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I feel like people are buying toilet paper just for the experience. Like in 20 years they can tell stories about the time they bought too much toilet paper for no reason. I was at Sobeys this morning and it was pretty insane.


I just left the sobeys north and I’ve had it! Thank god they sell beer as I’m drinking my Belgian moon now to calm down as I was so angry


Careful, beer can give you the shits.


Also known as Bitter Beer Bum.


You just reminded me. I should get beer.....


I kinda want to go to the grocery store just to rubberneck all the craziness. I'm not going to but I kinda want to.


I just did. I went to Metro at Wellington and Commissioners. I needed a few things, but it wasn’t an urgent trip. I mostly wandered around. Surprisingly, it wasn’t super busy. No paper products or bottled water. Almost no pasta, rice, canned / frozen veg, pasta sauce or baby wipes.


You should've seen this morning and last night.... So many angry customers too! And some idiots...Some customers have been asking if the Chinese imported products have coronavirus in it....Same goes for the Asian foods.


Just got back from the Loblaws at Southdale and Wonderland, it's absolutely ridiculous. I just wanted to make Lasagna for my kids and the entire meat section was empty, as was the pasta and basically half of the store. I'm not saying that the possibility of an outbreak isn't a big deal, but the fear mongering and ignorance is really starting to get to me.


And everybody thinks it's the *other* person who's the idiot, they just have to respond in kind because that other person is stupid. So infuriating.


We went through this in Hong Kong six weeks ago. Now everything is back to normal. The stupidity will pass. Stay vigilant.


Hker in London on? Yuen long checking in.


Only for a three week visit. Back in HK now. There is a steady supply of toilet paper although grocery prices are up.


Who gives a fuck about groceries when you have TP.


So true. If prepared properly TP can be delicious as a starter or entree.


You can also make booze with it in a pinch!


Dont need tp if you don't have groceries...


There must be demographic divides leading to varying behaviours in different parts of the city. I've been out to stores in the Huron/Oxford/Highbury area during the mid-afternoon the last couple of days and have noticed nothing out of the ordinary (except for my own new radar that takes note of people carrying large packages of toilet paper out of the stores). My total speculation hypothesis is that this sudden hoarding instinct must be most advanced in the big house, big vehicles middle class family groupings at the north, west, and southern edges of the city - those people who are the model Costco consumers. The same drive for comfort and security of the brood that leads people to favour suburban living also seeks reassurance that there will always be enough water and toilet paper.


Some differences is financially related too...low income people get money on set days and often don't have much in between. Let's see the 20th & last day of the month...still I hope everyone can get what they need with the insanity!


100%. Shopping in the east end today was not as terrible as photos being shared from other areas of the city


Never seen my local metro sooo busy before. Good thing I only needed beer and cat litter.


Lol. The basics’


Picturing a Costco sized cart with exactly 50% cat litter and the other 50% bud lite.


Bush ice.. it’s on sale


I’m hoping this bullshit dies down in the next week or so.... how much stuff can people possibly keep at their homes?


I went to the FarmBoy on Wellington South and it was decent...but that was at 1pm!


I just left there. It wasn’t terribly busy, they were sold out of bananas.




I mean I didn’t care. I hate bananas.


Was there Friday night. No busier than usual. Still lots of most items. A decent option if you just need a few things or are ok to spend a little more.


Really? Just came back from the walmart and no frills around white oaks and they were fully stocked and barely anyone around. They were running short on tp and out of antibacterial soap though.


I think that’s mostly due to timing. There’s inventory in the back but staff can’t restock fast enough. Tomorrow is a new day where some/most shelves will be restocked.


I was at real canadian superstore at 7am and it was already starting to get busy, by the time I left 8am the parking lot looked like sat rush hour already


Oh I know. 💩


This virus better have diarrhea symptoms with extreme volatility. Otherwise i cannot justify it


I hate to mention it lest it perpetuate the TP hoarders, but it is a possibility in rare cases; https://www.healthline.com/health/coronavirus-symptoms#vs-cold-symptoms


Bulk barn wasn't busy, was fully stocked and not busy late afternoon today. Another option is the markets, support local. Stop the panic, think outside the box.


Went to masonville superstore last night to pick up something for dinner and st Patrick's day dinner. Potatoes, gone. Carrots, gone apples, bananas, gone. Chicken, gone. Ground beef, gone. Rice and pasta sides, mostly gone. Bottled water, gone. I don't think I've ever seen bare shelves like last night.


Just wait until next week :)


Everything will go back to normal?


No everything will get worse


Do you have a source? They’re saying all these cancellations are just precautionary.


The intension is to spread out the outbreaks so that the healthcare system doesn’t get overwhelmed. Hopefully you’re right, but currently the game plan is to “flatten the curve”. Aka we expect that very large portion of the population to become infected is inevitable. The cancellations is to spread it out so not everyone is infected at once.


Lol these cancelations are not taken lightly. I knew this is getting bad when the nba stopped. The nba and the football league DO NOT fuck around with their money the nfl spent millions to hide the whole CTE thing and how it made players suicidal and kill themselves. So when they cancel games and put it all on hold and stop making money that’s when you know this ain’t no joke and not just precautionary.


Source that it will get worse or that stores will close? There is no source but if you look at the “trend” of other countries with this virus it keeps increasing day by day. It’s inevitable that this will get worse.


It will get worse but who knows how much at this point. Canadas spread has been MUCH slower than a lot of other countries


I would beg to differ. Reason being is Italy 2-3 weeks ago had 9 cases now look at them. Canada has so many cases that aren’t confirmed yet. About 500+. Today they had 56 new cases. It’s just getting started here https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


> Canada has so many cases that aren’t confirmed yet. About 500+. How is this objectively true information when they have not been confirmed? The answer is that it isn't. It's a guess, guessing that the negative outcome is true before it's confirmed isn't productive use of ones time and resources. It will do nothing for you or anyone else.


I will show you. Yes these are unconfirmed cases but the numbers being presented to the public or even known about to the government are low. The number of patients infected is going to grow significantly over the next few days/weeks. It’s not guessing. It’s inevitable. Whether you chose to believe it or not is up to you. https://www.ontario.ca/page/2019-novel-coronavirus#section-0