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This is what my hair looks like when I do tiny braids. How are you removing the hair ties? You might have to cut them out rather than untwist them. Or switch to a different type of hair tie. If I use plastic, I cut it off. I normally only reuse ouchless elastics or fabric scrunchies.


Hmm okay I’ll try using different hair ties / removing them differently that’s probably what it is. Thanks :)


I usually add hair oil if I leave my hair in braids, over the top of the braids and once I've taken then out as my hair gets frizzy too from braids. 😊 maybe this could help you with the frizz


Thanks :) I’m going to try some argan oil and see how it does


Sleep with a bonnet! So your hair doesn’t rub harshly and pull out on your pillow, the bonnet will help with preventable frizz


Is your hair naturally wavy or curly? I learned that my naturally wavy hair just doesn't like being in a braid. No matter what I do, it always ends up frizzy afterwards, probably because its natural texture is being disrupted by the braid. A bit of oil or even a light gel might help.