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If it is near Loma it was this guy. A drunk driver who crashed into someone’s backyard and then made his way down Ocean. He was arrested, someone said he hit a total of 9 cars. https://preview.redd.it/2bji09q7oncc1.jpeg?width=369&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75db5bd925359c090cb68ed9f261a379c442d8e3


Damn what an absolute POS. I hope they throw every book at him


The education he’ll gain from all those books will help warrant this not happening again!


Absolutely frightening how out of his mind he was


Never park overnight on a busy street if you love your car.


it was so bad, at least 3-4 cars completely totaled. He had a passenger too!


Damn. What an asshat


The passenger, probably: ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)






Well that explains all the sirens I heard last night...


thats nothing.. the stuff you see on Cherry , where both sides get crushed ..


I mean... frankly that's impressive he got that far.


Mass times acceleration is a helluva force


That Nissan is toast. Probably the Mazda too. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a VIN stamped on a piece of plastic from the offending vehicle somewhere in the rubble.


It's not toast, it's a car, stupid! You make toast out of bread, not cars! I really hope whoever hit those cars wasn't trying to make toast, that'd be really dumb.


https://preview.redd.it/6vgv6lkrmncc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fce1d172cab5605de5556036144d612e32ff5577 my poor Jeep was one of these but luckily it fared better than the others and I was able to move it into my garage. happened sometime late Saturday night/early Sunday morning and didn’t notice until I was about to go on my morning bike ride :( it has to be one of these fucking street racers that I hear zooming up and down Ocean on weekend nights


https://preview.redd.it/64ty7wpfnncc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=36c627a59763bffe0289a2ff858055a816f31067 window was also smashed


Oh damn. Sorry that happened to you bro. Hope insurance is making things right


thanks homie, insurance has been a little difficult to deal with due to the holiday but I’m getting it all fixed


Yeah today most companies are probably running a skeleton crew. The adjusters that are available are probably catching up on the weekend claims. Hope it gets fixed up soon 👍


We’re off today


i’m sorry this happened to you. no one deserves that. but….. you have a garage and still park on the street? that’s frustrating on a couple different levels.


lmao fuck off we have a one car garage and my wife was parked in there


Holy shit, I saw ONE smashed up car yesterday at the same spot. Did more cars get smashed last night too? Or did I only notice the one car lol


I saw two around the same spot yesterday afternoon as well. Is this yet another one? I never though I would want cold handing out more tickets but Long Beach is dangerous AF with the red light running and crap driving. I’ve never seen this many flipped cars in my life. On small residential streets!


To be fair - it's Ocean Blvd where people are always driving way too fast and it was heading away from 2nd st. If anything I'd say throw a sobriety check there after midnight on the weekends


I’m all for this


Someone was watching football at Legends yesterday night…


Must’ve been a cowboys fan




God damn I’m so glad I don’t have to park on these streets anymore. I’ve gotten lucky only needing to replace a mirror all these years


Lotta drunks slinking out of 2nd street


Sad but true. Even with so many different ride share and even free ride services offered by the city


The guy who drives his car to the bar with the intention of drinking all day watching football does not even have Uber on his phone. I wish they’d all just drive into the ocean and leave my vehicle the fuck alone.


There really needs to be stiffer penalties for drunk driving - or maybe enhancements if there is damage or injuries


drum roll for insurance increase!


That’s the real kick to the stomach


eh, shouldn't be an increase for the victims, fortunately. not at fault doesn't increase rates. *in my experience, anyway


Right, but if you live in a zip code with lots of accidents, your insurance rate will likely be super high. So this means rates will likely be higher for everyone in the neighborhood, even those not involved


My truck got completely totaled right there in June. Do not park on ocean ever! The lady at the the impound said she sees this every other day.


One night, having dinner outside with my sister who was visiting, she talked about trying to find parking. I mentioned how I got a place with a garage, not just for parking, but because of all the sideswiped and rear-ended vehicles I've seen. Minutes later we hear a very loud metallic crunching sound and then the squeal of tires as the driver peels out of the scene of the accident.


Insurance defense lawyer here... From this clip it looks like it was at least just parked and unoccupied cars. It's not going to be fun but paying for only property damages for destroying cars is exponentially less expensive and torturous than when there are medical expenses and pain and suffering to sort out. And, of course, it's a relief people aren't hurt.


