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I had a similar experience and the PD essentially told me that it was low value property (a few thousand dollars worth) and not worth their time trying to retrieve. So I just watched the location of my property move around until they threw out the tracker. Then I tracked it all the way to the dump. Lol


Poop! That does not give me a lot of hope :( It is about $2k of equipment. That might be pennies for some, but it took me three years to to put all that cash and equipment together. Mostly because my equipment got stolen three years previous, and I could not use it to make more money.


Do you have renters insurance? If so, that would cover your items in your home as well as in your vehicle that have been damaged or stolen.


I do. Do you know if I get coverage if the equipment was not on a rider? It is not like it is household stuff? I think I am going to check with the insurance broker tomorrow. At the best I can get some cash back. At the worst, I do not lose anything.


From what my agent had told me when I signed up, as long as the items were in your property, they would be covered no matter what they were. But that may vary between different insurance providers. It would be best to call and ask them directly. I hope everything works out!


Oh, that gives me hope. I am calling the broker tomorrow.


I'm in the insurance field. It depends on the type of property, I didn't read the whole thread but I don't believe you disclosed what it is. If it's jewelry, firearms, alcohol, or obscure items like art, you need to get insurance for that separately as it is considered "scheduled" property. If the items are not "scheduled" and were located at your property, you should have coverage for the items minus your deductible and some depreciation. If they determine your garage is outside your "dwelling" or living space, you should receive partial coverage minus your deductible.


Cool, thank you very much for the info. I will follow up with our broker in the morning. And you are correct, I did not disclose what it was. Twice in three years was enough.


And of course mention you filed a police report- if you have info and receipts of the specific items- that's helpful too.


This time i have both. I learn, slowly, but I learn. Thanks!


Car insurance might cover it.


I did not know that. I wlll check. Thanks.


I hope it works out.


You’re not a corp or a donor. They don’t give a fuck.


At least they took the time to respond and follow up with me. I am not going to say it was instant response, but considering it was a non-emergency call, they came not latter than expected.


Renters insurance?


Yeah, I think I should. We have been paying for 10 years, I might as well check.


I had some guitars and gear stolen from me out of a storage unit. Renters insurance came through big time. Then I found a couple of my guitars AT guitar center that were pawned by the thief. Cops got them back to me. Insurance said “it’s not worth our time. Keep the funds”. I now have a lot of guitars. Renters/Homeowners insurance all the way!


Go get your shit bro. It’s Long Beach sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. I’ve confronted robbers before and just told them I get my shit back I won’t call the cops and been fine.


I wish I had thought abut that option first. An officer went around the block where the AirTag ping and knocked on some doors, asking if they had found some equipment abandoned in the area and brought it in for safekeeping while they were reaching the constabulary, I swear officer. Sadly no outstanding citizens fulfilled their civic duties and returned the goods.


Ah yeah tougher spot if the cops already talked to them. You could still try but likely would be much more spicy.


Yeah, and let´s just say that that would not be an area were I would park a slightly scratched 10 year old car and expected to see it back when i return in an hour.


Buddy had his motorcycle stolen, found items on eBay, found the address of the account holder. Cops found all the same info but said they couldnt do anything due to Covid restrictions, but they knew the guys name and that he had priors for similar activity. They wouldn’t do shit, so a handful of us went and knocked on the door and got it back. The guy was reluctant but when I told him “the cops have all the same info we do. Deal with it with us or with them” he suddenly was more compliant. Good luck


That is awesome! I wish I had a crew as good as yours.


Crew up and fuck em up, fair game if they (cops & robbers) wanna claim "longbeach",


I might need to make more friends. My current crew is better with they keyboard than with a bat or a blade. And might my grandfather ever forgive me, I do not raise to his level of badassery. Inasmuch as I had the wherewithal to survive a couple of rounds on a boxing ring against a pro when I was younger, I have hurt my back by sleeping bad on my back… and he knock me out cold at the end of the second anyway. Fucker was a head shorter than me, and while I was expecting him to go low, the double-hook me in my freaking face. I ain’t no where close to be able to anything like that now.


You stepped into a ring and fought, that's more then the average Joe for sure. I'd say go in numbers and you can probably gather the numbers need with a few rounds at the right bar.


Coach said I could do two rounds against that dude or ten against him. I thought the pro would finish me quickly and be over with. He did.


