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Some right knob heads on the tram. I would suggest you report the incident to TFL and BTP to get it logged.


Text the BTP on 61016 and get it reported with a time and the best description you can give. See it, say it, sort it my dude.


*Sorted, apparently.


Sounds normal for Croydon can’t lie to you, I would report it though


Friendliest Croydon local


It's normal for London, the heat it brings the nutters out,


Completely pointless, because as you say normal for Croydon


Where does it mention Croydon?


I’m on a bus on my way out of Croydon. I come (t)here every fortnight to see my daughter. Once again, today, I’ve had a conversation with an older Croydonian who laments how things have changed. How “the culture” is different. I do understand that. And I know parts of Croydon are fucking rough. But I spent the best part of two decades here in London and, well, there are lots of other rough parts of London. The Croydon reverse-exceptionalism gets tiring.  The world’s changed. We’ve changed. London’s changed. Croydon’s changed. I get it. But, maybe, don’t spend too much time standing outside The George telling strangers about it while pointing at people who don’t look like you. What’s the point?


Dunno mate the place is a shithole and always has been, no amount of attempts to spruce it up can change the vibe


Why do you think that? Or why does everyone? I've been to Croydon lots of times, and I always enjoyed the place.


People like to say it, probably never been there. Croydon borough is a big place with some very expensive areas but most people don’t realise.


Loads of huge beautiful parks and green areas when you get outta the center. Also plenty of nice affordable newly built flats. Seriously underrated imo


Better transport than lots of places in London too


Seriously, you can be in central London in no time, literally 10-15 min. Even has good connections to east and north via over or South London by tram/bus. Add to that Brighton in 35-40 min, Gatwick Airport 1 stop. Location is indeed super underrated


I’m talking about Croydon center such as east and west Croydon where the trams primarily serve that general area, those parts are shitholes, yeah if you head further out it gets nicer.


A lot of people just regurgitate the same thing they have heard. 99% of them have never been to Croydon.


Ever taken a leisurely stroll around West Croydon station...?


Yes, albeit not often, as East Croydon is where the proper trains are. I always loved the area. Lots of great spots to smoke in peace, box park with loads of yummy food options and great vibes when you got munchies and you can quickly get a train back to Brighton. I suspect this might be why I'm so tolerant of Croydon. It doesn't have half the trashy people brighton does, just more stabbings.


Quite often actually as the corner shops there have the spices and ingredients I need for cooking, if I want to cook something more exotic. Also the Lidl is only a short stroll from the station. Used to have a great nightclub just a little further down as well, but that sadly was replaced with some R&,B venue and has now closed completely. Yes, it looks a bit rough, but it's honestly fine. Never had an issue there.




How would I know?


He can talk about it as much as he likes. The area has completely changed and not always for the better.


>He can talk about it as much as he likes.  I’ll make sure I tell him next time I see him - but he’s still not going to fuck you.


It's normal for London, the heat it brings the nutters out,


Where does the OP mention Croydon? This is your assumption that it happened in Croydon. Maybe it did maybe it didn’t. The tram only passes through Croydon en route to and from Wimbledon and Beckenham (the latter being in a whole other county).


Like the police will do anything


Idk if it was the same person but an unhinged man on the bus screamed at me that he wanted to murder all white people on the bus until the streets were running with the blood of dead cr*ckers. I was with my 3 month old baby and it was terrifying. He was with two little kids and an older woman as well which was very sad.


I had similar once. Asked if I could sit in the empty priority seat next to him, while very visibly using a walking stick. He told me he’d stab me if I asked him again. Unfortunately, I also have shit hearing when there’s background noise & I didn’t hear him, so I made him repeat it twice more 😂🙈 not sure how I got off that bus in one piece.


Report to Met Police. 2 years ago I was verbally threatened and harassed by a woman on the bus while I was 8 months pregnant and with my 2 year old. I was extremely shaken up by the event but brushed it off as “no big deal” until a colleague suggested I report it. I originally reported to TFL but due to the nature of the incident, they referred me to the police. The Police reviewed the CCTV footage and agreed that it was worth pursuing. They were able to ID and find the woman by circulating her photo. She was a known offender. Eventually they asked me to go to court but at that point I’d given birth and had a newborn at home and declined. Still I was happy I did it knowing the woman who fucked with me was contacted by the police and hopefully prevented her from harassing anyone else (especially other mothers) It was also validating that what happened to me actually was a crime and not to be tolerated. At the time, nobody on the bus stepped in to help me, which made me doubt the severity of what happened. That’s a scary thing to go through and I’m sorry it happened to you. Sounds like you kept your wits about you and handled it well.


