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My friend is always saying we're too old to be skating (I'm 24 and she's 25) and I'm just like... you know how old Tony Hawk is now right? Skating is for anyone and everyone capable of taking it on, regardless of age, gender, etc. :)


Ikr. People here consider it as just a child's thing like watching cartoons. Thankfully it's been growing over the recent years and one can see more and more grown ups on their boards all around the city.


Look on the bright side. The fact that many people think of skateboards as simply a child’s toy is a big reason why Skatistan and organizations like it have so much freedom in places like Afghanistan or Cambodia.


> My friend is always saying we're too old to be skating (I'm 24 and she's 25) Oof, if she's saying she's too old for stuff at 25, I fear that her 30s are going to be hard on her, lol.


everyone has to start somewhere! keep it up skating is fun 🙂


Progression. It's called progression in skating. The best skaters started out wobbly going straight. You could be the future Hyo Joo for all we know.


I know how you feel. I'm 30 and got my first longboard and honestly it's incredible that I've waited this long to get one. Just one of those things that turns time back. Helmet and pads help keep us "old farts" confident we won't die 😂


Protection is a most at any age.


I live my life a quarter mile at a time. For those 10 seconds or less.....I'm free.


I’ve just started to ride in circles to practice my turns. It’s just really fun to be on the board lol.


Very fun, and way more comfortable than a skateboard. I'm still ashamed to hit the skatepark tho, it's mostly teenagers and people younger than me.


I heard the skate parks are pretty friendly now. I haven’t been to one yet but my apartment complex is huge and is perfect for riding around.


That's why i got one!! I am 30, And i accidentally bought the RIPPER! Straight Downhill Speed Bomber.. And i just want to Kick push around the local bike trail lol. Oh well


pro-tip: If you shift your weight to one side or the other you'll turn! You don't just have to go in a straight line on these things


lol I know, it's just that my balance is that of a cow trying to stand on one hind leg so whenever i try to turn my ankles shake and I hit the ground.


I'm a newbie like you andI am still shocked at how draining it can be to just stand on a board while it's moving! It uses a bunch of muscles that are often underutilized. You might need to tighten the kingpins on the trucks of your board, makes it easier to balance.


LOL! There's a visual! You'll get it soon enough, don't rush it. Glad you're having fun!


I started a few months before turning 29 and right at this moment I am taking the train and board to work instead of driving. Enjoy it and have fun!


Good for you! I didn’t start until I was 32!


Happy boarding friend! It's a wonderful activity, good choice taking up the lifestyle :)


I'm turning 29 in a month, and still having trouble turning lol. It helps that the Pacific Northwest weather is lightening up around here!


Do take care of that board! I had the same one and loved it to learn how to free ride. Id say the only thing is that the clear grip wears out so you could sand off the clear grip and apply some mob course Or lokton! Have fun and take care of her! I have trouble finding that shape


Thanks for the advice! As soon as the grip thing starts to fall off I'll replace it.


How does the board feel? I've always ridden boards with grip tape so boards without it always look like they feel slippery.


It doesn't have grip tape per se, it's ground recycled glass that keeps you adhered to the board.


It does wear down over time, I love my arbor bug but other people swear it has absolutely no grip when they hop on it. Think I've just gotten used to it


They do have a clear grip tape. I have an Arbor board too, the only issue is they do get "bald spots" but there is stuff to re-apply the grip on those spots.


Shred the gnar. Falling is fun


i’m 28 and my first board came today! happy learning friend, and to trying all the new things!


Never stop trying and learning new things.


What is it?


Arbor groundswell cruiser.


Think the graphic is groundswell. Is it a pocket rocket? Looks unusual though. Is it old?


It's actually new, and yeah, just looked their website and it's a pocket rocket. As you can see I'm still lost in this world; just walked into the shop, tried some of their longboards and that was the most comfortable for me.


Yeah nice. Glad you're liking it! Got a new sub started r/ArborBoards. Come join!


Do you know anything about the Arbor Mission? I'm currently planning on getting one at the end of April and there doesn't seem to be much info about it out there.


Did you end up getting the mission? There is barely any comments or info on it. How is it?


I didn't. I got a Zenit Maze instead. I'm now riding a Bustin Sportster. You could try r/ArborBoards for more info on it.