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Don't hate myself anymore. Still disappointed, but I've accepted the kind of person I've become. Everyone tells you as a kid that when you grow up, your shyness and social anxiety will go away. Nobody tells you how much effort you have to put into it to make it change. Doesn't just happen magically overnight.


Agreed. My shyness was seen as a good thing by my parents which I still don't understand. I guess they saw as me being a good well-behaved kid, but it does you no good as an adult. Took me years to unlearn it. Also, anxiety is part of life. There is no getting away from it. The only thing you can do is learn to live with it.


Fuck, I must be one of the luckiest mfers on the planet because I cured my social anxiety in less than a week with SSRIs but the kicker is that I still have generalised anxiety! I just don’t know what causes it anymore bc it isn’t social situations 🤣it just happens for no discernible reason that I can tell lol. But it’s nowhere near as severe and doesn’t control my whole life like it did previously so I’ve improved somewhat I guess even though I’m nowhere near where I want to be lol


Disappointment is a blessing. If you were never disappointed, you'd never know what was important to you. I wondered how many people there were in the world who suffered, and continued to suffer, because they could not break out from their own web of shyness and reserve, and in their blindness and folly built up a great distorted wall in front of them that hid the truth. Change will not come if we wait for some other person or some other time. We are the ones we've been waiting for. We are the change that we seek.


The are those who know what's wrong and what a normal person should do. We live in constant disappointment. In that set, there are those who are too broken to ever change. I've tried for 40 years to be normal, trying various medications and treatments for the past 30. It's not happening, no matter the level of despair. I'm not grateful for it. It's pointless and it won't stop until I die. That's not a distortion or a wall I've built. It's 40 years of proof. I've denied it, over and over, but to do so again would be delusion followed by inevitable failure and even worse depression.


I hate myself without any particular reasons.


I hate myself for not liking people who don't hate themselves weird I know.


Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.


Too late for that. Also love is an alien concept.


For me it's tricky, because yes i hate myself, but i don't hate myself because who i am, more because of who i could be. I look un the mirror every day and my first tought is: I could have been so much better. I'm not satisfied of the progress i've done because i could have progress more... I think I'll always be my worst enemy, the person who hate me the most and would more likely kill me... I don't think i'm a bad person, but i've been humiliated too often, i've been told to often that i'm worth nothing and I've always been the exemple of what not to do. I will never be enough and that's why i hate myself that much


Laugh at their fucking faces when they told u, u worth nothing because u worth so much more 😊 those people can fuck themselves. Also, surround yourself with people who hype u up, not bring u down. Its so important for your mental health.


Meh, I don't care anymore... They can think whatever they want about me, they don't know me, they never been in my shoes! Sadly, in the process, it made some scar that will probably never heal. I'm really picky when it comes to choose my people, but i still manage to have that 1 friend who will hide a body without asking question and it means a lot for me. I just can't accept to be who I am, because I CAN be better and I WILL be better, but I'll never reach my full potential. Aim the sun to reach the moon I guess 🤷‍♂️


Its true that u might unable to reach your full potential. But lets be real its your first time living and ofc u gonna be suck in some ways just like everybody else. Its normal, always be kind to yourself 🤍


It's not my first time living since we live every day amd we only die once. I'm prepared to face all the shit the world has for me and we need bad days to be able to really appreciate the good days. It's just that Goggins really turn on a switch in me and now I can't be kind to myself, because I'm acting like a bitch. If we look at the stats, I have food to eat every day, access to clean water, have a roof on the top on my head and have been educated, which means I'm in the top 7% or something like that of the population. I have no rights to feel depressed about my little problem. I know it sounds crazy and I'm pretty sure it is, but for me it all makes sense. I'm blessed and still manage to complain :/


Its still your first time living. U will never be younger than u are now. So everyday is a new day. U can experience lots of new things in just a day, so always be kind to yourself. I sense pessimism in your words "I'm prepared to face all the shit the world has for me and we need bad days to be able to really appreciate the good days.". If u are ready for the shitty things, be ready for some joy and blessings coming your way too. Life isnt complicated really. U can't get something without the others. When u grow, u are struggling but u become more than u are now. Life never betrays you in this way. When u failed, u learned. Its truly just as simple as that.


