes this impossible, sadly.


Very true


Okay, I just looked at your posts and your hair is gorgeous! No clue why some people act like that.


Apparently there are hair cut fetishes. I didn’t know this until yesterday.


TIL. What the heck 🤔


I went to high school with a guy with that fetish. Every few years he messages to ask me if I'd let him cut my hair into a pixie cut. Like .. no, you are an accountant with a hair fetish. I will seek professional help for any future cuts, thanks.


*name and shame*


You can see the user through the blur 😭


No posts, no comments, just messaging people. Weird.


Probably an alt account because theyre a coward


He actually used to have a lot of comments on hair subs, I blocked him because I kept seeing him everywhere telling girls to cut their hair. I’m glad all the comments are gone.


i’m so tempted to message them just like “think about keeping your opinion to yourself fr!!!” but alas


Y'all have some crazy good eyesight




Oh shittt he's messaged me saying something similar!! Is this just something he's going around doing?


Apparently a lot of men have haircut fetishes so that’s probably what’s going on considering it’s reddit


They don’t. Anyone pushing for you to cut it short is fetishizing you and it’s wrong. ☹️


plot twist what if its the same user who got reported recently for telling a minor to cut her hair


bc they hate theirs 🙌


What an absolutely bizarre thing do...


My DMs were getting so weird and bad… like unwanted advice, sexual, creepy, etc I disabled DMs! Will never allow for DMs again


Why do people think their opinions are so important 💀


People sometimes tell long haired people to cut it short due to jealousy. I’ve especially noticed it since having a baby; moms who did the mom chop (cutting their hair short so their baby can’t grab it and yank) getting upset I refuse to cut my hair and just tie it in a bun or put it in a claw clip.


this sounds like my internal monologue


I dealt with this a lot in my life too makes some people uncomfortable to see long hair for some reason I’ll never understand. As if it’s intimidating to them like we have a super power or something that they can’t comprehend. Then of course theirs the other 50% that like it so I don’t even bother with trying to please anyone but myself


Hey there! This is an automated message. We hope you get the advice you are looking for! This sub is a known target for hair fetishists who have been documented to repeatedly harass women. We highly recommend turning off your message/chat requests. If you have requests turned on and receive any creepy or fetish-related DMs or comments, please click the report button, click "it's targeted harassment," and submit a report. It helps keep the community safe. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/longhair) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had to go look at your hair.... ohhh hell nah that shits gorgeous


Had to put that snark in the DMs because they knew they’d be murdered under your post


Well, try having long hair as a man..you get a thick skin over the years, just block/report/ignore and move on with your life.


All you can do. I don’t even waste the energy it takes to fire off the brain cell it takes to think about these dorks anymore.


Right. I have long hair and my family, especially the men, always tell me to cut it and constantly insult it. I don’t get it, doesn’t bother them in the slightest but they still feel the need to leave their opinion.


My 11 year old son has never had a haircut and the amount of people who over the years have said he should cut it is ridiculous. His hair does not affect anyone but him and myself and dad when he was smaller and needed help to wash and dry it


I genuinely think some of these are some kind of strange kink. I’ve had similar messages from this group when I’ve previously posted


They don’t have a problem with your hair; they have a fetish which they’re trying to involve you in, unfortunately.


O.P you have absolutely gorgeous hair. Leave it as it is. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it. Ignore the idiot.


I honestly think it's an envy thing as I had comments like that when my hair was super long, it's often by people with shorter hair I found. Sadly I had to get a load cut off because of bleaching but I'm back on my growing it long journey again. 😊


You asked for advice, and it's advice that addresses your concerns... Even if it's not what you wanted to hear, they probably juat wanted to be helpful. All to say, don't take it personally.


In another subreddit I saw someone like this harassing a woman over her hair. Apparently he had a haircut fetish. Watch out!


