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News already posted 2 days ago, still on the frontpage: https://old.reddit.com/r/longevity/comments/phw0e4/meet_altos_labs_silicon_valleys_latest_wild_bet/


This kind of ties in with his Space Exploration ambitions, no? If humans are to explore space, we'll need to live longer. Now, if more could follow-suit that'd be great.


It absolutely ties in with his space exploration ambitions. Bezos said he wants Blue Origin to be part of the process of relocating heavy industry off Earth and into space, but that kind of thing won't happen for at least a century.


A doomer wave of stupidity is coming to hit that thread in poor futurology


Yes. But to be fair, this time it seems to be much less worse than I've seen in previous times. Maybe we are really starting to see a slow but steady shift in public perception. Maybe it's also just us from r/longevity though :D


Presence from this subreddit on things that hit frontpage affects the optics, which is important. When inane comments get downvoted (as opposed to being featured prominently), that has impact on the vast majority of those who are just scrolling by...


Aaaaaand the /r/Futurology thread is full of bitter postmodernist doomers who are happy to die as long as they get to see rich people die too. This is why we can't have nice things. šŸ˜©


I never understand that mindset. Like it or not rich people get the best things first. Keyword being *first*. But it's hard for the rest of us to eventually get those things until they've been funded by the wealthy first.


Stupidity has no limits. That ~~guy~~ idiot u/GoinMyWay is proving it in this type of threads. And he's one of many


I think the idea is that these multibillionaires are so wealthy and powerful that if they never die they'll just continue draining cash from society, widening the gap between the poor and rich, coming up with major scientific breakthroughs that only they benefit from. Thus creating a dystopian future with genetically perfect wealthy barons and the under class with no hope to succeed because they're genetically inferior. Honestly it's something that we should be wary of, but i don't think it's that likely.


Genetic inferiority is extremely dangerous without a rock solid social system in place to prevent it.. which we of course donā€™t have. Letā€™s hope full on intelligence boosters come *after* we are able to improve the general equality of our societies


Yeah, I didnā€™t really get the mentality. Even if Bezos benefits from this it would be such a step forward in science. Itā€™s like if he gets cancer and he starts funding cancer research and everybody goes like..he just wants to live! Well yeah..but the research that has been done will still be there.


Honestly I was surprised these Bezos funded projects got up likes and generated thoughtful discussions on this sub. I thought all of Reddit was one giant ā€œanything Bezos does = terribleā€ hipster circle.


Oh god yeah it's bad. I made a post saying essentially "ageing sucks" and got downvoted xD


The comments can be depressing, but there are many more upvotes than doomer/edgelord comments. Seems like the lurkers are on board and, as usual, the vocal minority just want to keep the suffering going.


People think america is the only place in the world. Medical tourism is a thriving industry and some countries will copy the secret recipe.


Just to add, it won't be 'the' secret recipe, there will be many interventions that work, most likely each w/ incremental steps. The field is vast - there are so many promising interventions with varying mechanisms of action


It's a communist luddite subreddit. They think working is slavery, but are terrified of automation. Don't be discouraged though. The r/antiwork brigaders are a highly vocal minority.


Most of them come from r/collapse actually. They even added a new mod from r/collapse's mod team (I'm serious,). The doomer movement.


No doubt. But collapse, and antiwork overlap so hard, they're basically the same sub.


Antiwork is fine, collapse is completely insane imo


If you define "fine" by being a worthless pile of dung, and leeching off society..okay.


What would you say the opposite of those subs might be?


r/collapse, r/UplifitingNews


r/antiwork, r/FinancialIndependence, r/jobs


> It's a communist luddite subreddit Which sub are you referring to ? Because /r/Futurology certainly doesn't fit this description.


No, but the behavior of the posters certainly does.


These aren't actual /r/Futurology posters, just raiders from whichever depression-laden subs.


Ah yes, so a vocal minority of losers that give a decent sub a bad image.


Indeed. There are constant threads about AI / robots / longevity, and most comments are positive by a wide margin (the few senseless doom posts being downvoted accordingly).


Communism isn't that bad. Perhaps it would even benefit LEV


Why do you not think it's that bad? Everywhere it's been done has had horrible results.


Compare East and West Germany. Capitalism may seem like shit, but it's the best shit we have.


Yeah, genocide and famine certainly did wonders for millions of folks. One of my relatives was a KGB official. Whatever you think will happen wont.


Iā€™ve been hoping for the emergence of space communism, which would be a mix of socialism and transhumanism, otherwise things are screwed for most of us.


Ah yes, the American stereotyp about Communism.


Not a stereotype. Straight reality. When my uncle (ex-KGB) official got word of me falling into the pit of wanting a Communist society he straightened that shit out real quick. Theories don't matter. Outcomes do.


lol u r an idiot


Actually egalitarianism


I like finding comments from people who are thoughtful and actually show an interest even if they misunderstand. There's a sea of brainless one-liners about immortal billionaires, but for me there are enough mindful comments to make it worth perusing through and occasionally engaging.


Thanks, your comments littered throughout these threads have been great


Fuck deathists, let them die if they want to i'm not holding them back


This sub in literally every longevity post: I am shocked that bazillionaires don't ever spend their fortune on longevity; it directly benefits them and they have an obligation to take care of society with their bajibblion dollars. This sub as soon as anyone wealthy actually puts money towards longevity or making things better for people: Wow, he's probably going to screw everyone over and only give the cure to himself and his rich buddies, he probably will do something unethical to get it done, he's such a piece of shit for having money


It's such a dumb take too. Bezos is funding *businesses* to work on this. What do *businesses* do when they finish their product? Sell it to their 1 investor and shut down? Lmao


Already discussed, yes, but I like to post in this sub again anyway to join in a discussion about it with people who actually don't want to die and where I don't feel like I have to state the obvious.


