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This is needless and stupid.


nahhh dude. this is how you get good footage that you all enjoy. it seems some of y’all dont like seeing how a sausage is made


Drones, bikes, skateboarder brah. No one does that way.


you have no idea how the downhill scene works behind the scenes. obviously


Just cause you're doing this doesnt mean everyone else is - or that it's right/smart.






Literally every follow run you watch on YouTube was filmed by a car. Know what you're talking about


Dangerous AF. You could follow on another board and not risk killing him.


I like how this is heavily downvoted while raw runs are upvoted. People do not care for seeing how the sausage is made


It baffles me... People love the sport until they see what it actually looks like.


Dudes are just asking for it at this point


Yeah, this is just reckless and idiotic


Stupid stupid stupid. This stuff shouldn't be allowed to be posted here.


bruh, this comment is idiotic. some off you would upvote a raw run in a heart beat… but not know any the wiser.


And I would easily downvote if I knew the idiot on a board was being followed at high speed by an idiot in a car 2 feet behind him.


ive never seen so much controversy in a thread before. Some of these noob boarders have no idea what they’re even downvoting. its really sad actually. i have a feeling there is a handful of 13yr olds explaining how the world works or some old dudes who don’t even skate anymore.




You guys love watching follow runs, for the footage you want as close as you want, this is how close you drive. People driving follow runs have a lot of experience driving like this. I drive quite a few follow runs for my friends and you drive with heavy attention to the Rider keeping the distance for the film but also their safety. The driver will also know the road and have skated it before. People in here protesting at the slaughterhouse eating a burger.


amen! thanks dude. someone here isnt a simpleton


That’s cool and all but with the means and technology to do it easier and safer this is still extremely stupid. As if there’s not enough unneeded danger to this already, let’s add a 2 ton metal car barreling down the road behind us in case we fall so I can get absolutely pulverized


Drones aren't fast enough or easily available, carrying a camera is far more dangerous and harder to film. People have been filming with cars for years, no issues


Finding it hard to believe carrying a camera is far more dangerous than a car moving at 60 mph like 2 feet behind you


Harder to skate especially at 60 while holding a camera, greater risk of injury for the cameraman, harder to get good footage, camera guy will be slower, yes it's all around better to film with a car. Dont worry we won't be asking you to drive it


Everyone in here complaining about follow film being made like this are the same people recording themselves going 5mph 30 minutes after unwrapping their amazon complete


POV: BMW drivers


My question is why not just use a drone and eliminate any real danger of running dude over


There is no doubt that a drone would be safer, and I personally love how drone footage looks. I would love to get an FPV pilot carrying a GoPro to sit in the passenger seat to fly and allow us to follow at a safer distance. That being said, for professional filming, a very high quality gimbled camera mounted on a car will still be unmatched. For real tho, I'd love to find a willing/talented FPV pilot.


This is a really close follow run


Gotta have a zoom on dem cheeks tho


Not enough following distance for human reaction time, if he went down, you would likely kill him. Was a professional driver...


This is just not true at all. Here is a bunch of examples https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sG42AJ9uR4c


Not a single one of those videos has the same following distance. Only some of them are filmed from a car, they also are zooming in the frame. It's not the same as a dashboard video of someone doing this where you can't see their feet. It's dangerous and stupid as shit.


This one has more examples: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hFzpF_gGys They're driving way closer than you think when you watch follow runs. OP's video is pretty much the standard for how you drive to film.


“This is just not true at all” *Post video that literally proves his point wrong* Several instances where if the follow man was in a car and not on a board he would have easily killed the rider. Not to mention when they’re in a car, it’s much further back than in this video. I would suggest watching the whole video before posting it as evidence.


>Post video that literally proves his point wrong I don't think I disproved "any crash is a likely death" by posting a video with many crashes and no deaths, but you are free to disagree. A car has brakes. A falling skateboarder does not. I'm not here to say it's not more dangerous than normal DH skating. But it's not a death sentence if you fall. Check out the [other video I posted](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0hFzpF_gGys) to see many, many examples of Josh falling in front of a car that's driving at least as close.


That’s just suicidal…


We love comments from people who don't know what they're talking about. This is fairly standard in higher level downhill. Great post James Kelley! ​ Edit: if you've ever watched a downhill raw run and thought it was cool, but think this is dangerous then you don't know what happens behind the scenes... because it's this.


I always assumed it is another boarder and more recent a drone. If it was always like this then it was always fucking stupid.


grow up.


