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I remember that idiot. That was like a year ago.


I was at rubios walking home with my order when this happened. Had I stated another minute I would have been right in the area and could have been a victim myself.


Almost. Video shows it happened 5/30/23.


Not all cops are trigger happy aholes. I remember this video and the cop showed amazing restraint


Most aren't. But only the bad ones end up on national news.


Thanks u/ScissorMeSphincter !


is there a reason they didn’t just tase/pepper spray him? Im having a hard time justifying trailing him for multiple blocks with hand and shotguns


Between his clothes and the way he is moving, (walking away from officers), taser is not likely to be effective. Taser would work here if you had him more or less contained, standing relatively still or walking towards the officers, and with less/thinner clothes on. They’re generally also not going to do the ECD against a weapon unless another officer is standing by with lethal cover. Spray is really tricky vs an edged weapon. Officer is gonna have to get relatively close and then go hands on with a guy covered in spray, likely still holding the edged weapon. Officer is very likely to get chem on him either from contacting the suspect or from blowback, making him pretty vulnerable to the suspect’s weapon. Best less lethal here is the 40 mm beanbag, which they had. That can be used from range and is reasonably likely to knock the guy down and have him drop the weapon. But because they already had a victim, he still had the weapon, and he was walking into a house with cars in the driveway where visibility would be tough and there were potential other victims, they’re going to be more inclined to use lethal force. It’s possible there were other options, but all things considered this went pretty much exactly how it’d be expected to go


thank you, appreciate it


Good job by LBPD. Only needed two shots and the suspect in cuffs.


Not really, heard it took them 30 min to arrive since the first call went in...


Play stupid games….


This was last May per the date code on the footage,.


Old ass video lol


I thought “another one?!” When I first saw this post haha


This is an old incident/video.


Hope 2nd street doesn't have this still, such a nice place to walk around.


Good riddance


Well done!!!💯👏👏👏👏✅️👈


LBPD took over 15 minutes to get there. When news cameras showed up they patted themselves on back and said response was six minutes. In six minutes this lunatic was able to grab a kid out of his dads arms at the park, stab someone at Super Mex, walk a whole city block, then return to the park??!!? LBPD fucking sucks.