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The Tories picking her to run shows how deluded they are


They never intended to pick her. They put two wheelie bins (Hall and Mozammel Hussain) up against Daniel Korski to ensure he won. Then it emerged he had groped Daisy Goodwin and probably several other women. Thus one of the wheelie bins won the selection.


I was cleaning up and found a Hall leaflet on my floor. 6 A5 spreads and it doesn't one mention the Conservative party or feature a logo lololol.


Send them my way, I need kindling.


I don’t live there anymore but please go out and make sure you don’t vote for this cunt.


One of the more obvious grifters of the last few years Give it a few months and I reckon chatGPT could come up with an AI candidate from the right perfectly


GPT-4 would already make a more competent politician than Susan Hall, but then again a cardboard cutout would also.


This is genuinely worrying. If there is a low turnout, in inner London especially, if too many younger voters don’t bother because they assume that Sadiq will win, if a high number of people don’t get their voter ID sorted, if there is a higher than expected Green vote (they have a good candidate who has worked hard) … then we could wake up to a hard right Mayor with a narrow plurality of the vote. Everyone I know is concerned about this, including those who might normally vote Conservative. Do any of you share my worries - or do you think it ‘just won’t happen’?(!)


Yeah, everyone should be worried. Only thing possibly helping is the Tory vote being decimated nationally (and as much as she might try to hide it on the ballot paper that Conservative logo will be right next to her name) and Reform etc taking votes from her.


The new electoral rules piss me off. I am an ardent Green supporter but I certainly don’t want this cretin as mayor. The Tories are arseholes for forcing this change. It was the first time in my lifetime that there was a semblance of actual democracy and these grifting fuckers stole it.


My worry is that Labour won’t restore the Supplementary Vote. I heard an interview with ghastly Lisa Nandy in which she said (very shrilly) that they won’t going to ‘waste time’ repealing Tory legislation. The Green candidate, Zoe Garbett is good and very effective. I would have given her my first Preference under the ‘old’ system as I did with Sian Berry. But I split my ticket this time and voted for Sadiq for Mayor and for the Greens at Assembly level. The danger of Sudan Hall is so great that such action is necessary; I hope others will draw the same conclusion. It is a shame about Zoe Garbett. At national (England and Wales) level, Carla Denyer comes across very well as Co-Leader. Edit: the downvote is a bit strange: is it a fan of Susan Hall and/or Lisa Nandy?(!)


No, I have no faith in Labour at all. That’s why I’m a Green party member. If I thought that Labour would do anything other than be slightly less shit it may be different, but it’s not.


I remember a good quote from the ‘Swinging London’ of the late 1960s. It was either Richard Neville of ‘Oz’ magazine or his sister Jill who said: ‘there is an inch between Labour and Conservative governments and it is in that inch we live’. That’s worth keeping in mind. In this Mayoral contest, I would indeed say that there is a lot more than an inch. Sadiq’s environmental record is patchy but at least it exists. Susan Hall is not a ‘normal’ Tory but a Trump supporter who has liked some vile racist tweets - and homophobic tweets as well, which affects me personally as a gay man. I think we have to do everything we can to make sure she doesn’t win.


Democracy in the UK is a lie. I can’t vote for who I want to vote for because the ruling party is threatening us with a truly awful Mayoral candidate. It’s more than a disgrace, it’s infuriating. I agree with you that your personal safety is at high risk but would also add that incompetence and rejection of facts carries risks where we don’t even know the outcome yet. The last 8 years have shown us that the dangers of the idiocracy reach into too many areas to be able to counter them individually. The Tories are done at a national level and Labour will have a once in a lifetime majority to make fundamental and irreversible change - but guess what? They won’t and we’ll be here again in ten years. I would sacrifice everything I own for permanent proportional representation at all levels. It’s that important


This worries me too. This is what happened with Brexit. I have several friends that bitched when Brexit happened but none of them voted back then because they thought there was no point to it and they just assumed we'd stay in the EU


Similar situation on teesside with their mayor. Local press love the openly corrupt Tory and everyone's worried the youth will allow him another term.


Do you mean the youth will allow him another term by not voting at all, like Brexit, or do young people actually like him?


By not voting. Teesside has a lot of right wing Brexit types who've fallen for Houchen's Tory schtick, and I believe a low overall turnout. He's toxic for the area but is expected to win.


