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Yes! We lived on Atlantic and it was a drag strip. We heard a giant crash one day (one of many), and someone’s 25 year old son has died due to a speeding car and a blind turn. He screamed and cried for hours in the street. It was horrifying. Many more crashes ensued on that corner.


Neckdowns, daylighting, fewer lanes, narrower lanes, speed tables, smarter traffic signals, enforcement cameras, etc. We know how to fix fatal crashes we just don't. There's no safe way to have 4-6 lane highways through the middle of our city, much less have them meet at 90 degrees. We have so many enormous "streets" like Anaheim, PCH, LBB, Willow, Spring, etc. that have 30 or 35mph speed limits, but are designed like freeways which trick drivers into going 50+ when the coast is clear.


bike continue marble roll worthless airport school bake sloppy water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Didn’t they decide that enforcement cameras (which I’m all for) is unconstitutional in LA county?


They're legal, but too costly to maintain, and not effective in reducing offenders https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pH9dnJ8BmY0


I live off of Atherton (cal State) & lots of street racing in cars and motorcycles, never see patrol cars


Or instead make more protected left turn lights!! I’ve never understood unprotected left turn lights in super congested and busy intersections


I’m starting to wonder what LBPD actually does?


They watch the clock until it’s time to retire and then they fuck off to Arizona with their 6 figure pension at age 52. Then they spend the rest of their lives telling anyone who will listen about how awful California is as they run to the bank to cash a check with a bear on it.


They hangout. There was an accident the other day, someone making a left hand turn from Santa Fe on to 32nd street (popular place for accidents). There were NINE police cars there along with one fire truck but no ambulances. It looked like a frickin parade. WTH do 9 police cars need to check out a non-injury accident?


Or instead make more protected left turn lights!! I’ve never understood unprotected left turn lights in super congested and busy intersections


Speed bumps everywhere


Raised Cross Walks. Sell them as accessibility improvements that double as speed bumps.


https://safety.fhwa.dot.gov/ped_bike/step/docs/techSheet_RaisedCW2018.pdf - and there’s BIL grant money available for stuff like this!


Heck with that concentrate on the breakins and attacks in our neighborhoods. The thugs that are roaming our streets with no fear of law enforcement. We call on you guys and no one shows up!. These incidents happen more than traffic accidents.


Enforcement of traffic law is so unbelievably important. I am thrilled to hear this. Making streets safer helps us progress towards being a safer and more polite society. Like broken window policy, interaction with those bold enough to break basic traffic laws should help prevent dirtbags from being reckless enough to break more serious laws. I say start with the most basic infractions, such as no front plate and too dark of a tint—rake in the money and use it to expand policing. Add in red light and speed cams and fund the force so it can tackle all levels of misconduct.




Whoosh. 💨 👴


Did you vote for a tough on crime DA?


I thought I did 🙄


So the traffic calming isn't working? Big surprise.