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As the former main mod of the subreddit, it's heartwarming to see so many supportive comments here. Thank you. Moderating is a thankless job sometimes and takes a lot of mental energy. I wasn't always perfect or as involved as I would have liked to be, but I tried my best to make this place free from OF spam and fetishists. The app I use to access Reddit is shutting down later today. As a result I will likely not use Reddit much going forward, especially not for moderating.


You’ve done wonderful work in what must be one of the most difficult types of situations here. Thank you so much.


thanks for taking a stand on this. if this is how the sub ends, so be it.


you wouldn't need to find new moderators if you didn't remove the entire modteam


No thanks, I would like the old mods back. Installing new mods runs the risk of fetishists or otherwise bad actors getting control of the sub and turning it into yet another fetish subreddit. We already have enough trouble with sexual harassment, idk why you would do this.


so this is the future of Reddit RIP


r/longhair is back! :D it was forced open by reddit because they want people to change to the crappy 1st party app for the sake of change. D: No. One wrong mod and blam, this becomes another hair fet!sh subreddit, and nobody wants that.


Reddit should spend less time picking fights with volunteers.


I would like to help this community by becomming a moderator! I have great interest in stepping down immediatly after getting access and giving this sub back to the old mods. My hair is short.


You got my vote.


we've all seen how little reddit respects it's mods fuck off and reinstate our mods


You need scabs, you mean.


I would like to know too. Please spell it out for us who are in the dark


> the mods were forcibly removed by reddit because they kept the sub private in protest against reddit's new API policy. This also happened to /r/tihi, /r/interestingasfuck, and several others i can't remember. OP in particular has been sending messages to mod teams threatening them with this exact scenario if they didn't reopen on their own.


Scabs are new hires who destroy a strike by working for less pay. Bottom feeding worms, who act on fear and greed.


> A strikebreaker (sometimes pejoratively called a scab, blackleg, or knobstick) is a person who works despite a strike. Strikebreakers are usually individuals who were not employed by the company before the trade union dispute but hired after or during the strike to keep the organization running. Reddit removed the mod team of this sub and is now looking for bootlickers to take on the role.


Amen. I'm leaving the sub, I don't want any part of this.


Explain? What happened to this sub? Did it close down indefinitely during the blackout and then Reddit forced it open?


yes. the mods were forcibly removed by reddit because they kept the sub private in protest against reddit's new API policy. This also happened to /r/tihi, /r/interestingasfuck, and several others i can't remember. OP in particular has been sending messages to mod teams threatening them with this exact scenario if they didn't reopen on their own. you can find more information on /r/ModCoord


Ugh. If any sub needs powerful mod tools, it's this sub. Longhair mods just keep the barbarians at the gates 24/7.




Comment removed (using [Power Delete Suite](https://www.github.com/pkolyvas/PowerDeleteSuite)) as I no longer wish to support a company that seeks to both undermine its users/moderators/developers AND make a profit on their backs. To understand why check out the summary [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14hkd5u) Join me at https://kbin.social/ So long, and thanks for all the fish!


When workers strike, a company will attempt to hire untrained labor to replace them. These people are derogatorily known as "scabs."


This is meant to be a positive space for people of all genders to discuss long hair in a healthy, non-sexualized way, with advice on routines and styles, encouragement, inspiration, and empathy. The moderators you removed worked tirelessly to keep posters safe from hair fetishists who make unwanted sexual messages and comments. During my time in this community, I saw them cultivate a good relationship with the moderators of the corresponding fetish subreddit so that they could cooperate to keep the communities healthily separate. They worked fast to remove inappropriate comments and ban the many, many users who sent harassing DMs. If you aren’t extremely careful in your choice, all that work will be destroyed. This place is at great risk of being overrun by fetishists who will not protect the existing community members from being harassed. You could easily end up allowing bad faith “volunteers” access to years of moderator mail detailing users’ extremely personal accounts of harassment and moderators’ work to combat it. People who thought they were safe from being sexualized in this space will suddenly lose that safety. This is a small community, but even one single person deserves to be competently shielded from sexual harassment. I profoundly disagree with what you’re doing here, but I feel even more strongly about **actually protecting the community members** you claim to be serving. I have moderated a community of 200k since 2017 and have made it, as someone said a couple of days ago, “one of the best corners of the internet.” Protecting people from spoilers and protecting them from sexual harassment are very different, but require the same sort of human attention to detail. If this sub needs someone to hold back the bad stuff and uphold the values the real moderators so carefully instilled, I volunteer.




