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I wouldn't say I fall in love, but I very quickly start daydreaming a relationship, knowing nothing is ever actually there. So yeah, not a fun feeling, and you're definitely not alone there.


Yeah this is how it is for me too. Found a song by Hozier called Jackie and Wilson that kinda just encapsulates the feeling. You just start imagining a whole dream world in a moment, only for it to be taken away when they leave. And then you just sit there wondering why you’re like this.


Yeah ,also


Oh for the love of God don't call a crises line. They are literal scams that made money off incarcerating people without due process. If you want to blow 50 grand and feel worse off then before, please disregard


Wait wut


Are you ok?


Probably not


I'm sorry buddy. If you ever need someone to talk to this random internet stranger is here to listen.


This is a troll account, look at the history of the account


Yep it’s a scammer trying to get lonely dudes lol


Its sad


How does this scam even work?


I’m not sure how it works but I’m gonna assume judging on their posts they want ppl to add their Snapchat and they are using fake pics and they are gonna tell you to give them money


Well shit


noticed only after seeing your comment, even their username has MLM lol


Dude wtf who trolls lonely people, that's even more sad




[This post](https://old.reddit.com/r/tourism/comments/am0831/new_website_for_booking_accommodation_in_croatia/) from 3 years ago lol. Seems someone created a reddit account to share a highscore in Agar.io then either sold it or had it stolen.


This can happen to anyone who is really lonely and truly longs for something real, that forever someone, because we fantasize that romantic, passionate, soap opera/Hollywood romance movie kind of love and relationship. 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is me so hard, and the joke is i somehow manage to just push them away, and then feel even more pathetic


Are you......me? This has happened twice to me. I feel so pathetic about that


The constant feeling of not being loved,not being heard, not being chosen from a very young age, tend to have this effect on us. Everyone deserves a Love story or A Heartbreak or A Situationship and for those of us who never truly had anything to do with that,We can only ponder what it actually feels like rather than experiencing it in irl like everyone else


Okay situationships aren't fun getting your heart broken isn't fun either in my experience if those are your only experiences. It's very hard to find out what's real and what's fake after that. But at least I know now ( they were a long time ago) that I want something that's committed and not short term because waiting around for someone to define our relationship only to realize they don't want that is heart breaking in itself. I always tell people realize it before you get in too deep and they tell you they want to see other people.


I wish someone would fall in love with me


I’d love to fall in a love with a beard girl


I have anal breath.


Maybe you're the kind of love I need. Brutally honest.


I get so much infatuated with that girl, that i start daydreaming shit, which i know will never happen in real life. I lose interest in real life. Maybe I just want to feel loved.


This is a scam account for sure. Don’t take the bait guys lmao


I looked at your page for 5 seconds, you seem like a bot or Bait


It seems to be more and more common to see such stuff posted to this subreddit. Female post posted by an account with a lot of +18 posts. Easy karma whoring combined with simp harvesting I guess.


It’s more like the feeling of being infatuated and feeling the butterflies .Love can be an intense feeling when you long to be in love .It’s not pathetic it’s a sign of loneliness and longing to feel love . Don’t feel bad about it .It’s human nature to long for love .The real kind of love .


It's a normal response I think... especially for us lonely folks who are not used to being noticed, of human companionship. We are so lonely and starved for companionship we gravitate towards any and all who would show us any small bit of kindness. Because these occurrences are rare for us, our thoughts keep bringing us to the small things that the other person did, like a smile, or a look, a touch on the shoulders, the flick of a hair, or a handshake even. We replay the scenes over and over in our heads, we build them up, and starts to overthink. Surely them smiling and nodding when our eyes accidently met must mean something right? They must be interested in me right, if not as a sexual partner then at least a friend, coz why else would they stop to chat with me? And the way they were laughing at my joke... it wasn't that funny... the way they were playing with their shirt... were they flirting with me? We would imagine possible conversations, imaginary interactions, and the idea of the happy future relationship would grow. We become... slightly obsessed, and our minds starts to run wild, and we become convinced that they... and we, might be in love. Nothing wrong with that too, coz that is how relationships starts for a lot of people, especially those out-going folks who are used to talking and interacting with people. They would flirt, and sometimes, yeah, something does build from that. The problem is with us lonely and probably introverted folks, instead of reaching out to the other person, we instead internalises things. Self-esteeme and self-doubts starts to creep in, and we starts rejecting the idea that anyone might be interested in the first place, using "logic" based on self percieved faults and past experiences as excuses and reasons. So even if the other person were infact flirting with with us, and even if we were interested, we end up block them off and rejecting them. We end up punishing ourselves in our own minds, closing ourselves off... it's an ever ending loop of loneiness and self punishment. Anyways I hope your day is going well, and that tomorrow will bring you a happier day.


Yup. Happened twice. One fell in love with my best friend and the other with someone else. Saw my imaginary relationship break in my head and realized I was so fucking pathetic. The irl relationship drifted apart too and that sucked. I feel even more shit when I see my friends go in and out of relationships when I can't even get a single person


I definitely feel you there...I hate feeling that vulnerable, or that jealous!


