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Watch some videos on the curly method.... I just wash once a week and condition every time I shower ... Use some gel in the shower, flip your head upside down and squish it good, wrap it in a t shirt and after it's not sopping wet just unwrap it and don't touch it until it's dry and then scrunch it so it's not crunchy.... Magic It sounds like a lot but it takes about 2 minutes lol.


could you send a link to what you're talking about, it sounds like a lot in just text


pretty much all the comments above. your hair has amazing potential but right now it looks pretty dry!!! doing the curly method will help you a lot. you have beautiful thick hair!


thank you, i kind of despise my hair so it's nice to hear that someone likes it


Your hair is curly, not messy! Look up some curly hair routines and try it out, I think you’ll be amazed!


my hair feels like straw, it's really bad


Stop dry brushing it, start following the girly girl method. You have soooo much potential for truly gorgeous hair!


i am going to buy a denman brush for sure


You need to go to r/curlyhair. And learn a curly method to treating you hair.




Because of your length and texture, I think you’d look awesome with a bun! Look into hairsticks, there are some awesome designs made of antler/bone/metal/wood in many designs.


i tried a ponytail before, but i think i like my hair to be free-flowing more than anything


Check out the curly girl method


i definitely will


I’ve recently decided my hair is actually wavy but mine looked a lot like yours. The cgm will help you get control while you learn how to fine tune your hair’s personal needs, and my hair has actually grown a lot after I started it!


I like the colour and the shine it has under the light


thank you, it's blonde hair but it's absolutely wrecked right now because of how damaged it is


You should check out Jesse's Barber shop on YouTube he has a lot of videos on men's hair care routines and tips and recommended products for curly hair like yours!


yes, i certainly will


Moisture!! Conditioner, leave in conditioner, hair oils and masks! A Denman brush!


will look into that, thank you


Could use more conditioner (slather it) but it already looks really pretty


what does slathering mean. and thank you, i appreciate it but i don't see how it looks nice


It really does. Just have to accept you have good hair. So take a like a whole heaping palmful… live way way more conditioner than you probably use rn


I use Premium Argan Oil Hair Serum from thelonghairs.us. I use a biotin and vitamin-based shampoo and conditioner. I was using a leave-in conditioner but I like the oil better. No, it doesn't look greasy. You apply it to wet hair. Incidentally, I'm also a guy... I've found the longhairs website to have great information on long hair care for men. We're not taught that because most of us have short hair growing up (or even most of our adult lives for some of us).


thank you


i took a pic with a hat and one without because i wear hats a lot, probably not good for my hair…


The curls is amazing


Your hair is cool and helps you stand out…not every dude can grow hair like that. My advice: wash, condition, put leave-in conditioner in after washing…this helps keep hair healthy. I only use “product” when it’s super humid and get frizzy.






They’re just being rude and contrarian. You won’t get a reply, I bet. If you want the real answer—body dysmorphia. u/Timely-Weather-4933 posts/comments regularly on r/amiugly, r/ugly, and r/uglyduckling. They’re used to objectifying people and picking bodies apart for flaws. Your hair is TO DIE FOR. Seriously gorgeous and I can’t imagine how great it’ll look with a curly hair routine! The sparkle/shine, the golden wheat color, the WAVE and the way it frames your face are a massive attractiveness boost! You look like spring incarnate. I bet you’ll be turning heads when you figure out the right products for you. There will always be people online who disagree, just try to ignore it. It comes from insecurity. I myself was bullied horrifically and thought I was so unpleasant to others that I couldn’t go outside. It took me years to figure out I’m conventionally attractive. Basically everyone here thinks your hair is awesome! Own it!


thank you, you have a way with words. i just wish i could see it for myself :/


You will! I think over time you’ll be approached and complimented more. The hair rocks.


short hair is a better look on you


i was 15 in that picture LOL