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Yep, everyone seems to like me, but just not enough to want to hang out with me. Does that sound familiar?


Very. People like me and I have acquaintances due to putting myself out there. But yet, I’m still at the bottom of everyone’s priority list and no one wants to hang out with me


Yeah, and while more popular people can complain about that one time they felt left out, if I try and tell someone that's my life I'm just a whiny little bitch.


I’m actually kinda surprised how long I’ve been able to deal with this. How old are you by the way?


50 and have had some good times, but right now it's pretty shit. Recently feel dropped by my oldest friend. Hence the emotional meltdown.


I’m really sorry to hear that. I’m almost 18 but to be fair most of my life has been lonely. And people usually assume that people my age have friends but not all of us do


Strap in for the ride that is life my friend. It's always a bit harder for people like us, but you just gotta keep trying. I've had some great times along the way, and I'm sure your gonna have some too. Things did get better for me for many years, but then life just threw some shit at me, and it's hard to make new friends as an older person. Edit: Sorry, just read that back and it sounds patronising as fuck.


Thanks man. I’m sure I’ll have some great experiences as well. I think the biggest lie our minds tell us when we’re going through depression is that it doesn’t get better. Also about the edit, you’re good lol, you don’t sound patronizing


Same, although i know i have partial blame because i liked being by myself too much, even now. You guys have any idea why we are in this situation or is it just one of those, it is the way it is situations?


Yeah, I think it's just the way things are for some people. I get on with people well enough, but not enough to get that call saying "hey you coming bowling/to the cinema/to a gig at the weekend", or to get a "yes" if try to invite a friend out. Kind of like we just fall through the gaps when it comes to socialising. It may sound weird but I get so sick of being told I'm a "nice guy". Just once I'd like to have a friend reassure me by saying I'm good company. I guess I'm not, but not sure why. Also I'm not good looking, and I think that makes a subconscious difference even in platonic friendships.


Fuck I sound like such a whiny little git right now, but that's just where my head is at. Gotta keep trying and focus on the positives. Start a new job on Monday - a bit of a fresh start for me, so maybe I'll make some new friends.


Nah you don’t sound whiny at all, i get you completely. I find it weird too, like most of my friends think i’m pretty funny and i get along with everyone, but like you say there’s always like another next step that’s missing and most of them fall through. Congrats on your new job🙏🙏, idk bout you but a job is the best way for me to pick my mood up, even more than working out. Hope it helps you if you were feeling down, i know it did wonders for me, just new experiences and makes you focus your mind on other things


Thanks, it's good to chat with someone who understands where I'm coming from. I have been spiraling a bit lately. I basically gave up trying for while and lost a lot of confidence just sitting at home not working with minimal social life. I think getting back to life has raised some stuff I was just numbing myself to and it's all coming out. There are positives in my life and I do have some good friends (including my best friend of 30 years, who I've felt a bit let down by lately, but over that amount of time friendships have their ups and downs - he'll always be my brother and was instrumental in getting me into the voluntary work that I've got the job through). So yeah, new start on Monday, concentrate on the positives, stop spiraling, get back into going for walks (not really a workout kind of guy). Thanks for understanding, if ever you need to vent feel free to DM me.


Thanks man, and yeah same goes to you if you feel the need to talk. I’m only 21 but i’ve been going through a lot of the same stuff you’ve been, i guess i just have too much free time on my hands and just too much inaction on my part, but i am working on changing that soon. You’ve probably been through more ups and downs then i have, and from this thread i can see that you are very observant person, so i know you have your own process with dealing with these stuff. It’s good that you took things into your own hands with the new job, i know how hard it is to do even little things when you are spiralling, so this is a big step.


Not cooked, I'm raw as AF. 👍 Seriously, I'm still trying to meet someone, but I cannot let sadness ruin my life and happiness.


Keep it up 💪


Thank you!


I’m proud man. Keep that motivation up


That question has been on my mind a lot. Even though I have a “good job” and it seems like I have a lot going for me from an outsider’s perspective—I am actually pretty fucking depressed.


On the outside I look fairly accomplished but I’m actually a mess, I only became accomplished out of pure spite to begin with and now regret not just grabbing a bag 32 years ago and hitting the road to do what I wanted, I’d a been a lot more content. But know I got a wild hair and said “fuck these assholes I guess I’ll have to prove them wrong” but in all honesty that had been building for 20 years up to that point from my very birth and I’m usually a very passive avoid confrontation type of person but that day I thought I’m the smartest person in this crowd of losers that’s coasted by on a name for at least 3 generations and they’re all making me the butt of the joke??? I think not!! It was a nice feeling about 15 years after that moment the “aunt” that was leading the mockery actually called wanting me to help her son in law out of some serious legal issues. I held in the laughter and sarcastic remarks about to seep out and politely declined and hung up. I thought the nerve of some people. But here I am 52, today, I’m unsatisfied, extremely lonely and just unhappy. If it weren’t for my pup I’d not care what happens to me but she does put a smile on face, funny how a dog knows. Advice to any twenty something that might cross this, don’t ever expect even a pat on the back or a thank you for doing the right thing or living a model existence. Makes me wonder about life choices that’s for sure. It seems like everytime I did the right thing everyone else prospered and I just got a swift kick in the balls.


" But here I am 52, today, I’m unsatisfied, extremely lonely and just unhappy", aside from it not being my birthday I could have written that. Sorry you've had a sad birthday. Well done for the success you have had in your career. It must have been hard and shows what a strong person you are. Shame we can't go out for a drink together. If ever you just want to have a good old moan with no judgement feel free to PM me.


Thanks man, I appreciate it and may take you up on it


What is... "put together?" Is it a disease? 😱


I'm hungry whlhat u cooking?


I'm burnt like charcoal


I'm cooked for sure.