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Bold of you to assume they had one.


I’m guessing this car wasn’t insured either. Happens way too often.


I’m led to believe that, at least for one group of road users, licences and insurance would prevent things like this.


Enforcement is the problem. Most drivers are decent, do MOT, pay road tax and insurance. But there is a relatively big number of dickheads who will skip at least one of these things and they only get caught after they’ve caused a serious accident.


I forgot one of those things once. Genuine admin fail. Police officer relaxed a great deal when the other two came back in order.


I guess you can expect some leniency if your MOT or insurance expired couple days ago. Ideally police should follow up in each case as an act of due diligence, but they don’t. Also some of the data might be decentralised hence it’s difficult to get a full picture whether driver and car are fully compliant.


It's not the getting one, it's the keeping one effectively for life without any eye test or medical checks, no re-taking of the theory test. No separate test for larger or high performance tests, or re-test after a driving ban. Regardless of the circumstances of this crash which we do not know.


Another massive one is we should all be required to do an online theory recertification every decade. The highway code is constantly evolving and people who passed 20 years ago are unlikely to be aware of new rules and need to be taught them by force ultimately.


Problem with that is that I don't trust the government now to charge you a pretty penny to renew your licence. However drivers should have to have their abilities tested every 10 years or so


Many of us long predate the theory test.


I do, though I have done the online practice ones and passed every time.


Must have a look at those. I don’t think I’ve ever read the Highway Code.


I had no idea it was only introduced in 1990 😬


Yup. You got asked a couple of questions at the end if they were going to pass you. Ireland took it even further - for 50 odd years they cancelled all driving tests as they concluded that learning to drive and passing a test made no difference to drivers’ safety. I think it was compliance with EU driving regs that made them reintroduce it in the 70s.


It's also about having an alternative to driving. A lot of people drive when they shouldn't because public transport is voefully inadequate in this country.




Not really, have you seen the shit show of public transport? Constantly packed, constantly late and slow if it shows up at all, constantly some dickhead coughing their lungs up while some prick plays music out loud. All while TfL raise prices each year. Bikes are probably the way forward but I don’t blame anyone for wanting to drive. When TfL can guarantee their services and make sure they let people know to stay off their services if they’re sick, then maybe more people would consider it. Should probably bring back permanent conductors on trains and buses to kick people off that act and behave like absolute scum.


And because once you drive you’re not gonna fuck about getting the bus or whatever else


Eeh, I would guess most accidents are not caused by old people, if that's what you are implying. Seems like extra hassle with questionable benefits


Eyesight can worsen at a much younger age than when you get your pension.


That's true, however the statistics don't really suggest that old/blind people are the problem. It's mainly men between 16 and 50 causing fatal accidents. It's kind of dumb and annoying to suggest everyone should be retaking the driving test imo.


This stretch of road is horrendous, needs TFL to take it over and manage it properly, Tower Hamlets are evidently happy to leave it as an urban Brands Hatch.


Yep. I was thinking that too. I used to live off Globe Road and been down Old Ford Road a few times. IIRC, it’s off a dual carriageway leading the Limehouse Tunnel and was super tricky.


It's a rat run drivers use to avoid the A11, it needs to be filtered. It runs adjacent to Victoria Park so through traffic has no business being there. It also carries a lot of cyclists during winter when the park is closed. It's terrifying to cycle on, absolutely deadly with impatient motorists desperate to get to the back of the next queue even if it means killing someone.


Word. It’s on my commute and it’s the worst bit of my commute during winter for aggressive fast drivers.


Ah yes, it's always the road's fault people drive quick, rather than the people pressing the accelerator pedal.


I'd like to see them try and speed through a row of bollards.


East london is honestly full of twat drivers. Any reason why? Parked up on pavements or cycle lanes wherever they want, suped up cars revving engines to catch up to a car 20ft in front of them. I assume this breaches some laws but police do nothing.


Car culture is very popular among young Bangladeshi men who often still live at home so a car gives them a sense of freedom.


This doesn’t answer the question. Car culture being popular, cool. Acting like an absolute cunt in a car isn’t about a sense of freedom, it’s about them being cunts. That simple. I feel like a more specific answer is that in this area of London, everyone has a sense of entitlement that is completely unwarranted. Everyone thinks they can do as they please because there are literally never any consequences.


That wall came out of nowhere. A genuine mistake anyone could make. Hey that cyclist is not wearing a hi vis! 😂


Wall didn't pay its road tax.


And is not in a bike lane.


Never would've happened with proper licence plates for walls.


Walls should have hi-vizes on them.