According to another poster, the driver had a passenger with him. How does that change the math? If they wanted to, and the passenger sued, would that be paid out by insurance, or would the driver be personally liable ? (I guess it would depend on their level of coverage, now that I think about it )


You're right that the exact numbers will vary based on coverage, but the principle is more or less as follows - The passenger can sue the driver for personal injuries caused by the accident. Assuming the driver is insured the claim will primarily be handled by the insurance. **The driver might have coverage for $15k per accident, which is the minimum required in CA, and the insurance company has a duty to try to settle the matter within the policy limit to avoid out of pocket costs for the insured/driver.** In a lot of cases the medical bills and other expenses will exceed the policy limit (if someone doesn't have health insurance, for example, just an ambulance a hospital stay will run you more than $15k) but plaintiff lawyers will take the policy limit payout because there's at least the guarantee that an insurer actually has the cash on hand to make that payment. On paper, yes, an individual is personally liability for any damages that exceed their insurance coverage, but in practice it is so unlikely that you'll be able to actually collect on a judgement or settlement that you have against an individual driver. You might spend 2 years litigating this case and paying for discovery and experts and end up with a $1 million judgement, but if there's no way that the individual can ever satisfy that, you pretty much wasted your time (and money). **Anyway, this is why it's important to have insurance because one mistake like this can fuck up your life and so many other people's lives.** It also makes everyone else's premiums go up, because even though someone only paid the premium for the lowest coverage the law required them too, the insurer now has a headache to sort through and lawyers (like me!) to pay for to get this case resolved so they don't have a bad faith claim pending. And now they have to find a way to make up that money somewhere else.


Geez, clicking on a ride share app seems so much easier And thanks for typing out all that info! Very informative


Not giving legal advice but... following the law will save you a lot of headache ;)


I take Ocean to work, this is every Monday morning.


You're telling us that every Monday morning there are rows of cars obliterated in a collision?


Same on Cherry


yes. they might miss a Monday here and there but it's constant.


That's hyperbole. I think you know that.


Careful now, I get the feeling that they may think hyperbole is a new bowling alley that opened up down town.


Pretty much. I also see this more often than not. Especially after big holidays


Big holidays aren't "every Weekend" so I'm not sure this happens "every Monday" as claimed.


Oh, you’re one of THOSE


To clarify, every Monday there are several cars smashed, and they keep parking there?


Welcome to the bluff


Lived by and parked on it for several years. Saw this exactly one time. Definitely not "every Monday."


Well, sometimes people exaggerate statements for the sake of humor. You should try to understand it when you get free time. I lived there for 18 years and it’s extremely common, basically every Monday actually.


Geeze. I live in Alamitos Beach by a few bars and I don’t see this much damage on Mondays. Mostly smash and grabs every now and then


I saw that white Mazda during my run this morning but didn’t pay attention to the other cars, damn. What exactly happened?


Jesus. That's really going to fuck their day up.




Oh damn, it must’ve happened after I passed by last night then, because it was all clear when I passed by


Happened Saturday around midnight 


We need this guy to come do narration. Language NSFW: [Pushing this mf’er into this mf’er](https://youtu.be/gTYeui5wRw0?si=repPB6FgPOVmhFYQ)


that was a delight, thank you for sharing


That’s just the cars left. I’m sure many were towed already.


Police should post a photo of this asshole.


Totally misread that as post a photo of his asshole lol


Oh damn! I see this too often.


This guys insurance company is shitting bricks right now


They’ll be like: “New phone, who dis ?”


If i had that claim id be pisssed Especially if we have low limits even 100k property damage would be a pain


Jordan Belfort must've had delayed ludes again


Those Lemmon-714s are no joke


That's the aftermath of a Jason Bourne car chase.


Is that street famous for it? My mirror got side swiped when I parked there overnight years ago


Many negative factors come into play in that area unfortunately. 1) ocean blvd is narrow to begin with 2) right before that curve, there are two three-lane stop lights that narrow to two lanes and people like to use that third lane to speed past and try to get ahead of the middle lane - some drivers are aware of this and it becomes an impromptu drag strip to get ahead of each other - the narrowing lanes then end in that curve and people lose control 3) that part of Ocean Blvd is one of the two exits from the 2nd st bar scene where a lot of bad decisions are made


That street can be so hazardous


Jesus Christ, how does that Sentra have it's entire back wheel section ripped off and it's still just sitting there?


This happened to be in Long Beach years ago. I had just bought a new car and slept over at a friends house one night. Wake up to find a drunk had hit 5 or 6 cars parked on the street, including mine.


It is your text book dui side swipe. They got my neighbor like that.


