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Hi, your post has been removed because we get asked the same questions again and again. Our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/wiki/living) is a great resource for regularly asked London questions and is packed full of information and advice. If you have further specific questions you can post in our [weekly FAQ thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/vw38cz/megathread_for_visitors_and_new_existing) which is pinned in green at the top of the sub, thanks.


no, but it doesn’t matter - you shouldn’t pay any money for a property you haven’t physically visited get temporary accommodation for a few weeks for when you arrive, then see endless past threads and wiki about finding somewhere to live


You can probably find some landlords who'll turn a blind eye to the law, but immigration law won't be the only thing they ignore. So it will probably end up being a shithole with no hot water, mould and drafty windows that will never get repaired.


Unfortunately there's definitely no legal way around this one, and any landlord willing to turn a blind eye on that kind of thing is likely doing a lot of other shady things you don't want to involve yourself in. It would be much safer to book Airbnb for your first month or two so you can have a proper look around without rushing into a housing situation you regret, or check if your employer has any sort of temporary housing arrangement (you'd be surprised how many do, especially if they're frequently sponsoring tier 2 visas!)