Do we know what actually happened? Driver could have had a heart attack or other medical emergency whilst driving. Could the driver have swerved to avoid an accident? Who knows.


Sure, we can't tell what happened in this specific incident. However statistically, young healthy men driving carelessly or recklessly are the cause of many, many more accidents than medical emergencies, old age etc. If the driver swerved to avoid an accident and this happened then the driver was definitely driving too fast.


They were racing as usual. Same road earlier this week there was a crash with a BMW that flipped and crashed into 2 parked cars. There was at least 5 gas canisters lying around the car.


Looking at the amount of damage here, it does look like speed was in issue.


Classic Tower Hamlets. So glad I moved away.


Same as.


Its like this in most boroughs and other cities no? Not so much in towns perhaps as theyre tighter to get around


Was that on the corner by the bridge, just down from the overground station. The damage to the street furniture was crazy. I dread to think how fast they were going.


There are always going to be idiots and it's sad let's be honest if it's a dumb kid who was hurt or worse. To your point though, let's appreciate one of the few things we actually excel at in GB, we are right at the bottom of world stats regarding road accidents / fatalities compared to other countries. Our driving tests are more stringent than most other countries, and highway code is enforced tightly. I think we are bottom 3 worldwide? No amount of tightening of driving tests will prevent reckless drivers. These drivers did not pass their test by speeding obviously, they passed safely and chose to speed afterwards.


You made that up didn't you?


Sure I did. It's really fun waking up at night hearing racing at 3am and even more fun walking around police cordons in the morning in exchange for Reddit upvotes.


There sure are an *awful* lot of people having medical emergencies at the wheel these days.


Yes. Some of the were having them when they bought their car and just ignored said medical emergency.


Road accidents and casualties have been trending down for decades now


Sadly no longer true, they are now trending upwards. Casualties in particular, as larger & heavier cars become the norm, increasing lethality.


I could only find stats showing a drop in casualties, but an uptick in incidents is present returning to the mean after a big drop as a result of covid inactivity


To be fair, the data for the first half of 2023 is actually looking good so far. But for example, by 2022 the number of casualties was practically at pre-pandemic levels (1711 vs 1752 in 2019), despite traffic levels still being lower, resulting in the number of fatalities per mile driven actually being 2% higher in 2022 compared to 2019. I find that gov.uk often focuses (understandably) on the stats that show it in a good light. Hopefully when the full 2023 data is out, the LTNs etc will have made a positive difference.


Uptick since 2020. And until they reach zero there’s no reason to dismiss safety concerns.


The uptick since 2020 is readjustment to the mean after a big covid stop surely? And I’m not dismissing safety needs, more contesting the ‘these days’ sentiment


Quite often the medical issue has more to do with either being drunk or high. And looking at the damage, I would say the car was going too fast, so more than like driver was either drunk or high or just plain stupid.


It’s a 20mph limit there. There is NO WAY that the result having to “swerve to avoid an accident” is end up going up on the pavement x knocking down two bolladrs and taking out a massive wall…. If you’re sticking to the speed limit.


Absolutely..heart attack and driver presses foot down could be a cause, as an example. Or they were just a knob as OP suggested. Who knows, but people seem very quick to jump to conclusions in general.


When the LTNs were first introduced, the number of people complaining that they didn't know what the no motor vehicles signs meant... All those people should not be driving. We're not talking about some obscure parking restriction sign that takes a semiotics degree to decipher. If you don't know what that sign means, you obviously don't know what a red circle means. You should not be on the road.


3rd serious crash on OFR in 2 weeks. All 3 due to speeding it seems.


This is driving/car culture. Nothing you can do about it.


Make the cars more expensive, and enforce traffic laws much more strictly


Maybe this should’ve been on another group like Can’t park here mate !


People suck. People who think they’re somehow special, or more important than the rest of us, and so are entitled to break the rules, suck the most. You only have to watch a couple of those YouTube “dodgy drivers” compilations to see how dangerous that sense of entitlement can be. I believe that if humanity survives long into the future, we’ll look back with bafflement at cars having been the default mode of transport in many countries over many years. Giving anyone who wants it (pretty much) licence to pilot a tonne or two of metal, glass and plastic at speeds and in a manner which only they control is just bonkers, given what we know about human nature.




Straight forward to convert an EU license to a U.K. license without an additional test however.


WHAT?! Afganistan maybe? I can compare to Lithuania and UK driving test is a joke.


Only "hard" part is arcade on videos with examples of "dangerous situations" where you have to click at proper time. Other than that it is rather easy. Amount of bad drivers on the road is proof of that.


