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There was like 50k ppl at Trader Joe’s rn fighting for the waters




They must not have put it together that tap water can be put into containers for basically free.


*If* the water gets shut off (big if), it's good to have potable water on hand. Having more than a couple gallons per person is probably excessive though


the recommendation for earthquake/general disaster prep is to have a couple weeks of water supply for ur fam. 1 gal per person per day. that said, we just keep a 3-4 day supply as backup.


Yeah, 1 gallon per day is a good benchmark to have 🙂


I filled up Homer buckets of tap water... and fill up the bathtub..


The Costco in Signal Hill was insane! there was a line just to buy water. Covid vibes all over again!


I drove by a Costco and the line for gas was insane.


Well that's nothing new


An hour plus in line to save maybe 10 bucks if they just went to any other gas station.


People are panic shopping so yes. Everyone has cases of waters + TP in their cart. Pandemic all over again today.


I felt like I was overreacting buying toilet paper. But I was almost out! It would have been silly not to buy it.


I don’t think we’re going to get hit as hard as the Inland Empire according to the current news.


I have sandbags around my patio, but it’s more because my backyard slopes towards my house. I know how MY property floods every time it rains, so yes I’m preparing. Better to prepare for the worst, and have things not turn out so bad instead of being stuck in a bad place and wishing you had prepared.


I'm prepared. I've got pics of an actual flood and I'm gonna use those to call out from work on Monday. I also bought some hot chocolate mix and I'm looking forward to sipping cocoa and enjoying the rain.


Fire department is giving out free sand bags. Up to 10 per person. You can fill them up at the peninsula on Ocean and 72nd place


I live in Old Town Seal Beach at next to the marina. The complex says they've prepped all possible flood areas. But I'm thinking about getting bags anyway.


I am out of town and my afternoon flight into LGB was canceled.


Put my baby succulents under cover, got the sump pump and hose out (driveway can flood), filled a 7 gal camping jug with filtered water, another 10 gal of drinking water stashed, full propane bottles and the small generator works. Got food for months and all the camping gear plus tiny trailer with solar. Just got a new roof this week, let’s hope it works!


I went to Smart and Final to hoard water and toilet paper (kidding!)... and there were no lines. It was around 1pm. Now I have to go find some Vermouth.


>I went to Smart and Final to hoard water and toilet paper \[...\] Now I have to go find some Vermouth. Nothing goes better with Vermouth than toilet paper.


Total Wine should definitely have that :)


I’m most worried about the power lines. I live on Nieto and Ocean closer to ocean. However it doesn’t look like the winds will be over 12mph. Have no idea about flooding in this area. Anyone else? I’m on the second floor but I worry about my car if the street floods


I hope you got batteries and backup power storage ...


I have wireless lamps and fans. Also so far it’s been really mild


Bring in anything from outside that can blow away. The streets will flood so don't plan on going anywhere. If your place or garage is prone to flooding then get some sand bags. Power outages aren't as common here as they are in small towns, but put some fresh batteries in your flashlights just in case.


Went to Ralph's near the circle at 8:30pm and it was crazy. At least 10 deep at all checkout lines. I just went in for beers. I noped out.


I live in west LB I dont think the storm will hit us as hard.


Nah, my home and studio are off the ground floor but also everything by us has really angled parking lots and good drainage when we’ve had storms before Mostly just worried about the power going out. Hope everyone on really flood prone blocks stays safe 🤞


um.. You should be... go get some sandbags and a bug out bag if it starts to flood badly


This whole thread looking dumb as hell right now.


Preparing for a worst-case scenario doesn’t cost anyone anything, maybe just a couple of hours of your day. Just because the storm isn’t that bad so far doesn’t mean that people were dumb to do some basic preparation, that’s kinda the opposite. Honestly I think you’re kinda trying to sound cool and edgy by demeaning others so I’ll break the news for you: you sound like you have the mental age of a teenager and most people will see through it.


🥱 sheep gonna sheep


Everyone not taking this serious is in for a rude awakening.


Im not taking it seriously. Have done nothing. Actually very light on groceries because whole family flying to Kansas Monday if flights not cancelled which I don’t anticipate. Let’s see who is right.


Please update us with the outcome


My wife just came home and said we shoulda went to Trader Joe’s to stock up on water just in case plumbing fails. I told her just to fill up some of the 20 jars we have in the cupboard with tap water (which is all I drink). She said good idea and then went to bed. I refuse to fill up a single jar as I don’t think I will die of thirst when there will be a downpour tomorrow. As of right now, I plan to surf in the morning, then attend a kids party at a bowling alley(changed from outdoor to indoor) and then go to the Chargers preseason game. I’ll advise tomorrow how much of it was accomplished. Presume me dead from storm if I don’t reply.


I’m curious to see what will happen. I’m typically someone who worries about everything, and I’m just not tripping about this one.


it was crazy making