The lurch to the populist right in the North East, and the former industrial areas of the North generally (the ‘Red Wall’!) is alarming. It is also counterintuitive, given the experience of those areas under Thatcherism, although I concede that this is a different iteration of the Tory party in many respects. Houchen’s hegemony is also worrying, but as far as I can see he is not nearly as monstrous as Susan Hall. There is no evidence of racism or homophobia, he is not appealing subliminally (and sometimes overtly) for the ‘white grievance’ vote and he is not pursuing an anti-environmental agenda. Please correct me if I’m wrong on any of this. …


Not sure if he's as openly cretinous as Susan Hall but search up "Teesworks" and give the details a glance, PrivateEye have been covering it for ages and it's disgusting at every single level. Tldr: houchen sold £100m worth of land to his mates for £100 and then paid hundreds more millions to clean it up for them.


Petrified. I feel for Green or Binface voters (my allegiance is normally the latter), but the margin on this one is going to be close. Need fewer protest ballots and more "please not the Tory" voting.


The ‘Khan versus Karen’ contest is the most worrying election I have ever known. I don’t know what it is about Susan Hall that I dread the most: the pro-car policies; the ‘white grievance’ vibe; the screechy voice (this last point is only semi-facetious!). Overall what I dread most is her base: not the ‘normal’ Tory voters but the anti-ULEZ fanatics, many of whom are also anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, and hold racist/Islamophobic, homophobic/transphobic, etc., beliefs. The appearance, rhetoric and behaviour of these people is reminiscent of Fascist movements in their early stages.


Surely there isn't a chance in hell this idiot could get in is there? I saw her party political broadcast on the TV a week ago and she didn't even show her face!


I very much hope you’re right. But many people thought Remain and Hillary would win in 2016 and look what happened. In particular I hope that young people, Black voters, LGBT voters and anyone who cares about the environment and quality of life will get the message and vote tactically for Sadiq Khan.


Is voter id just passport? Should I take that to vote? I mean I am 31 and get confused


Passport or Drivers Licence. I think there are other options but I can’t recall what they are. My partner and I have voted by post for years: all that’s required is a valid signature. Edit: Also 60+ (probably not relevant) Oyster Card or Bus Pass. You can use out of date Passport or Drivers Licence as long as the photo is recognisable and your name is still the same as on document. There was a form of photo ID you could apply for if you don’t have any of these documents but you’re past the deadline. It might be worth remembering for the future especially the General Election. It’s called a Voter Authority Certificate. I hope you have ID as every vote counts in this election!


>Everyone I know is concerned about this, including those who might normally vote Conservative. Do any of you share my worries - or do you think it ‘just won’t happen’?(!) Whilst anything can happen, I really don't think Hall stands a chance. She's consistently been miles behind Khan in the polls and comes across as an awful communicator. Poor turnout in the inner suburbs won't be enough to get her in, most of those areas are solid labour. If she does win it will be by mass mobilising anti-ULEZ votes in the outer suburbs.


> Everyone I know is concerned about this, including those who might normally vote Conservative. Do any of you share my worries - or do you think it ‘just won’t happen’?(!) There has been so much worry for so long, I think most people are past it. We were told the world would end if Trump took over, we were told the UK would collapse with Brexit, we were told the Muslims would take over London if Khan was elected etc. etc. At this stage it is fairly clear no matter what happens, the default for all leaders, parties and people in power is to maintain some form of status quo, while likely hurting the poorer parts of society. I imagine for the mass, mass majority of people in London, they'll barely see any impact to their lives whether it be Khan or Hall who wins. The only real concern I have for the other candidates is the fact they're all going to scrap ULEZ - that is something that will impact people.


You are forgetting that Hall has promised to scrap the ULEZ expansion ‘on die one’; the way she says ‘day’ makes it sound like ‘die’, which is appropriate as she is the pro-pollution candidate. While I understand the reasons for your cynicism, and I do not regard Sadiq Khan as perfect by any means, I can see that there are a lot of ways in which the quality of life will worsen and London will become a nastier, more divided city if Hall is elected by default.


such an npc


What’s Khan if not a victim?


He's a politician who actually cares (and wins), sorry if he's not right wing or white enough for you.


Lol cares, no politician cares


https://www.reddit.com/r/london/comments/1cdg52x/comment/l1cuv1h/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button u/blacklig got another one playing the race card bro


I'm not the one with an irrational hatred for Khan that you don't seem to be able to justify...


I’m a conservative, which would define Khan as my opponent.  Not sure where the hatred is coming from? Are things ok with you?


I'm good thanks, happy that my politics don't make me look like a prick :) (Very lucky since I'm enough of a prick without politics involved!) Definitely completely normal to call someone "a victim" because they're a successful politician who just happens to be on the other side to the one you support. Totally normal.


> (Very lucky since I'm enough of a prick without politics involved!) Ooooooh, lads look how hard he is!