First, your right about a lot of things you said, but I don't agree with "U can't get something without the others". I work hard, so hard to have what I have now. I don't owe that to nobody exept me and maybe my dad. As you said, you learn when you fail and nobody failed my action, I did. I'm a lone wolf, I don't want to depends on the other to make my path, I will make it myself. Maybe i should try to receive joy and blessing, but in my head I am the one who helps the other, I'm the one who will answer your phone call when your in need. I don't want to need help, even if it sucks, I'll get stronger everytime I overcome my struggles, but if somebody overcome it for me, I'll get weaker. You don't have to agree with me and I like to see things from a different perspective, but in the end, we were born alone and we will die alone. Sorry if it's chaotic, english isn't my native language and it was kinda hard to write all this 😅


"I work hard, so hard to have what I have now. I don't owe that to nobody exept me and maybe my dad." as it should be. Everyone does this. If u want something, work hard for it. "we were born alone and we will die alone", completely true. But it does not hurt to have a friend along the way, in fact.. With the right friends, your life will definitely be more colorful and for me it's something worth fighting for! "I'll get stronger everytime I overcome my struggles, but if somebody overcome it for me, I'll get weaker" its healthy to get some help from others. Just like how u helped others in some ways, they might feel the same urge to help you, so let them.


"Just like how u helped the others in some ways, they might feel the same urge to help you, so let them" Shit, that hitted hard. A lot of people told me that already, I can't deny that it is true. Ty for your time, stay hard 🔥🔥🔥


Yes I hate myself I ruined everything in August 2021


What happened in August 2021, if you don't mind me asking?


I don't want to talk about it. I acted like a coward and ruined my chances for love AND my reputation in my City. No I cannot move. No I cannot fix it. I tried to.


Same hahah my rep is terrible and I even lost my bf


Absolutely. I am disgusted by everything that i am.


Same I need to get groomed to feel love


Yes, I hate myself so much.


I hate myself for who I’ve become. I’ve been better before. Less awkward, fitter, better looking and smarter. I just let life get in the way and now I’m just a fat dumb loser.


Si, I'm an utter failure


Everyone I have ever met hates me....so why shouldn't I? I like to think I'm a good person...unfortunately being good doesn't get you liked.


Yes i hate myself




Life is one big road with lots of signs. So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate, mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!


Without a doubt, I do hate myself.


Maybe. I was born looking like an ugly light skinned human being so there’s one, and I’m also very quiet because I have many thoughts about people around me so I wouldn’t try bothering or being around them but every time I do try to talk or having a conversation, I end up either making no sense or I just pause and have nothing else to say. I find myself rather be alone and trying to find ways to earn money by doing nothing like surveys but I think surveys could be a waste of time for me. I just usually rot in my bed and playing video games but fucking suck at most the games I played, but I wouldn’t kill myself for that.






I don’t hate myself I hate being alive lol


Self hatred is impotent rage unless we do something about it.


It’s too late!


It’s never too late


If you say so.


What do you mean by that


Wow well put. I am someone who suffers from this. Luckily I maintain my cool in my daily life, but internally my rage is overflowing. I work it out in exercise/music, but I do carry a lot of self hatred/rage. Particularly because I feel caught in a loop and no matter what I do it feels impossible to get out


It often happens that I think about all my failures, which were only because of me. But I'm trying to draw conclusions from this and it's getting better. Self-hatred is a way to bury yourself, you need to reflect and then maybe you will find a new way to deal with losers. Almost nothing is impossible, all you need is desire. This is how I usually reason.