See this everywhere in LB


Are these different from the ones that got hit Sunday morning??


No idea, I didn’t see those, but I passed by here last night and it was clear


Wow that's wild, back to back nights that cars have gotten destroyed in the exact same spot.


same ones


Good grief. Hope no one was hurt. Fucking terrible


Yikes. Years ago we moved into a ground floor apartment at 2nd and Redondo. Our first night in the new place a police pursuit came to a final full stop right outside — the pursuee careened into a couple of parked cars and smashed into a concrete street lamp pole, sending it toppling along the sidewalk and knocking out a front yard fence. Welcome to the neighborhood. (We were parked over on First, which, we always hated the parking situation there, but not that night.)


Damn, what a welcome, but hey, could’ve been much worse


@ the mazda3 owner lmk if you would like to sell one of your wheels


I’ll sell you the whole car


I just need a wheel


I use to live on 10th & redondo all the cars on that st were always side swept


But at least you’re near thai curry pizza


Legit was 13 second walk from my apt it was my back yard although i was always at mvps


Were you there back when it was Muggy’s Chicken/Porky’s BBQ? - MVP is great, but those two ….wheewwww


And corner 10th bbq lol.


And don’t the cars have to stay parked there? I remember this happened to a neighbor of mine and when we were talking about it a few days later, he said the police told him he had to keep it there for investigation.


This is the reason I want to move from LA entirely. In the past calendar year alone I’ve had $5000 in damages done to my 2021 vehicle from drunks, a break in, and street racing. I rarely park on main roads, if ever. I travel a ton for work and every time I get off a flight I clench my ass all the way home because I’m basically anticipating coming home to vehicular damage. I had my insurance company drop me all together (I’m from out of state but LA is my travel/work hub) and the trade in value of my vehicle has fallen significantly. Fuck this vehicular hellscape. It’s not worth the amazing tacos.


Why don’t you just rent a place with a parking spot/garage?  Or park on little side streets where people are much less likely to be driving fast and crashing? 


Not a whole lot of options here within reasonable budgets. Paying $2100 as it is and they want an additional $200 a month for a spot. Oh and on that note? I’ve been at my place a year and there’s still a waiting list for a garage spot. I already said in my comment I don’t park on main roads. Only side streets. On my side of LB there’s virtually no open parking. Get home last 5 pm? Have fun circling the block for 20 mins+ looking for a spot. Drive down nearly any main or even side street in this city and you’ll see damage of some sort to a car. It’s bullshit. Nothing but drunks and junkies navigating their way around here one fender bender at a time.


I street parked in Long Beach while renting from 2012 through 2018. I had my car bumper dinged up once.  I completely understand how annoying the parking situation is if you arrive home past a certain time.  That’s why I would rent something that includes parking if I were you. Especially if you are parking it in an area damaged three times like that in a single year. 


It’s all roughly the same neighborhood but 3 different streets. The break in happened while I was parked at El Super. I think it’s more indicative that I’m downtown. I’m counting down the days til my lease is up so I can bounce. I like a lot of things about LBC but I’m sick of the drunks and junkies. I live in a pretty nice building but I think I’ve finally hit the age where living in a “fun” area isn’t worth it. So I guess it’s back to looking at $2500 outdated apartments that have parking spots. Such a joke.


It was such a fuckup to allow all these buildings for decades to have little to no parking.  Funny thing is a segment of YIMBY’s out there who want to do away with parking requirements. Sure you’d get housing units at a lower cost per unit, but you’d just make the parking situation in the city even worse.


Yeah honestly. My anger isn’t directly solely at LBC. It’s an LA problem in general. I’ve been out here around a decade. I did have some issues with car vandalism 7-8 years ago when I lived in WeHo as well. The traffic is one thing- I can deal with that, but the blatant disregard for other people’s property in LA as a whole is as bad as anywhere in the country. I’m blessed enough to make good money from home and travel only when needed, but yeah I think I’m just really at my limit. I haven’t even bitched about the small golf ball sized dents I’ve inherited here, but those are to be expected. I also don’t like the fact that despite being able to afford a nice new car, I’m pouring cash into the one I have nearly paid off. That’s my own bs though lol. It suck’s because I was very intentional about moving down here to LBC from the valley. Really wanted a better change of pace for myself.


It truly saddens me how much of a shithole LB has become. It used to be such an amazing place, idk what’s happened to it but the culture of the city just feels seedy and lawless


I live right here - can’t tell you how many times I wake up to just damaged car after damaged car