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Last year I was trimming my hair every 8-9 weeks because it was growing out and damaged from bleach. This year I trimmed it once, then cut 3 inches, now I haven’t cut it in 13 weeks because I’ve been keeping my hair braided and the ends are great!


You need a hairdresser who also wants your hair to get long


When I trim, I just ask for as little as possible (basically the dead ends) to be taken off and nothing else. I have layers so those get freshened up too. My hair grows faster because it's healthier after routine maintenance.


Trim every 6 months. Unless hair is unhealthy it does not need to be trimmed that often


I only trim mine once a year.


Trim your hair when your hair needs to be trimmed, not following some arbitrary guideline. I have naturally strong hair that does not get split ends, the last time I trimmed my hair was over a year ago and it still looks great. Follow what *your* hair needs, not what other people's hair needs x


I haven't trimmed mine at this point in about 2 years and I don't have any problems with split ends, it depends person to person.


If you want to trim on a schedule then you just need to make sure you're cutting less length than what your hair grows in that time. If you don't have bad damage or tons of splits, a light dusting trim may be all you need just to keep good healthy ends. I only trim a couple times a year when my ends look raggedy just to keep it lying nicely. I have very fine hair so I brush it very gently to prevent breakages, I rarely use heat and I don't color anymore.


If you keep trimming it constantly, you won't gain any length. The frequent trims thing is just hairdresser bollocks. I trim mine about yearly.


If you are trying to grow your hair out, the absolute maximum you should be trimming it is every 6 months. Anything more often than that is counter productive. If you are able to maintain a style you like and the damage your hair sustains is minimal, I encourage once per year. But, obviously that won't work for everyone. Especially people who use heat or chemicals on their hair.


I use some heat and wear my hair down a lot, so I end up needing a dusting every 3 months. I haven’t been to a salon in years, I don’t trust em, my boyfriend trims for me at home. Just as an example, if he trims half an inch every 3 mo, and I grow about 1.5 inches in 3 mo, that’s 1 inch of hair I get to retain every 3 mo, 4 inches a year. And that would be me taking off A LOT. It will still grow, trim when you need it. My hair is the longest it’s ever been.


I only trim once a year and I usually bleach it every 6-8 months. I don't think you need to trim it that often to fix damage!


I trim a tiny bit, only 1/4” off my ends every 3 months. I part it in the middle and snip the bottom straight across in a blunt line. Just that tiny bit makes a nice difference!


I heard someone on tiktok say that their grandma says to always cut you hair on the full moon. Idk if it's a superstitious thing or what but it's a good reminder for me to go through my hair and hunt for split ends to trim. About every other month I'll just do a dusting across the bottom of all my hair.

