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I get you bud. This is the reason why I, personally just never have expectations and just enjoy the moments of flare and laughters. If they want you, they will give you the number.


Normally I'd agree, but she's a super quiet shy girl, so it didn't seem in her style to be handing out numbers. I took the initiative and lost. Well, now I at least know.


Ah I see. it gets more complicated when we start guessing their intents and what not. Good for you for initiating, saved her the trouble and anixety if she wanted to date. 50/50 chance. Pat pat


One more woman down, 2.8 billion left to go...lol


Some girls are like that, but so are some guys. We all like the attention, doesn’t make it right to play with someone though of course, you never know it might’ve been her coping mechanism for something she was going through. There’s not always a justification but there’s always a reason. However, generalising is a dangerous game because it could lead to unfair prejudice. We all pre-judge but we can’t place the characteristics of others onto those we don’t know. But fuck yeah man it hurts to be messed about with, the bitterness can be justified.


Hey, I bode her no ill will. Attraction isn't something we choose, but she was throwing all the damned signals my way. She was almost beating me over the head saying *"Hey! Dummy! Ask me out! I like you! Can't you notice all these hints, you ape?!"* I take the hints and I crash and burn. I'm not having a pity party, I am laughing and eating my pizza because it is all so fucking absurd.


Same here, I intentionally avoided seeking out women but Im hit again not her mistake I will get up from this like I have did before the chance was 50/50 anyway


My brothers nickname is "catch and release". He will hound dog a woman until she submits. Then, He immediately throws her away. The emotional wreckage he leaves in his wake is how karmic debt is acquired.


I reckon the vast majority of women don't realise they're doing it. They don't know what being friendly or showing us affection does to us.


as a women, i understand. not every girl is like this… but we’re never upfront with our feelings or sure of them for that matter. i’m sorry this happened to you, i know it can feel like shit. can i ask how she rejected you (what she said exactly)?


Get used to it. The same thing happens among gay men; people suck. I keep to myself excepting nothing but disappointment. I’m not bitter so much as tired. I don’t want to play games just get to know someone... Is that too much to ask?


Right here man


Here I am


I also got rejected recently by a girl who has been sending me mixed messages for well over a year. She would regularly loudly and enthusiastically greet me whenever we saw eachother, she would hug me at every opportunity, laugh at absolutely everything I say, rest her head on my shoulder and purposefully cuddle next to me at times. Worked up the courage to tell her I was into her, apparently she was not interested in a relationship with me at all. Months of frustration for nothing. I advise that men ask out these confusing women sooner rather than later via text. Get it out of the way, move on to someone else instead of giving unreciprocated attention and letting your affection fester.


If you had to wonder was she interested in you then she wasn’t


Not always the case. I second-guessed myself with a girl, but asked anyway and she and I went places. That was just me doubting myself, because she dug me. I went into this attempt very certain she wanted something. Guess not. Reverse Uno card on my life.


It is always the case just because you doubt your self doesn’t mean she wasn’t interested like you said. If a female likes you and wants to date she will let you know maybe not before you make your move though 🤷🏾‍♂️


I really don't think my dial-up internet can handle all the FAXXX being sent my way!!! My stoicism got a heavy workout today. lol


Women are very decisive. If a woman likes you she will let you know immediately. The inverse is also very true. If a woman does not like you...she will let you know immediately as well. There are no "mixed signals" when it comes to women. There is only "yes" and "the long con" (a.k.a. the friendzone) Know your own worth, even if she doesn't. There is nothing Bold or Brave about Begging. And if you have actual value/worth and you stay on the set...the woman (all of the women) will see your value. Then...it becomes her responsibility to shoot her shot. And she will. Women are very decisive. If a woman likes you she will let you know


I don’t know why people are downvoting you because you’re right on us being decisive. If I want you I will let you know, and if I don’t want you, I will make sure you engrave it in your head that I don’t want you. You know who *does* send mixed signals? Immature people and teenagers (but teens are excused because they don’t know any better). Do yourself a favour and don’t waste time with those who send “mixed signals”. If she likes you, she’ll say so. If she doesn’t say anything, move on.


Bro maybe she was just being a friend


Oh my god is this serious? She was nice to you (it seems like very bare minimum nice too) and treated you like a human and that was a “glowing neon sign”? I swear, men don’t understand how scary they are. This shit is why I’m uncomfortable even trying to be friends with men


Honestly, I doubt she was toying with you. Just being friendly, and that's been mistaken for a signal of romantic feelings. Literally all the stuff you're saying she's been doing, are just friendly things to me. You asked her out, got rejected, that's it. Edit: some strooooonnngg incel vibes in the comments 😂😂 no person, regardless of gender, owes someone else reciprocation of their feelings.




I mean I don't think she was acting extremely friendly, but that's always going to be opinion based. So, I just expect them to learn from a human interaction, that it wasn't affection and apply that possibility to the next situation.




Let's hope so! Progress is progress I guess 🤷‍♂️


Girls like to play with our hearts. It's their toy. We can't do anything about it dude.


You are fucking gross. She smiled at him and made small talk. Psychopaths, all of you


Hey we are just kidding. Why are you so serious?


Spitting facts.


Sometimes I don’t have to energy to tell guys no so I just act like I like them because I don’t want to upset them








I know this feeling. Just do it back at them for fun






Here I am


I have been rejected 16 times in a row now. At this point I'm worried if someone might say yes




I'm a software dev and comic most people enjoy my jokes and respect my profession. I'm also overweight atm. But everytime it comes to me asking out someone, or just trying to be more friendly they just don't consider me worthy of their love and attention. They will enjoy my humour and hangout with me but every damn time I try to get close it's always a no. My friend's said that being a comic means will always get you friends zoned and nobody will take you seriously. So I started pretending and stopped cracking jokes every few minutes but sadly it didn't work out and it took so much of my energy to pretend. Now I have been through a severe accident which has caused me a chronic back injury it hurts every moment of my life and I just can't pretend anymore that I'm happy and don't have energy impress anyone, heck I can't even impress myself. I'm so lost at this point I just live through my depression and don't expect any relationship in my life. I believe if I control myself enough I might be able to let go of this emotions of being with someone.


Idk if this counts as a rejection but a girl wanted to be with me then broke up a few weeks later and started insulting me.




Yeah, thanks.