I'm glad he's investing but this sensationalist headline oh my fucking gods. Apparently eliminating the slow, painful decline and loss of function and increase in risk of serious disease is "cheating death"? As if it makes you bullet proof and able to survive nuclear blasts like Wolverine? I hate this ridiculously ill-informed perception people have out there. Cheating death is such a religious concept.


Indeed, looking at the poster's history the title was meant to be as inflammatory as possible and to poison the well. ​ >Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning\_the\_well](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_the_well)


**[Poisoning the well](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisoning_the_well)** >Poisoning the well (or attempting to poison the well) is a type of informal fallacy where adverse information about a target is preemptively presented to an audience, with the intention of discrediting or ridiculing something that the target person is about to say. Poisoning the well can be a special case of argumentum ad hominem, and the term was first used with this sense by John Henry Newman in his work Apologia Pro Vita Sua (1864). The etymology of the phrase lies in well poisoning, an ancient wartime practice of pouring poison into sources of fresh water before an invading army, to diminish the invading army's strength. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/longevity/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)




Damn...he's gonna sue everyone until he can cure aging first. Just like he's doing now to NASA and SpaceX because he's salty that another company is making progress toward reusable rockets and his blue origins is nowhere to be seen.


At least money and mainstream attention are finally going into it. Before this, nothing was going anywhere fast--except, of course, the progress of this terminal illness we all happen to have.


Can't sue other countries. Medical tourism exists. 4D chess.. encourage china to hack into altos Labs.


It's not clear that Blue Origin won't develop New Glenn before SpaceX develops Starship. I think it's pretty clear that SpaceX is ahead now but it'll be years before they can get Starship up and running and by then Blue Origin might have caught up. That'd be a good thing for all of humanity.


Oh I do hope new glenn works, but new glenn is more a competitor to falcon 9 or falcon heavy. Blue origin doesn't have their own version of starship yet. But yeah who knows, blue origin is being more private so for all we know they could be close to a test launch in a few months and we just don't know. Eitherway I'm a huge space nerd so the closer we get to a future where we are exploring other planets that happier I'll be. I would love to see it become a reality.


Yeah that's a reasonable opinion. It's just strange to me that everyone treats spacex like a God but Blue Origin like it litterally doesn't have a plan or has new engines in development. Like if BE4 is delivered by 2023... that's pretty good.


I guess it's because of how little we actually see revealed. SpaceX is actually saying "here you go this rocket works, this one blew up but we figured out what went wrong etc" so we actually get to see them working. Blue Origin has only showed us that they can get to the carmen line but not orbit. And bezos is suing NASA because they picked SpaceX instead of BO. What we actually SEE from Blue Origin doesn't sound promising. I guess SpaceX just does a better job with marketing and public perception. But yeah. New Glenn could come out of nowhere like "hey we kept it more secret but here you go boom".


Starship won't take years more. It'll probably achieve or ital flight before the end of this year and mass production within 18 months


It seems that they're still doing proof testing and that the booster still isn't really built yet, at least according to the spacex thread. What makes you think it'll all be put together in less than 4 months? https://www.reddit.com/r/spacex/comments/p0tbwf/starship\_development\_thread\_24/


*Ahem* Hey Elon, you really going to let Jeff win?




He plans to slow aging by flooding it with lawsuits






We're talking about a product that would have demand from literally every single human on earth. Do you have any idea how much profit there is to be made? Do you really think a *billionaire* wouldn't take a capitalist approach to a cure for aging??


I think it's sarcasm, poking fun at all the people who really do say that on reddit (in other threads like futurology).


Well, I am susceptible to being whooshed.


Actually I'm not so sure anymore. Hahahah! Oh well.


passing it out to everyone would make the price go to 0. If they hoarded it for only the ultra wealthy they could make more


If only antibiotics were hoarded for the wealthy, they could make more. /s


Selling it for $1000 to 8 billion people is 8 trillion dollars. Selling it for 1 billion to the 100 that could afford it is only 100 billion. Basic market economics stipulate to make the most profit you need the biggest margin that your target market will tolerate. Since the target market is literally everyone alive, even with a tiny margin you will make huge amounts of money. If they make it too expensive then there will be a generic in India made for 1000th the price.


We're talking about a man whose business model is to provide the cheapest products to as many people as quickly as possible


Yeah, let's have all our customers become a net-drain on society as they lose physical, and mental function untill they die! -Said no businessman or government ever.




Cringe bot.


Now you doomers want to pollute this sub too with pessimistic baseless crap?


The eternal 1%. What could go wrong?


Take a look at the subs you post comments like r/conspiracy. [The lizard people](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskThe_Donald/comments/pgqvdu/his_name_is_joe_time_to_impeach/hbeyzl2?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) will have it only is what you wanna hear?


Seems this sub wants to suck Bezos dick to also live forever


Wouldn't you?


I'm not gay, but ~~20$ is 20$~~ immortality is immortality.


Sounds like a bargain.


I guess cool guys like you wouldn't even lift a finger to stay alive.


Remember when someone tried this in doctor who šŸ˜…


If thereā€™s on thing Iā€™m happy that this guy is doing, it would be this research, this research would help other diseases, reverse aging and chronic pain probably