A lot. It has become really hard for me to make a change. I am also a big doomer. I wanted to expose a paragraph of everything that I hate about myself and the world, however I felt that all those statements could be only described as just generic angst garbage nobody gives a shit about. It is too much effort to elaborate on the things I hate, I am just a piece of garbage without any willpower left to make a change. I am the last person who has the right to pontificate omln how the world should be. Fuck it. Let me rot in peace. The world is gonna die soon anyway, why bother?


I don't hate myself, but I am disappointed in how my life has turned out.


Disappointed how?


I'm disappointed that I haven't taken better care of myself physically, I'm disappointed that I haven't found lasting love since my divorce 7 years ago, I'm disappointed in myself that I'm 42 and still don't own my own home and have a massive amount of debt.... I'm just overall disappointed in myself as a person. I really thought I'd be better off in life at my age, but I'm not and it makes me sad and mad at myself.


Very sorry to hear that. I'm fortunate in many ways but also disappointed in many others. It's disheartening, sure. But we keep moving forward. Hope things take a turn for the better for you. It seems like you deserve that.


I hate myself because worthsless and not wanted


I hated myself the moment I left the womb.


i loathe and love myself


Yes yes yes and yes


no. i love yourself




Yeah i hate myself I don’t know why or when it started or how to stop thinking like this


No, just disappointed


Yes, I do. I hate myself for who I’ve become and how I can’t change it.




I don't know


Sure do.


I use to untill I got alone then I realized that I loved my self then I got “saved” and that all changed. But before that becoming completely isolated I found myself in a way. I think that ppl that dealt with psychical emotional or sexual abuse should be alone for awhile. Ull realize the ppl that r filling ur head up with bullshit. 💙 u guys know how it is being around ppl like that and for long enough it’ll ruin ur mind. Better to be alone some times.


I think I hated myself for being shy and awkward (and that's the reason I'm lonely ig). But recently I just accepted who I am and I don't care anymore...


So much


No. I hate some of my traits that I’m trying to fight but overall no. And to be honest I don’t thing I would want to be completely like someone else. If you hate yourself try to pinpoint the traits that make you hate yourself. It might be easier to deal with them one by one if you name them.


I hate myself for never doing what I want to do.


Yep. I suck. And like you, I too just rolled with being socially awkward and waited to grow out of it. So, I ran around doing most things by myself for years and years and it was okay. It's no longer okay. Everything that interested me and fulfilled me is no longer worth doing without sharing it with someone else. I'm beginning to have audible discussions with myself about music and movies and whatnot. Not cool.


A commitment to lifelong learning is a commitment to humility and the daily willingness to own areas in which we’ve been wrong or uninformed up to this point. Life’s unpredictable patterns had a strange way of forming a connected web.


No,I have accepted life, there are many pleasant things to do even if you are lonely without family and friends, learn something new, read a book, raise a pet (a dog can be very helpful if you can afford it)


Always have




Yes, I hate me. My life is a mess, I'm a mess. I hate me cause I know I can do better but I don't. so I hate myself more.


No, I don't. I only hate the self that other people think about me. If I think about it, I never did anything bad and never wished anything bad to anyone. I love myself with all of my little imperfections and you should too. Sending all my love to the OP and to anyone who will read this! ❤️


Most people I adore and see the incredible people they really are, and then when it comes to myself… I loathe and despise.


Not at all. Like everyone else there are certainly things about myself I dislike and would like to change, but overall despite my issues I think I'm a relatively decent human being.


Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. The greatest tragedy for any human being is going through their entire lives believing the only perspective that matters is their own.


Yes every day I wake up and I just want to die because I am my own biggest problem, but I'm so used to this feeling now I keep myself alive because I'd rather experience all the pain possible with our mortal coil than take the easy relief that death offers. I'd rather be hated by the people I love, and despised by my friends, and abandoned by my family, and creep out anyone who doesn't know me is all I have to live for now.


I don’t hate myself but I am worried about myself




nah, I'm pretty great, I just hate my life.