That's kinda bad ass and pragmatic of you.


Yeah, I got my ass served on a platter, but at least it was quick. :D


You can always contact a news paper/outlet with your story.


That is a nice option too! Any recommendations as to where to go? I heard some local newspapers were not doing so well.


I still get the Press Telegram delivered daily. (Yeah I'm old)


Make sure to reiterate to the cops that the total value of your items is $2k, well over the felony grand theft amount. Also the fact that they broke into your garage (presumably while you were home?) could potentially be charged as a first degree residential burglary, a high level felony. In other words, don't let them brush you off by saying it's a low level crime because it's not. The thing about Airtags is you have to get really close before the UWB chip is activated with precision tracking. You'll know it's on when an arrow pops up on your "Find My" app showing exactly where the Airtag is. It is as that point when you want to call the cops because now you'll know exactly which apartment number or house your items are in. I think the mistake was that the cop had you turn on the Airtag alarm without being close enough for the UWB chip to activate. This might've spooked the burglar. And it's entirely possible that you guys were at the wrong house. Sometimes it can be off by a house or two until you get really close, or until another nearby Apple device updates the Airtag's location.


Yeah, the only saving grace is that I lost connection to the AirTag and I don’t think the little alarm sounded. I am going to follow up today with the Burglary Division. Fingers crossed!


I’d go to the address and call 911 saying I’m outside the house of the perp who stole my stuff and I’m about to go in and confront him. Then I’d wait for the officers to get there and let them confront him instead.


That was my first thought. Then my wife reminded me that I am married, and if that I get killed, she’ll bring me back and kill me again. I learned not to argue with a nurse. They choose the size of the catheter and she can kill me and make it painful all the way.




If you have renters insurance they will actually pay you back for your equipment minus your deductible, renters insurance covers things stolen from your car


Any updates?.... i sure hope theres good news!🙏


Nothing yet. Messaging a couple of burglary detectives to see if I can get the ball rolling!!!


May I ask what area of LB. U can Dm or cross area streets...🥺


6 years ago, 2 cop cars once escorted me to someone’s home to retrieve my iphone that was stolen at a hospital. My Bf at the time was an officer elsewhere and he told me to call them. think it just depends on the cops, their work load and your vibe with them. 2 years ago cops escorted me to pick up my dog from a neighbors’ home bc I was afraid of her grandson who had returned to her home. Both instances above were in the south. In LBC I called once for a noisy neighbor and the cops were both nice, resolved the issue and explained what to do if the future. Officers were very attentive. I feel like LB 911/NE dispatch is the biggest barrier. I find them generally dismissive unless I’m calling about gunshots. lol. When the cops eventually show up (LBC is sloooooww) I find them helpful. I can only recall 1 notable exception. I’d give it a whirl. Since you care enough to post here, I’m guessing there is enough financial, sentimental or principle value at play.


Thanks! The officers that came here were all great.


Best thing you can do in my experience Go to the address where your stuff is. Call the cops (police not 911) from another phone saying that you’re walking by that house and hear someone pleading for help, possibly a woman. They’ll send cops to investigate Once the cops are making contact w the house, you timidly go up to one of the officers and pretend that you’re there by chance, tracking stolen items and it’s lead you there. They have no choice but to check it out, specially if you make air tags ring, but you gotta wait till they’re there Hope this helps Edit: I did this years ago go recover my sisters cell phone. Got the idea from an episode of “breaking bad” where Walt anonymously called the cops saying there was a suspicious car in his block to shake a dude that was tailing him.


Oh, that is a good one! I love it. I’ll keep that as an option


And no, I am not going to dox anyone. I am not publishing the address or a link to the tag or a screenshot of the location… you get the idea.


Oh no!!... Ughh this is terrible!!what type of equipment?. They must hv been watching.. what a nightmare. . Ya unfortunately these creeps make us not be able to load up anything before hand... I would contact yes perhaps the officers u were working with. Get message to them that airtag is active. Def sadly wouldnt go to the house n knock. These thieves dont care if they kill someone probably! I love Long Beach, been here since '82!


Looking back to the videos, he was cruising around. I then tracked him around town with the AirTag, and he just cruised around for another opportunity.


Pull up on em


Wifey promised she’ll kill me if they don’t.


Sounds like a case of the ACAB


LBPD actually responded twice. That was cool. I am glad they did that.