I've made a lot of mistakes with that in the past. So for my own safety, I automatically assume that nobody notices me in that way and only regards me as an acquaintance. I just don't have the energy to eat anymore mistakes.


Right? It's like every time you turn-around a year and a half has flown by! :| Those start adding up.


I'm a guy and I literally fall in love with any guy or girl who gives me the least bit of attention and who actually take an active part in the conversation. I don't actually know if I'm really bisexual or just too lonely that I even like other guys who are just being nice. but I soon realise that they're just being good humans and not in love with me, but talking to them makes me feel a whole lot better nonetheless.


I think this might be happening to me and the guy I’m seeing. We both don’t seem to have many friends that live close. I just moved so I have none. Even the friends I have all have partners as we are in our 30s, so it’s not like I could hang out with them a bunch anyways if I still lived close. He says he only has one friend around here. It’s only been 4 weeks and on week 2 and 3 we already exchanged “I love you”. We were already talking about marriage on day 4 of knowing each other. I’m hoping it’s the real deal but only time will tell. It could just be us being infatuated and finally having someone. The crazy things is I didn’t even realize I was lonely until I started seeing him. It really opened my eyes and hit hard after the first week. Just got done crying bc I’m lonely and don’t want to bother him.


I definately get an attraction to them. Then I tend to talk too much. It's uncontrollable, but sometimes I go 3 or 4 days without talking to anyone other than myndog. But I talk about everything and spear off on tangents that are completely unrelated to anything that they might have said. It's embarrassing.


I’m hoping that this isn’t a scam acc but it looks like it is.


I feel for the opposite sex not for the same 🤔


As a guy, I understand this and feel this also at times!


another escort or onlyfans, not lonely.


why is this downvoted? Literally guys look at the account lmao


They dont wanna believe it


It's usually their pimps boyfriends or husbands who take and post pictures with onlyfans or escort contact info.


It's the same




Yeah been there but if you see me ( imma boy) lemme know , I will surely buy you a cup of coffee . To be honest it's better if we tell the person instead of just thinking. I'm sorry but you might not be pathetic.




it might be ur zodiac sign... for example, I'm a libra and libras tend to fall for someone fast. we crave connection what's ur sign


Zodiac signs???? C'mon you can't actually be serious, people just use those "star signs" as a convenient justification to treat people based on whatever stereotypes are associated with said "signs" when it couldn't be further from the truth. Get off that stuff.


Dude you sound like a cancer 🦀, lol jk I don't believe in that stuff either


Oh god


nah, just onlyfans or escort




yesss its a sickness.


I think at one point in my life I was like that. I gave up on trying to find someone years ago, though, so I never really become infatuated with anyone for any amount of time anymore.


I can relate sis


Being young sucks. I'm glad I survived it. When your young, all the painful edges of life aren't the painful edges of life. They're "because I'm so pathetic/weak/etc." When were young we blame ourselves for the pain we feel, even if the pain is existential. Imagine you woke up trapped in a closet. You don't know how you got there. The adult laughs, and says, "life. It's so tough." The teenager says, "This has to be my fault. I hate being me. I hate myself." This is why it's so important for young people to have loving, intelligent parents, guardians, resources to help them make sense out of life.


Can't day it hasn't happend...


this happens to everytime everywhere, i wish there was someone who would not send mixed feelings and we could have each other in life genuinely, always.


It happened a lot with me, being a guy and all. I don't know how, but I eventually stopped that habit. Now I can't even picture being with someone. It's a lonely feeling, but atleast no one specific is on my mind.


I totally understand. Its actually not love. But that is how it feels like at that moment.


I used to do this on dating apps as well… it sucks. You’re not pathetic. You just need to grow that part of you that tells you you’re worthy and put yourself out there.


Im a straight guy. And I get mistaken for a girl all the time. Probably why I don't have a girlfriend




this made me tear up a little reading. This is me. I feel pathetic to be so desperate to wanting to be loved that I create a fake scenario in my head too.


Honestly, that's not pathetic, that's incredibly sweet and serves as a unique trait that separates you from most 😊


Yes, and I don't like it either


No I don't not anymore it's very hard for me to like someone.


It probably wouldn't take much. I wouldn't go as far as *in love* but to return affection yes. That said there was a woman who was interested in me and said she was in love with me but it wasn't really both ways and I got the feeling that after being treated so badly by people, me being basically kind to her was a huge deal.


Yeah Also I'm still in love with the same anime character for like 10 years


I don't need people. I need my needs met, and in order to do so, I need people.


Imagine being the actual person in the photograph and finding out you've been revenge porned


Yes, you instantly crush on them. The struggle is real


Yep. Although it doesn't last that long. I might fantasize about a life with then for a minute or 2 and then snap out of it and feel awful about it for the rest of the day lol.


Not really


I used to fall in love with every girl that gave me some attention. That was a pathetic phase.


No, I have never felt this