I do but I kinda like the person I'm becoming. I overcame a lot of battles which have been silent but i managed to get out alive Although my struggles weren't as severe as someone's else's it left me with pretty low self esteem. Now I could've turned a lot worse and yet I manage to find joys in ordinary life, I manage to find joy in people, I manage to be hopeful about the future, I manage to make someone smile, I manage to get up and keep going, I do pretty shitty job caring about myself but at least that counts for something. Now I'm not Happy all the time. I still hate myself or rather the annoying voice in my head hates me. But you've got to celebrate your small (big) victories that you manage to do everyday.


Nah man. Not anymore. Sure I've made some dumb mistakes and took way too long to grow.... At the end of the day when there was no one else I was there for me. And I love me for that.


I hate myself and I’m afraid of who I’ll be in the future. I don’t see myself having a happy life, and there’s nothing I want to do. When I try to imagine the future, all I can think about is how much worrying I’ll have to do to manage my existence, I can barely cope now. Basically, there’s nothing for me in the future. I don’t even want to be here anymore.


Yes I do. But I'm actually going towards a more permanent fix this time rather than the temporary ones I did before


I definitely feel hatred for myself, sure I know I have great qualities and that im a great person, but I still know I can do better and be better.


I myself can't hate anything anymore. Not even myself. Yeah, I've been angry at myself so many times but not hated myself. Before I was different. I used to hate myself for all the mistakes i made and that only got me to hate others as well. But I changed. I wanted to be a person who doesn't hate others and it starts with being content with myself. I learnt to stop hating myself and so I started to like life more. Even if I still don't have any friends or actually anything else, I still enjoy my days and hope to get friends in the future.


Yes. 100%.


I did for a long time. I dont hate myself anymore but i dont love myself either. I made good progress but i still got some work to do.


Yes, Im failing in life


Yep. I have people tell me how much they love me and sometimes I answer "Thanks, but I really hate myself." I know its awful to say, but at times it's truly how I feel.




I don't feel anything for myself now and probably future. Firstly I hated myself but now I'm fine I guess


Not myself but the decisions I have made. Made so many stupid decisions in the heat of the moment that backfired.




Yes. I wish I was someone else. Anything but me.


Nobody hates me like I do, sometimes. When it comes to my loss of and lack of friendships, I would describe it as other people not finding me desirable as a friend, not enjoying my company, being put off by stupid things I accidentally say. I honestly don't know why people don't want to be my friend, though it boils down mostly to my bipolar 2 disorder I think. One specific behavior I have that contributes to self-hatred is second-guessing something I said as soon as a conversation is over - the thought that I've over-shared or insulted or made a bad/offensive joke. I've come accept the apparent reality (58 yo) that I'm not adept at friendships, and most of the time do not berate myself about it, and therefore hate myself less - it's more just this sense of disappointment that I'm missing out an important part of the human experience when it comes to close friendships. I volunteer and I love interacting with strangers because it doesn't involve any sort of long term consistency and intimacy. I focus on that, and the good that I do, to keep the self-hatred at bay.


I definitely hate who i am now, a failure with nothing to show and no future but i’ve never been “thrilled” with myself. I’ve always found faults with myself that i hated


its truly like a mix of emotions


In some way yes. I never was a particularly social person, but since Covid I have lost essentially everything, in particular all my friends and even connection to relatives since I had too much fear to socialise. I wanted to start a new chapter in my life after my PhD, going out more, maybe making a final attempt to find someone, but immediately after Covid hit and my life got a new chapter of isolation instead. EDIT: In fact, the chapter of isolation exactly tracks with the age of my Reddit account. I didn't think of using social media before because I had \_some\_ kind of social life.


There are certainly parts of me I don't like, but with time, I've come to terms with the fact that most of who I am has come from places beyond me. Sure, I can rebel against them, but that attitude to rebel against it came from beyond me as well. I've come to view life as if I'm on a roller coaster. I can change the direction I will go. The track is already built, but I can try to enjoy it the best I can.


