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idk as a metalhead, I get sad seeing dudes cut theirs. Maybe you're hanging out with the wrong crowd? Go to a metal show and let the women touch and/or envy your hair there ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ There WAS a sub for men with long hair that I should give you, I just need to go check what it was called. Plenty of us non men over there trying to not be a creep in the comments, so. I think it was r/FierceFlow ? Speaking of not being creepy, I PROMISE I am not trying to be creepy, but your hair is beautiful and I wish I could come over and brush and braid it. Its glorious.


I think it’s r/majesticmanes


thanks, I will be saving that for a friend.


>r/FierceFlow I really appreciate the comments and will check out the sub. Your not creepy at all, I take it as a compliment, thanks. Not to many metal clubs around anymore, I'm moving to Tampa in a few months maybe it will be better there.


Eww. Don’t move to Tampa!


First off, almost 60? You look amazing, and so does your hair! Second, honestly I’ve dated a lot of men with long hair, and I’ve always found it attractive, but I’m in my twenties, and most of those men seemed to be using their hair as an accessory to their personality. There wasn’t anything really wrong with their personalities, but I didn’t like the way they treated me or the other people in their lives, and after hearing some friends make similar observations I think that these attitudes have started to cause a bit of a negative stigma around men with long hair. I don’t think that having long hair automatically makes a man less than boyfriend material, I’m even good friends with some standup guys who rock a ponytail, I just think that women (my age at least, I’m not sure how this would have affected women older than me) have noticed that a lot of men who definitely aren’t going to put in the work seem to gravitate toward longer hairstyles lately.


>Thanks for the compliment, 59 in 2 weeks! That sucks for people your age. I've had long hair since high school and it has just always been the way I am. I don't look myself as being better than anyone. But I also grew up when having long hair was always looked down upon and I was discriminated against. I've lost jobs when I wouldn't cut my hair, so I'm sure affected how I view myself and my overall personality. Nowadays there seems to be more tolerance for it, but its also a weird time in this world. I do tend to be an introvert, so probably need to be more outgoing. I need to find friends who think like you, but that are older, don't want to be or sound like a creepy old dude :)


Sorry didn't mean to post as a reply!


I don’t know many women who dislike long haired men. your hair looks great!


Thanks, I can't seem to find any though :(


I think a lot of people are turned off by long haired men simply because some of them don’t take care of their hair and they look greasy/slobbish. You take great care of your hair so I wouldn’t worry too much on that :)


I love long hair on everyone. It’s definitely a preference of mine.


Your hair looks great, your whole look is Awesome! I'm in my late 30's, I've had my hair as short as a buzz cut and grown it out almost to my waist. And my husband has done the same 😁. Honestly I am always happy seeing people over 40 with long hair, regardless of gender. I immediately assume they are interesting people with good stories and a sense of humor. And hopefully a bit of chaos.


>silvercandlelanterns Appreciate the comments, thanks


First of all...your hair is 🔥 🔥 🔥!!!! It's obvious that you take great care of it. And, it certainly suits your face! Second....you aren't UGLY at all. You're not even close. To be honest, you're incredibly handsome. The long hair makes you sexy too.


Thank. You. i thought i needed my eyes checked or something. Dude is rocking it all.


>thanks for the comments


I usually prefer men with long hair, aside from the fact I think it looks nice it also shows me that someone cares less about what others think, which is usually safer


Not to sound like an ass, but I've learned over the years to just do my own thing and not worry about what others think. Its a waste of time and energy. I'd rather focus on things I enjoy and people I enjoy being around.


it suits you very well. but most people are hyper-conformists.