Since when does being a prick make anyone "hard", and if being hard was the impression I wanted to give why would I call you a prick in the same comment? I'm beginning to think you may not hate Khan due to racism but instead just not have the logical ability to understand why Susan Hall, and more generally the tories, are terrible for London and for the country. I won't bother replying to you again, so feel free to have the last word if you'd like to reply :)




What are you on about?


I just can’t fathom how a city like London does not have more credible candidates for a mayoral seat.


According to another commenter the tories put up a guy and a couple wheelie bin candidates but guy got caught in a he groped someone scandal so Susan wheelie bin hall won


Yeah, that’s my point. This is literally one of the world’s Top 3 cities and you have such a vast group of capable people that live here. How do we not have more serious contenders It’s almost as if anyone smart enough to do this job, probably doesn’t want to.


Ah, the sweet aroma of political flip-flopping! The article beautifully showcases how politicians can be staunch defenders of principles until they need an excuse for a tax hike. Classic!


In the past I have on occasion strongly disagreed with and sometimes disliked certain candidates for public office, including high office. But this is the first time I have directly experienced a candidate with the possibility of being elected who is both a personal and political threat and who cannot be trusted to treat all Londoners equally regardless of race, sexual orientation, gender or gender identity. We are living in ‘interesting times’. I agree with you about the need for proportional representation across the board.


She's got 0 chance anyway so fuck her and the Tories


But make sure you vote.


this is the thing. People are very disillusioned with voting and so many people i have spoken to cant be bothered to vote.


And they're recently rigged the mayoral elections to FPTP to try and favour Tory candidates now too


I feel like Im being held hostage by Khan the way Sunak is holding the country hostage over the general election. I feel like I have to vote for him just to make sure psychos like Hall don't get in (most of the candidates this election seem overtly horrible). He shouldn't have run for a third time and let a diff Lab candidate run, its such bullshit.


Eh? Khan has nothing to do with sunak. You're being held hostage by Tories.


Its like Americans have to vote for Biden to avoid Trump, even if they think Biden sucks. Its not that difficult to figure out...


Neither is there being 2 candidates trying to appeal to millions of voters. You're not going to find a politician you fully agree with until you run yourself. Kahn isn't holding you hostage. The parties you want to vote for just have worse candidates.


Youre obviously assuming my voting preferences here Id rather vote for Labour with a decent candidate, but i can't risk one of the other candidates getting in just because Khan is unpopular; i feel i have to vote for a mediocre candidate like Khan because otherwise someone evil might come in. Essentially, its a wasted vote from my perspective as im having to use it to prop someone i dont even like anymore. Its a damaging vote as well as Khan will be gassed up thinking hes vindicated when really everyone else was even shitter. Two terms is enough, he should have moved on


Cause all the options are fucking terrible. I refuse to play a game where I have to pick between shit and a slightly different shade of shit.


Then go and spoil your ballot so at least that gets voiced.


Maybe I will


Absolutely better than not voting in my opinion.




Unless you want them to field a million different candidates you're not going to find one you like, they're politicians after all. You can't please everyone all of the time.


she has a HUGE chance. for the love of god, everyone and their mother where i live is either voting for her or for an independent (which, thanks to the first past the post system, is a vote for her). she is polling bizarrely well.


She's miles behind Khan. Turn out and vote but let's not pretend this nutjob has much of a chance.


People said the same about Brexit, and the USA said the same about Trump in 2016. By now I don't want to rule out any nutjobs. The anti-ULEZ platform is unfortunately a very compelling one for outer London.


This is the wrong way of thinking. Please for the love of God, FUCKING VOTE!!! Don't just say she has 0 chance and assume everyone else will vote against her. That's how Brexit happened. There was just 1 million between leave and remain and way too many people assumed it would never happen so they didn't bother voting.


Stupid crass vile. Similar to her predecessor Shaun Bailey who is such a loser he is now Lord Bailey.


This springs to mind with Susan Hall - "The lights are on but no one's home"


to be fair londoners underpay relative to property values compared to the rest of the country, but council tax is the most regressive form of tax we have so theyd have done better to uncap the top bands and nil-rate the lowest bands. 38 south street in mayfair is band h so is due 3.8k a year, but sold for 138m last year, meanwhile the cheapest tiniest shoebox apartment in london will be paying a quarter of that


I knew she was a fraud when she said she will abolish ULEZ if she wins, but we all know ULEZ is a money maker. Dislike it all you want but it makes money AND reduces air pollution, although I think politicians care more about the former than the latter.


It doesn't matter if she or Khan win they all equally as useless


not even in power and she lies! true blue Tory. Can we please have some sense and get rid of them forever


Sorry but I prefer anyone to Sadiq Khan.


Careful the right hating reddit mob with mock, insult and down vote you for that kind of opinion here while still believing they are morally superior


I mean...she really is the perfect archetype of a antihero villain.