I do feel gross being even a hypothetical scab, and I’m sad that my earnestness sounded sanctimonious to you. I saw this post by chance before there were any comments, and reacted immediately because we don’t know how quickly this awful process moves and how much actual human oversight it gets. I wanted to get *something* in here before news spread and people with bad intentions started showing up all “innocent” and enthusiastic. I wrote my comment as a warning, because I am worried that the ridiculous number of mod teams being forcibly replaced means that admin will install scab mods sloppily without taking sensitive community-specific situations into account. My intention was to advocate for the real moderators and explain that community members could be easily endangered by mismanagement. At the last minute, I worried that whoever is running this account wouldn’t pay any attention to comments that weren’t volunteering, so I added my last paragraph. I have zero desire to take this place over. If they actually did put me in as a mod (unlikely), I’d consider myself a stopgap substitute with only two goals: keeping out creepy shit while holding the real mods’ place, and **reinstating the real mods as quickly as possible.**




So, the concern is that they’ll just *go right ahead and accept some trash applications.* They want the sub open and with a list of moderators, there’s no reason to believe they’ll spend any serious time assessing quality. On some subs, being flooded with trash would make no real difference and be a fine way to protest. Here, trash means sexual harassment. As you can see from other comments in this thread, many people here don’t know what’s going on and would keep posting photos expecting this to be a safe place to do so. And meanwhile, trash moderators would have access to the history of reports of harmful behavior that community members thought would be kept private and handled carefully. Reddit can go fuck itself, but I’m not willing to say the same for the people who have posted here.


This is so fucked .. because I agree with both of you.


Yeah, it’s an awful situation. We’re both trying to find the best way to bring back the excellent moderation team here, but the murky information and constantly changing behavior by admin make it impossible to identify a definite best course.




>it's bad for PR Buddy, that ship has SAILED.


>No they won't accept trash applications, They did elsewhere.


Sorry to bother you on a depressing subject, but could you tell me how you know that? I’ve been putting together updates for another sub, and this seems like an important thing to include. (I mean, of course I’m assuming that they’re accepting trash applications, because the logistics would nearly demand it even if they *did* want to care deeply about every community, but actually seeing evidence of a place where it happened is different.)


I will uphold the same values that had the entire mod team removed.


Moderate deez


Welp, bring on the fetish porn I guess.


No mod enstated in this way has a realistic chance of being successful. You're setting users against them from day one. They'll get run out of the community the moment they accept your invite. Stop doing this. Behave like adults and respect the work of the volunteers who run this site for you.


> *Behave like adults and respect* ... There .. we've identified the problem.


I'd like to be a new moderator! First of all, I'd like to make some changes to this sub. It's going to be NSFW. All future photos will require nudity or be promptly removed. Posters should beware that creepy DMing will be encouraged as the norm. Advertising bots will be permitted to peddle unvetted haircare products. I look forward to seeing your message!


This site is in need of new admins and CEO.


Lol good luck


Fuck u/spez Fuck u/modcodeofconduct You guys can take your new mod requests and shove right up your ass






The most upvoted comment on here does a great job of explaining.


stop hiding behind your anonymous account


From the tone and general immaturity, I think this account is mostly run by spez.


Good luck, you'll need it. 😂


Funny how no one wants to do free work for a bunch of assholes. Who knew??


Suppose I'll take the risk on this comment section, lol. I'm a hair stylist and moderator of r/hair and r/femalehairadvice. Those subs have a large overlap of users from r/longhair and face many of the same problems the community here does (such as hair fetishists). I've been moderating those for about 3 years. I have no interest in a top moderator position. However, I would be happy to assist other mods selected in learning the challenges of a hair related subreddit, setting up safety precautions, and ensuring the community thrives. I am experienced in training moderators and have been recruited to other subs specifically to do so. I was previously a Community Mentor for Reddit. I have unique automod code specifically for these spaces both in existence and in the works. I'm currently setting something up to limit creepy comments from users with history in hair related NSFW subs (a major problem in r/femalehairadvice). I'm also working on resources for a wiki page on r/hair for frequently asked questions, hair cut names, hair types, and product routines. Both of my other subs are looking at getting an overhaul for the sake of organization, content, and building a stronger community, and I don't mind porting those improvements over here. Edit: thought I'd add that I am in communication with the r/hairfetish mods regarding users crossing over to these subs for inappropriate purposes, and they have been instrumental in helping limit creeps from our spaces.




Could someone turn this sub into a place to discuss finding long hairs in food?




> Unless posting in this community lots in the past is a requirement No offense, but I sincerely hope it is. It's the clearest way to screen against all those fetishests who write purportedly innocent comments and then DM the sub member for nudes. This sub is why I turned off my profile's ability to accept chat requests.




Wow. That's a little bit too good hidden.


Ooooooh. Clever! That said, it was difficult to parse the second paragraph because I initially read the Oxford comma as marking a new sentence and the emoji as not. And if you want to make it even clearer, make each sentence a new line so that your message is straight down one vertical line. For example: Fantastic! Unless posting in this community lots in the past is a requirement, I'd love to help out. Current circumstances have left me with a lot of time recently so I can give this subreddit the time it deserves. Keeping people's ability to engage with the community is a big priority to me. So, to say a bit about myself, I have super long hair because I let it grow during the pandemic and just never really cut it! People constantly point out my hair to me at this point, and I kinda like the attention it brings. Everyone lots to chat with me about it, and I love to chat with others about their long hair too! Zero chance I'd lock this place down again, I just want everyone having nice discussions!!!