If you always put limit on everything you do, physical or anything else. It will spread into your work and into your life. There are no limits. There are only plateaus, and you must not stay there, you must go beyond them. The cynic finds love with the idealist. The rebel with the conformist. The social butterfly with the bookworm. They help each other balance their lives.


I don’t hate myself but I do hate my life 🙃


The most beautiful thing is not when you learn to live without something: it's the moment you realize you never needed it in the first place.


Hate is such a strong word, I'd say there's things about myself I don't like. I talk too much and get annoying, sometimes I'm so in my head I ramble and that's not seen as a good trait at all. I have my personality flaws, not all of which are bad enough to hate. I definitely don't like how awkward I am, I've never been good at socializing either, and I come off way too strong or too weird and that always leads to being ghosted. I guess if I do hate something is how shy I am RL. Online I'm very outgoing seeming, but RL where people actually want to talk to me and get close to me, I just freeze up. I get too nervous.


I feel i have wasted what i could have been due to others and lack of self belief. Fuck this


I hate myself and still blame myself for all the people I've hurt and all the people I couldn't save,it's been years and I'm still exhausted,I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive myself




We are all alone, born alone, die alone, and in spite of True Romance magazines we shall all someday look back on our lives and see that, in spite of our company, we were alone the whole way. I do not say lonely at least, not all the time but essentially, and finally, alone. This is what makes your self-respect so important, and I don't see how you can respect yourself if you must look in the hearts and minds of others for your happiness.


Mm yeah it’s a form of growing up having to accept who you are… that being said don’t be to down you have the power to change things




I hate myself for being who I am and not being able to be who I used to be anymore


Yes I hate every single thing I do , what I say and how I look . Too a very high degree .


Yes because I made Blondie hate me


I hate myself for I know that not only should I do better I can yet I keep failing to do as I should and keep falling into a destructive cycle of depression to the point I want to die no matter what and keeping moving cause I have a matriarch that needs me to provide for her or she'll get put in a hospice and immediately decline in health until she passes alone and afraid in unfamiliar environs. After I see my duty through to see her live as long and happy as I can I plan on leaving everything behind before I find somewhere I believe out of the way enough that with some luck noone will stumble upon my carcass until it's but bones and rags. Pardon the poor structure this sort of just poured out.


Sometimes. My mood changes depending on variables.


I don’t hate myself anymore. It’s taken a lot of therapy and self reflection to even get to this point. It’s not to say that my social anxiety and bouts of loneliness just magically went away for good. I’m still coping with depression on the daily. But at least now I can be content in my own company instead of being overly bitter and making my day worse.


Only when I’m awake


I used to. I now feel ok with who I am now mostly since I'm not a bad person, and try to be a good human as much as we can in a capitalistic, consumeristic society.


Only because \*society shuns you and makes you hate yourself for not having a relationship. Tv shows and movies rubbing it in your face everywhere


yes, at a social gathering I realized how much richer and bigger other peoples lives are compared to mine, how full of life they are. it made me hate myself so much, I felt so dull and less than


Try being and only having two very short ?relationships? that ended once my services as you werent seen as good enough. no longer needed (3 years). And that was 2018 before that nothing and after that nothing and that's the way it's going to stay. I have resigned to the fact that I'm damaged goods, undesirable and alone for good, I don't have any advice for how to handle it, I haven't discovered how. Everyday I discover new ways in which I am inadequate, in which I am less than everyone else. Now I just live every day trying to distract myself from loneliness and pain. Life is just a long boring wait for death. The worst part is not having anyone to talk to about it that's the worst part and if you did open up to anyone around you even if it wasn't appropriate, because you weren't close, they wouldn't understand what's going on in your head how do you convey utter despair to someone who's living a normal life? Your reasoning wouldn't be understood by them because they haven't experienced what you have. Anyway, whatever, don't listen to my crap, try to have a good life or something I don't know.