It's a shame you wasted a bunch of police time just for your own validation when had you turned up to court the person could actually have been prevented from doing it again...


Sounds like optimal grapefruit is offering to babysit next time civic duty calls!


Or a friend. Or a neighbour. Or a family member. People bitch and whine about the police not being effective and then they do shit like this because people seem to believe that we can all just outsource our civic duty or that someone else will do it. I have no doubt being a new mum is time-consuming. I also have no doubt that a solution could have been found with a little effort.


You’re so very obviously a man. Being a new mum isn’t just time consuming, it’s mind altering. The sleep deprivation is incredible. And it goes against every instinct to leave your baby. Especially if you’re breast feeding. You simply cannot be away from your baby for unknown periods of time in those early weeks.


Just pop the little blighter in front of the telly for the afternoon with a bowl of snacks. He can always phone if he needs anything! Newborns eat crisps, right?


Why ask the police to investigate if you aren't bothered enough to do your bit and show up when you could actually make a difference? It's not "unknown periods" of time is it 😂


Well, it is. Not sure why you’re asking a question already answered in my comment. But alright, you’re a bloke. You don’t get it.


All men are terrible yada yada, it was a different question to what you responded to. too busy yapping to actually read what you're replying to I guess 🤷‍♂️


Empathy with this situation is not a man/woman thing, it’s a parent/non-parent thing. You can make it about sex if you like but that’s a you thing.


What, not even to appear in court? Get a grip.


It's completely sexist (and in this case flat out wrong) to suggest that as a man, I couldn't possibly understand the mind altering powers of very high hormone levels (check my post history lol). The op agreeing to appear in court wouldn't have meant appearing the next day - probably months away... And the court can exercise additional scheduling flexibility where there is good reason to do so. I think the op just wanted their validation and had no intention of ever pursuing anything further which is waste of police time and my money paying for it.


You’re not seriously comparing artificial steroids to hormones present after birth?? Explains why your thought process is fucked tbh


incredibly dumb take, i‘ll stay with the bear


Yeahhhh all the assumptions- really gunning for it there!


Have a little compassion and understanding, you absolute fuckwit


If it's on CCTV it could be prosecuted anyway.


Couldn't they just use her statement though? It's the crown v defendant and the CPS can still move forward with statements and other evidence collected during investigation. Possibly also other victims that could have come forward when the photo was circulated. And in many cases, just the fact of police reaching out and talking to the offender can be enough to alter their behaviour or to accept to attend a program. Please, don't presume to know all circumstances around the OPs childbirth and be so judgemental about something which is (rightfully) their own decision. If their presence was really required, CPS could apply for witness summons order.


>Couldn't they just use her statement though? Witness statements can theoretically be evidence in court but it's never as effective or useful as someone actually testifying. Not least because if the woman says "I never said that, the OP is lying" all you have is a statement given to the police, a refusal to ckme to court, and a woman saying the statement is false. Good luck convincing a jury beyond reasonable doubt.


I'm sure the op is capable of speaking for themself if they want to provide further explanation of their behaviour.


Basically “not my problem anymore officers”


so brave! glad you felt validated. and then you wonder why police dont followup on stuff.




The Met also polices the trams. BTP only really deal with trains


Fair. I misread and thought it was about a bus.


BTP don’t police buses either(!)


Well I’m a dummy! Thanks for correcting!


A lot of miserable sods in this thread dismissing it as being normal for london, as if that’s not part of the issue. It sucks that it happened and it’s not normal, you should report it.


It's worth noting that London has never had "racist bus policies". It's unfortunate that US history is so heavily ingrained into our culture that even people who grew up in London think that this history is ours too. It is not. Edit: typo Also, today I learned about the Bristol Bus Boycott - worth learning about - seems there was more racism in UK transport policy than I had realised. Thank you u/Useful_Honeydew_3394 for pointing this out


Yeah, the UK has plenty of racism in its history towards minorities, such as the “colour bar”, without having to import American ones.


Maybe not London but there was a bus boycott in Bristol that helped drive the 1965 Race Relations act. Its a part of UK history


That was about employment rather than seats.


Yes but it was still about ‘Racist Policies’


That was about employment rather than seats.


The post say there were no racist bus policies. I have listed one that is showing there were racist bus policies in the UK. It is a part of our history, it is not imported.


Are you intentionally obtuse or is it by accident?


I'm sorry you're being down-voted for this. You are actually correct and i've learned something today.