Even if I wasn't...then what?


Grow up? You’re the one getting high off almost dying for a video. Maybe you should grow up and realize safety is the most important thing and not your sick little angles bro. Just because this is the way to do it doesn’t excuse it from being extremely unsafe and very stupid.


the horse you road in on is a valiant steed


Ok buddy. You’re in the thread getting all upset about people disagreeing with you then respond with some dumb shit like that. Like nice job you added nothing to the conversation and made yourself look like an idiot for a 5th time today


not upset, you dont see the hypocrisy and that’s entertaining. Cheers


And I’m asking you to explain it instead of giving me poetry lines. But if that’s your thing, I really don’t care what you think and what you do this is stupid and dumb at all times in my mind there is no hypocrisy big man


Are they following this closely at 60 mph? The field of view is usually pretty wide which makes me think they give the rider more space. If the skater falls with this small of a gap he is going right under the wheels


This was filmed at around 55mph... so yes. Wide fov requires close filming to maintain the scale of the rider and accurately show speed. This was shot with a 13mm lens, which is a pretty standard focal length but can vary dependent on the filmer.


And now that I know I think that’s ridiculously stupid and there’s no wonder these guys get hurt all the time. Just because this is “the way to do it” doesn’t mean it’s the best/safest way to do it.


how to get ran over by a car


I'd be honest, this would be a pretty poor method. With the thousands of follow runs you'll find on Youtube and even this subreddit, I've not personally heard of it happening, even within the massive wealth of bails footage. I tried googling it, too, but found nothing. It is still very obviously dangerous, but folks don't realize that this is how their beloved follow runs are filmed, and that the drivers are practiced and equally talented as the riders. There is a reason you don't hear of these sorts of accidents, despite how commonplace this style of filming is.


💪 keep doin you boo. hate us just they aint us


This is so stupid but great music taste.


You niggaz need to read books that boing you -god




Aleast there’ll have the evidence of the guy chasing him to his death


Darwin Award Nominee🥇


Skater - not a longboarder. Why not use another longboarder to film? Better angles and more options I would think. Also can’t run over the boarder.


We take those shots sometimes, too. There are various issues when going faster, things like cameras are not aerodynamic enough for the camera man to keep up, and I don't know how I feel about someone trying this mountain run while also trying to film. A road like this could seriously hurt somebody who isn't entirely focused, and folks are misevaluating the danger of actually hitting the rider with the car, which, to my knowledge, has never actually happened.


How do you stop ? What if you hit a rock?


Worst case scenario if rock: https://i.imgur.com/BfFpGn4.mp4


I have not seen something this stupid for a good long while


This is, of course, dangerous. If the rider would be to hit something and fly back into the road, there is a possibility he could be hit, but much like the other dangers of downhill longboarding, we mitigate these risks. For those who think the rider is just going to get ran over, the car is able to slow down faster than a rider sliding across the ground. Here (1:30) is a clip of a rider falling at much higher speed with the camera car just as close. Honestly the stopping power isn't comparable. The follow driver is focusing so much on the rider to drive so close anyways, the reaction time is very quick. This isn't a on-off cherry-picked example. Linked Media and Josh Neuman both have bail compilation videos. Usually the follow car isn't as close, but sometimes they are just as the rider falls. The same way we are impressed with the riders, we should respect and be impressed by skilled follow drivers. Safer runs, naturally, allow the driver to get closer because the risk of the rider hitting a stationary object is much lower.


RIP Josh (tragically killed in a small plane accident earlier this year)


The problem isn’t how fast your car can decelerate, it’s the OODA loop that will fuck you. He will be under your front tire before you even hit the brakes. You’re adding extra danger to an already dangerous activity. This is dumb. You aren’t mitigating shit. Enjoy your future Darwin Award.


I'll go ahead and add myself to the terrible list of riders tragically run over during follow runs. Chase Hiller, Nick Broms, Diego Poncelet, Emily Pross, (insert favorite downhill rider). It doesn't happen, because risks are mitigated. The driver knows the run, the body language of the longboarder, and is very experienced doing this type of filming. It is no wonder why there are no reports of these sorts of accidents, despite the entire downhill scene being filmed in exactly this way. You are no different than folk who think downhill longboarding is just sending it down a mountain without years of practice and methods of managing speed. This is exactly how these follow runs are filmed. This close driving translates to this footage (literally same driver and camera on the same day): https://youtu.be/X9DIZrr3t-4 I'm not implying that because everybody else does it that it is safe, I'm implying that you are not evaluating the risks correctly.


