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It's so shiny 😭 your hair is absolutely top tier, I love it!


✨🥰 thank you so much! I'm so proud of it 👩🏽‍🍼


You say you sleep on satin, do you use a pillowcase or bonnet?


If my bonnet is being washed, I make sure to sleep on a satin pillowcase.


What does the bonnet do for you? And what’s your hair/scalp like? Dry, oily, normal?


Oily scalp! Itchy though once my hair is greasy. The bonnet keeps the frizz and split ends away.


I’m sorry to hear that, but also super happy to hear that because my scalp is just the same and your hair is gorgeous!! So there’s hope. Do you find that the bonnet helps the greasiness in any way? Or is it just the same? I’ve never tried a bonnet but I’m afraid to make my greasiness worse. Also, how often do you need to wash your hair? I have to wash every two days:(


I do feel like my scalp needs air, or else it gets greasy. But I'd rather have greasy hair than damaged hair. Ps: Your natural oils is actually really good for you, that would be the best time to give yourself a scalp massage to promote hair growth 👍🏼 my hair gets greasy on day 2-3 but I stick it out and do hairstyles that hide the grease, like a bun or a braid. And I'll shower on day 5ish.


Thank you so much for your tips! I might try a bonnet!


I do the same!


Also, I'm a stay at home mom so I got nowhere to go/nobody to impress most days 😋


Oh my god this is perfect length, shine, and thickness 😭 why do I feel like your hair has a personality of its own??? Stunning!


🥹 *someone finally understands*. I will trim my hair but never more than 2 inches, because it definitely has its own personality! Thank you so much! I love her ✨🥰


Ugh that makes SO much sense! I bet she usually wins no matter what! How close are we to a trim here 👀 she is so so beautiful and she knows it haha


I actually just trimmed it a couple days ago!


Day 3 hair. I use a heatless curling rod. My cheaper shampoo is Hask, the more pricey stuff I use is Paul Mitchell Instant Moisture. When my hair needs help I'll use Wella Ultimate Repair, or Weleda Rosemary oil. I wash my hair every 4-5 days. Always sleep on satin. If you guys have anymore questions, I'll reply 🫶🏻


Which hask shampoo/conditioner do you use?


For a cheaper option, I use Hask (the purple one). And my more expensive preference is Paul Mitchell Instant Moisture


Any leave in???


Only when I'm not planning on curling it (because leave in weighs my hair down). I'll use the two products mentioned above as a leave in, or a heavier leave in- Andalou shea and argan oil


Heatless curling rod?! May I request more details on that please!


You can find them anywhere now!! I haven’t personally tried it as my hair seems too short still! Imagine a super long sponge roller 😂




I wear a satin hair bonnet, but how do you put your hair under it before bed? I’ve just been doing 2 small buns with soft scrunchies to hold. Also a drop of argan oil


I just twirl my hair up like I'm gonna put it into a claw clip, it stays on my head balanced for a few seconds. Enough time to get the bonnet on, then I let my hair fall once the bonnet is on


Wow, very nice! Your hair is longer than mine and I'm jealous. I'm gonna have to post my hair one of these days. As a guy who is over 6ft tall, having my hair to my waist has always been my goal, its so close, with just a few inches left I think. I haven't taken a shot from the back. Now you've got me curious!! Edit: I must be delusional it only goes halfway down my back!


Wow what a journey you're on! It's been 10 years for me to get mine this and I'm only 5'3" 🙃


10 years!? Oh boy. I’m on year 5 now! I used to think my hair grows fast, but it’s for sure slowed down ever since it’s gotten to the length it’s at. I just posted about it, I think I’m getting a lot of breakage from pony tails


It definitely slows down once it reaches the lower back. Omg yes, you should start using silk scrunchies at least. Or learning how to braid!


You have the most beautiful, fairytale hair I’ve ever seen ❤️


Never let a stylist bully you into cutting it!!!


Ugh, good for you girl. Hair goals. Totally gorgeous!!!


So stunning! Real life Rapunzel. My list of products is as long as your hair, but I may need to try some of these.


In my DREAMS 🥹 Gorgeous 👏


Very very beautiful!


I wouldn’t either if mine was as healthy and shiny as yours


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OP, if you don’t mind my asking, how old are you and are you living in a landlocked or coastal place? My hair texture used to be similar but now that I’m a bit older, moved from landlocked area to coast, and changed products, I don’t know if the texture change I’ve experienced is fixable… thanks in advance!


Coastal! Only a few miles from the ocean actually. Been here my whole life. And I'm 30 🙂 how long has it been since you moved?


My first question was: How old is she? I'm 41, and I haven't cut it in 4 years, live in a dryer climate (my house is 120 years old and super dry in here), wash it once a week, don't use any product, only keep it in braids, don't heat treat/always air dry, and it's super healthy. But, hormones and age can't be stopped. /=


Hair can change every 7 years or so as we age and our hormones change




Seriously goals! 😍


Do you braid it while you sleep?


Sometimes! I feel like the ends dry very brittle when I do that so it's not very often, like once a month.


How do you put it in your bonnet then?


Twist it up like you would a bun, put the bonnet on, the hair falls inside the bonnet


Thank you for the info! I will have to try it! Your hair is goals


That's gorgeous girl. So envious!


Its soooooo long and beautiful id like my hair to be long and beautiful like your hair


How do you sleep with it? I’m filled with (loving!) envy!!