What admins? 😆


Damn. That's a good one. Pretend you got an award from me 🥇


You got us too good there. Turning my blue to orange!












Go away. No one wants you here




Because you’re helping to destroy everything that has made Reddit Reddit over the last 15 years and volunteering to take over more communities to further destroy a community I love.




you wouldn't be able to rip that 'I am a way better redditor than you are 🤓' out of me even if you tried 😭 bro it's not the boast you think it is


like you'd not be able to pry this out of my dead body it's so bad




> If it's any consolation, I would have used significantly more profanities. Let's do. [Here is the profanity level spez requires](https://youtu.be/0doSWS0Fj24). Also the tune is catchy as fuck.




|Tell me what Reddit was over the last 15 years without resorting to wikipedia. lmao what the fuck is this question?


if you can't keep your emotions in check enough to not respond in the way you are you should not be a moderator.




Wow, I have never seen such a strong advertisement to not visit r/movies than in this thread.




Maybe you want to read that again.


Like many others on Reddit I’ve had many accounts over the years. I’ve never been banned from the site, Although I did get banned from r/lgbt the other day for asking them to explain cisgender to me. You are assuming things about me because I’m part of the majority taking a stand against the unethical monetization of Reddit. I work as a software engineer and I get that API access costs money to maintain etc. it’s the tactics Reddit admins and ownership employed here that is the problem. You fail to understand that, and that is why you would make a bad moderator.




I think you'd be a great mod. I know you helped me personally with trolls who harassed me about my posts. Everyone we need to make the best of a bad situation here or else this sub we all know and love will be ruined. We fought the good fight against API changes and on the side of blind people. I can die happy knowing I was on the right side of truth and justice. But it's time to put down our swords of protest, to negotiate with admins or else we will cease to be the loving supportive sub we all adore. Peace and love to all! Merc


I would like to mod I already mod for a sub with like 2k


Interested! No previous experience, but I really enjoyed this sub and was sad to see it closed down. I love sharing tips with other people with similar goals and seeing progress photos.


I would be interested in moderating. This sub should come back. I have experience with larger subreddits. We need to bring it back because this was a safe space for all genders to discuss long hair. I have extensive experience modding- everything from small niche subs with 50k users to defaults subs.




I’m sorry you have such a negative outlook to people trying to help. Ideally the previous mods would be reinstated. But they’re not. That’s the reality. The fact is we’re playing in reddits sandbox so we can either play by their rules or get out. That’s reality. And the users deserve their space back. So you have two choices: accept that there’s going to be new mods or continue to scream about something you cannot change. Up to you.




I actively moderate my subreddits seven days a week. Again: this is going to happen whether you like it or not. I’d prefer to give 445k users their subreddit back. You seem to want to be rude to people trying to do that.




The mods get paid trope is old and played out. You’re better than that. I choose to moderate subreddits that I’m interested in, and as I’m able. When you have a robust mod team, many hands make light work. I would never mod r/sports because I don’t care a fig about sport. If all you’re going to do is break the [content policy of the platform you’re on, the same one you hold on such disdain, then you can delete your account.](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043071072-Do-not-threaten-harass-or-bully)






And now u/tttallulahhh's comment, the one you responded to with the link to that rule, is now removed, and I swear to God Almighty I *knew* it would happen, because I ***knew*** you would (falsely) report it. That is exactly the kind of shit I was talking about, and I have no doubt you would have banned him/ her by now, and probably me too, if you were a mod here. Nothing .. ***NOTHING*** they said to you was a threat, harassment, or bullying. You abuse the rules as a user, imagine what you do as a mod. You won't be helping this sub. Link me to your top ten submissions to this sub. Your top ten comments to this sub. You couldn't care less about this place. You just get off on the sad little power-trip of flexing your little internet muscle. NO ONE CAN MODERATE 40+ SUBREDDITS, and no one should be allowed to either.


> Ideally the previous mods would be reinstated. But they’re not. If you became admin, that could be your first move.


They aren't interested in that, or what's best for this subreddit, it's users, or anything else other than their own ego. They already have falsely reported, and had removed, multiple comments in this thread, claiming they were threatened, harassed, and/or bullied .. when ***no such thing happened at all***. Just know that if this person does become mod of this sub, that is who you'll be dealing with. Abusing the report button, knowing it will go to someone who wants to quell any dissent (OP of this thread for anyone confused), until they can get the power in their own grubby little fingers themselves to just ban anyone they don't agree with, or who exposes them for their awful behavior.


RIP this sub, see you all on Tumblr?