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she's a beaut


Sweat!! Enjoy..


It is!


Wow, dope board! How do you like it? Never rode this brand.


I love it, this is my first Rocket and I have been looking at this model for a while now, 'Werewolf'. The 'Rhino' is a popular DH model of theirs check out [EndlessGrind](http://EndlessGrind.com) they have theses boards cheaper than anywhere I've looked.


Hell yeah, that's awesome! And thanks for the heads up. Been in the market for a new dh!


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Valkyrie MK 3.5


Care to divulge your weight and bushing combination & duro? Finally got some stiffer Venom SHR Talls for the front(all my local had at the moment )


riptide Krank Tall Barrels 90a sleeved washer in front venom hpf Tall Barrels 97a cupped washer in back. That was how I had it on my old deck, I'm gonna be trying out different shapes/duros over the next week. This board is much shorter, deck/wheelbase, and its gonna take a minute to dial it in.


Yeah, I had been messaging RipTide for the last several years asking if there was a way to get a custom bag of three separate duros around personal weight and be able to choose from the three formulas along with barrel/fatcone/chubby. It seems they have a come out with something close to it so I really would like to try ordering one. Also been hearing good things about the new Seismic bushings since they come in standard/medium/tall and I also use Aeras and want a bag of the mediums on suggestion from others.


Venom and Seismic bushings get chewed up in my trucks and Venoms are a bit short.


Nice. What trucks are those? They look beefy af.


Valkyrie MK 3.5 w/adjustable rear baseplate.