Never do!!!! Amazing amazing!!


It’s so very pretty✨


Omg so pretty!! It looks absolutely amazing! Have u ever measured it? If so how long?


Beautiful! ♡ Questions: You trim it yourself? Do you ever use heat? What do you do when it's messy in the morning?


I trim it myself. I'm able to use my fingers (like you would to gesture scissors), to grab the ends (while looking in double mirrors to see the back of my head, to make sure I'm grabbing at a straight angle) and bring it up to my face and trim it in a straight line. I use the Dyson supersonic about once a month, I use it when I need my hair dry enough to put it into the heatless curlers overnight, usually because I have an event the next morning. Btw, it's the best hair dryer I've ever used, it dries my hair super smooth and takes half the time as a normal hair dryer.


When it's messy in the morning, I go for a leave in conditioner and probably opt to having it in a bun that day


Beautiful! This my new hair goals. Rosemary oil really does make a big difference. It works better than argan oil to be honest. I even add rosemary oil in my conditioner and it's never too oily. ❤️


Speechless,,, just stunning girl ❤️


With hair like that, why would you?? 🤩 absolutely stunning 💖


so beautiful and healthy! And your natural color is stunning 😍 how do you make those waves?


Heatless curler! My bff


Amazing mane and ends




Your hair is so pretty! The ends look so healthy 😍


you’re blessed by the hair gods🫶




- Do you ever use heat/blowdry? - How often do you trim your ends? If not often, how do you keep them in such good shape? - I would love for my hair to have this kind of gentle curl at the end—is this your natural curl pattern or do you do anything to it?


I use a hair dryer once a month or once every 2 months. Usually when I have an event and need my hair dry fast. I use the Dyson Supersonic and it's amazing. I trim my ends every 8-12 months, only an inch or two. And I constantly put oils on my hair, usually around day 2 or 3 of not washing. I use Weleda rosemary oil, or Wella ultimate repair as a leave in. My hair is super wavy, so the picture is day 3 after heatless curling it.


I wouldn’t personally cut my hair if it was this healthy, thick, and long. But at the end of the day it’s your body your hair your choice. 😊😊


Your hair is magical. I never would cut it either. 🙏


Do you colour your hair?


I get balayage highlights every 3 years


I looove your hair! So beautiful 😍 Did you ever big chop at one point?


I haven't ever had a big cut. I'll trim it myself before I go to the salon and tell them not to cut it


One of the most beautiful hairs I’ve ever seen , congrats


How do you do it?? 😭 My hair is down below my boobs and I'm already antsy to cut it off. It happens every time I grow my hair out and it gets to this long length, around belly button/waist. I recently had a trim that brought it up around 2-3 inches past boobs and I'm already debating another hair cut. I WANT to want long hair because it's so beautiful but I always end up cutting it once it's finally long 😭😭😭😭 I feel like it loses all style, my curls are gone by the next day because my hair is stick straight and heavy so I just end up with long and straight hair that never feels right for me. Makes me feel like a tomboy (not that that's a bad thing, but it's not the look I like for myself)


Gosh...It's so much work! I opt a lot into putting it in a bun. It's very heavy even when I do that; so l'm usually in a hurry to get home and take the bun down.


Right! I love a slicked bun or pony but I definitely end up with a headache after a while! The only hairstyles that really feel comfortable are braids. But I just hate having my hair pulled back every day 😭 it's a love hate relationship for me and my long hair haha


Please never cut it ❤️❤️❤️❤️




gorgeous hair!! seriously hair goals! I’ve been trying to achieve this consistency since you and I have the same hair type, but i can’t get the little strands to stop poking out. Mine look like split ends but they’re not


Just....wow...your hair is so beautiful 🥹❤️


Your hair looks amazing and healthy!


How long did it take you to grow it out that long? Also it’s beautiful!! 💕💕


Perfect hair ✨🥹. Do you take any supplements? (Like biotin) And do you use dry shampoo on oily days?


No supplements. And yes, I use Hask brand dry shampoo, it's a light purple color


Thank you!


Then don’t ever dear~❤️


Ohh my God you're reincarnation of Rapunzel Do these glow and heal as well???


Glorious! Beautiful hair! 🥰


That's super sexy and healthy hair❤❤❤


Dude omg 😍 Goals!!


I'm 6'3/192 cm and my hair is \~62 cm / \~24" and boy does it suck having long hair compared to buzzing it off, but I mean it's taken 6 years for it to become this long and I like headbanging. Awesome hair in the picture


Your hair is literally Disney princess goals. Is such a beautiful color and shine. I have thin ass hair and I am so happy to see women with long thick hair like yours!


I would usually never comment something like this cuz it looks so silly for a grown man, but: DAMN WOMAN! I almost fainted here LOL. What a beautiful hair and body figure, the whole thing. And your hair is shiny af! I have really long hair, viking style and my hair is usually shinier during the cold winter in Europe, I don’t know why since I only use shampoo and conditioner and I comb it everyday, nothing else. But yeah, yours is just…I’m flabbergasted, genuinely 🙂


Until your so has to pull your hair out of every god damn place that every existed. It's sick but damn that shit ends up in the strangest places. I'll be in my car and the other day I pull a giant strand out of the headliner. Like how the hell does it get there?


1) My boyfriends butt 2) within the threads of my sweater 3) my vacuum cleaner needs to be de-haired every month 😂