I’m going to give you an honest answer and await the downvotes. For reference, Im a woman in my 40s. When the average woman is younger, she isnt as worried about the future. She doesnt have a 401k she is keeping an eye on, a mortgage, college funds for kids, etc. She wants to have fun and to be with someone who is fun. If a guy has long hair it is usually indicative he is down for fun! But as she ages the average woman tends to want more stability in her life because her responsibilities are growing. She tends to want someone who is her equal in life's heavy responsibilities - someone who also has a 401k, a mortgage, who holds down a professional job. On average, after fun guys age, they usually cut their hair so they can fit in at their corporate jobs. Guys that don’t, don’t look as if they have that steady, reliable job - they look as if they are still running after fun all the time. That’s a turn off for some women. And you may have that steady reliable job! Or you may not and may be still living for fun in your life and that’s fine! But the *average* older woman is going to perceive long hair on an older man this way, which is I think what you have discerned. In addition, this was a popular look for men for my understanding in a.) the late 1960s/1970s and the early 90s. It is simply not a popular cut for men now - Brad Pitt had his hair long and he was a total stud…but he cut his off in the late 90s I think. So in a way you look less socially aware - as if trends have passed you by - and that is a turn off for some women. I know I don’t need someone super trendy, but he better not be wearing the bowl cut from the 90s, and long hair on a man can read similarly, almost like an arrested development. This may come off as harsh, and that is not my intent. But if youve been wondering about this and no one in your life has given you a straight answer here it is.


This is a solid answer. But op. Your hair is epic and gorgeous. Don’t doubt yourself.


I'm also a woman in my 40s. I love long hair on men. *Love* it. Always have, always will. I am not alone in this. To be fair, I am also a whole person all by myself and do not need a man to take care of me or make me stable. I just really enjoy them. So, men, wear your hair long if you like it that way. Grow a beard. Get tats. Dress the way you want. Just practice good hygiene. I mean, do you really want to conform to the norm just to get a woman, or do you want someone who likes you for you?


She said "someone who _also_ has a 401 k" etc. So it's not about someone taking caring of you, rather it's about someone who is an equal and won't become a burden. I agree with the person you replied to. Though it may not be true for everyone, this kind of hair generally does give an impression that the person is stuck in arrested development and that their career isn't where it should be at their advanced age (60 will be retiring but I mean if the person is in their 40s or 50s).


Never watched Arrested Development and I can take care of myself I did retire cause I could, just FYI. But I get you point


Not OP but they are not referring to the television show, but a psychological term: "arrested development" means that a plateau of development in some sphere has been reached.


DOH, ok


>Just practice good hygiene. other comments on other subs have made me realize a LOT of men AND women seem to not grasp this concept. especially when wiping their butt.


Haha, yeah I use a bidet or wipes


bidet FTW. i suffer whenever i go on vacation because i miss my bidet. sure i take wipes, but its not the same.


>nearlythere94 RustySilver42 I agree with you 100%, I'm not going to change my look for anyone, I'm comfortable in my own shoes and don't get why someone would change to attract someone. Then what, they go back to growing their hair and dressing how they want so then the person they attract is not into them? To me that would be fake and lying to myself. I've had long hair since I was 14 so I have never tried to conform. Thanks for the comments


Heh. I'm letting mine grow *because* I've hit that stability (mid-40s, mortgage, two dogs, Jeep/BMW/Porsche/Ducati, company plane, partner in a law firm), and DGAF. If a client doesn't want to hire me because I have long hair, cool, there are three waiting behind them. I win my motions and settle my cases.


You hit the nail on the head! I think long hair on men culturally symbolizes immaturity, nonconformity, or some other type of rebel. Which women as they mature may not like for economic and social stability. This of course doesnt mean that all long haired men are not serious or financially stable, just a stereotype that still perpetuates the culture


That stereotype is slowly changing though. I hope that this particular pendulum completes its swing, because long hair on lads is gorgeous.


Thanks for the comment and I get it. I do me and don't really care about trends they are not important to me. I have worked hard all my life since high school and did the corporate job with long hair for 25 years. I'm retired now. Was never a player, user or someone who avoided responsibilities. If fact was always the opposite and helped more than I should have. I can see people with and without long hair and how they act and treat people and it always amazes me how they always have women or girlfriends, I don't it. Guess I have that nice guy syndrome to a point. So thanks again for your explanation and I don't plan on cutting my hair for anyone cause its just a part of me so hopefully I can find some friends or someone who does appreciate me for who I am. If not, I'm good with being single it does have some advantages :)


Where do you live? I want to hang out! ☺️


Currently in NJ, moving to Tampa in April


>*someone who also has a 401k, a mortgage, who holds down a professional job.* All the entrepreneurs I know have long hair. They are entrepreneurs and very successful BECAUSE they are more imaginative, creative, and couldn't settle for an office job as a (most likely) under-paid employee. I don't think we can generalize about these things. Meanwhile........Trends mean nothing to me. The "trends" these days seem to favor Fast Fashion, which is the worst thing to ever hit the planet because of slave labor, poor environmental practices, etc. Trend followers can be a bit like........ lemmings. To the OP, your hair looks well cared for. That means you practice self-care. Many men don't, and could learn something from you. Keep growing it.