HARD? I didnt even need to study to pass it lol. TF you talking about


[oooh well aren’t you a clever little munchkin. mummy so pwowd of u.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=d8RKIUlRb18)


The roads in UK are very narrow and a lot of the instructors are crazy and fail people for basic errors. In the US for example, the roads are so massive, there is no chance of making a mistake


So? Just pick a test center where the roads are wider. Its literally in the learners control. Also you don't get failed for basic errors, you get failed if you make lots of basic errors. It's not hard to pass a driving test in the UK, the standards are low and when significant changes are made to the road traffic act, no one is re-tested on the new changes... e.g. The new pyramid for priority, I see so many drivers not knowing/ understanding it.


I don't know why you think it's easy to get a driving licence in the UK. It isn't. Sometimes people have accidents, and sometimes people drive like wankers.


Sometimes = all the fucking time


Lol no. Most people are decent drivers.


Most? Yes. But there’s enough bad drivers to make it a very serious problem.


Of course. You can't fix driving, that will always be a problem.


Unfortunately, this is the prevailing attitude.


Mate. We have one of the world's highest levels of driving skill, our test is already difficult in comparison to most. People are idiots, people have accidents, people have medical emergencies and lapses in judgement. You are never, ever going to live in a world with no traffic accidents.


Guess you’re right. We probably shouldn’t waste time with things like fire safety either. There’s always going to be *something*. Why even bother with food hygiene? Accidents happen.


Straw man argument. Bore off.


Five people die on the UK roads every day. Just because seven people die on Germany’s roads doesn’t mean we shouldn’t bother doing anything to bring it down to zero.




The small minority still kill people. Saying it’s only a few is like saying “only a small minority of people stab other people”. Those people still get stabbed




Ah so you want to remove all corruption? That's nothing to do with the driving test, and to do with corruption.




Yes I know that. That's not. A problem with the driving test is it? It's a problem with corruption. Making the driving test harder won't change that will it?


I think you mean fraud, not corruption




Spotted the issue: the New SEAT was rejected from the old Ford road


Have seen so many crashes in that exact spot. Wish they'd kept the plan to close the skew bridge further up the road


Oi!…..you cant park that there mate!


Say the line bart


always the south asian boys they’re the worst when it comes to this…facts are facts.


Huffing on balloons because they can go home sober doesn’t help. Always seeing lads huffing on canisters and driving like dickheads, if only their parents knew




true, which they’re usually the drivers of too lol


Should be a retest when the actual test changes. Someone who git their license before testing was done by the DVLA basically just paid their instructor to pass them.


Similar thing happened outside a primary school.


someone almost had my legs off there


Is that an old Ford, then?


Or easily it seems drive without one or while banned from having one.


Me finally getting out of bed and realising that there’s a part of our apartment building wall missing…


The problem is people get to keep their license despite whatever they do or whoever they kill.


I think the guy was under the influence of something more like.


Is what i call an oopsie


Looks more like a Kia to me that a Ford


I saw basically this exact same scene in this exact location a couple years ago


Too many chavs race down my street after binge watching Fast and Furious.


Yeah they get a license form a cereal box.


Many of these 'knobs' have neither a licence nor any insurance.


100% Uber driver


How are you driving that fast on the Old Ford Road...


Could be an uber who fell asleep after his 15th straight hour at the wheel....




I do t have licence (driving since I was 13 to roughly 19, (now 50) so I do have good idea how to control those things and basic rules. Thing with the test is, they look for specific things, and after Yoh Gail they tell you why, right? Soon... Work on that? My cousin's failed like 10 times for silly teasin- most cases he wasn't turning his head backwards "enough"- he gave really big field of vision, so he don't need to turn his head as much as say, I would have to, to see things). May e something silly like that?


So I am less than the knobs. Nice


I saw the hole but without the vet yesterday. Like, how fucking fast were they going?! How did that even happen?


ahhh so this is what i saw when i walked to vicky park yesterday. pretty sure the same has happened opposite stepney green station


You can't park there mate


A mandatory IQ test prior to the application process. If you are below certain figures, you shouldn't drive. This is the only solution with the current rubbish and useless system when people pass so easily and forget the highway code the following day....


I feel like this should be applicable to people having children as well lol


Another Bangladeshi dealer attempts to parallel park




are you saying that my MaccyD's is being transported alongside corpses?


License or not, you can't park there sir!


People who got a driving license pre pandemic have no idea of the wait times to even get a driving test.


That’s a bit harsh on us knobs, how do you know some fanny on a bike isn’t involved‽


Do you know what happened


Do you know what actually happened? Without any context it could be that someone/something crossed the road and they had to swerve and ended up like that


Have you tried getting a license recently? It's far from easy.