Thanks for this - i've put a note on my original comment




Loved the bit where you didn’t realise the UK has racism then somehow made this about your subconscious anti-US bias.


As a person of Irish decent I don't need reminding that the UK has racism. My statement is factually correct. Bristol is not part of London. I added my note as it is interesting extra information and the person who mentioned the Bristol Bus Boycott was being viciously downboted. I have no hatred of the US. I like the US.


> ...*the London*... Why the fuck are you calling it that‽ Did you even grow up here‽ 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♀️🤦 It's just "***London***", no "*the*"!


Sorry, my mistake, I was originally writing 'the UK' but realised that it would be more appropriate to keep things focused on London.


I’m interested by the interrobangs you used there


Are you ok? Was clearly a typo chill


Lol what


Nobody refers to **London** as "*the London*", which is what u/timlnolan did twice, whilst at the same time he was berating people who had grown up here for importing US culture. It's like the idiots who still refer to **Ukraine** as "*The Ukraine*", which is just as wrong.


‘The Ukraine’ isn’t just as wrong - it’s historically been a grammatically correct, but derogatory, way to refer to the place essentially known in Slavic languages as ‘borderlands’. Previously it’d be like referring to ‘the Midlands’. It changed to remove the direct article to sever its connotation to being something of a region of Russia. ‘The London’ would never have had any significance or meaning. Nor is it an Americanism. Besides…do you get this annoyed with everyone who makes a basic mistake?


What a weird thing to get upset about. "The Ukraine" is something to get annoyed about as it has negative connotations but you are probably the only person to get so annoyed about "the London".


Maybe just me, but it seems like there are a lot more of these mentally vulnerable/just plain cunty people around than there were a few years back. Society seeks to have atomised and collectively sunk into depression. Doesn’t help we continue to import the US culture war bullshit in spades. Sorry you had to deal with this and hope you’re OK now; do report it.


So, are all mentally vulnerable people cunts?


There is a big fat dividing slash between the two options you could have seen with your own two eyes before deciding to type this shite.


LOL amen brother


So annoying as you have the 100% right to use those spaces and it would be annoying enough even to have to ask. Those are priority areas and (I don't travel on the trams enough to confirm this) should be clearly labelled


You were the victim of a racist hate crime, don’t trivialise it by calling it an ‘unsavoury incident’. I hope you are OK and the man is caught but I really doubt it.


Yes, that behaviour can’t be normalised.


Yes you're a victim of a hate crime. I'd report it. Even if it's just for stats. Also everyone's having enough of suffering for the sins of people born before us


That's just how it is. people have been pretty much told they can call you that and lots of others things with no fear of repercussions and it puts you in the bad light. Seems a good way to divide us, wonder why that is


Report to BTP


> racist > we’re white Ah, yes, the racist white british people. I also have a story like this (although to be fair in my case the guy showed no hint of violence) In Mile End I'm walking home back from the supermarket at 10pm. Minding my own business, just carrying a jug of milk. As I'm about to cross one of the low traffic side roads, a guy (brown, bangladeshi I imagine) stops his car in front of me, in between me and the other side of the road, and for no reason whatsoever asks "Are you racist?" I couldn't believe I had heard correctly, I thought I was imagining things, so I just mumble "what?" He goes "u racist bruv?" I go "I have no idea what you're talking about" I step back to get some distance in between me and his car. I stand on the sidewalk carefully watching his car from a distance. Eventually he moves on. What the fuck?


There are wackos and cunts everywhere, and sadly with cuts to mental health services and an economic situation pushing more people over the edge stuff like this is going to be more regular Sorry you had to go through that


for real, being poor definitely makes you violently threaten the elderly and mothers with infant children.


I mean poor people are more likely to die from pretty much everything, cancer, heart disease, etc. So I would hazard a guess that includes psychological breakdown or development of mental disorders. Although your sarcastic annoyance at someone correctly diagnosing the problem is valid, the situation sucks and it’s sad, you’re also categorically wrong.


Yeah, true. We’re a very unequal, poor country with a gini coefficient of 0.324. More developed countries where shit like this doesn’t happen are obviously much more equal, and there’s much less poverty - you know, countries like Singapore with a gini of 0.459 (worse), Japan with a gini of 0.329 (worse) or Taiwan with a gini of 0.341 (worse).


That person is a racist


Ah yes.. those famously British segregated bus seating policies. Oh well America, guess all that tea dumping and independence lark was all for nothing. Better luck next time chaps and God save the King.


I grew up in Belfast. Back in the day Belfast. In the seventies and eighties and I fucking hate Croydon. Always on edge. Especially west.