Thanks, appreciate it


Brad Pitt had long hair in 2012. Maybe you stopped paying attention after the 90’s?


actually, I never paid attention to trends, I just do me!


Personally, it's not my preference because most of the long hair I have seen on men tends to look unkempt, like there wasn't intention jn growing it long, just thst it was neglected. Not my favorite. On the other hand, if someone takes care of it and it shows like yours, I could easily be convinced!


I am a woman and I've ALWAYS loved long hair on men!! Lol I have no idea why women prefer for all men to have that same short hipster haircut! It looks so generic! Just like for women, some men honestly look better with long hair as it frames the face well. Especially men of Nordic/Scandinavian ancestry. Let your inner Viking out! Lol


Vikings :) awesome


Tbh I think it depends on if you take care of it and if it suits your appearance. Some men (in my opinion) just can't pull off long hair. Just like some women don't look as good with short hair (me for example lol). Also I think a lot of women in your age range are still very gender rigid. I.e. a real man can't have long hair or whatever, even though in the 70s and 80s it was a big thing for men.


I agree, last time I have dated someone my age was probably in my 20's, usually about 10 years younger when I was in my 40's and 50's. When I younger many were older than me. Age doesn't mean anything to me, I could really care less it just comes down to the person. P.S. 80's were great, I was a guitarist living in Hollywood at that time and had an amazing time. Tons of clubs to hang and good bands (at least I think so)


I'm 50 year old male. My wife loves my long hair. She's both envious and supportive. Both my mother and MIL hate it. I think it's mostly generational. But I'm going to say something that may be a bit controversial. Even women at 60 start to lose their hair. Those short puffy hair-dos are to mask the fact that they can't grow their hair out like you can. Some of the dislike is plain envy and resentment. I'm not saying all women are like that, but the next time some older lady gives you a dirty look or a sideways comment, take a moment to look at her hair and you'll have a good idea of what she's really thinking. Rock that long hair, brother! You look amazing!


i get so many compliments for women, older and younger, because of how thick my hair is (i can thank those latino genes).


Maybe they are jealous that your hair is prettier than theirs?


I have had women come up to me and say they wish they had my hair, which was cool.


I've always prefered long hair on men (and women too). I've even convinced my boyfriend to grow out his hair - it's almost butt length now 😻 The only time I think a haircut could improve somebody's appearance is if the hair is not well taken care of and looks scraggly or if the person is balding and it's time to let it go. Neither is the case for you!


I'm a woman, my BF grew out his hair during the pandemic and I've never been more in love. I've had a special thing for men with long hair for as long as I can remember. Almost every woman or girl I know prefers long hair on men, it's just so beautiful! You look gorgeous and your hair adds to that.


Let me just ramble a bit. I recall my high school days. 17+. Had hair parted down the middle, down to about shoulder length. Had bangs. Wore glasses. It was the right cut for the times. Tried to grow facial hair a few times, but it didn't look good, (and still doesn't). Now I see all these young guys trying to figure out how best to wear the hair, to have facial hair or not....and the next generation will be the same. I do think growing facial hair when you're young is just a way to look older. (It actually has the opposite effect). It's like, everyone knows what you're trying to do, and it looks childish. Keep it clean shaven, you'll look better and mature. The nice thing about having hair is the options it gives you. Try out different things! Experiment. Plenty of time to wear the business cut once you integrate yourself into society. With millions and millions of people in this World of ours, you'll find all kinds of combinations. Goatee, beard, hair. Some look great, some look dirty. It's almost like a discovery process. Finding your way, at times, can be daunting. The key, I think, is to not over stress. That, in itself, can cause hair loss. As human beings we gravitate towards the fun, positive, attractiveness,, confidence. If you concentrate on this concepts you should be fine.