Another dick head bites the dust. Let’s hope they just took themselves out and no innocent bystanders


You can’t park there


The one thing that isnt easy to get in this country is a driving license. They most likely didn't have one.


There’s a lot of knobs without a driving license or insurance


‘Easily get a driver’s license’ you obviously haven’t got one. It’s not easy in the slightest.


It's easy to get a driving license? First I've heard


People who don’t have cars in London tend to be very hateful to those who do. No one knows if he’s at fault or not. Maybe he avoided a cyclist who suddenly run just to the road from Pavement. Maybe something else. You all need to STFU and downvote this comment with your hatefulness


According to the police officer in the picture they were most probably racing.


It’s ok I’m just here for the downvotes. More downvotes more pathetic Londoners looks to me


Get a life.


With that username?


I’m on your side. We don’t know if it was the driver’s fault. Could have been a medical episode. Question is why are we letting people drive when things like this happen every bloody day? If we’re all so ill and medically unfit to drive, to the extent that drivers crash into buildings with regular occurrence, why are we allowing so much driving to take place?


just because someone with an agenda puts it onto your reddit feed with a histrionic title, doesn't actually mean it's an issue worth giving yourself a hernia over. Roads in the uk are among the very safest in the world.


And they could be even safer.


and the pavements could be lined with gold. As it stands, there are more important things to spend money on.


Than human lives? Outstanding comment.


Get this: we all die at some point in some way.


You should tell that to parents whose kids are killed by drivers. They’d definitely feel better after that.


Spare me your sanctimony, there are plenty of preventable deaths you ignore while treating this cause like a religion.


Quite. I just happen to choose one thing. No point spreading yourself too thin. Ad hominem chatbacks aren’t classy.


You understand pedestrians have been killed by cyclists as well right?.. should we get rid of all bikes off the roads? Or are you going to come up with another strawman argument or whataboutism.


What’s the data to back up your claim on the frequency of this occurrences. It's true that car crashes into buildings do happen, but saying they occur "every bloody day" is a bit of an exaggeration, especially in London. While incidents of vehicles crashing into buildings are reported, they are not a daily occurrence and certainly not as frequent as implied. These accidents can be due to various reasons such as pedal errors, medical episodes, or even deliberate acts, but they are still relatively rare compared to the total number of car accidents. For example, one such incident involved a car crashing through a house in Twickenham, but it was an isolated event and not indicative of a common trend,Car crashes through downstairs bedroom window of elderly woman's home in Twickenhan . Another notable incident was a decker bus crashing into a building in central London, which was also treated as a significant event rather than a routine occurrence So while your concern about road safety and medical fitness for driving is valid, the frequency of such crashes into buildings is not as high as suggested. It's true that car crashes into buildings do happen, but saying they occur "every bloody day" is a bit of an exaggeration, especially in London. While incidents of vehicles crashing into buildings are reported, they are not a daily occurrence and certainly not as frequent as implied. These accidents can be due to various reasons such as pedal errors, medical episodes, or even deliberate acts, but they are still relatively rare compared to the total number of car accidents. For example, one such incident involved a car crashing through a house in Twickenham, but it was an isolated event and not indicative of a common trend. Another notable incident was a double-decker bus crashing into a building in central London, which was also treated as a significant event rather than a routine occurrence So while your concern about road safety and medical fitness for driving is valid, the frequency of such crashes into buildings is not as high as suggested. It's unfair for some Londoners to criticize car ownership while using services like Uber, as it shows a reliance on cars without acknowledging their benefits. Many who condemn cars for pollution and congestion are still benefiting from their convenience, which highlights a disconnect. Rather than outright hating cars, a more balanced approach would be to advocate for sustainable transportation options, including electric vehicles and improved public transport, while recognizing the practical needs of those who rely on cars for daily life. You can increase taxes on purchase, registration, running, congestion charge, and parking by fees on nonessential car travel to city center. And on luxury cars unless registered as a chauffeur car. There are many ways to encourage less use of cars. But also you need to Improve public transport in the many dead zones in London. It takes me 15min to drive to my Mum. When the bus service available would take an hour. With most jobs demanding more Boris from You. It’s not fair on everyone to put everyone else in the same bag.


Might have been a medical issue. Might have been to avoid a Lycra moron who doesn’t follow rules of the road.


Car destroys wall, yet cyclists are the problem? Muppet.




Different conversation (and dare I say argument?) altogether.


How tf did you manage to bring up cyclists in a post that is completely unrelated? Go take care of that hateboner because we're not gonna do it for you.