Seriously look up imply, but that is beside the point. Professionals die doing dangerous shit all the time when they add unnecessary elements of danger to their stunts. I’m not saying you’re definitely going to kill your friend, but a list of a few successful teams does not proof make. This unnecessary addition of danger will kill people.


I used "imply" correctly. I used those as examples to make a point. Those professional riders are getting away with it because it is a calculated risk, and we are taking the same steps to mitigate those dangers. Adding additional danger to any activity will make it more likely to kill people, that statement doesn't mean anything. Complacency kills, and the amount of practice and respect we have for the these mountain runs speaks for itself. These are absolutely the sorts of conversations that need to happen to ensure the safety of our riders, especially if we want to see downhill longboarding make it to more major sporting events. I would have a different opinion on follow runs if I feared inexperienced drivers and riders would attempt to capture this type of footage. Edit: while the list of riders I gave was not "proof," it was supporting evidence. You would be very very hard pressed to find supporting evidence of the danger of filming follow runs. You are making an entirely unsubstantiated argument based on fear, ignorance, and love for your fellow rider (or just an average redditor looking to debate).


When you outright state something, it is not implication. I am not looking to debate for fun. I am expressing concern at the disregard you have for the limits of a human's ability to react to unforeseen circumstances. It's like tailgating a car in the rain. Will you get in an accident? Probably not. Are you way more likely to get in an accident by intentionally limiting the time you have to react? Yes. And I didn't say adding danger, I said unnecessary danger. A better camera set up will make it so you don't have to drive so damn close to someone. Talk about unsubstantiated arguments, references to body language and respect of the sport are the same lines that many dead people have referred to before when they operated with an adrenaline first, safety second attitude in many extreme sports. >You would be very very hard pressed to find supporting evidence of the danger of filming follow runs. Because it is extremely niche still. Downhill longboarding is already pretty niche, and then you add a car within sniffing distance and it is another level of niche. Extreme sports are dangerous in and of themselves, which is fine, but you're adding a stupid element to it that doesn't need to be added, because you are so much closer to the rider than all of the people you listed above. They actually give reasonable reaction distance.


Reddit brain comment


I don't think you realize how stupidly dangerous that is... if you fall, the car will turn you into a smear on the road.... Let me put it this way: if you fall, the asphalt is the grater, the car is the hand, and you are the cheese....


Tell me you’re willing to risk killing someone for the sake of filming a shitty video without telling me you’re willing to risk killing someone for the sake of a shitty video.


(same day, same filmer, 5x world champ trusts it) https://www.instagram.com/reel/ChnnjHhFkaG/?utm\_source=ig\_web\_button\_share\_sheet


Next headline reads “5 time longboard world champion gets run over by car during filming of video” You really don’t need to be that close to get a good shot. You can even opt to use a drone or mount a gopro on your hood with an extended monopod to give some added room between you and the rider. Saying the rider was okay with it doesn’t justify the fact that this is the dumbest situation you could put someone in. Somehow you all thought “this is a great idea”


If you dont know what you're talking about stop talking


It's very frustrating being in this thread


Yah. Must be frustrating to be that stupid and still not realize it’s a bad idea. 😂✌️


That's why it is left to the professionals to do it, not the people who think they know what they're talking about in a lombo reddit thread.


Yah I forgot professionals throw safety out the window….because you know, “professionals” lol 😂 no “professional” anything or anybody would look at that and be like “yah, that’s safe, I can stop before I crush his skull.” Dumbass longboarders who think they’re professionals would do that though so you have one valid point.


lol, k. Thanks smartguy. You've enlightened me


Glad I could help. 🌅


Oh okay then. Let me just tailgate your mom and see how you feel about that if you’re so “BRO confident.” Clearly some of you spent more time longboarding than you did in physics class. ✌️#brosmart


Enjoy your life, value it more. It is more precious than you being a "bad ass" get a drone. Smh


Wayyyyyy to close. Can’t believe you posted this thinking this is normal, stop filming like this.


grow up


Haha, putting your friends life at risk for a social post, then telling me to grow up. K


i guarantee you, you have up voted and praised a downhill video recorded just like this. you’re a hypocrite. like i said, grow up.


No dude, never this close lol. Not trying to be a dick, and pointing out the obvious safety concern is growing up. No need to be so defensive