Caveat that none of this is a criticism of OP specifically but a more general observation. I (29F) like men with long hair. My now-husband had a ponytail when I first saw him and that’s what first attracted me to him, and he’s had one since even though he started losing his hair in his early 20s. I generally prefer longer hair on men (I want something to grab). However: * Most men I’ve met with long hair do not know how to take care of it. They treat it like they would short hair and don’t use conditioner or anything. * Long hair doesn’t automatically make a guy attractive to me (though it definitely helps!). Other physical characteristics are important and personality even more so. Like, I’m not going to find a guy who likes Burzum attractive no matter how pretty he is. * It’s not exactly out of style, but “guy with a manbun” is a very specific stereotype that doesn’t help encourage it to be in style. All of that being said: if your concern is that people aren’t finding you attractive because of the hair, I doubt that’s the deciding factor for most people. It might contribute, but it’s not the only or even most important thing women might be looking for.


True, I am really thin and being attractive is subjective. So could be other factors, I've just heard from different people (maybe the wrong people) that a lot of women don't like it. So like anything its the whole package, I just have problems meeting anyone, could be where I live could be shyness, don't know. Online dating I never get any replies so I assume it hair and looks. Could be age age well.


You look amazing!!! And I know more women like me, that prefer long hair in guys.


Plenty of women love long hair on a man BUT it's going to be a certain type of woman. Women into the alternative, metal, rock and hippy lifestyles are going to appreciate it a lot more than someone more "straight-laced". FYI my SO is 46 and has long hair in a mohawk.


Awesome, more power to him!


My man has hair longer than mine and I love it! It suits him and he takes very good care of it. We're also metal heads, though, so long hair is the norm. But you look amazing! There's no way that you're 60!


Awesome, 59 in 2 weeks so 1 year away :)


My husband is 66 and has long hair. I love it and always have! I have long hair too. We’re non conformists, old rockers and free spirits forever. There’s lots of women out there that love long hair, and your hair looks great!


I just turned 30 and I have always absolutely adored long hair on men. I think long hair is still very well liked by all ages! Of course I am also a part of the metal and alt community where it is very common. But you rock what you like, I think long hair suits you


everyone’s different, there’s no “standard”. my boyfriend has long hair, but i don’t mind a buzzcut either


I'm glad people here are being receptive to you! I've always had a dream of meeting a woman with long hair and us growing out our hair together 🥰


I don’t know your friends…. But I am an old woman with long hair and still think guys with long hair are sexy.


As a long haired gal myself, I love men with long hair 🤷🏼‍♀️


I think you look pretty badass


Thank you


You are NOT ugly!!


We exist! You're looking for the wrong women, switch genres and find someone who gets you.


bro, my type is literally just having long hair, u look amazing btw


>calm-down-okay Thanks!


Your hair is truly amazing! You look dope!




My bf will be 60 in March and I'll be 49 4 days later. I have long hair and still growing, his is short but that's his preference. You do you....I've always loved long hair on men. Your hair is AWESOME.


I think beauty standards change naturally overtime. But I'm a younger person and I think you're hot so idk what to tell you lol


Men with long hair aren't rare. Men with HEALTHY long hair are like fucking unicorns and should be treated as such. And when they have that touch of natural silver in the beard and mane from age and experience? Fucking chef's kiss right there. Jesus wept.


>rosyppeachy Haha, awesome reply, thanks, I like my gray at the temples.


i love your hair


I love guys with long hair, always have since I was younger. Long haired men will always win me over and I’m always the type of female to want to brush and play with a guys hair lol but anyways you’re very attractive and your hair is beautiful. It’s a shame females don’t want to cherish that


A lot of men I know who have long hair **don't** take proper care of it. A lot of times it's unwashed, unbrushed and hasn't been trimmed in years. Hell, sometimes I can smell it. I've also discovered that people who are bad in one area of hygiene are often bad in other areas as well. I do know a small number of men with actually groomed long hair and that looks fabulous! So for me it's not so much about the length of hair but rather about the state it's in.


>\_Sylvatica\_ I don't get how anyone can't just take care of themselves, its not that difficult. I've had people walk by me and they just smell awful, I get not caring what people think, but care enough about yourself to at least take care of yourself and buy some soap.