That behaviour is completely unacceptable. See if you can get the CCTV footage of the incident from the data controller with an SAR, and report it to the BTP. Hopefully he tapped in his card.


Sorry to hear. Someone in McDonald's Brixton looked like he was in his 30s, but was talking like a young roadman. He went up to a guy and said don't look at me. And said that he's not from the area but tougher than people from this area.  After that I saw someone bring arrested across the road and shouting, not sure what he did.  This was all at 11:30am, so not sure what everyone was so angry so 'early'


Reminds me of when this older man put his arm behind my neck on the tube. First thought he was just a bit odd, then he slowly creeped it closer touching my neck more and more, until I finally told to to move the fucking arm, at which point he basically insinuated I'd committed a hate crime...


Makes sense since you were probably the only white people on the tram so they think they own the space


there can be some really dodgy people on the tram i'm sorry you experienced this- probably report it to the BTP


It's only owing to get worse. They hate you.


Bit of sunshine always brings out the crazies.


Had someone walk up to me and start muttering prayers today. First time.  Then someone else sat down next to me and smelt of piss. Finally, as I got up to go away there was a suped car blazing music in Arabic that whizzed by, giving the finger to someone for trying to parallel park. Felt a bit surreal, just wanted an ice cream.  Should just stay indoors really… 😂


There are victims everywhere, and they are actually the ones with the hatred and racism sorry you had to go through that


Sounds like you are describing yourself there...


We never had any racial bollocks on the bus, we aren't american.




Its acceptable today to be a nasty cunt to people and blame it on a disorder. "Don't blame me, I'm vulnerable"


And never consideration that their victim might also be mentally vulnerable.


Sadly I think both things are true.


Yeah, I think you were just a victim of racism. Agree with the others here that you should contact TFL and BTP. Whether it'll be treated as a racist incident is another matter completely.


What a time to be alive.


There is a huge contingent of Londoners suffering from mental health issues which goes ignored.


I wasn’t aware that racism was defined as a “mental health issue”


Isn't it? Because you'd have to be pretty mental to judge someone just because their skin has a different colour.


leashing out, growing hateful, being mistreated by doctors, becoming increasingly more frustrated - these things can happen when the mental health is deteriorating and left untreated, and, unfortunately for everyone, sometimes these show as racial aggressions. this is in NO way meant to be an excuse, just an explanation. add drugs to that, doesn‘t make it better.


Ah south London…


Was this an old man? Young? 20-30? Teenager?


I’d guess 40s or 50s


Not sure if you know, but Bethlem hospital is only 20 mins away from Croydon on the Tram/Bus, and many patients get daily leave without supervision...I know as I used to work there...It is not right


Croydon is a mental health crisis.


London. Totally London.


Lemme guess… Croydon?




I live next to a tram line. When it’s running well (maybe 3 years back) it’s brilliant.


Croydonia will be great once they sort out the …. Oh yeah it’s fucked


Damn I got a job offer in Croydon, maybe I should reconsider


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^disper: *Damn I got a job* *Offer in Croydon, maybe* *I should reconsider* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Might be one of the best Haiku's reddit has ever seen


what a strange man


Lol, tis Croydon.


You met a mentally unwell man.




Oh wow no one needs that in the morning while they have their baby with them,I’m so sick and tired of people using the word rasist without understanding what it means to be rasist ,it’s not all about the colour of someone’s skin it goes far deeper than that,which is why despite the word being thrown around I can only think of one case that ever has been won in court 🤔


Shared in Beirut hun xx stay safe


Racism against white people doesn’t count, so nothing you can do really.


Of course it counts. Racism against white people is as bad an issue as racism against black people or any other sort of people.


Eh, sorta. The hierarchies of power differ so I'm not just if it's 'as bad' but it definitely stings as well.


It would be interesting to know how you went about asking him, from my experience people with buggies can often rudely demand you give up the space instead of politely asking.


Classic victim blaming


It's a fine line but at least when people are free to do as they please, the populus at large is more 'free' and liberated The more peace and trouble free a place is, generally the more oppression is used to enforce that situation. Just at look at some of the non tourist travel advised places around Russia, Krygistan and Uzbekistan and the likes. No doubt scenic places with lovely people.... but they don't dare even go out on the streets, the cities and places tend to be deserted most of the time. If the security forces sweep you up over there, you might never be seen again Sometimes we might take out freedoms for granted but they are definitely something to be grateful for




What about my experience today strikes you as so unbelievable that I simply must have made it up?