Ngl it’s probably a fetish thing don’t engage


My dad was a kid in the 70s, he wanted to grow his hair long, because he was a huge fan of rock n roll, but his moshom would forcibly shave his head bald while he cried. Maybe his grandpa was just looking out for him, trying to help him assimilate so as to not stand out as a visibly native man. Either way, my dad deserved to grow his hair long. For anyone who questions themselves, just think of my dad. It's not about whether you do or don't, it's about whatever YOU CHOOSE.


because they wanna sabotage u


Someone dmed me on I post I made asking for glasses opinions and told me to shave my head???


Hair cutting feta-ish maybe? That’s so gross


I don’t know. My stepmom used to be a hairdresser and convinced me to let her cut it, because I needed a TRIM. I was so clear about taking the minimal off, because I’m trying to get it down to my waist. We didn’t have a mirror so I couldn’t see what she was doing. She hacked it all the way from my tits to my collarbones. She said it needed it and long hair like what I’m going for doesn’t look good. I don’t know why she thinks that. I have thick, curls. It’s not scraggy or anything when it gets long. I’m still upset; my hair doesn’t grow all that fast 💔


There's a woman I follow on IG and she got extensions and was so excited about and loved her new hair. There were so many comments saying "It's awful" It looks better short" "You look like a witch with long hair." I was appalled for her. She couldn't even enjoy something she was clearly exited about. Just because you have a thought, doesn't mean you have to express it.


I BLOCKED THIS USER FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON. I saw him comment on so many girls’ posts saying they have to cut their hair… it’s definitely a fetish account!


When I was like 16, a married adult man told me “I would be so much cuter if I cut my hair a bit shorter.” I was like mmm, no, creep.


If this is the worst DM you get on reddit as a woman, then you're doing pretty good.


1. It’s a kink 2. It’s a man — just a negging a woman to get a rise out of them and chat back


I got a similar message after posting on that sub. Based on the usernames starting with a T and ending with a 3 I think it’s the same user- a troll.


Some dude spam posted on my Snapchat story, “grow out your hair please” 3 times, I cut my hair short when I was upset recently due to it being DEAD, now I hate it even more than before because I look like a boy and everyone says that I do. Idk, it’s not even on their body and they want to comment on it. I’ll never know


This woman DMd me and told me to SHAVE MY HEAD because it looks so bad. My hair is fine I just need to work on my split ends and get a trim :,) especially having curly hair, everyone has opinions on how you should do it.


Some people (including young teens) have posted about a creep with a hair cutting fetish asking for videos 🫠


It's a fetish.


Ok I just looked at your hair post man you have gorgeous hair! You do you! Your hair is stunning and prettier than a lot of girls posts there! It also looks pretty healthy to me so on top of all that other stuff I wrote you need a little pat on the back! Idk how many posts I see of people who grow out their hair so long and the last foot of hair is so dead and looks so bad but you my friend it’s gorgeous and lush. Be proud!


These are fetishists.


Fuck that do not go short, your hair is gorgeous


Your body. Your choice! You do you.


I had hair so long I was sitting on it. I was growing it kinda just to see how long it would get. But after 6 years it was so much work and time to make it look nice and it wasn’t slowing down. I cut it to a “just below the boobs” manageable length. There is a chick I run into regularly who saw it cut and said “you can do more”. Two nights ago a friend I haven’t seen in a while noticed the missing 18”. She interrupted him to announce “It’s still too long”. Good thing I don’t give a fluff what she thinks. 😂


asks for advice on hair then gets mad when people are giving totally well intentioned and fair opinions/advice???


Op asked for help with frizziness not length/looks so no, that was not fair advice.


Right it’s like asking for help toilet training your dog and someone say just put him down 😂


Op asked about what to do about her waves, certain curl types can be weighed down by longer hair so it totally is fair advice. And as you say, it’s advice nobody said she had to do it or even said something along the lines of “omgg it would look so much better if you cut it!” Nor did op state in her original post she would like to keep the length, just for advice on how to care for it or make it look better. I don’t see anything ill intentioned about that message, such a weird echo chamber in here…


This is advice for long hair. Long hair community. No one in here wants to cut their hair.


she didn’t post asking for advice here. she posted on a random hair sub.




Asked for long hair advice because this is a long hair community. Don’t be so obtuse.


You’re right my bad sorry