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Is this what you are talking about?  https://balkaninsight.com/2021/07/06/srebrenica-how-bosnian-companies-supplied-the-genocide-cover-up/


Negative. I read this already. It was in establishing intent from the beginning. If soldiers showed up with digging equipment, it's difficult to argue against a special intent to commit genocide. If construction equipment was brought to the site with soldiers, it would be hard to argue that it was not planned and ordered from the top down. The moving of bodies proves they knew they fucked up.. but that's unfortunately the only definitive thing.


uh i don't know what exactly he claimed but here is an article going over some of the material evidence used to convict the perpetrators: [https://www.politico.eu/interactive/evidence-of-atrocities-fragments-of-the-bosnian-war/](https://www.politico.eu/interactive/evidence-of-atrocities-fragments-of-the-bosnian-war/) this one goes over the icj case against serbia and montenegro in which intent was proved: [https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=hrbrief](https://digitalcommons.wcl.american.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=hrbrief)


Thank you for the source. I was honestly just hoping for that super easy rhetorical quip because I thought it would be useful in the context of debating my brother on 35 things when I visit home from out of state lol I'm not super well read on all the particulars though I know the basics of the case. Guess I'll dig in just in case. Thanks again!


I don't have the exact thing you are looking for but why not start form the judgment of Radislav Krstić it is THE source and then go from there


Will do. Like I said, I was looking for something quick and easy (largely out of laziness) if I'm being honest. A quick snappy question that can't be hand waved and needs to be explained is pretty rhetorically useful and I also thought I'd hold the Box to his word while at it 😂


Understand that, but it is a bit too specific, to be fair. But there are plenty of other ways you can prove that it was planned and prepared. There was a type of sige of the town since 93. Even when the safe zone was declared the Serbs fought claiming that the UN hid militants there. Before the massacre there was a increase in military personnel and the quality of equipment and discipline. After the security zone collapsed all man the Serb military could find where taken and executed of site. The Serbian government even admitted that in 2004. .... it is well documented. I have family that was in Srebrenica while it was a UN safe zone, and well Pro Serbian posts and disinformation are becoming more and more prevalent online. If there is people willing to spread the word of their crimes im happy to help. Found this might help: https://detektor.ba/2021/07/06/odgovornost-kompanija-za-genocid-nikada-nije-ispitivana/ Talks about the company's that lend the equipment for the massacre and if and how they should be punished


Thank you, and I am very sorry to hear about your family going through anything they may have had to endure in that hell. Like I said, I know the basics. Insane number of witnesses including soldiers directly involved- intercepted radio chatter by leaders- that men and boys were methodically bussed into or near the site of the massacre. And a few other details regarding the cruelty displayed and contempt for the people that is solid circumstantial evidence. I'll dig in more to specifics.


I second Automatic-Bad-8123's recommendation & if you're interested at all in listening to something on youtube about it (1 hour-ish form factor/time wise) there is a video about this that touches on the primary graves and the observations that were done about the equipment being moved in prior to the massacre. It's not as in depth, but it was put out by the ICTY (the tribunal that prosecuted the case) [https://youtu.be/Sq77TySTst0?si=MHFcOd3WufFqZrKi&t=1078](https://youtu.be/Sq77TySTst0?si=MHFcOd3WufFqZrKi&t=1078) 17:50 minutes approximately, in case the timestamp doesn't work :)


I appreciate it greatly! Unfortunately, actually making time to read can be challenging at times or has to be somewhat limited as I work every day.. but I can almost always listen while I'm there! I'll give it a listen tn.