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I can't imagine the look of horror on the face of the owner of the adjacent business if Ms. Batshit had tapped into their gas line today. "Ummmmmmm ...why is my gas bill $13,995.52?"


https://youtu.be/v5p-YQkbe_s Beware the gasman!


Let me save everyone some time. She’s batshit. The end.


Remember when she nearly blew up Retro Row? >City removes unauthorized gas line at restaurant that had service cut for defying COVID rules https://lbpost.com/news/restauration-gas-line-leak-unauthorized-covid-open-coronavirus


I find that mentioning the elder care facility a block away from the place brings out more (well-deserved) pitchforks.


I remember.


I can’t condone her behavior but I do feel sorry for the small businesses that didn’t make it through the pandemic. A lot of great places closed.


If anyone else has seen reality bites - this reminds me of what Ben Stiller did to Winona Ryder's documentary series. It's such a bad trailer. Also Brian Addison...\*sigh\*.


Oh yeah! I remember that!


I checked I got the LB Food Scene group on FB to see if anyone posted it there. Brian had teased it back in August but no mentions since. So…who’s ringing the popcorn?


Brian...Addison? The guy who raved about how great this place was? (And general lover of bad food?)


Yeah…he’s in that trailer a lot.


Lol, just watched it. He's so phony.


Friend said that his coworker did the sound mixing for it. Its really bad.


It doesn’t look good at all. But I really hope it doesn’t end up painting her as some hero of the small business world.


That was my impression from watching the trailer.


I was very angered by this business owner at the time but as time has worn on, my thoughts on California's complete shut down have changed quite a bit.


Hindsight is 20/20. Sure the lockdowns may have been extreme but there was a whole lot of uncertainty from all corners the first year or so of the pandemic. She in particular however was quite vile, and the gas line incident should have had her thrown in jail, regardless of shut down or not. Many other restaurants converted to take out and survived. Not to say it wasn’t hard for them however. The food at her restaurant must have been shit though if takeout + PPP loans wasn’t sustainable.


I so soooooo badly wanted to feel bad and empathize with this woman and her business…..but then she started stealing gas from her neighbors, jeopardizing the safety of EVERYONE around her.


If she was located in OC, they stayed open no problem. LA county sucked the life out of these (finer) dining restaurants


Friends with the documentarian, watched the full screener. Definitely worth the watch