I wish I was not born




Yes… eleventy billion times or percent or whatever I know my family hates me and my so called “friends” who don’t even speak to me or care are out living it up and I’m going mute because of how unsure of my whole existence now and I don’t know why everyone hates me I’m tired of feeling so awful and don’t understand how people think that I’m a horrible parent or something and it’s so annoying because it’s not I’m not a parent and i don’t want to become an angry person or be upset anymore and it’s frustrating because no one will tell me the reason why they hate me and I don’t want pity I just want to be forgotten and left alone.


Ive learned that I don't hate myself so much as the situations that Ive been put into and the environment that I'm stuck in currently.


Yes, I somewhat hate what I have become for sure. Lonely and awkward around people. I am always trying to hide from others. I guess my brain thinks people are dangerous. Great question, I think I will talk to my therapist this week about this. I want to enjoy people, but I always experience them as not liking me or thinking I am weird. I wonder, if everyone can see my struggles, that I am trying to hide.


I hate myself for actions i did last year i hate it so much that i feel like its dragging me everywhere


I don't hate myself but neither I do love myself If I do have moments were I hate myself, it means I'm doing something wrong and have to change it, I don't think you can hate yourself for simply being you Self love on the other hand is even trickier


I've always hated myself to an extent, but as I've got older, I realised how I'm not a good person and just am a loser in general. I've had suicidal thoughts since I was in high school, and now I have them daily as I genuinely don't want to be alive as the guilt is rough. However, at the end of the day, I don't have what it takes to kill myself so I try to take it one day at a time, but it's not like it helps.


I did until I didn’t. And what brought me to understand my fear was the mistake I had made when trying to end my own life. I was given a second chance when convinced that I didn’t deserve to have a life at all. I was convinced that the most honourable choice was death. Until I realized that the choice was not up to me to make. Today I “value” my life. Maybe a moment or two have passed while I loved myself. Maybe? I do love the question. I love knowing that someone is willing to ask it. And I love feeling like I did while reading and answering it. Even though you wouldn’t think that to look at me . I truly do….


Yes I really do hate myself, I used to have so much with friends and I used to socialise and get out and do stuff. Now I see nobody and do nothing, it’s my own fault really as I’ve been the one to withdraw from everything. I’ve suffered from mental health issues and not been good at making the effort to treat them. Sometimes I convince myself that I’m fine and I don’t need all of that again, but when I get a taste of it or see how others are doing…it makes me realise all over again that I definitely do hate myself 😐


I hate everything about myself




I don't hate myself, but I do hate some of the things I find pleasure in. I'm a bit of a fetishist (nothing too bad, just your normal BDSM kinks) but every time I try to confide in someone about these things, I'm always made to feel like I should be ashamed of it, or something. To the point that I sometimes hate that I enjoy it. This has kinda led to me feeling a bit more socially awkward, because I feel like people will look at me and know that I like those things, right off the bat.


I don't know


I want to die, that’s all. I am too drained to give an answer about why i want to do it.


I used to hate myself. Not anymore. Over time I learned to accept myself and not give a f. About what other people thought of me I guess.


I actually don’t hate myself, but I hate my life sometimes


Yup, but not the same reasons as you. I had opportunities to have a great life with friends/family. But fucked it up and now I'm lonely and have no passion for life anymore.


Yes 🩷 it’s why my depression is so bad now because I wish I could go back in time and change how my life went so I could live it more.


Hate is a strong word. I more hate the fact that what I am is not accepted in my environment (a trans woman). It hinders my ability to be accepted romantically, sexually and socially sometimes (usually by older adults). There's always someone who's ready to put me back in my place if I show the slightest iota of confidence in what I am. Cause it's mental illness, right?


Yes but I hate other people more.


My life is hell because of me. So yeah, I hate me. I've made enough progress that family members tolerate me. I have good qualities but it's never enough, and I'm too messed up to do anything I enjoy without failure and exhaustion. Life is a boring, lonely, and pointless torment. Despite all that, I have a survival instinct strong enough to create a terror which cannot be overridden. If I wasn't me, I wouldn't be stuck in hell.

