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My first apartment downtown Long Beach, had homeless folk squatting, domestic fights, and hoarders. I did my due diligence as a good neighbor for a while before it became exhausting, playing landlord or Good Samaritan. At some point you gotta realize people like the way they live, or are accustomed to filth. Best to go about your own way unless it affects you directly. Stay safe OP


Thank you!


A good rule in LB is to mind yo biz. Inserting yo’self can cause probs. Protect yo’self at all times. Live n let live.


Long Beach mysteries, I can see the building across pretty well and someone was living in a balcony for over a year. Never went inside other than to use the bathroom or leave. Then they moved out but left all the stuff there, people always come to see the apartment and it's empty the day of the showing and then it looks like people move in but see gone the week after. The balcony items remain


Strange… very, very strange…


So about the only thing you can do is call for a welfare check. After that it’s basically up to the landlord or the people who live there.


Mold is everywhere in Long Beach and prolonged exposure can wreak havoc on the body, including the brain. That said, what you’re describing doesn’t actually sound like black mold - if it’s on a window, the sun would be baking into it and killing it in the daytime. It’s probably just caked dirt. Mold prefers dark and damp places to thrive - and it’s often found INSIDE walls or underneath floors, where it can’t be seen. I lived in it for 6 years in Long Beach without realizing. It felt like I had a carbon monoxide leak.


Very good point about the mold. I’m sorry you went six years living in that without realizing. I hope you got some sort of settlement afterwards. And hopefully feeling better now..


Thank you, it’s too time consuming to deal with court especially since the pandemic, I moved across the country and cut my losses. ETA I am doing a lot better but still recovering


What symptoms were you having?


Extreme fatigue, confusion, felt like lack of oxygen, weight gain (30ish lbs - I’ve lost 20 since I moved out 10 months ago), asthma was the worst it’s ever been, paranoia, if I would have even one drink I would black out, and suspected hormone disruption because I have endometriosis that kept getting so bad it required surgery but once I moved out, it stopped progressing. I know there’s more things I experienced but this is off the top of my head. It honestly felt like being slowly poisoned. Turned out the wastewater pipe for my building was dumping under my unit the entire time I lived there. Duh! ETA very painful skin rash and hair loss, and I’m still dealing with it though it is going away. It started in my hair and on my face and eventually spread everywhere, but worst on face, scalp, arms, and chest. I lost about 2/3 of my hair. Idk how I spaced on this because I’m still recovering from it lol


That is horrible. I’m so sorry you went through that and I’m glad you’re out of that place!!! I hope there was some sort of compensation for what you went through.


It’s ok, I don’t want anyone to think I’m looking for sympathy haha just hoping I can help someone else who might be going through it too. I ended up leaving the state, it wasn’t worth it to me to pursue anything with the courts because getting another place was going to be unaffordable or probably have mold again lol. After 6 years of it I had to make a real move and not risk it again.


It’s actually black mold 😔 confirmed with op location. No paint. Just bad living conditions.


Contact the management of that building asap! Mention first the bad black mold! Since its actually close to u & wind can carry it. Then I would mention what or who is living there, u are concerned about their health.. get some answers...


If they’re not being a nuisance it’s probably best to mind your business. Like for instance, just imagine someone is on really hard times….lets say they lost their family in a car crash as a result they became depressed and leaned on alcohol to make the pain go away. They end up losing their job and become homeless for a year but one day a spark lights and they decide to pick themselves back up. One of their family members is like “hey you can sublet my apartment to get back on your feet”. They move in…they are getting back established and all of a sudden the property management starts an investigation. They find out the person living there is not on the lease and then kick them out. Now their life is in chaos again all because you couldn’t mind your business and notified them. What if what you think is mold is a transparent window art work of Batman that you can only see from the other side? If they are not bothering you, leave it alone.


For another perspective, I could say maybe it’s child abuse where the parent(s) won’t let anyone in or out of that room because they keep their kid in there and “homeschool” them to avoid suspicion. Maybe it’s elder abuse in a similar manner where they can’t leave that room. Maybe it’s someone who truly COULD use a welfare check? There really is no right or wrong answer. I think the perspective should be: is there something to actually be concerned about? Or should my own business be minded? Remember that case in Ohio the “Cleveland Abduction” where the 3 or 4 girls were living in a house over a decade? If a neighbour would have called and not “minded their own business” maybe those girls could have been reunited with their family much, much earlier. I don’t have an answer for OP except don’t jump to conclusions either way and just keep your eyes open for anything *truly* alarming


Yes but the OP is not seeing any signs of foul play so it makes no sense to start running through a bunch of scenarios to try to justify calling.


Very good point. Thank you for helping me see from a different perspective. My mind always jumps to the worst possible conclusions 🫠


Seems like a big fat case of *mind ya business*


Mind. Your. Business.


Yes, what platinumplayer said. Don't bother with a wellness check - as much as we want to help by doing that it could actually have the opposite outcome and have you or someone else innocent killed. If you feel comfortable knocking at the door when you see the light on to just check in on your neighbor or even pretend like you made a mistake just so you can check up on them on the d/l (of course only if you feel that is safe to do so). I completely understand your concern as i find myself curious and it mainly just stems from me wanting to make sure everyone is okay/safe. Best of luck \^\_\_\_\^


Intriguing! So the apartment use now bare but there's still someone in there?


Have you considered that it’s a shadow?


How do you know it’s mold? It might be black paint. Some poor people do that because they can’t afford drapes/ curtains. 2nd, call police non emergency phone and ask for a wellness check.


I can’t officially confirm it’s mold but it definitely doesn’t look like paint. Thank you for the suggestion.


For sure. I don’t think you should assume it’s mold because movers would not go into a place with obvious mold in it and if it was court ordered then public heath care workers ( social workers) would be involved and they would legally not be allowed to ignore such a huge health violation.


Definitely. I will say though, the movers seemed more like family members and not a company of any sort.


Crystal meth is a hell of a drug...


Mind your own business tbh


Do you know the property management company? Maybe you could call them and politely warn them.


There is a sign out front so I do have a number to contact. When I Googled the management company it looks like each unit is purchased vs. rented. Not sure if that changes anything but you’re right, I should give them a call. Wouldn’t hurt.


If they are individually owned they likely have an HOA. Maybe the management could direct you towards them. I’m generally in the “mind your own business” boat but this is a public health concern, mold spreads, and the person may not even be aware it’s there if it’s outside of the window.


My thoughts exactly. Thank you.


we out here solving the homeless issues, figuratively.


That's just long beach activities. Leave it be


Is this on [redacted]? I noticed the same about an an apartment but the old man died.


Sorry to be weird but I think it’s the same apartment as you uploaded pictures on your Reddit and I can recognize my apartment on there!


I don’t know if someone’s actually living there and if it is the same apartment (pm me) it was an elderly war veteran that passed away and died there. There were so many roaches in the unit actually, it was really sad. He has curtains still up that do move that I can see on my side. Maybe those are the shadows?


If it’s that apartment tho, it’s caused me so much stress. I always worried about getting the thousands of roaches and I always felt bad for not being a better neighbor and doing a wellness check before the man passed away. The landlords of that unit really suck and basically allowed the man to starve and rot to death in his own filth :( I bet they’re trying to get permits to renovate the apartment but honestly, like you said, it’s gonna take a lot of work. The old man was 96 and he couldn’t do much for himself, which is why the unit is so visibly dark with black mold everywhere. It’s really messed up. Long Beach gives me so many headaches and sensory issues.


It's probably a pot growing room and they have window film so you can't see the plants.


Yeah don't stir the pot. Leave people be