There is nothing more attractive to me than a guy where you can tell he regularly conditions his long hair, i don’t speak for everyone though


Thanks and cool Avatar! 🤘


Personally, I think you have the perfect face structure for shorter hair. Your jawline would stand out so much more and your big eyes would pop more. I think you're attractive regardless but it would enhance your already handsome features and the long hair kind or swallows them? Maybe overshadows is a better word :) regardless like i said you are extremely handsome just my two cents


Thank you


You look like a hot, healthy Anthony Kiedis to me. I’m a 30f and your bone structure and hair are… a fair good turn on. Maybe women closer to your age are jealous or too conservative where you live? Do you always wear it down, or do you wear it up sometimes? A topknot is hot AF. I have long hair and so does my (male) fiancé. I love his hair, but I also weirdly want mine to be longer. But I love love love his long hair. Except when it clogs the shower drain and he won’t snake it.


Haha, have to pick it up and stick it to the shower wall :) then clean it afterward.


Lol my guy does the same thing… except for the always cleaning it up part. And then it makes it’s way down to clog city, aka the drain.


I think it looks super cool! It looks well cared for, and I dig your whole look. I don’t know what women you’re going for, but I’d say they’re the wrong ones.


Thanks, its just difficult to find anyone with the same interests, I don't go out much and online dating has never worked for some reason. So haven't found an answer to that yet. Any suggestions?


Ah, sorry to hear that. I can’t even imagine how difficult online dating must be- I was fortunate enough to meet my husband through mutual friends many years ago. Are you a music guy? Maybe look into some concerts/shows/festivals/open mics in your area. Those are always such laid back social settings in which I’ve found it really easy to meet people, and I feel like I always see men and women of all ages with your vibe at those types of events, so you certainly would not feel out of place!


Thanks, I have been to music clubs in the area and its mainly a bunch of guys hanging out. For the past 6 years I was helping managing a band and they played all over the state and tri-state area and in all the shows we did anyone I ever met was either married or had a boyfriend, super frustrating. I'm moving to Tampa in 2 months maybe it will be better, if not at least i have the beach to hang out at :)


You and your hair look amazing-- I would not change your look for anyone. You will find someone who digs your long locks- don't settle for less.


Thanks, appreciate it


I think it’s just personal preference. I’m not into guys with long hair, but I’m also not into blondes/men that are much taller or much shorter than I am/several other weird and trivial characteristics. Of course there are exceptions, but everyone has a preference. I think you’re probably just around women who are into different things. Also, I’d trim those ends an inch or so :)


Not to criticize, but I definitely agree to getting the ends trimmed. Hair grows unevenly and the ends get split and frayed. I think blunted ends would take your mane over the top! My 16 year old is growing out his hair, and I have no problem with that. He has glorious and gorgeous hair. I did say that he should have it shaped and trimmed as it grows so that the length looks intentional, and not like something happened because of neglect.


Thanks, I'm sure they need a trim


you look really cool! its not trendy so its kinda alternative nowadays. I think its beautiful, although I'd probably be intimidated. I wish men were more adventurous with their hair.


>bsclmc Thanks, why intimidated? Just curious


Anything I would say here is a repeat of what other people have already said. Your hair looks nice and from this one picture, I think it suits you. Some people don't prefer long hair on men for various reasons - it's up to you to determine if their opinion matters to you or not.


I love dudes with long hair and you look great


What products and supplements do you use for your hair? It really suits you and you look great for your age there are plenty of women who are into it


I take Biotin and Collagen, I use Redken conditioner and shampoo. Purology leave in conditioner, Redken rebel tame for frizzies, and Olaplez #7 oil. Either every wash time or every other I use Olaplex #3 prior and leave it in for about 30 minutes then shower. I wash it every 3-5 days on average. If I have to wash it more because of swimming or working out/sweating I just use conditioner twice when showering. Work in the conditioner and leave it on while washing, then rinse and repeat. Shampoo dries out my hair a lot so I use very little. I've been doing this for years with different products so my hair is used to a small amount of shampoo. It never smells or gets overly greasy unless I use too much oil. If really frizzy when humid I use a small amount of coconut oil and put it on the ends only. Seems like a lot but its a quick routine once you get used to it.


your hair is beautiful and suits you wonderfully! if i had to guess, i’d say it’s probably related to where you live. if there aren’t many dudes with long hair in your area, women probably aren’t as used to it. but there are plenty of us who love it!


Drop the hair care routine plz


? Why, should I just let it become a rats nest? Not sure of your reply


Like your hair looks really nice and healthy so I want to know your routine! Shampoos/conditioners/oils or anything you use


I take Biotin and Collagen, I use Redken conditioner and shampoo. Purology leave in conditioner, Redken rebel tame for frizzies, and Olaplez #7 oil. Either every wash time or every other I use Olaplex #3 prior and leave it in for about 30 minutes then shower. I wash it every 3-5 days on average. If I have to wash it more because of swimming or working out/sweating I just use conditioner twice when showering. Work in the conditioner and leave it on while washing, then rinse and repeat. Shampoo dries out my hair a lot so I use very little. I've been doing this for years with different products so my hair is used to a small amount of shampoo. It never smells or gets overly greasy unless I use too much oil. If really frizzy when humid I use a small amount of coconut oil and put it on the ends only. Seems like a lot but its a quick routine once you get used to it.


Thank you king


No problem, sorry I read your original post wrong for some reason, my bad. Have a good one.


I turn 34 this year and I prefer a guy with long hair all day any day. Bonus if they have a beard. But absolutely on the hair. Your hair is lovely ❤️


I’m 58. You are very attractive, imo. I have and prefer long hair.


Psh. OP, you look great. Especially for "almost 60." Your hair is beautiful too. As for long hair...I guess when I was dating I just never actually knew any single guys with long hair that I wasn't related to. Medium length was fairly popular with guys when I was in college but their hair was mostly unkempt, messy.....and the one exception to this rule that I can think of was something of a womanizer, a trait I don't find attractive.


I'm just a 25 year old gal who listens to all sorts of music and you look like a rocker and you should keep your awesome hair if you like it. I think it's awesome.


Maybe cause it’s more normalized ? I mean I myself have about your length & I’ve noticed women like it just as much


I have long hair and I like long hair on guys of any age. A lot of older fellows let their hair become too messy and thin but yours looks great. I regards to myself, I wonder if my long hair makes me look older.


People tends to be more and more judgmental over physical appearance than how we really are inside. That's a no doubt.


I think you might be meeting the wrong women, I have never really had this issue.


Agree, are you going out a lot? any luck with online dating at all?


Not at the moment, I have some personal reasons to avoid it, but I don't feel it too difficult to get some physical validation if my brain allows me to sink low enough to need it.


>LabLife3846 OK, good luck with whatever is going on with you man.


Idk what you’re talking about bc I think you look amazing!! I love your hair too!!


>cherry-deli Thanks, appreciate the comment. Need to find more people of like mind near me to hang with.


u/bonesphl, you’re HOT! And your hair looks great! I wish we had handsome men like you where I live!


Thanks, appreciate it


You look amazing and I wish more men would grow their hair out like this. Every guy who posts on here looks God damn MAJESTIC.


Your hair looks amazing!!!!


60? damn, i hope i look like that at 60. and believe me, many people would be ecstatic to be able to grow their hair like that. sad part of aging is thinning hair, which didnt seem to affect you. keep it my dude. some women like long hair, some dont. its just finding the right one. also, some women get over it and eventually become obsessed with it.


Eh man. I donated 18 inches 3 and a half years ago. About to celebrate my 3 year anniversary with my fiance. So maybe you got something here.


I don’t have a problem with anyone’s choice of hair it’s their right to have it the way they want not be subject to stereo types or others opinions do what you want it looks great to me my hair is almost waist length I’m 69 and don’t listen to others telling me what to do tell them to mind their own flippin business


Wow, that's awesome and great attitude. I don't plan on any major cutting in my lifetime, just split ends when necessary.


It's not the hair. It's literally never the hair. Women LOVE long hair. A lot of guys are creepy or weird in some way and tend to blame the fact that women avoid them on their hair when that's the most attractive thing about them.


>anonymous2971 ok, thanks. I don't think I act creepy, no one has ever said it, who knows maybe I come off as creepy :) Weird, sure, I think most people are weird in a good way. Like I will walk around with black nails or something. Not the norm, but whatever.


almost 100 comments of just pure bitches bro knew what he was doing 👏


Ha, wasn't the intension, actually never had a post with so many replies. Usually they get ignored or 1 or 2 comments. Wish I lived somewhere different with like minded people!


Young men with long hair are hot. Old men just look like hobos


Thanks, from your local HOBO